RICHARD NIXON PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY DOCUMENT WITHDRAWAL RECORD DOCUMENT DOCUMENT SUBJECT/TITLE OR CORRESPONDENTS DATE RESTRICTION NUMBER TYPE 1 Manifest Helicopter Passenger Manifest – 12/17/1972 A Appendix “B” 2 Manifest Helicopter Passenger Manifest – 12/18/1972 A Appendix “A” 3 Manifest Helicopter Passenger Manifest – 12/20/1972 A Appendix “B” 4 Manifest Helicopter Passenger Manifest – 12/26/1972 A Appendix “A” 5 Manifest Helicopter Passenger Manifest – 12/27/1972 A Appendix “A” 6 Manifest Helicopter Passenger Manifest – 12/28/1972 A Appendix “A” 7 Manifest Helicopter Passenger Manifest – 12/31/1972 A Appendix “A” COLLECTION TITLE BOX NUMBER WHCF: SMOF: Office of Presidential Papers and Archives RC-11 FOLDER TITLE President Richard Nixon’s Daily Diary December 16, 1972 – December 31, 1972 PRMPA RESTRICTION CODES: A. Release would violate a Federal statute or Agency Policy. E. Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or B. National security classified information. financial information. C. Pending or approved claim that release would violate an individual’s F. Release would disclose investigatory information compiled for law rights. enforcement purposes. D. Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of privacy G. Withdrawn and return private and personal material. or a libel of a living person. H. Withdrawn and returned non-historical material. DEED OF GIFT RESTRICTION CODES: D-DOG Personal privacy under deed of gift -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION *U.S. GPO; 1989-235-084/00024 NA 14021 (4-85) THI:. WHITE HOUSE PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAILY DIARY (Srt Travel ROCOld fo' Travel AClivity) PLACE ;)AY BEGAN DATE (Mo., Day. Yr.) DECEMBER 1~6~,~1~9~7_~2 1 THE WHITE HOUSE TIME DAY WASHINGTON, D.C. 9:00 a.m. SATURDAY PHONE TIME P=PI"ed R=Received ACTIVITY In Out La LD 9:00 The President had breakfast. 9:15 The President went to the Oval Office. 9:37 9:50 The President met with his Deputy Assistant, Maj. Gen. Alexander M. Haig., Jr. The President met with: 9:58 10:46 Henry A. Kissinger, Assistant 10:01 10:35 Vice President Spiro T. Agnew The President met with: 10:50 10:56 Alexander P. Butterfield, Deputy Assistant 10:50 11 :08 Ronald L. Ziegler, Press Secretary 11 :08 11 :09 P The President talked long distance with Mayor Thomas G. Dunn (D-Elizabeth, New Jersey) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 11 :25 The President went to his office in the EOB. 11:30 12:45 The President met with his Special Counsel, Charles W. Colson. 12 :11 12:12 P The President talked with Mr. Butterfield. The President met with: 12:45 12:55 Mr. Ziegler 12:45 1:25 Mr. Kissinger 12:45 1:25 Maj. Gen. Haig 1:26 1:35 The President met with Mr. Butterfield. 3:25 3:28 P The President talked with Mr. Ziegler. The President met with: 3:45 5:25 Mr. Haldeman 4:27 5:25 Mr. Ziegler 5:28 The President returned to the second floor Residence. 7:44 The President and the First Lady went to the Red Room. The President and the First Lady greeted Vice President and Mrs. Spiro T. Agnew. 7:45 The Presidential party went to the East Room. 7:45 8:06 The Presidential party received dinner guests. THE WHITE HOUSE PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAILY DIARY (~ Trav" R.cord for Trav" ActivilY) PLACE 01.Y BEGAN DATI! (Mo., Day, Yr.) DECEMBER 16, 1972 THE WHITE HOUSE TIMB DAY ---------1 WASHINGTON t D.C. 8:06 p.m., SATURDAY PHONE TIME P=Plac<d R=R.c<;v.d ACTIVITY -------.-----f----,----f In Out Lo LD 8:06 10:20 The President and the First Lady hosted a Christmas dinner honoring past t present and newly designated members of the Cabinet. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "A." 10:21 The President and the First Lady went to the Grand Hall. The President and the First Lady received guests attending the entertainment portion of the evening. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "B." 10:44 The 'President and the First Lady, accompanied by Vice President and Mrs. Agnew, went to the East Room. 10:44 11:42 The President and the First Lady attended a performance by Fred Waring and the Pennsylvanians. Members of the press, in/out White House photographer, in/out 11 :43 The President and the First LadYt accompanied by Mamie D. Eisenhower t returned to the second floor Residence. CD/SM/ JD APPENDIX " AII DINNER AT TI-IE WHITE HOUSE ATTENDANCE CONFIRNEl Saturday, December 16, 1972 BY EPS at 7:30 o'clock V INDICATES PRESEN~ East Room The President & Mrs. Nixon Y""YI"he Vice President &: Mrs. Agnew ~e Sccrctary of State &: Mrs. Rogers ........Mrs. Dwight D. Eisenhower y;;;I'}'(e Secretary of the Treasury &:Mrs. Shultz ~e Attorney General &: Mrs. Kleindienst .,........~e Secretary of the Interior &: Mrs. Morton V"vrhe Secretary of Agriculture &: Mrs. Butz V.:;phe Secretary of Commerce &: Mrs. Peterson ~e Secretary of Labor &: Mrs. Hodgson ~~e Secretary of Health, Education &: Welfare &: Mrs. Richardson ~ Sccretary of Housing &: Urban Development &: Mrs. Romney .........;rhe Secretary of Transportation &: Mrs. Volpe ........eotron. &: Mrs. David M. Kennedy Ambassador at Large . y,..K'on. &: Mrs. Caspar W. Weinberger Dir., Officc of Management &: Budget Secretary of HEW -designate Y~on. &: Mrs. Robert H. Finch Counsellor to the President .,........-i'lon. &: Mrs. Donald Rumsfeld Counsellor to the President ~on. &: Mrs. George Bush U. S. Representative to the UN """...-Hon. &: Mrs. Arthur F. Burns Chmn., Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System ~enator Robert J. Dole (Kansas) Chrnn., Republican National Committee V'Hon. John N. Irwin II Deputy Secretary of State ~vHon. &: Mrs. Charls E. Walker Deputy Secrctary of the Treasury ......"..i-Ion. &: Mrs. Kenneth Rush Deputy Secretary of Defense ~Ion. &: Mrs. Ralph E. Erickson Deputy Attorney General ~on. &: Mrs. J. Phil Campbcll Undcr Secretary of Agriculture ,/vHon. &: Mrs. James T. Lynn Unclcr Secretary of Comm('rce Secretary of Huusing & Urban Devcloplucnt-dcsignatc aI'~Ol1. fx ~\'hs. Laurence II. Silberman Under Secretary of Labor Vvrfon. &. Mrs. John G. V cneman Under Secretary of Health, Educat(on &: Welfare APPENDIX "A" (cont'd) - 2 - 12/16/72 ~n. & Mrs. Richard C. Van Duscn Undcr Secretary of Housing &. Urban DevelopJ?cnt "....,..rIon. &. Mrs. James M. Beggs Undcr Secretary of Transportation """~on. & Mrs. Herbert Stcin Chmn., Council of Economic Advisers ~n. ~t Mrs. Russell E. Train Chmn., Council on Environmental Quality Former Undcr Secretary of the Interior ~on. John D. Ehrlichman Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs y"~on. & Mrs. H. R. Haldeman Assistant to the President ~on. Henry A. Kissinger Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs ..........~n. & Mrs. Peter M. Flanigan Assistant to the President /~n. & Mrs. William E. Timmons Assistant to the President for Congressional Relations V"~n. & Mrs. Ronald L. Ziegler Press Secretary to the President .""..,Hon. &. Mrs. John C. Whitaker Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs Under Secretary of the Interior -designate V,...f'Ion. & Mrs. Egil Krogh, Jr. Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs . Undt.:r Secretary of Transportation-designate .. Aon. John A. Scali Special Consultant to the President V~on. & Mrs. John S. D. Eisenhower Chrrm., Interagency Classification Review Board Former Ambas sador to Belgium ~on. & Mrs. E. T. Klassen Postmaster General Forn"ler Deputy Postmaster General "'''-Hon. & Mrs. Roy L. Ash Dir., Office of Management & Budget-designatc Vw-fion. & Mrs. Winton M. Blount Formcr Postmastcr General V....-Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Brennan Secretary of Labor-designate V~r. & Mrs. Claude S. Brinegar Sccretary of Transportation -designate ,('yfYlr. &. Mrs. William P. Clements, Jr. Deputy Secrctary of Defense-designate ""~r. &. Mrs. Frederick 13. Dent Secretary of COlnnlCrce-dcsignate V"K1rs. Dwight D. Eisenhower II u, _ .. 1. : .. n' r._ n r APPENDIX "A" (cont'd) 3 - 12/16/72 /.,..-fIon. & Mrs. Clifford M. Hardin Former Secretary of Agriculture ~on. & Mrs. Bryce N. Harlow Former Counsellor to the President ~n. & Mrs. Walter J. Hickel Former Secretary of the Interior ,/'.,Hon. & Mrs. Robert P. Mayo Former Counsellor to the President "­ ~on. Daniel P. Moynihan Former Counsellor to the President U. S. Ambassador to India-designate ~n. & Mrs. David Packard Former Deputy Secretary of Defense .,I""".)1'on. & Mrs. Rocco C. Siciliano Former Under Secretary of Commerce Mr. & Mrs. William E. Simon Deputy Secretary of the Treasury-designate vHon. Maurice H. Stans Former Secretary of Commerce ,I"~r. & Mrs. Fred Waring Shavmee-on-Delaware, Pennsylvania ........ARMSTRONG, MRS. TOBIN "lu~N" COUNSELLOR-DESIGNATE TO THE PRESIDENT ,­ """'A'ROWN, ROBERT J. and Mr s. SPECIAL ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT ~~UTTERFIELD, ALEXANDER P. and Mrs. DEPUTY ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT ~~AVID, DR. EDWARD E., and Mrs. SCIENCE ADVISOR TO THE PRESIDENT ~~ARMENT, LEONARD and Mrs. SPECIAL CONSULTANT TO THE PRESIDENT ~~EIN, HERBERT G. and Mrs. DIRECTOR OF CO}frIDNICATIONS ~LEK, FREDERIC V. and Mrs. DEPUTY DIRECTOR-DESIGNATE OF THE OMB APPENDIX IIB" ENTERTAINMENT - Saturday, December 16, 1972 at 10:00 p. m. East Room ATTENDANCE CONFIFMED ~NDICATES PRESENT The President & Mrs. Nixon A1r. Fred Asbell A1exandria, Virginia ~ss Eve Auchinc10ss Washington, D. C. ~iss Joyce Barbour Indian Head, Maryland ~ss Victoria Bartlett Washington, D. C. Mr. Thomas D. Bell, Jr. Washington, D. C. ~s Cathy Bertini Skaneteles, New York ~ Clifford Brain Potomac, Maryland ~Dave Brown Alexandria, Virginia ~s Bay Buchanan Washington, D. C. ~s Susan Bullard Washington, D. C. ~. & Mrs. Gary L. Burhop Washington, D • C. ~ Victoria Lynn Chern '\ Washington, D. C. • ~David Chew Washington, D. C. £.M1Ss Alana Clarke Washington, D. C. ~s Pat Connell Washington, D. C. ~s Constance Corby Washington, D. C. ~ Ben Cotton Washington, D. C. ~s Josephine L. Creighton Washington, D. C . • ~s Clclire Cronin Washington, D.
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