TheDirectoryof JapaneseAuto Manufacturers′ WbrldwidePurchaslng ● Contacts ● トOriginalEqulpment ● トOriginalEqulpment Service トAccessories トMaterials +RmR JA払NAuTOMOBILEMANUFACTURERSAssocIATION′INC. DAIHATSU CONTACTS IN JAPAN CONTACTS IN ASIA OE, Service, Accessories and Material OE Parts for Asian Plants: P.T. Astra Daihatsu Motor Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd. JL. Gaya Motor 3/5, Sunter II, Jakarta 14350, urchasing Div. PO Box 1166 Jakarta 14011, Indonesia 1-1, Daihatsu-cho, Ikeda-shi, Phone: 62-21-651-0300 Osaka, 563-0044 Japan Fax: 62-21-651-0834 Phone: 072-754-3331 Fax: 072-751-7666 Perodua Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd. Lot 1896, Sungai Choh, Mukim Serendah, Locked Bag No.226, 48009 Rawang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia Phone: 60-3-6092-8888 Fax: 60-3-6090-2167 1 HINO CONTACTS IN JAPAN CONTACTS IN ASIA OE, Service, Aceessories and Materials OE, Service Parts and Accessories Hino Motors, Ltd. For Indonesia Plant: Purchasing Planning Div. P.T. Hino Motors Manufacturing Indonesia 1-1, Hinodai 3-chome, Hino-shi, Kawasan Industri Kota Bukit Indah Blok D1 No.1 Tokyo 191-8660 Japan Purwakarta 41181, Phone: 042-586-5474/5481 Jawa Barat, Indonesia Fax: 042-586-5477 Phone: 0264-351-911 Fax: 0264-351-755 CONTACTS IN NORTH AMERICA For Malaysia Plant: Hino Motors (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. OE, Service Parts and Accessories Lot P.T. 24, Jalan 223, For America Plant: Section 51A 46100, Petaling Jaya, Hino Motors Manufacturing U.S.A., Inc. Selangor, Malaysia 290 S. Milliken Avenue Phone: 03-757-3517 Ontario, California 91761 Fax: 03-757-2235 Phone: 909-974-4850 Fax: 909-937-3480 For Thailand Plant: Hino Motors Manufacturing (Thailand)Ltd. CONTACTS IN EUROPE Head office : No.99 Moo3, Thepharak Road, Samrong Nua, OE, Service Parts, Accessories Muang Samutprakarn, Hino Motors Europe N.V. Samutprakarn Province, Thailand Liaison Div. TEL: 02-384-2900 Blarenberglaan 19 B-2800 Mechelen Belgium FAX: 02-384-0329 Phone: 015-28-1740 Fax: 015-28-1799 For Philippines Plant: Pilipinas Hino Incorporated E. de los Santos Avenue Corner Madison Street Mandaluyong, Metro Manila, The Philippines Phone: 02-631-8401 Fax: 02-631-5313 For Taiwan Plant: Kuozui Motors, Ltd. No.2, Kuo-Jiann 3rd, Kuan-Yin, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan Phone: 03-483-8132 Fax: 03-483-8194 For Pakistan Plant: Hinopak Motors Limited D-2, S.I.T.E. Manghopir Road Karachi-75700, Pakistan Phone: 021-2563910 Fax: 021-2563028 For Vietnam Plant Hino Motors Vietnam, Ltd. Hoang Liet Hamlet, Thanh Tri Ditrict, Hanoi, Vietnam Phone: 04-861-6017 Fax: 04-861-6018 For China Plant (Engine Unit) Shanghai Hino Engine Co., Ltd. 2636, Jungong Rd, Shanghai (200438) Phone: 021-65745656 Fax: 021-65064535 2 HINO For China Plant (Bus) Shenyang Shenfei Hino Automobile Manufactur- ing Co., Ltd. No. 2 Kaifa Road , Economic& Technological Devel- opment Area , Shenyang, China. 110027 Phone: 024-2581-6116 Fax: 024-2581-4736 CONTACTS IN OCEANIA Accessories Hino Motor Sales Australia Pty. Ltd. 2-10 Parraweena Road Taren Point,NSW 2229 P.O.BOX 225 Caringbah, Nsw 1495, Australia Phone: 02-9914-6666 Fax: 02-9540-3792 3 HONDA CONTACTS IN JAPAN OE Parts OE Parts & Materials in Mexico Purchasing Div. Purchasing Dept. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. Honda de Mexico S.A. de C.V. 4630 Shimotakanezawa, Haga-machi Haga-gun, Carretera a El Castillo, No.7250 El Salto, Tochigi, 321-3393, Japan Jalisco, Mexico (P.O. Box 1-1467 Guadalajara Phone: 81-28-677-7010 Jalisco) Fax: 81-28-677-7050 Phone: 52-33-3284-0000 Fax: 52-33-3284-0089 Materials Raw Material Block, Purchasing Div. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. CONTACTS IN EUROPE 4630 Shimotakanezawa, Haga-machi Haga-gun, Tochigi, 321-3393, Japan OE Parts & Materials Phone: 81-28-677-6961 Purchasing Cost Control Fax: 81-28-677-7046 Honda of the U.K. MFG., Ltd. Highworth Road, South Marston Swindon, Service Parts SN3 4TZ, U.K. Procurement Control Dept. Parts Div。 Phone: 44-1793-831183 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. Fax: 44-1793-831177 10-1, 1-chome, Shinsayama Sayama-shi, Saitama, 350-1382, Japan OE Parts & Materials Phone: 81-42-955-5680 Purchasing Dept. Fax: 81-42-955-5681 Honda Turkiye A.S. Ataturk Mah. Turgut Accessories Ozal Cad. No.123 Purchasing Div. Sekerpinar 41480, Gebze Honda Access Corp. Kocaeli, TURKEY 18-4, 8-chome, Nobidome, Niiza-shi, Phone: 90-262-6488701 Saitama 352-0011, Japan Fax: 90-262-6588420 Phone: 81-484-477-9955 Fax: 81-484-477-9388 CONTACTS IN NORTH AMERICA OE Parts & Materials in the U.S.A. North America Purchasing Honda of America MFG., Inc. 24000 Honda Parkway Marysville, U.S.A. Phone: 1-937-644-7774 Fax: 1-937-645-8769 OE Parts & Materials in Canada Purchasing Dept. Honda of Canada MFG. 4700 Tottenham Road P.O. Box 5000, Alliston, Ontario L9R 1A2 Canada Phone: 1-705-435-5561 Fax: 1-705-435-0990 4 HONDA CONTACTS IN ASIA OE Parts & Materials Purchasing OE Parts & Materials in Pakistan Honda Cars Manufacturing (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Purchasing Dept. Rojana Industrial Park, 49 Moo 9 Rpjana Road, Dongfeng Honda Automobile (Wuhan). Co. Ltd. Tanbol Thanu, Amphur Uthai, Ayuttaya 13210, No.283, Che Cheng Dongdao, Wuhan Thailand Economic & Technological Development Zone. Hu- Phone: 66-35-330-999 vei, CHINA 430056 Fax: 66-35-330-974 or 975 Phone: +86-27-8421-3235 Fax: +86-27-8489-1847 OE Parts & Materials Purchasin Dept. OE Parts & Materials in Pakistan Honda Malaysia SDN. BHD. Purchasing Dept. Hicom-Pegoh Industrial Partk, Honda Taiwan Co., Ltd. P.O. Box 70, 78000 Alor Gajah, Melaka MALAYSIA 337 Tahsi Road Pingtung 900 TAIWAN R.O.C Phone: 60-6-559-1500 Phone: +886-2-2506-6898 Fax: 60-6-559-1551 Fax: +886-8-2506-6959 OE Parts & Materials Purchasing CONTACTS IN SOUTH AMERICA Honda Siel Cars India Ltd. Plot No.A-1, Sector 40/41, Surajpur-Kasna Road, OE Parts & Materials Greater Noida Industrial Development Area Purchasing Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar (U.P.) Honda Automoveis do Brasil Ltda. INDIA Estrada Municipal Valencio Calegari, 777-AV Phone: 91-120-4341-326 Interna 6, Predio 7B-Nova Veneza-Sumare-SP Fax: 91-120-234-1261 BRASIL CEP; 13186-524 Phone: 55-19-3864-1883 OE Parts & Materials Fax: 55-19-3864-4519 Purchasing Dept. P.T. Honda Prospect Motor Jl. Gaya Motor 1 (Sunter II) Jakarta Utara-Indonesia, P.O. Box 46 TPK Phone: 62-21-6510403 Fax: 62-21-6512487 OE Parts & Materials Purchasing Honda Cars Philippines Inc. 105 South Main Avenue Phase 1 Laguna Techno Park Don Jose Sta. Rosa Laguna, The Philippines Phone: 63-2-818-0105 Fax: 63-2-812-0657 OE Parts & Materials in Pakistan Purchasing Dept. Honda Atlas Car (Pakistan) LTD.. 43 Km Multan Road, Manga Mandi, Lahore Pakistan Phone: +92-42-587-1100~9 Fax: +92-42-587-7711(7712) OE Parts & Materials in Pakistan Purchasing Dept. Guangzhou Honda Automotive Co., tld. 1.Guang Ben Road, Huangpu Guangzhou, CHINA 510700 Phone: +86-20-8227-7789 Fax: +86-20-8227-6285 5 ISUZU CONTACTS IN JAPAN OE Parts, Materials, Accessories & Service Parts Exports to Japan: Isuzu Motors Limited Purchasing Operations Dept. 8 Tsuchidana, Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 252-8501, Japan Phone: 0466-45-9218 Fax: 0466-45-9492 CONTACTS IN NORTH AMERICA OE Parts For U.S. Plants & Exports to Japan: Isuzu Motors America, Inc. Purchasing Dept. 46401 Commerce Center Drive, Plymouth Township, MI, 48170 U.S.A. Phone: 734-455-7595 Fax: 734-455-7581/313-455-7582 Materials For U.S. Plants: DMAX Ltd. 3100 Dryden Road, Moraine, OH 45439 U.S.A Phone: 937-455-0967 Fax: 937-455-2904 CONTACTS IN EUROPE OE Parts, Accessories & Service Parts for Engine For Poland Plant: Isuzu Motors Germany GmbH Purchasing Im Weiherfeld 2,D-65462 Ginsheim-Gustavsburg Germany Phone: 49-6134-558-203/49-6134-558-206 Fax: 49-6134-558-200 Materials For Poland Plant: Isuzu Motors Polska Sp. zo. o. ul. Towarowa 50 43-100 Tychy Poland Phone: 48-32-218-9600 Fax: 48-32-219-9602 6 MAZDA CONTACTS IN NORTH AMERICA CONTACTS IN EUROPE OE Parts & Materials OE Parts & Materials Local Use: Purchasing Planning Purchasing Planning Mazda Motor Europe GmbH (MME) Auto Alliance International, Inc. Hitdorfer Strasse 73 1 International Dr. Flat Rock D-51371 Leverkusen Michigan 48134-9498 U.S.A. Germany Phone: +1-313-782-7321 Phone: +49-2173-943-334 Fax: +1-313-782-7680 Fax: +49-2173-943-215 Export to Japan: Service Parts & Accessories Planning & Survey Gr., Mazda Motor Logistics Europe N.V. Purchasing Planning Dept. Blaasveldstraat 162 Mazda Motor Corporation 2830 Willebroek, Belgium 3-1 Shinchi, Fuchu-cho, Aki-gun Hiroshima, Japan 730-8670 Phone: +32-3-860-13-65 Phone: +81-82-282-1111 Fax : +32-3-860-12-00 Fax: +81-82-287-5161 Service Parts CONTACTS IN OTHERS Local Use: Replacement Parts Purchasing OE Parts, Service Parts & Materials Mazda North American Operation Planning & Survey Gr. 27100 International Dr. Flat Rook. Purchasing Planning Dept. Michigan 48134-9400 U.S.A. Mazda Motor Corporation Phone: +1-734-782-7168 3-1 Shinchi, Fuchu-cho, Aki-gun Fax: +1-734-782-8718 Hiroshima, Japan 730-8670 Phone: +81-82-282-1111 Export to Japan: Fax: +81-82-287-5152 Planning & Survey Gr. Purchasing Planning Dept. Accessories Mazda Motor Corporation Accessories Development Dept. 3-1 Shinchi, Fuchu-cho, Aki-gun Mazda Motor Corporation Hiroshima, Japan 730-8670 3-1 Shinchi, Fuchu-cho, Aki-gun Phone: +81-82-282-1111 Hiroshima, Japan 730-8670 Fax: +81-82-287-5161 Phone: +81-82-282-1111 Fax: +81-82-287-5206 Accessories Local Use: Production Parts Purchasing Mazda North American Operation 27100 International Dr. Flat Rook. Michigan 48134-9400 U.S.A. Phone: +1-734-783-8826 Fax: +1-734-782-8718 Export to Japan: Accessories Development Dept.
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