M i d d l e s e x R oad .W ater T ank P r o t e s t s : WMM.’WV O U T . C 0 V E R 1 N # " THURSDAY d t i jjftnwAw eoaouGB AND THE H o m e t o w n s h ip s o f MATAWAN, MARV.B0R0, Ail Week MU H0I.MDEL andli'MADISON . )! " ' Member Member 100th YEAR — 3^fh WEEK NftltooaJ NtAVspaper Association MATAWAN, N. J.. THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1969 sa y P re ss Association Single C«;ipy Ten Gents irumiiinKtirijui^^uutL'Wi THIS M arathon Bus Com pany Plans NEWS WEEK IN THE BAYSHORE AREA To D iscontinue Local Route State-County Kenneth Doukas, South Amboy, executive of­ Mr. Doukas said the Public Utilities Com­ Th« Holmdel Township and Union Beacli Democrat; ficer of Marathon Bus Lines, uiuiuunced yester- mission had. been notified of the bus company’s ic Clubs this we<fk endorsed D. Louis. Tonti, a township Opens Realty Office duy tn«t servicQ on the entire line operated by decision to end bus1 service in th* bayshore a man, for th« Democratic nod for governor. I thtt'fu'm iu the Perth Amboy - South Amboy * week ago. ’ ' - Th* Monmouth County delegation ia the Stat* As» Keyport - Keansburg area will <mkI Mondoy, Mar. Starting from Perth Amboy and Keansburg,; •, sembly is backing ■ bill to eliminate second. elections, on '31. Marathon ran regular hourly service through.-: the' 1 proposed school budgets. They note, most budget^ de-j Mr. Doukns said thc company's losses on op­ bayshore area providing Madison and Matawan feated once, are yisu^lv dileatsd ' s ' icconi ;ui*e am} erations in 1968 had reuehetf such proportions it Township residents with the only bus service tq" Keyport and points east to Keansburg. F more 7 and. mor*. are being submitted to th« voters u ni could no longer stay in the local public bus busi­ ness. Marathon, however, will continue its school Officials in the bayshore area termed the de­ clanged, , / - i - and charter bus operations, Mr, Doukas confirm­ cision to end bos service a severe blow. They 1 ^v 'ai split/decision,, ihe Appellate Division oi Super- ed. pointed oul that many residents used the,bus lino ;J|or: Court,'1 Trenton, upheld1 a1 wort,men’s - compensation! . to travel to gas and electric utility offices and death benefit *.ward to * Keansburg widow whose, bus- banks in Keyport. , v ' band died oi a heart attack. The appeals court voted 2-1] The route followed Route 35 through Madison to vphold a $10,035 award for Mrs, Catherine Weber,j Jury Probe Of and Matawan Townships. Bus stops in Matawan Pacific Ave.; Keansburg, and $3965, for her son, Wil-': Township were at County Rd., Cliffwood Aye.; ham. 'Amboy --IM., .Prospect Ave. and Riverdale Ave.;- The Marathon Bus Co. announced yesterday that it1 according to Lt. Frank Cherney oj tne township L tyitt discontinue bus service on its Perth Amboy: to, Keans-i - Sewers Ended police department’s traffic safety and control di­ * burg line at the end oi .this month. Operational lasse.»i , Vision.- ..........-■ V: ■■ The route to Keansburg continued through ,,.^dhvrtnt'tki»'.faat''3^ v >‘'«t«rttv1]lamed'i<»r.‘the decision to, endi the Keyport business district, to Florence Avev service. Bayshore area bus riders irom Laurence Harbor After Hearing From St. and Union Ave. in Union Beach, again tn JjCeapsbv'rg we affected. - I- east on Route ;i6 to Keansburg. ■ a A Monmouth County Grand Jury has heard Travel by public carrier in the bayshore area Municipal the lost of IV witnesses ijti a probe of Jraud alle^a- has become more and more difficult with the dis­ ■■■■■■'• Matawan area bui commuters to New York were In­ tions in comierhnn with a Maiawun Tow'viship continuance of the Koilo Transit Corp. scrvice'lo-:‘i vited to attend a public hearing tonight in the Matuwam sewerage project.. Tha jury will convene again- cally and then the discontinuance of service on; Township Kali to direct questions to a representative oi i today when it-may act on the results of-the inves- the bayshore branch of the Central Railroad o f . ■ the Public’ Service Coordinated system, concerning; tinat:on, said county Prosecutor Vincent P. Keu- New Jersey, , : v .» ,pcr. problems encountered by riders. , ; i hfforts to launch a jitney bus service in the, v . V > Residents of tha Middlesex Hd. area of Matawan | The action could come in the form of nn in­ northern Monmouth County area have not inet dictment or indictments, a presentment, or a 110 with success. ' ’» » / organising a protest of borough plans to erect a nuW , bill indicating the jury found no cause for action. lion-gallon water tank oa recreation property there. Per i Mr. Keuper noted the jury's term, which has titiotu are being circvlated to oppose the project. been extended three times since Ihe probe began „ A large number of traffic cases were heard in M(at- : in December, expires Mar. 31. and said, “ 1 want, Cral§ Jacobi «f Jer*«y Service Stations Inc.. k it, congratulates Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Jablonski ^ u,«wan Township Court this week resulting in numerous I to wrap it up before thin."-He anticipated “ there Utility Board tbe opening of Mr; J|iloaskr* new Marlboro KeaHy Co. office on Route M, Matawan. A reception, ^ ’finea. 0 will bt; no applications for any more extensions.” nm kla$ the opening, was beW Friday at (ho Don QuUote Ina, MtUwaa. Holmdel schools vfllj be opec Saturday, Apr. 26. Be-i The jury has been Investigating charges con- $&use Holmdel schools were closed six days for bad . cetnmg costs and procedures in filling excava­ To Crackdown .weather, the pupils have one day to make up, to comply j tions for Cliffwood sewerage lines in 19G4. Tha . with tl\e stat* minimum of 180 days oi school in the I charges question -whether excavations tur, tho school year. project were too wide, whether it was necessary, or permissible under the contract to use select On Delinquents Newsmakers , Protest W ater Tank :fi.il at $5,50.per- cubic y;u;d whilts' the township . : was. payAng;$1.5!) .to Si for Wl on other Jobs, find The Matawan Township Municipal Utilities John Piesen, 42 Fordham Dr., Matawan, will be a ■: Whether select (ill. actually was used In all the Authority has promised strong measures will bs panelist on the Match Game show at 4 p.m. Monday on excavations. , ; , taken to insure the collection of delinquent water NBC’s Channel 4. The' Match Game seta teams of three Questions also hay# been raised concerning a and sewer.accounts. --: ; Vf'- in action on quizzing under the direction of Gene R ay- settlement the Matawan Township Utilities Au­ Authority Attorney Richard T. Schwartz sa!<| bum, as master of ceremonies. thority reached with C. J . Purdun Si Sons Inc., the Authority Is empowered by law to turn off William J. Kopp of 26C Ehlers Lane, Old Bridge, re­ A delegation of 12 persons from tho MiddU’iPx Mrs. Carroll- also complained that the tank North Brunswick Township, in a suit involving water and sewer service, file liens against prop­ cently observed his 40th anniversary of service with Bell Rd. area appeared at an agenda meeting of tha shadow of tho iower will darken her home and payments entitled tha corporation for Its work on erty or take civil action to collect delinquent ao-; she fears ail overflow onto her property. the job. •: Telephone Laboratories. An electrical engineer, he 1» » Matawan Borough Council last night tp protest counts. < ■. construction of a water tank in their neighborhood. Mr. 'Entcrline said the tank will have "an auto­ George Pardun, treasurer nf the corporation, member of the Exchange Networks Engineering Depart-, Services will only be resumed when payment A petition, signed by 76 persons, opposed to the matic valve" to shut off the water when tha tank was among the four witnesses who testified Is made or after an order from the State Depart-' ment at the company’s Holmdel Laboratory. project, was presented to council. The petitioners is filled. He said if the tank ever did o' rflcw. pro­ Thursday. Ills brother, Chester Pardun, corpora­ One of the oldest and best known residents of this ment of Health. He noted the order from tha asked that work be halted anil that another site visions would be made to “ pipe : j overflow tion secretary, testified last month. state could only be issued after a hearing is held area, Mrs. Louis* Farrington, 34 South Amboy Rd., be selected for construction. away" il it becomes a problem. (continued oil page four) to determine if the toss of service Is causing a I Cheesequake, who celebrated her 103rd birthday last Footings-for the tank were, poured yesterday. health hazard, - ............... Aug. 14; died Sunday, Mar. 23, 1969, in South Amboy The tank which will be about 115 feet high mid Cites Vandalism Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Farrington had been a resident 45 feet in diameter, will be erected on property in Authority Chairman Karl Zokerman reported the rear Mrs, Lida Carroll's home. Malawan Township Zone Body of the Cheesequake section of Madison Township since of the Authority is “being plagued" by vandalism, 1893. She was born in Brooklyn, N. Y. ' A similar tank is being built in the Ryers Lana especially at its Cliffwood sewer plant.; He said area. The tanks, once built, wili maintain pres­ lie was particularly concerned that vandals could I t e l ii g l O U sure in the borough's water system during peak Hears Four Cases A t Session damage delicate treatment equipment and put The annual Community Good Friday Service of use periods.
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