Late Silurian plant megafossils from the Peary Land Group, North Greenland P.-H. Larsen, D. Edwards and J. C. Escher Late Silurian plant megafossils including HostinelIa and Sa­ lopella are described for the first time from Greenland. The plants are recovered from Ludlow strata within the deep-water turbidites of the Peary Land Group in central and western North Greenland. The remains are among the oldest known terrestrial plant megafossils. The plant assemblage is briefly compared with assemblages of Silurian age elsewhere and its palaeo- geographic significance is evaluated. P.-H. L. & J. C. E., Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse, øster Voldgade 10, DK-1350 Copenhagen K, Denmark. D. E., Department ofPlant Science, University College, Cardiff CFl lXL, Wales, U. K. During the 1985 expedition to central and western North Greenland, Late Silurian plants were recovered from turbidites of the Peary Land Group (Hurst & Surlyk, 1982; Surlyk & Hurst, 1984; Larsen & Escher, 1985, 1987). This Late Silurian plant material is among the oldest known assemblages of terrestrial land plants and is the oldest occurrence of plant megafossils in Greenland. In this preliminary report the fossil plants from the Peary Land Group are briefly de­ scribed and their relationships with occurrences of early Palaeozoic plants elsewhere are dis­ cussed. Distribution, stratigraphy and age The plant assemblages were recovered from four different localities, viz. Nares Land, Wulff Land, Nyeboe Land, and Hall Land (fig. 1). In all instances the plant remains occur within strata referred to as the upper mapping unit of the Lauge Koch Land Formation by Larsen & Escher (1985) and named the Nyeboe Land Formation by Larsen & Escher (1987). The unit is widely distributed in western and central North Greenland and is dominated by fine sandstone turbidites interbedded with fine-grained siltstone and mudstone intervals. The fossil plants occur both in the sandstones and in the finer-grained lithologies (fig. 2). The occurrence of the graptolites Bohemograptus bohemicus and Saetograptus fritschi lin­ earis below the formation in Permin Land, and the occurrence of Pristiograptus dubius above the unit in north-eastern Nyeboe Land indicates a Ludlow age for the plant-bearing Nyeboe Land Formation. Rapp. Grønlands geol. Unders. 133, 107-112 (1987) 108 820 640 ELLESMERE ISLAND NYEBOE LAND";'," . 100 km 60~ INLAND leE 0 8F 48 Fig. 1. Collcction localitics in central and western Nonh Greenland for Latc Silurian plant rnegafossils uescribcd in this puper. --- -::]-- IO --=- ~ J V 7 -- , fig. 2. Details af sediment log lhrough a turhiditc scqucnce uf the Nyeboe Land Formation in Wulff Land. Occurrcnces of fossil plants are indicaIcd. 109 In Nares Land (fig. 1) more detailed information about the age of the fossil plants is avail­ able as Bohemograptus bohemicus was collected both below and above an occurrence of HostineIla, namely a few metres below and approximately 165 m above the plant remains. As the graptoiite assemblages indicate a Ludlow age, the plants must also be Ludlow. The rarity of graptolite material at this locality, and the as yet not well defined Ludlow graptoiite biostratigraphical zonation in North Greenland, make it difficult to place the finds of Hos­ tinella more precisely within the Ludlow series. However, the occurrence of B. bohemicus both below and well above the fossil plant suggests that the remains in Nares Land come from the middle part of Ludlow. Detailed age information conceming the other plant 10­ calities is not yet available. Plant material The plant fossils are all fragmentary, the vast majority being preserved as coalified com­ pressions. Initial investigations have failed to reveal any anatomical details; a very small number of fossils are pyritised and after preparation may be informative in this respect. The most fossiliferous strata are in Wulff Land (fig. 2). The specimens found here are the best preserved with fragments ofaxes, sometimes showing current aiignment, exposed on bed­ ding planes in fine grained, light grey siltstones (figs 3, 4). Some bedding planes are covered with flattened, usually irregularly shaped patches of coaiified material (fig. 5) with very occa­ sional short lengths of usually unbranched axes. Such specimens look very similar to those described from Ludlow strata at Capel Horeb, South Wales (Edwards, 1982). Far less easy to study are fragments showing no preferred orientation and dispersed irregularly through­ out a darker grey, coarser matrix, possibly a fine-grained sandstone with irregular fracture (fig. 6). Although a few of the coalified fossils with axial organisation may belong to Prototaxites, a genus of uncertain but possibIe algal affinity, the majority are probably the sterile remains of higher plants. These are slender, smooth and parallel-sided and exhibit occasional isotomous branching. Forking specimens may be assigned to HostineIla (fig. 3), although direct evi­ dence for their vascular nature is lacking. A few display a central dark line probably repre­ senting conducting tissues. The majority of these axes are about l mm or slightly less in di­ ameter; a few attain 3 mm, and such examples may be several centimetres long (fig. 7). They are therefore considerably larger than axes of comparable age elsewhere. The discovery of fertile specimens in assemblages of drifted remains is either aresult of chance or of exceedingly time-consuming preparation in the laboratory. In some cases the rock splits fortuitously revealing adeaved sporangium, as illustrated in fig. 4; in others, grains ofsediment must be removed from around or above apparent ends ofaxes in the hope of revealing sporangia. It has not yet been possibIe to prepare the Greenland specimens in this way. Fig. 4 shows a plant fragment comprising smooth axes, with two branch points and three terminal, fusiform sporangia. The specimen has a maximum length of 13 mm with an axis diameter of 0.83 mm at its base. The most complete sporangium has an acuminate tip and is about 3.4 mm long and 0.83 mm wide at its widest point; the junction between spo­ rangium and subtending axis is not distinct. Sporangia of this shape, which occur at the ter­ mination of smooth isotomously branching axes, belong to the form genus Salopella, origi­ nally based on early Devonian specimens from the Welsh Borderland (Edwards & Richard­ son, 1974). The Greenland example is much smaller than the type species S. allenii and is doser to specimens currently being investigated from Pridoii (Late Silurian) and early Ge­ dinnian strata in the Welsh Borderland (see illustration in Edwards & Fanning, 1985, Plate l, figs 9, 10; Richardson & Edwards, in press). 110 " 3 5tnm' , 4 6 Fig. 3. Plant fragmellts includillg {-!o.l"tinella (arrclws) numbercd from left to right MGUH 17460--62 from GGU 319210. From \Vulf( liHTd. Fig. 4. Salo{Jclfasp. MGUH J7464 from GGU 31n07. From Wulff LanJ. Fig. 5. Flattcllcd irregularly shapcd coalificd fragments wilh OCC<l­ si onal unbranchcd axis: GGU 319204. From \Vulff Land. Fig. 6. Diverse coalificd remains including same axes irregularly distributcd throughout (he matrix: GGU 319234. From Nyeboe l.and. Fig. 7. An 31ypically large Hoslinclfa. MOUH 17463 from GGU 3J9210 associalel! with coalificd dcbris and il passibie sporangium 7 (arrow), MGUH 17465 from GGU 319210. From Wullf Land. 111 The only other possibie fertile specimen so far discovered (arrowed in fig. 7) is a rounded structure (c. 2.8 mm maximum diameter) with an encircling but incomplete border (c. 0.25 mm wide). This may represent an isolated terminal sporangium of Cooksonia caledonica type (Edwards, 1970) or an isolated sporangium lacking a stalk from a Zosterophyllum spike. The latter seems less likely as such sporangia are rarely isodiametric in face view (Ed­ wards, 1975). Discussion The discovery of fossil plants in the Ludlow turbidites from central and western North Greenland is of importance for two reasons: Silurian occurrences of megafossils ofpresumed land plants are rare, and a preliminary examination suggests that the plants themselves are not exactly comparable with those in Ludlow assemblages elsewhere in the northern hemi­ sphere. Richardson & Edwards (in press) list 15 Silurian localities at which land plants have been recorded. Most assemblages contain fertile specimens. Nine are from Pridoli strata, three from Ludlow, one from Wenlock, one from Llandovery strata and one is indeterminate, pos­ sibly Wenlock. The two northern hemisphere Ludlow localities are in Wales; the plants are eXclusively rhyniophytes (Edwards & Rogerson, 1979; Edwards et al., 1979) with Cooksonia (Gorstian and Ludfordian) and Steganotheca (Ludfordian) in addition to abundant smooth isotomously branching axes assigned to Hostinella. The third record is in Victoria, Australia, where the assemblage is far more diverse, containing Baragwanathia, often regarded as the earliest representative of the lycopods, and two rhyniophytes, Salopella and Hedeia (Tims & Chambers, 1984). This disparity in composition between Australia and the present northern hemisphere has presented a major challenge to conventional ideas on the phylogeny of early vascular plants (see e.g. Gray & Boucot, 1978; Boucot & Gray, 1982; Edwards & Fanning, 1985) and such a controversy will be resolved only by the discovery and description of new assemblages of both micro- and megafossils from exposures throughout the Silurian from as wide a geographical area as possible. It is far toa early to evaluate fully the contribution of
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