ALEKSANDAR BENCIC was born at Ruma in 1969. He attended lower music school “Josip Slavenski” and secondary music school “Isidor Bajic” in Novi Sad. He graduated at the Music Arts Faculty in Belgrade in 1993 and defended a Master Dissertation in 1995 in the class of full professor Vinko Valecic. As a senior and student, he participated in many competitions in the area of the former Yugoslavia and won 17 first awards in various categories and disciplines. Moreover, he is the prize winner of “Bruno Brun” foundation for the most successful postgraduate exam in the department for brass instruments of the Music Arts Faculty for 1994/95 academic year. Immediately after graduating (since 1993), Aleksandar Bencic has been active in the solo trombone playing. Besides numerous performances within various music manifestations, he also gave around 20 solo recitals (in Belgrade, Nis, Subotica, Zrenjanin, Sombor, etc.), interpreting the works of baroque to modern music. Until now, he has played as trombone soloist to the accompaniment of the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra, the Symphony Orchestra of Radio and Television of Serbia, the St. George String Orchestra, the String Orchestra of Radio and Television of Montenegro, etc. He realized the lasting recording (CD in edition of PGP RTS) of the concert for trombone, trumpet and symphonic orchestra by Ivan Jevtic et al. In the field of chamber music he performed with the Belgrade trombone quartet in the period from 1996 to 1998 when he realized large number of concerts in many towns of Serbia, contributing thus to the popularization of this instrument. He has also been successful in trio with his colleagues M. Djordjevic- trumpet and M. Radic-French horn, interpreting very serious and demanding works for the ensemble. He has often been present in various chamber orchestras (in the composers’ stands), interpreting works of modern music. Aleksandar Bencic has professionally played in orchestra since the first year of studying at the university. In 1988, he got an employment on the II trombone, while in the following year he was appointed I trombone in the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra. He has cooperated with the Symphony Orchestra of Radio and Television of Serbia since 1994, playing the trombone in all concerts (without replacement) in the first three seasons. He has been engaged as I trombonist according to need in the opera and ballet orchestra of the National Theatre in Belgrade, the “Madlenianum” Opera, as well as the Symphony Orchestra of Montenegro. On 21 November 2002 he appeared as the I solo trombonist, performing the II Mahler’s symphony in concert of the Balkan Philharmonic Orchestra in Skoplje (composed of the musicians from seven countries), led by Maestro M. Nicev. Besides playing the tenor trombone, large number of concerts and performances he realized by playing the alto and bass trombone in the Orchestra. Moreover, the performances with euphonium (the tenor tuba) were also successful where he interpreted the solo parts with the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra in the works of Holst, Strauss and Mahler. Aleksandar Bencic has worked as a docent for the trombone at the Music Arts Faculty in Belgrade since 1995, while he is appointed associate professor since 2006. He is the winner of the Letter of Thanks of the Music Arts Faculty for achieved pedagogical and artistic results. Wishing to raise the quality of the trombone playing in these regions, Aleksandar Bencic has been working in lower and secondary music schools “S. Mokranjac”, “J. Slavenski” and “V. Lisinski” in Belgrade from the very beginning of his pedagogical practice. He has also been the member of the jury in the competitions in Serbia and Montenegro. Since 2004, he has actively participated in the formation of the class for the trombone in Montenegro (Tivat and Kotor) and has still been giving the Master courses in full and spring semesters with active participation in the solo and chamber performances in concerts. ALEKSANDAR BENČIĆ je rođen 1969.god. u Rumi. Nižu muzičku školu “Josip Slavenski” ,i srednju muzičku školu “Isidor Bajić” je završio u Novom Sadu.Fakultet muzičke umetnosti u Beogradu ,je diplomirao 1993. god. a magistrirao je 1995. god.,u klasi red.prof. Vinka Valečića.Kao đak i student učestvovao je na mnogobrojnim takmičenjima na prostorima bivše Jugoslavije,te u raznim kategorijama i disciplinama osvojio 17 prvih nagrada.Dobitnik je i nagrade iz fonda “Bruno Brun” za najuspešniji poslediplomski ispit na katedri za duvačke instrumente FMU,za školsku 1994/95. godinu. Odmah po završetku fakulteta,(još od 1993.god.) Aleksandar Benčić se aktivno bavi solističkim sviranjem trombona.Pored mnogobrojnih nastupa u okviru raznih muzičkih manifestacija,održao je i oko 20 samostalnih resitala ( u Beogradu,Novom Sadu,Subotici,Zrenjaninu,Somboru,itd.),interpretirajući dela od baroka do moderne muzike.Kao solista na trombonu,do sada je nastupao uz pratnju orkestara-sa Beogradskom filharmonijom, sa Simfonijskim orkestrom RTS,Gudačima Sv,Đorđa,Gudačkim orkestrom RTV Crne gore,itd.) .Ostvario je trajni snimak (CD u izdanju PGP RTS) sa koncertom za trombon ,trubu i simfonijski orkestar, od Ivana Jevtića i druge. U oblasti kamerne muzike,sa Beogradskim kvartetom trombona,nastupa u periodu od 1996. do 1998. godine, kada ostvaruje veliki broj koncerata u više gradova Srbije,te time doprinosi i popularizaciji ovog instrumenta na našim prostorima.Takođe je uspešan i u radu u triju,sa kolegama M.Đorđević-truba, M.Radić-horna,sa kojima je interpretirao vrlo ozbiljna i zahtevna dela za taj ansambl.Često je prisutan i u raznim kamernim sastavima( na tribinama kompozitora) izvodeći dela moderne muzike. Profesionalnim sviranjem u orkestru,Aleksandar Benčić se bavi još od prve godine studija.1988.god. se zaposlio na II trombonu ,a već sledeće godine je postavljen na mesto I trombona u orkestru Beogradske filharmonije.Od 1994.godine sarađuje i sa Simfonijskim orkestrom RTS, gde prve tri sezone ,sve koncerte(bez zamena) svira I trombon.U orkestru opere i baleta Narodnog pozorišta u Beogradu, i Opere ,,Madlenijanum” I u Simfonijskom orkestru Crne gore po potrebi je angažovan kao I trombonista. 21.11.2002.godine je nastupio na koncertu u Skoplju,kao I solo trombonista u izvođenju II Mahler-ove simfonije,u Balkanskoj filharmoniji (sastavljenoj od muzičara iz sedam zemalja) pod dirigentskom palicom maestra M.Načeva. Pored sviranja tenor trombona,ostvario je veći broj koncerata i predstava,svirajući u Orkestru i alt i bas trombon.Takođe su bili izuzetno uspešni i nastupi sa euphonium-om(tenor tuba),gde je samo sa Beogradskom filharmonijom interpretirao solo deonice u delima Holsta,Štrausa i Malera. U zvanju docenta za trombon na FMU u Beogradu,Aleksandar Benčić radi od 1995. godine a od 2006. je u zvanju vanrednog profesora,dobitnik je ,,Zahvalnice FMU” za postignute pedagoske i umetnicke rezultate.Zbog želje za podizanjem kvaliteta sviranja trombona na ovim prostorima,Aleksandar Benčić od početka svoje pedagoške prakse radi i u nižim i srednjim školama “S. Mokranjac” i “J. Slavenski” I ,,V.Lisinski” u Beogradu.Takođe je prisutan u većini žirija takmičenja koja se organizuju u Srbiji i Crnoj gori.. Od 2004 godine aktivno učestvuje u formiranju klase trombone u Crnoj Gori ( Tivat i Kotor) i od tada održava Majstorske kurseve u zimskom i letnjem semestru sa aktivnim učešćem sa solističkim i kamernim nastupima na koncertima. .
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