FALL FRIGHTFUL: ENTER OUR ONLINE DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME HALLOWEEN PHOTO CONTEST. BACK: ENDS 2 A.M. SUNDAY SEE STORY ON PAGE AS FOR DETAILS. WAYNE-WESTLAND A GANNETT COMPANY CIRCLE OF LIFE ^ Grieving the loss of a pet SUNDAY, NOVEM BER 3, 2013 • hom etow nlife.com COMMUNITY / Voters head to the polls Tuesday or and filling four council seats, as well Near 2011 numbers to the ballot questions. It seems kind of Mayor, council seats and as considering two charter amend­ in line with the last city election.” millage on local ballots ments that would levy up to 7 mills for Despite the millage issue on the In addition to the two charter 10 years to establish and a P.A. 345 po­ ballot. Miller said those totals aren’t amendments, inciunbent Mayor Al . By LeAnne Rogers lice-fire retirement fund. Both ques­ much different than the 673 absentee Haidous is nmning for re-election staff Writer tions need to be approved or the sep­ ballots returned in 2011 city election. against challenger Donald Flynn. The arate police-fire retirement fund fails. Wayne has approximately 13,000 winner will receive a two-year term. Voters in Wayne and Westland will So far, 747 absentee ballots have registered Voters and had an 18.S-per- Running for three four-year terms be heading to the polls lUesday, Nov. 5, been requested in Wayne, with 450 cent turnout in 2011. on the council are incumbents Jdmes for local elections, choosing mayors, returned early last week. “I expect this election we will have a Hawley and James Henley and Chal­ council members and, in one city, de­ “More will come back the rest of the 20-percent turnout, approximately lengers Jamie Conn, Brenda Ozc g, ciding on a millage increase. week and we will send out more,” 2,600 voters or so,” Miller said. “I’m Wa3me voters will be electing a may­ Wayne City Clerk Matthew Miller said. really not seeing a lot more interest due See ELECTION. Page A2 TREE PLANTED TO City settles civil suit HONOR FIREFIGHTER in v o lv in g Wayne Rotary Club assists in ceremony for Brian Woehike p o lic e By LeAnne Rogers staff Writer Westland man awarded $70O,OOO A red-leafed dogwood tree has in malicious prosecution case been planted in front of the Wayne- Westland fire station on Wayne By LeAnne Rogers Road in memory of fallen firefight­ staff Writer er Brian Woehike. “When people pass by this tree, A Westland man has received a near­ we want them to think of Brian and ly $700,000 settlement in a civil lawsuit his family, but also the firefighters charging Westland Police officers with and their service,” Wa5me Rotary false imprisonment and malicioiis pros­ President THsh Hampton said. “Bri­ ecution. an gave his life doing what he loved. The initial criminal case and sub­ We donated the tree so that he will sequent trial eventually made its way always be remembered.” on appeals to the Michigan Supreme Rotarians, members of the fire Court. department and Wayne city offi­ The incident occurred March 18, cials gathered Riesday for the tree 2009, when officers were called to a planting ceremony. home on South Hanlon by Marlyn Ko- The tree was planted on the dlowski. She wanted her cellphone south side of the fire station, not far retimied by her husband Jeffrey, who from Wajme Road above the Rouge took the phone to try to confirm his River. accusation of infidelity. The Rotarians had wanted to do There were no reported signs of something to remember Woehike, killed May 8 in the line of duty, See SUIT, Page A2 Hampton said, and decided on a tree. “We felt really bad (about Woehlke’s death) and wanted to do something to m^e a difference - to give something back to the family,” Progress she said. Thanking the Rotarians for their donation, Wayne Mayor Al Haidous reported dt said the tree honors the memory of Woehike, but also recognizes the sacrifices of men and women who mobile home serve the community. “I hope with the new (merged) fire department concept in Wayne, community they (firefighters) know how much we appreciate their efforts and By LeAnne Rogers job,” he said. staff Writer ‘We continue to work to mini­ mize the dangers for them, but the Wayne-Westland Assistant Chief/Fire Marshal John Adams, Capt Lee Triltsch, Following complaints, improve­ danger is always there.” Mayor Al Haidous and Wayne Rotary Club's John Van Stipdonk plant the ments are being made at the Westland Representing the fire depart­ memorial tree, bill bresler i staff photographer Meadows mobile home park, although ment, Assistant Chief/Fire Marshal probably not at a fast enough pE^ce for John Adams also thanked the Rotar­ Wayne Rotary President residents. ians for their donation. Trish Hampton, John Van “They recently had multiple crews ‘We (firefighters) are very ac­ Stipdonk, Mayor Al on site. TWenty-one homes were roofed tive in community outreach. We Haidous, Hre Q ipt Lee and eight homes had new skirting,” support you as you support us,” Triltsch and Assistant Wayne-Westland Assistant Chief/^e Ad^s said. Chief/Fire Marshal John Marshal John Adams said. “They were The official investigation into the Adams work on planting cutting grass. Management is doing death of Woehike, killed fighting the memorial tree. B ia what Aey said they would do. It took a the fire that destroyed the Electric BRESLER I STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER period of time to get like it is.” Stick and Marvaso’s Italian Grille, Adams, who heads Westland’s ordi­ has not yet been finalized. nance enforcement, recently met with a representative from Parkland Ven­ [email protected] tures, the Glen Allen, Va., company 313-222-5428 which bought Westland Meadows in Twitter: @LRogersObserver See MOBILE, Page A2 O b s e r v e r & E c c e n t r i c © The Observer & Eccentric INDEX hometownllfe.com Volume 49 • Number 48 Community Lite ..... ...B 5 H om es.................. ...... C3 Sen/ices.... .................. C3 1 A GANNETT COMPANY Crossword Puzzle.... a Jo b s...................... ...... C1 Sports........ ..................B1 Education........ ...........A 4 O b itu arie s........... ...... B7 W h eels..... .................. C4 PRICE: $1 Home Delivery: (8&6) 887-2737 | Return Addr^: 29725 Hudson Dr., Novi Ml 48377 H e a lth ..................... ...B 8 ! N O INSURANCE { FIRST DENTAL ! N O P R O B L E M TREATMENT O ver $200 in Savings! Includes regular cleaning, complete exam & x-rays.... ^ 9 9 ' i , 36444 W. W arren Avenue • V^sHand J Good for your first dental treatm ent; | At the corner of Warren and Central City Parkway Includes regulat cleaning, I • Crowns • Implants • Fillings ? complete exam & x-rays (734) 261-6060 • Veneers & more! plus Fluoride treatment...^... www.parksidedentaHeam.coin 1 I I Parkside dentalteam • Family Dentistry • Cosmetic Dentistry • Dental implants • Invisaiign Parksf de dentalteam ^ New Patient Offer • Expires f 1-17-13 • Sedation Dentistry • Emergencies Welcome • Evening & W eekend AppolntffifWtts New Potent Offer • Expires 11-17-13 _J I I A2 (W) 0 & E Media | Sunday, November 3,2013 LOCAL NEWS hometownlife.com Photos released of suspect in three bank robberies By LeAnne Rogers robberies took place Aug. staff Writer 27, Sept. 24 and Oct. 18 at three different banks. Information is being » The Aug. 27 robbery sought about a man sus­ was reported at 9:19 am. pected of robbing three at Chase Bank, 31311 Westland banks. Cherry HilL A teller told “We are actively look­ police the suspect ap­ ing for the suspect in proached with a note these bank robberies. He demanding money. He is also a suspect in one told her not to do any­ bank robbery in Lincoln thing stupid, saying he This photo of the suspect Park,” Westland Police had a gun and warning was taken from security Lt. Todd Adams said. that he would shoot her. cameras at TCP Bank, which IWo photos of the The suspect was re­ was robbed O ct 18. suspect, taken from bank ported to have stolen security cameras, have $843 in cash before flee­ jacket to reveal the han­ been released. The sus­ ing on foot south on Mer- dle of a semi-automatic This man is suspected of robbing three Westland banks. This photo was taken during a pect, who was wearing a riman. He was last seen handgun, the teller told robbery of a Bank of America branch office Sept. 24. ball cap, was described in the parking lot of a police. as a white male, approxi­ nearby Taco Bell. The suspect was re­ 6 p.m. Oct. 18 at the TCF $439 in cash and several last seen on foot walking mately S feet, 7 inches » Tlie Bank of Amer­ ported to have obtained Bank, 360 S. Merrimaa rolls of coins from he^ north through the bank tall, medium build and ica, 121N. Wayne Road approximately $1,200 As in the other robberies, drawer. She said the parking lot. 30-40 years old. He was was robbed at 9:49 a.m. before walking from the the suspect was reported suspect took the cash and Anyone with informa­ described as having a Sept. 24. In this case, the bank. The teller said she to have approached the his note, but left behind tion about the robberies mustache at one robbery teller said she was also pushed the alarm button teller with a note de­ the coins. is asked to call Westland and a couple of days handed a note demanding as the suspect left the manding money and When the suspect PoUce at 734-722-9600.
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