emple B'eth- E~ Broad & Glenham Sts. Providence ,- R. I. • I THE J_EWISH HERALD VOL. XXI, NO. 49 F RIDAY F E BRUARY 7, 1947 PROVIDENCE, R. I. 5 CENTS T HE COPY '. ·zionist Region, to l_lold _Conference Sunday,~ -~ '· Dr. ·Silver, ZOA Chief, to be Pri-nciPal Spea~er · 8,na1 . B' r,.Lhli t o Honor "J oe,, General Meeting 'Finkle at Testim~nial -_Dinne~ On Sunday Night ·: , Roger Williams Lodge, - B'nai Community Invited B'rith, will honor Joseph M. Fin­ To Hear Silver kle with a testimonial dinner on Dr. Abba Hillel Sliver, of New W,ednesday evening, February 19, York, president of the Zionist Or­ at tl',jl Narragans~tt Hotel. The ganization of America, will de-,. dinner at 7 o'clock will be pre­ liver the main address at a~ ceded by· a social hour at 6:30 open mass meeting to be held th!$ o'clock. Sunday evening In the West Hig6 The comml'ttee, headed by School Auditorium, East avenul, Louis Sonsky, has arranged an in­ Pawtucket. Arthur I. Darmalli teresting program. Dr. Abram L. president of the R. I. Regiorl, Sachar, national director of Hillel which will bold Its second quar. Foundations, will be the guest terly conference during the day, speaker. His appearance will co­ has exte11ded an Invitation to incide with the establishment of Rhode Island Jewry to" bear Dr. the Hillel Foundation on the AUTHUR I. DARMA.,,'i Silver. T he famous Zionist lead­ campus of Brown University. Guest Speaker R. I. Region Pres_ldent er is expected to discuss the re­ In paying trlbu te to ~. Finkle, cent World Zionist Congress an/1 the Roger Williams Lodge Is ex- R l n· . I H d L d ~ the future policy of Z~nlsts lb pressing its appreciation for his , • • ospita ea· ' au s the struggle with England. tireless efforts ln behalf of the u The meeting will also serve as I JOSEPH M . F~KLE Lodge, Mr. Sonsky said. "His So11kin Memo.rial Committee the spring board for an extensive · record In B'nal B'rlth Is long. He 'J!' membership campaign which w1ji Irg ·un to Gain was one of the founders and a Special commendation for "val- Simonds remarked. '"We have be held througb9ut the State op past president of the Roger Wll- iant service" to Rhode Island 1reason to believe that additional Sunday, February 16. Worke~s --y ·Mar11·a1 Rule· Iiams hodge. A factor In the Hospital's $5,000,000 bu!ldlng contributions may result du ring will gather at the Narraganse\t B councils of the District Grand' fund mov.ement was given t-0 a, tho remaining weeks of the cam. Hotel at 9 jo'oclock for breakfasl JERUSALEM _ Martial law In Lodge, "he !s · spen,dlng mufh, ol group,, or C(!'l.•~l}tee".'en ,.heade<!- aigri ah~ we ..shall keep on t ry- A one-day,tall-coverage campaisli, • .r. his time In working' for the anti- by Alvin· Soplrln this past-.....eelt Ing." < Pfestlne, as threatene<!, wlll"lm,t wl'il then start. Reports w!ll be tlie 1>urposes of two diametrically Defamation Leafue." as the public campaign opened Members of the committee made iii the evening at 77 Wasl1° opposed groups-the British mil- "In holding the dinner," Mr. for realization of the fund's ob- working under Mr. Sopkln's lead­ ington street. ltary and the J ewish terrorists. It Sonsky explained, "we will give jectlve. The present standing of ershlp are: Saul Abrams, Jacob During the da;y, preceding" Rab. will be a victory for Gen. Sir everyone an opportunity to ap- J the fund is announ~ed as $3,961,- Berkelhaiµmer, Bertram Bern­ bl Sliver's talk, the followink Evelyn Barker, known for his con- plaud Mr. Finkle for his work and 1176, representing 1,019 subscrip- hardt, Harry Blacher, Dr. N. A. ev~ts are scheduled: u-eglstra'~ tempt for the Jewish "race." and at the same time to obtain a com- Itions from individ~als and cor- Bolotow, Benjamin Brier, Archie tion -at 11 o'clock .at th~ Ohawe for Menahem Belgln, leader of the plete story on Hillel." porations. • , Chaset, Irving I. Fain, Saul E . R. Sholom Synagogue in Pawtucketi •Irgun Zval Leumi. - Walter Sundlun, attorney, will The accomplishments of Mr. F einberg, Abe C. Fine, Raymond luncheon In the vestry at 12: 3:0 o'clock (by reservations); ex.ec\t~ The British military want no act as toastmaster. ISopkin and hi~ associates received IFranks, Louis Garflnkle1 David solution implying finalily-they ____ the particular tribute of Godfrey Genser, Max Genser, George Ger- tive m"-"tlng In •the Synagogue want a base where they can ·enjoy PLIGHT OF GREEK JEWS B Simonds, chairman of the me. her, Hem,t Hassenfield, . William Auditorium (open to the public); (Continued on pa~e .2) NEW YORK _ Hopeless condl. morial gifts com'."ittee, which re- j P . Herman, Arthur ~aplao, Max reports will be given by Mrs. Mor­ . lions under which Jews In Greece por~ed 6,47 . contributions from ln- ;Kestenman, Leo Kop1t, Leonard rie ShohalD, secretary; Jacob S. ~~~~~~~~--~~~~!"-~~~~, I are living at the pres.ent time are !dividuals _"Dd famllleij for ,l. total Levine, Reuben Lipson, Abraham Rabinowitz,1 treasurer; Dr4 Harry A. Cohen, executive director: ,CJ,:~,_,.._ r: ..., I ,. ! , described in a ,reportjustrecelved , o'. ~2,419,864. Of these the sub-!Percelay, Alb~rt Pllavin, Samuel l <;.a:LCIJJUa.J../J... I by World J ewish Congress head- i ,J1v1slon headed by Mr. Sopk.in I.Rapaporte, Ji., ,Joseph W. Ress, Frank Licht, pcesldent Providence District; Morris Espo, president, 1 · quarters here from the Board of obtained, H subscriptions amount- 1 Alvin Rice, R-i,bert Rice, Samuel Pawtucket District; Maxlmillian Jewish communttles of Greece. ing to $60,360. IRosen, Charles Rotman, Nathan · I I Gottlieb, president Woonsocke~ A V ~J1:1able Study Little more than a handful of the "The memorial gl!ts committee Samors, Milton Sapinsley, Irving District; Dr. Gerald Feinberg, A rno-,ear study of 413 tert- 1 9,000 Jews left are employed. has not coµipleted Its work," Mr. (Con~inued on page 3) books nsed In high schools and president Newport District; and Archibald Silverman, expansion ::t,:,:::::'!i <!!~ ':~=::;IP lant Grove of Trees at Camp Jvri; l'n nd chairman. Arthur I. Dar­ persons ln'terested fu the work of man will preside. A symposium, "A Program of ~:D~'l:::n:!,~t:::e::d;i..~:! Pr:o}ecl Made r ossible by A be C. Fine Action for Zionist Districts", will certain _shortoomlngs whlch can '.As a step In the Improvement J ewish Family and Children's J)e held during the afternoon. Par­ De ovet·come. t;ertaln value of Camp Jori at Point ,Judith, Service at 100 North Main street. ticipants will be Rabbi Aaron To. .,.,agments ,and ceryatn ~mpuca-' R . I., sponsored by the Jewish Mr. Rumpler, chairman of the lleld and Mrs. Morris W. Shoham. lions which might tend to perpet- Children's Hom~ and Foundation, camp . com1ulttee who completed Doors to the general meeting ,< ' uaie antagonisms In American 57 trP.es wer~ ;ptailted on lhe arrangements for tlle planting of h: the evening will open at 7 Ille ha.Ve been found. It Js in• 'Camp slte, lt was announced this the trees, stntecl, .. ,ve are· ex- o'clock. There Is no admission tel"t!8ting to note that the material week by 'or. Arc,hle A. Albert, tremely , grateful to Mr, Fine charge and there w,111 be no sol­ On Jews was found to Teter to ·president of the Foundation, and who8o' generosity made possible icitation. a.nclent lews, with , the r-.lt tJvat_ Alexander Rumpler, chairman or thi• worthwhile project, Whim / tnoclern contributions and achieve- the camp committee. the matte l' was ln!onnally dis- MODERN OITY menu have been p&Med bf, This project has been made pos- cus•~d at a nieetlng of the board TEL A VIV - The best Indica­ There wa11 HOme oonlnslon, IJJte. slble through .the generosity c,! or dlr~ctors, Mr. Floe volunteered tion that this all-Jewish city Is wise, In idendfjlng J"ews as Ab~ c. Fine, a member of the to donate an amount which would modern In every respect Is the niellillertl of "a race." board of directors or the Founda- be su!Tlclent to plant the trees. sharp Increase In dlvorces-25')6 The 11.odlngs Indicate that 80me tion. Whll~ It will tnke some time for above the previous year. Improvement can be made In the the trees to be fu\ly grown, It Is At the present location or the an excellent start in the direction language nsed ln connection "1th Camp, there were very feW lreee lmmtgrauon 80 tbAt newco­ of Improving the Camp property." on the main campus for shade GeI"ald Gordon, teacher at Cran­ wlll not be refen-ed to M hord"" purpoees and It had been felt for News Deadline ston High School, has been ap. and swarm,, or M COD!ltltntlng some Um~ that the planting of 0 0 90llle ABE o. FINlil pointed as a director or the Camp prob.lems. There were well-placed tre~• would greatly ·Next eff'On, of ornm.1881on u well u and when these are full grown, 'f?r the coming summer. This will For Week Improve the. appe&rande oi the The news deadline tor next b<munlMloa noted. The final re­ the:, will give more privacy to the ''tie Mr. Gordon'.• second season as Camp atd 'ptovlcl'e nec~eeary Mlelt'll been ad· por\ should do a lot towaNla Camp elte.
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