Si Vote Tuesday THE WESTFIELD LEADER 3-9 P.M. THI UMDINO AND MOST WIDUY aiCUlATJO WIIKLY NIWSPANI IN UNION COUNTY SEVENTY-NINTH YEAR—No. 15 WESFIELD, NEW JERSEYr, WEDWEDNESDAY: , NOVEMBER 27, 1968 ;)2 Pages—10 Centi tV il New Candidates Interfaith Service Tonight Expect Big Vote To Aid Caccijda PL Project Dr. Frederick Christian, SetW Minister of The Presbyterian Chert* of WMtftcM, has choseatWaai Do I Owe?" as Ms sermon Join B of E Slate tepte for the itunikstMag Interfehh Servlw in Westfleld. The pro- gram wMl be keM at • p.m. teolg}t, Thanksgiving Eve, at Holy Trin- School Tuesday Three candidates/an incumbent and two newcomers, have been en- ity Raman esthetic Ctarea eat-Is sponsored by the League of. A large turnout of voters is expected to cast ballots in a special school dorsed m candidates tor three-year terms on the Board of Education. Se- L Vote Tuesday lected by the Joint Civic Committee Monday were Mrs. J. Paul Weiss,'in- Jtellgiens OrgeakeUleat. • t •'', - election between the hours of 3 ami 9 p.m. Tuesday to act on a Board' of cumbent, Douglas Campbell and Harry Kaplan. •'' CeaaeUmaa .Walter Perry, ttrrhg as acting mayer for the day, 3-9 P.M. Education referendum socking authorization for a $1,536,000 bond issue to Mrs. Weias will seek her second term on the Board of Education at the wW read the TbaakaghrUg Pwwlaniallia Istaed by PreeMent Jeba- purchase properly and Wild a 20-room elementary school in the FrBnkfa WeslfleM mideaU eligible to School area. annual school district election Feb. sea. Msgr. ChariM Mnrpky ef ik4y IMntty Remaa CntheUe Chare* vote In the •pedal school elec- 11. Mr. Campbell and Mr. Kaplan winpnsoat the call to worship,.(pit'welcome le the ceagngattea and tion fer the pmpeaed Ewan • , The proposed Ewan School, desig- will be candidates for seats now held InoltjensdMtta. The Rev. WUHnt» K. Caber witt lean ike Old Testa- School on Tuesday may eo to be- nated to honor Stiacey N. Bwan, tor- by Norman Moroah end Robert Seeks to Amend ment reeding aad offer Ike naataghiag prayer. He will alto intro- tween the hewn ef 3 and I p.m. School Board to Meet mer superintendent of public school* Ohaus, both of whom have declined •Mt'tae Rev. Tkemas 1. Manwr, pnttsr af Ike newly-ftrmed Bt. at the follawing polling placet: WpiincHilav Niekt here> •* Proposed tor an ekjht^cre additteon! term on the school board Sidewalk Code Heltn'e Remaa Cntnene ParkeVef WeeHlsM. to teppsrt ol Thai newmanlty ptojeeto the Leagae of ReRgleae Ward I-Elm Street School weanesoay migm tract off upper Prajpeot ^ ^T^. Deadline for petition* for candi- Ward 11-Craat Sckael dates for tbe sehool board it Dec 16 Amendments to the sidewalk ordi- on taasulliai oeeMsa te defote Ike etferiag te Ike sappert of the The December public meeting of eutar design, the school vmdtt be prelect. Wart ni-Uncebi Scheol the Westileld Board of Education will completed in 1970 if voter* app«ve Paul Kottorfrhn,, vice ohainman nance were given initial approval of Ward IV—EiUaoB Jr. High Scheel bo held Wednesday, Dec. 4, at 8 p.m. the issue Tueeday. 4t» •cfMet nwfld and cniaWnan ot the trreeiang conv the Town Oounal latt night. A pub- in the Adminiatration Buiktag. This replace the Bait St: Scfaoot now date has been scheduled because used ae a Frankfia aoMx tor fWk the school referendum will take and sixth grader*Iran the dtotrict. Mr Ohet* of m Baker Ave in Royal Arcaiiua Aids Speech "HelprSays place on tbe ueual meettng date. Members of the Board of IDdate> wWdi the Incumbent regreti de. for permits, restrictions on building tion have flpoken batere- apfMsk' -: cUned to be temHsiid (or .. ._ materials and authorization lor the Therapy |rt Hospital Local library mateh- 30 iooal gwups^and uismjln) ' term OB IkelaM * Bduetflm. itte town engineer or Town Council to Temple Schedules tioos to wcituiti&'Msi$$Kto-$$Mto-wB-' Qetetnwie, from tone to time, wimn letter staun, "Wo ftvtitJBl of my (Picture Pafa » Ptooue at the Mountain- This week marked the beginning propostti; and bnw Jstlitetttea bnK and where ttdewafc npafew an nee- of "aid to the abmry" days cfaureg on the Bwao MM to; n« onto ewoilam to seek •BMIJI—JBUII ROBEKT B. OHAVS kL nukah Fete me rttuat.ei nusjntmi ptomnrat field Memorial Ubflary. "Heepl" homes. ' \ * ViWtti, who died in 1«B7, wot a A «ata Chaouksb celebrnUon wiU Endoned by s«fM: orgsBBMBBH, Coet of stdewnlk repairs are borne • the word going out from Hits be held at Temple Emanu-El at ' at Fkeatde Council, Boyal Shirley Louise Witgbt, nbrarten, and the proposed atdnty jynovor htt ing *e Mtne 1 *np»> >it>|jeflto by property owners. tor 45 yean and served property terve'in Ma* Very renpon- Approved nRer puboc bearing Ohaus Declines her staff in the adntt department. AU mflt oppoMoni Jn'MyM^.tWfaWi'MMl.' In 1»M, gnad regent in the hooka customarily loaned for be a candlelight turn pmmm, j } , t wove ordinances revtMni Ihe tonne nmvne leprowiwattve In Mr Qhtvt i* pjettdent of the of the Board of Aitiasnn ami ettab- Second Term two weeks are now being checked out for six weeks and a borrower field Committee {or State of have been iMrtmtej H ate aiea Oheus Scab Ctxnpany, .whkh makes Ushinc a prohibited ptrtring ana on Bonds. A reception preceding the Sandra Or The worn at the CbUren't Spe- nwy iike as many ae he can carry. Adjoining the Pnapest at sttaUM. rani w -Hppi ^sVtfiHB|O jtwvmmn HH On School Board etilWii HenjBal hen boon provided dinner wttl be held at 7 p.m. Books, records, magasioes and other Should the EMM Tbe Town Council sot Dec. » for BMBBI fifMI MMB1S9BB! |rmttr|pls loaned for sc The entertainment will feature Ite second monthly meeting become CNtritt H. PnBBMnbtcb, it, pno vtstprocmmtf awl ChritntMt Eve falls on Tueaday, ident of she WesMWd Board of ~ Dec 34, the regularty scheduled sea- rules far seven days i •me sion. The mayor and now Ttm Mre. numben, fw—J __| ormtBte at t DJB. it it anUospnted that the adult de- •• top«gbt totovWon shows. mMlmmmamm, Tburtdty. Jon. 1 pwtment of the Uhrary wal be The general ebon-men le Herbert JSrfJZJJT-i > npprovoa by |ke i ,.;*A. OltimMsm « Uatoa. E YWI I that dot to tbt 'H#£ ^wejaVto;,; Ithat'-tieb^of- *K *SiL r¥^< -^avi&r;*i.. t$-r~- I oa Paee »K •••• • (C ^miS WiWmwmmSS^%£, ijtmi na41 Itf J MBBBBI f ^BBBBBBB) BBV Cn sa Atltnae Ctty. ' ntmtaittjiigi en Up) btara Md *t The UF Way J T fcr rifclpmt- Mary S. It being tutored at the, WmUitM Ciemwonlty Center ao per He it a groaatlt ef HI lili jilf tJni- frades may be imetored eo sbe venmy, St. Looks wiare he ntJtt>ed ontj'entor oonwe. Mark W.,,« pnysi- hit tiCBiHr Bum, aid tht Waver- canV h«fl«eapped child, it kmrnlmj/ 1 " ef the Mivt^^^:fMm' ^WBW Mi -, Udt t :<tMi habit. Aad eldtriy Mr. f. Itoai ttrward st the nknett dnUycenatfmllMarelBtwiUieacli vWt of the Vitttag Nurse and is "MnksfMng prayers, aeeordng to eon; .lasre are BMO < io tbe by the United family, Uurie, CJ thanks the year." •e not enough Univentty, whore he retjeived his to support these- vital agencies," _; id the Samuel MoCBulkqr, mneral chairmen OtMtge of of the Unfed Had campaign, seal hit master of en- today. "AM| a most realistic way ef 'wanro he i saying thanks it through additional tat Y't exUnuon committee serving donation! to thie yenrt campaign. "We Join Hit many thousands who it Cranferd ctmrnunwy, and con-include these agenciee in their Fund might be an appropriate meth- Bryere It testa for- THBffi ATTENTIVE lac » now evened at the WestfMI Day Care Cento? od to show gmUttnte te these 15 to- wbsse eampalfa goal ef UMM tar eipeasee haa reseaed the 13 per eeat aserk. ' , and has oat arganimUDns that hetp so many ef their friends, neighbors or family . At a mtMter of am Calvary nwmbete during tbe year." : Ml le rlgbt. Mn. Ream OHMB, Gnfliaca, Mr. Care Center Drive At One-Third Mark . left te rlgbt. WaHar J. Lee; Lea M. United Fund totals now stand at flrytio sefvsd ae advisor te the $M,H6 of this total advonced gifts ef e The sum of »30» or suMofeat ed. Children are taken from the pendent, by giving children loving Jr. Teens Lulker Ungue. He alto divisien is credited with f59,«2; funds to run the WetUieM Day Care waiting list as soon as space is avail- care and training to develop their ww a to-UnniiinM of the Ooromum- Center for four montfas has been able. individual potential and a place to «y flnrvey Cenaniaee ef the Cron- business (including retail), $30,5*0; pledged or paid in cash toward tbe The Weatfteld Day Clare Center was live and develop with other children Westfield Hospitals Launch Campaign lord Jayetee. $I5,m 1989 fund drive for the Cen-started in 1968 by a wide spectrum of varied backgrounds and needs. Donations still may be sent to the ter. The total budget of tl5,0H> need- of concerned people in the communi- Employers also are benefitted by The WostfieW Hospitals Aasocia- emphysema, asthma and other lung tal reserves. AH their income goes United Fund office at the Municipal ed in addition to the tuition paid by ty who gave time and study and working parents who are secure in tion this week launched a fund rais- diseases.
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