Results Sporting Retrievers (Golden) 70 BB/G1 GCHS CH Kingslanding's Dream in Pink Mansion

Results Sporting Retrievers (Golden) 70 BB/G1 GCHS CH Kingslanding's Dream in Pink Mansion

Tri‐Star KC Sunday, October 11, 2020 Group Results Sporting Retrievers (Golden) 70 BB/G1 GCHS CH Kingslanding's Dream In Pink Mansion. SR93008405 Pointers (German Shorthaired) 18 BB/G2 Legacyk Freiheit Only Prettier. SS12096601 Retrievers (Flat‐Coated) 11 BB/G3 GCHG CH Argon's Percival Proctor Baxter CGC. SR91068301 Spaniels (English Springer) 19 BB/G4 GCHG CH Cerise Bonanza. SR89255201 Hound Rhodesian Ridgebacks 37 BB/G1 GCH CH Lyonnese Blueprint Of A Legend. HP56316803 Bluetick Coonhounds 7 BB/G2 GCHG CH Evenstar-Wesridge's One Hail Of A Man. HP53416301 Greyhounds 10 BB/G3 CH Grandcru Clos Beylesse. HP58406901 Dachshunds (Longhaired) 29 BB/G4 GCHP CH Brownwood Rt's Peace On Earth Sl CGC. HP48827802 Working Boxers 56 BB/G1 GCHP2 CH Cinnibon's Bedrock Bombshell. WS51709601 Doberman Pinschers 33 BB/G2 CH Aquarius The Legend Continues Alcher. WS61281801 Black Russian Terriers 9 BB/G3 GCHP CH Oles Ognennij Zver CGCU. WS54049701 Alaskan Malamutes 14 BB/G4 GCHB CH Onan's Passing The Torch. WS55960501 Terrier Welsh Terriers 9 BB/G1/BIS GCHG CH Brightluck Money Talks. RN29480501 Scottish Terriers 18 BB/G2 GCHP CH Whiskybae Haslemere Habanera. RN29251603 Soft‐Coated Wheaten Terriers 9 BB/G3 GCH CH Adako Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. RN33433802 Cairn Terriers 7 BB/G4 GCHS CH Cairndale Argyle Swedish Fusion. RN31073701 Toy Pekingese 11 BB/G1/RBIS GCHB CH Pequest Wasabi. TS38696002 Affenpinschers 5 BB/G2 GCHS CH Tamarin Tattoo. TS35646402 English Toy Spaniels (B & P C) 5 BB/G3 GCHB CH Southdown Ready Set Reign. TS25801001 Japanese Chin 17 BB/G4 GCH CH Cin-Don Dear Evan Hansen. TS3597540 Non‐Sporting Tibetan Spaniels 9 BB/G1 GCHB CH Judo's Shantideva At Kan Sing. NP54537201 Bulldogs 64 BB/G2 Rocyn's I Want It All In Bright Lights. NP55013001 Chinese Shar‐Pei 12 BB/G3 GCHG CH Majesty Legaxy Asia's Crown Jewel. NP46015801 Boston Terriers 21 BB/G4 GCHS CH QB And Hickory Hill's Grand Tradition. NP48654301 Herding Spanish Water Dogs 7 BB/G1 GCHS CH Emanuell Wavelet. DN53511701 Pyrenean Shepherds 12 BB/G2 GCHG CH Isaby De Terra-Blue. DN36308502 Bearded Collies 11 BB/G3 GCHB CH Now And Then Watermark Cruisin At Kelkary. DN50995801 Beauceron 5 BB/G4 GCH CH Odds Maker Of Prairie Crest. DN55022202 Tri‐Star KC Sunday, October 11, 2020 Owner Handled Group Results Sporting Retrievers (Chesapeake Bay) 7 OHBB/OHG1 GCHB CH Valhallas Brf The Man In Black SH. SR95809907 Vizslas 15 OHBB/OHG2 GCH CH Paradox Rocket's Red Glare JH CA DCAT TKN. SR98371102 Retrievers (Curly‐Coated) 12 OHBB/OHG4 GCH CH Kurly Kreek Bushels Of Fun Boyerie. SS02112210 Hound Scottish Deerhounds 19 OHBB/OHG1/OHRBIS GCH CH Cu Liath Vanguard SC. HP50353104 Dachshunds (Longhaired) 40 OHBB/OHG2 GCH CH Royall T's Mercy Mercy @ Luckydox Sl. HP58173004 Dachshunds (Smooth) 20 OHBB/OHG3 Carousel's Black Friday Special Ms. HP59171001 Black & Tan Coonhounds 8 OHBB/OHG4 Gabrielle Rockytop Blossoming Meadow. HP57889601 Working Akitas 7 OHBB/OHG1 De Canquercus The Thirteenth Warrior. LOE2496110 Rottweilers 24 OHBB/OHG2 GCH CH Armata's I Got Your Six. WS58257901 Doberman Pinschers 70 OHBB/OHG3 CH Alcher Unforgetable V Aquarius. WS61281806 Great Danes 29 OHBB/OHG4 CH Stardust's King Of Late Night. WS64728701 Terrier Miniature Bull Terriers 5 OHBB/OHG1 GCH CH Foxbriar's High Roller Winner BCAT. RN32169004 Dandie Dinmont Terriers 7 OHBB/OHG2 GCH CH Day O Joy's Buzzy Bee CGCA CGCU TKN. RN31604101 Sealyham Terriers 5 OHBB/OHG3 Blackmore's Sergeant York. RN32091003 Australian Terriers 5 OHBB/OHG4 GCH CH Samabel Banjopats Ain't Over Till It's Over CAA. RN28321602 Toy Miniature Pinschers 14 OHBB/OHG1 GCHS CH Cheristar's I Am Cybill Shepherd. TS39660102 Italian Greyhounds 26 OHBB/OHG2 Alura Va Va Voom. TS43987501 Havanese 8 OHBB/OHG3 Belamour Luv Bug Meant To Be. TS42558301 Toy Fox Terriers 6 OHBB/OHG4 CH Kincardene Great Expectations. TS39106402 Non‐Sporting Poodles (Standard) 25 OHBB/OHG1/OHBIS GCHS CH Chase Jovial En Vogue. PR20253302 Dalmatians 20 OHBB/OHG2 GCH CH Rockstar's Sunflower CD BN RE. NP48022003 French Bulldogs 59 OHBB/OHG3 GCH CH A Incredible Hulk. NP51075802 Shiba Inu 5 OHBB/OHG4 Peregrine Falcon Go Sakura Kensha. NP60947201 Herding Bouviers des Flandres 8 OHBB/OHG1 Valkyrie's Freyja The First. DN59327503 Australian Shepherds 47 OHBB/OHG2 GCH CH Copperridge's Wortha Risk On Riverlook BCAT. DN55429708 Collies (Smooth) 28 OHBB/OHG3 GCH CH Chrysalis Fantasy On Ice. DN55343705 Pembroke Welsh Corgis 49 OHBB/OHG4 GCHS CH Keelmtn Fortissimo. DN45190903 Tri‐Star KC Sunday, October 11, 2020 Judge: 18648 Mrs. Sheila Smith Barbet Barbet, Best of Breed 6 BB CH Ginkgo De Ellis Lexington CM2 BN RI CGC TKN. SR96366508 OHBB 12/2/2016 Breeder: Lynn Parker/Stacy Able. Sire: Barbochos Rick's CM Dam: Ginkgo De Cleo Ellis RN AX AXJ CGC TKN. Owner:Susan M Rohr|Stacy Able|Susan Rohr. Judge: 2413 Mr. Jerry M Watson Brittanys Brittanys, Open Dogs 9 AB GCHS CH Dogwood Hollow Flashstorm JH CA. SR89163105 7/1/2015 Breeder: Geri O Clements/Cheryl Mika/Aaron N Burlingame Jr./Jennifer Burlingame. Sire: GCHP CH Star Flight Jumpin Jack Flash RN AX AXJ MJP CGC TKI Dam: GCHB CH Dogwood Hollow Little Surfer Girl. Owner:Jennifer /Burlingame/ Aaron Burlingame Jr Cheryl Mika. Brittanys, Best of Breed 6 GCH CH Dogwood Hollow's Woodland River Song. SR98973302 5/7/2017 Breeder: Geri O Clements/Gary Clements/Cheryl Mika. Sire: CH Dogwood Hollow Emmanuel Dam: CH Dogwood Hollow Sweet Home Alabama. Owner:Karen Pillion Schramm. 8 SEL GCH CH Dream Hi's Divinely Beautiful. SS02842802 10/13/2017 Breeder: Kristina Rickard/Lori Rickard/Tom Rickard. Sire: GCHP2 CH Dream Hi's Don't Hate The Player Hate The Game Dam: CH Sandbar Dream Hi's Always One Step Ahead. Owner:Nathalie Bearden|Kennedy Bearden|Kristina Rickard. 9 SEL GCHS CH Dogwood Hollow Flashstorm JH CA. SR89163105 7/1/2015 Breeder: Geri O Clements/Cheryl Mika/Aaron N Burlingame Jr./Jennifer Burlingame. Sire: GCHP CH Star Flight Jumpin Jack Flash RN AX AXJ MJP CGC TKI Dam: GCHB CH Dogwood Hollow Little Surfer Girl. Owner:Jennifer /Burlingame/ Aaron Burlingame Jr Cheryl Mika. 10 OS GCHB CH Shamrock's Just Like Fire. SS03386102 1/21/2018 Breeder: Darlene VanHoeve/Abigail VanHoeve. Sire: GCH CH Shamrock Rival's Maximum Velocity JH Dam: Shamrock's Always Piping Hot. Owner:Nancy Jurkiewicz.Agent: Kate Berry 19 BB GCH CH Brigadier Shamrock All Silver Stars. SS11798003 4/3/2019 Breeder: Mike Lee/Julie Lee/Beth Rosener. Sire: CH Jordean All Kiddin' Aside JH Dam: GCHP CH Brigadier's Lightning Strikes Twice. Owner:Mike Lee|Julie Lee|Beth Rosener|Jamie Cox.Agent: Diego Garcia Judge: 2413 Mr. Jerry M Watson Lagotti Romagnoli Lagotti Romagnoli, Best of Breed 8 AB CH Graziella Del Monte Della Dea. SS05207601 8/7/2017 Breeder: Fabrizio Caira. Sire: Otto Dam: Hiuma Del Monte Della Dea. Owner:Laurin Howard|Bryon Miracle. 10 AB Kan Trace Very Cheeky Chic. SS07657803 5/3/2018 Breeder: Sabina Zdunic Sinkovic/Kalecak Zdunic Sinkovic. Sire: Rowntree Ugo Unico Dam: Kan Trace Princess Viola. Owner:Sabina Sinkovic Zdunic|Ante Lucin.Agent: Phil Booth Judge: 18648 Mrs. Sheila Smith Nederlandse Kooikerhondjes Nederlandse Kooikerhondjes, 12‐18 Months Dogs 5 1/W/BW/OS Golden Gate Simply Decker Vd Waterbound. SS13468103 OHBB 6/26/2019 Breeder: Cheryl Short/Susanne Martin. Sire: GCHB CH Waterbound Everything Harvey Vd Golden Gate OA OAJ CGC Dam: GCH CH PACH Bree Lynn Van Crystalkooi AX MXJ MXP6 MXPS MJP6 MJPS PAX2 . Owner:Carol Malec|Cheryl Short. Nederlandse Kooikerhondjes, 12‐18 Months Bitches 6 1/R Golden Gate Simply True Vd Waterbound. SS13468102 6/26/2019 Breeder: Cheryl Short/Susanne Martin. Sire: GCHB CH Waterbound Everything Harvey Vd Golden Gate OA OAJ CGC Dam: GCH CH PACH Bree Lynn Van Crystalkooi AX MXJ MXP6 MXPS MJP6 MJPS PAX2 . Owner:Cheryl D Short. Tri‐Star KC Sunday, October 11, 2020 Nederlandse Kooikerhondjes, Open Bitches 8 1/W Cheila V.D. Ayka Hoeve BCAT CGC. SS14667601 4/20/2019 Breeder: A J Floor. Sire: Arie Von Lady Wanda Dam: Anastasia V.D. Ambershoeve. Owner:Christine Carroll|Lucinda Paganin.Agent: Amber Becker Nederlandse Kooikerhondjes, Best of Breed 10 BB GCH CH PACH Bree Lynn Van Crystalkooi AX MXJ MXP6 MXPS MJP6 MJPS PAX2 . SR84815401 7/10/2014 Breeder: Marion Weissenbrunner. Sire: Cirtap's J-M Prins Lille Van Koel Dam: Cirtap's Barones Lynn Van Nilva-G. Owner:Cheryl D Short|Susanne Martin.Agent: Brendan Coleman 12 SEL CH Haylee De Hemert DCAT CGC TKN. SS01776702 9/7/2017 Breeder: stan van hemert. Sire: Amazing Axel Van Den Iserman Hoeve Dam: Blaschke's Daizi. Owner:Christine Carroll|Ann Knoop.Agent: Amber Becker 14 GCH CH Carousel Bessie's Flight Of Fancy NA NAJ CGC. SS02014106 10/4/2017 Breeder: Deborah Bean/Joyce B Weichsl. Sire: Janvier Matisse V. 't Swijnckel Dam: GCHB CH Black Amiikos Primadonnaa Intarsia CM4 CD BN CAA BCAT CGC. Owner:Cheryl D Short. Judge: 18648 Mrs. Sheila Smith Pointers Pointers, Puppy (9‐12 Months) Dogs 7 1 Southern Dressed To Kill. SS16556904 1/3/2020 Breeder: Tina McDonnell/Lydia Frey. Sire: CH Southern Springpoint Nice For What Dam: CH Southern-Malmason To Me From Me JH CA. Owner:Hunter Richardson|Tina McDonald|Lydia Frey. Pointers, Bred‐By‐Exhibitor Dogs 11 1 Southern If You Say So. SS13249404 6/4/2019 Breeder: Flavio Rodrigues Santos/Tina McDonnell/Lydia Frey. Sire: GCH CH Southern- Malmason Rock Paper Scissors Dam: CH Perdizes De Brasilia Berna Of Fabello JH. Owner:Tina McDonnell Lydia Frey|Lydia Frey. Pointers, Open Dogs 15 3 Jjj Kinnike Leroy DJ. SS10478101 12/21/2018 Breeder: June Johnston/Johnny Johnston/Kinnike Kennels.

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