DOCUMENT RESUME ED 381 511 SP 035 883 AUTHOR Evans, Shirley King TITLE Nutrition Education Materials and Audiovisuals for Grades Preschool through 6. Special Reference Briefs. INSTITUTION National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD. REPORT NO ISSN-1052-536X; SRB-94-09 PUB DATE Jul 94 NOTE 67p. AVAILABLE FROMU.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD 20705. PUB TYPE Reference Materials Bibliographies (131) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC03 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Audiovisual Aids; Curriculum; Dietetics; Elementary Education; *Foods Instruction; Health Education; *Instructional Materials; Nutrition; *Nutrition Instruction; Preschool Education ABSTRACT This resource guide lists nutrition education materials, audiovisuals, and other materials for elementary school classroom use. Topics covered include general nutrition, food preparation, food science, and dietary management. Teaching materials listed include boos, brochures, food models, games, kits, videocassettes, audiocassettes, activity sheets, posters, and lesson plans. Items are listed within the following categories: curriculums (34 items), learning activities (40 items), storybooks (19 items), audiovisuals (51 items), resources written for children (9 items), and resources for adults (75 items). For each item listed, information includes title, author, type of material, length (pages or minutes), publisher or producer, National AgriculturalLibrary call number, and summary of content. A few of the items are available in languages other than English. Items are available on loan from the National Agricultural Library; guidelines for requesting materials are provided. 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Nutrition Education Materials and Audiovisuals for Grades Preschool through 6 Special Reference Briefs: SRS 94-09 Shirley King Evans Food and Nutrition Information Center FoodEt Nutrition National Agricultural Library Beltsville, Maryland 20705-2351 July 1994 3 National Agricultural LibraryCataloging Record: Evans, Shirley King Nutrition education materials andaudiovisuals for grades preschool through6. (Special reference briefs; 94-09) 1. Nutrition--Study and teaching(Preschool)--Bibliography. 2. Nutrition--Studyand teaching (Elementary)--Bibliography.I. Title. aS21.D27S64 no.94-09 The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibitsdiscrimination in its programs on the basis of race, color, national origin,sex, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, and maritalor familial status. (Not all prohibited bases applyto all programs). Persons with disabilities who requirealternative means for communicationof progrtm information (braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact the USDA Office ofCommunications at (202) 720-5881 (voice)or (202) 720-7808 (TDD). To file a complaint, write theSecretary of Agriculture, U.S.Depart = lit of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250, or call (202) 720-7327 (voice) cr (202) 720-1127(TDD). USDA is an equal employment opportunity employer. Table of Contents page i Introduction page iii Document Delivery page 1 Curriculums page 11 Learning Activities page 21 Story Books page 25 Audiovisuals Resources for Children page 39 Resources for Adults page 43 Introduction educators interestedin nutritioneducation This publication has beenprepared for classroom use. itemslisted in thispublication materials, audiovisuals,and resources for dietary food preparation,food science, and topics includinggeneral nutrition, kits, cover listed include:food models, games, Teaching materials assist you with management. Textbooks and resourcesare listed to videocassettes, andlesson plans. materials can beused independentlyby children. background information;some appropriate to use or weredeveloped than five yearsold) that are still Older items (more included. Nosummaries are Education and Training(NET) funds are with Nutrition collection this year. available for olderitems that wereadded to the for loan from theNational AgriculturalLibrary Every item in thispublication is available directly from NAL. if you are eligibleto borrow (NAL). Pleasecheck page iii to see how to borrowmaterials throughinter-library Otherwise check with yourlocal library on Library (NAL). loan with theNational Agricultural Education and Training(NET) have been producedfrom Nutrition Some items that Please contact theproducer(s) funds and other resourcesare availablefor purchase. Information Center(FNIC) for moreinformation. directly or call theFood and Nutrition of the followingcategories: Each item has beenplaced in one or more © curriculums learning activities storybooks audiovisuals resourceswritten for children handbooks or textbooks) © resourcesfor adults (includes please borrowing materialsand/or audiovisuals, If you have anyquestions concerning call (301) 504-5755for assistance. 6 Public Services Beltsville, Maryland National e,,ii".:\ United States Division 20705 WI Department of Agricultural Agriculture Library Availability of CitedDocuments Expanded ServicePatrons provides direct lendingservices Agricultural Library, DocumentDelivery Services Branch interagency The National libraries and informationcenters. Through an to persons workingfor the U.S. Congress, NAL has expandedthe categories of Food and NutritionService (FNS) of USDA, agreement with the free photocopies ofjournal articles, and for direct loan ofbooks and audiovisuals, working for the users eligible The expanded groupincludes personnel comprehensivereference/research services. following FNS programs: staff, individual school faculty,librarians, media center .Child Nutrition Program(school districts and nurses and foodservice personnel) .Nutrition Education andTraining Program (NET) and Children (WIC) .Supplemental Food Programfor Women, Infants Food Program (CSFP) .Commodity Supplemental Service) Reservations (FDPIR)(includes Indian Health .Food DistributionProgram on Indian (CACFP) .Child and Adult CareFeeding Program .Salaried HeadstartProgram Personnel request per form;provide complete on IndividualRequest Forms (IRF), one Submit lending requests original signature of therequester to: address, telephonenumber, job title and Document DeliveryServices Branch USDA NationalAgricultural Library 6th Floor, NAL Bldg. 10301 BaltimoreBlvd. Beltsville, MD 20705-2351 General ServicePatrons and nutrition materialsthrough interlibrary of the abovecategories, obtain food with the interlibrary If you do not fall into one university or corporatelibrary can assist you loan. The librarianin your public, state, Interlibrary Loan Code.Current must comply with theNational or International 10 pages; $5.00for loan. All requests the first 10 pages;$3.00 for each additional charges for photocopiesare $5.01 for fiche; $10.00 forduplicate reel of microfilm. the first fiche and$.50 for each additional USDA Patrons local Agency orRegional required from thisbibliography to your Submit one Form AD245 for each item Document Delivery directly to the NationalAgricultural Library, Document DeliverySystem Library or Services Branch. call (301) 504-5755. General information, 504-5719. identification of newesteditions or titles, call (301) Reference service,subject searching and audiovisuals, call (301)504-5994. Document deliveryservice and booking 111A1111National Agricultural Liliaary DOSEVF-0(31(10/92) States National tUnitedi) Department of Public Services Beltsville, Maryland Agricultural Di vision Agriculture Library 20705 GUIDEUNES FOR REQUESTINGMATERIALS Patrons eligible for direct borrowing service of food and nutrition materials may request itemsby phone or by using the Individual Request Form (IRF). The IRF may be duplicated as many timesas necessary. Please follow the guidelines below for bothtypes of requests. Be sure to give yourname and affiliation, as we cannot send materials without the name of the patron who will be responsible for them. Incompliance with copyright laws/guidelines, each request must bear your signature. Requests withoutsignature or with photocopied signatures will be returned. AUDIOVISUALS (AVs): For loan purposes, AVs include motion pictures, filmstrips, slides, kits,games, audiocassettes, videotape recordings, posters, transparencies, Showin Tell filmstrip/recordsets, and film loops (a film loop is a Super 8 mm cartridge; and requires a Fairchild, Audiscanor Technicolor cartridge projector). AVs are not loaned outside of the continental U.S. except for Hawaii, PuertoRico, the Virgin Islands and other U.S. Territories. Give the complete title and format (typeof material). Include the catalog number (upto 4 digits followed by a hyphen and theyear 1453-77) or a call number, when possible. Indicate the date materials are to be used(show date); materials will be mailedone week before the date. Order at least 3-4 weeks ahead of time. Up .to three AVs may be ordered atone time, using one !BF per item. Give alternate title selectionsif
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