FREE THE THREE MUSKETEERS: RETOLD FROM THE ALEXANDRE DUMAS ORIGINAL PDF Alexandre Dumas | 160 pages | 02 Aug 2007 | Sterling Juvenile | 9781402736957 | English | New York, United States The Three Musketeers | Introduction & Summary | Britannica Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details The Three Musketeers: Retold from the Alexandre Dumas Original other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. This swashbuckling epic of chivalry, honor, and derring-do, set in France during the s, is richly populated with romantic heroes, unattainable heroines, kings, queens, cavaliers, and criminals in a whirl of adventure, espionage, conspiracy, murder, vengeance, love, scandal, and suspense. With a plot that delivers stolen diamonds, masked balls, purloined letters, and, of course, great bouts of swordplay, The Three Musketeers is eternally entertaining. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Published February 13th by Modern Library first published March More Details Original Title. The d'Artagnan Romances 1. Other Editions 5. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Three Musketeersplease sign up. My 13 year old son is loving The Count and I haven't read Musketeers but I am wondering if it would be a good and appropriate book for him. Any thoughts from parents out there? I just wanted to ask if this edition has been abridged at all. Anyone know? This new edition translated by Richard Pevear gets very high marks and both restores material as well as making the translation less florid and closer to the original French. See all 17 questions about The Three Musketeers…. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. This is not the most profound of novels, but it may be the most compelling. More notable than these, however, is the entire exposition, something many novelists have found to be a thankless chore, if not a stumbling block. Sir Walter Scott showed us that the personal is political, that our most particular, most intimate decisions are governed by the political milieu in which we are raised and the allegiances that our background requires. Dumas adopts the contrary principle, namely, that the political is personal: a siege may be lifted, a war started, because an English Duke loves a French Queen. It seems at times that all the characters of "The Three Musketeers"--even the King and the Cardinal, even that most gifted and ruthless of femme fatales, Milady--are satellites circling the binary star of Buckingham and l'Autriche, whose doomed love is the center of this impossible--and delightful--romantic universe. View all 40 comments. Jan 01, Madeline rated it it was amazing Shelves: the-listall-time-favoriteshistoric-fiction. I thought that Queen Margot couldn't be topped. I should have known better. Honestly, I do not have enough space to fully explain all the ways I adore this book. But I'll try to condense it. Love, love, love, and more love. Aramis and Porthos - the Merry and Pippin of the group, if you'll excuse the extremely dorkish LOTR cross-reference - made me laugh; D'Artagnan was charming even though or maybe because he had multiple moments where, were I in the story, I I thought that Queen Margot couldn't be topped. Aramis and Porthos - the Merry and Pippin of the group, if you'll excuse the extremely dorkish LOTR cross-reference - made me laugh; D'Artagnan was charming even though or maybe because he had multiple moments where, were I in the story, I wouldn't know whether to kiss him or smack him upside the head; and the pure unfiltered AWESOME that is Athos cannot be put into words. As soon as I finished it, I wanted to flip back to page 1 and start all over again. Lots and lots of duels. In Margotall the sex scenes were kept out of the way and, judging by the description Dumas gave us of the characters' nighttime activities, no one managed to get laid for the entire book. The Three Musketeers, on the other hand, is by no means a bodice-ripper but is still very romantic. And then there's the scene where The Three Musketeers: Retold from the Alexandre Dumas Original decides that nailing Milady will be a good way to get revenge on her for kidnapping his girlfriend. Which brings me to my next point Holy crap. I try to come up with words to describe her, but I can't do it because my brain sort of slows down until all I can hear are the words "Most. Just go with it, okay? But seriously, let's talk about Milady for a minute. She keeps poison in her ring, seduces a guard who has been specifically warned that she'll try to seduce him, stabs herself in the chest to make people think she killed herself, regularly tries to assassinate D'Artagnan and his friends, and was generally such a psychotic bitch that even Cardinal Richelieu was afraid of her. Seriously, fuck you guys. Love, Madeline View all 45 comments. This is a kick-ass novel, and I am indeed kicking my own ass for not having read it earlier. I'm ashamed to say that I thought it was a children's book. My wife indignantly refuses any responsibility for my mistake It turns out, on closer examination of the facts, that Elisabeth's mom must have skipped about a quarter of the text - but I digress. No This is a kick-ass novel, and I am indeed kicking my own ass for not having read it earlier. No, far from being a children's book, this is a noirish thriller, stuffed to the gills with violence, sex, nudity, dangerous blondes, corrupt politicians and random acts of mayhem and destruction. I should have known that. Anyway, better late than never. Quite apart from being a terrific read - I just couldn't put it down - Les Trois Mousquetaires is a remarkably interesting book for anyone who's fond of French literature. The merest glance at my French shelf will show you that I like both so-called serious novels and trash - as everyone knows, the French write the best trashy novels in the world. But what do these two literary traditions have to do with each other? I feel like a paleontologist who's discovered one of those missing links in the fossil record. A kind of literary coelocanth, it's exactly halfway between the two genres. Too well-written to be dismissed as trash, it still has so many of the defining characteristics of the modern French trash novel that it can't possibly be anything but a direct ancestor. I'd hate to give away any of the plot - there's a twist every other chapter - but let me explain in terms of generalities. Dumas is firmly in the great French tradition of Tragic Love. People in his world are divided into two classes: those who are motivated by Love and Honour, and those who want Money and Power. To be a superior person means belonging to the first group. Unfortunately, living only for Love and Honour isn't very practical, so these superior people generally have rather tragic lives; a theme you see over and over again in mainstream French literature. A particularly clear 20th century example is Belle du Seigneur. Ariane's husband is only interested in Money and Power, and his dreary monologues about his prospects of being promoted bore her to tears. Naturally, she's drawn to the dashing Solal, who never misses a chance to show how much he despises money it helps that he's very rich. Equally naturally, it all ends up very tragically indeed. But let's get back to Les Trois Mousquetaires. Dumas takes real historical events, and reinterprets them through the prism of his ultra-romantic world-view. On his account, the political events of were all about a complicated tangle The Three Musketeers: Retold from the Alexandre Dumas Original love affairs. Cardinal Richelieu, the true ruler of the country, has made advances towards her, but been rebuffed; he's eaten up by jealousy and spite, especially since he knows through his network of informers that Anne's heart in fact belongs to the handsome Lord Buckingham. To keep the story bubbling, Dumas invents some more people, who play key roles in this complicated game. One of Richelieu's main agents is the psychotic blonde temptress, Milady; her opposite number in the Queen's camp is the ambitious young swordsman, D'Artagnan. Needless to say, both of them are involved in their The Three Musketeers: Retold from the Alexandre Dumas Original intersecting webs of romantic intrigue. The startling thing to me is that the Dumas formula is still going strong, nearly years later. The immeasurably popular SAS series, which you can buy at any French airport bookstall, is written to almost exactly the same specification. The central figure, Malko, is a modern D'Artagnan: vaguely on the side of the The Three Musketeers: Retold from the Alexandre Dumas Original Guys, each episode sees him dispatched to a currently topical destination, where he's charged with some weighty task. He and one of Saddam's sons I think Qusay get involved The Three Musketeers: Retold from the Alexandre Dumas Original the same woman, there's a lot of random sex and violence, and, of course, the deal falls through.
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