FLORIDAWWW.THEFLORIDACATHOLIC.ORG | July 2018 Catholic MIAMI ARCHDIOCESE ‘Going forth and mercying’ Vatican official explains the evangelization language of Pope Francis ROCÍO GRANADOS La Voz Católica staff MIAMI | If you speak Spanish, you have probably heard the terms “primerear” (lit- erally “firsting” or going forth) and “miseri- cordear” (literally “mercying”). They are ne- ologisms, or words invented by Pope Francis to help people understand his message in a clearer, simpler way. “What Pope Francis is trying to do is to make the message of the Gospel understand- able to the young and to society in general, to give answers and come closer,” explained Hundreds of adults, teens and children marched for a mile and a half June 23 Bishop Octavio Ruiz Arenas, secretary of the to protest the separation of families at the border. The marchers walked to the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Homestead detention center, which is housing about 1,000 unaccompanied Evangelization, during a conference orga- minors, about 100 of whom were separated from their parents after the Trump nized by the SouthEast Pastoral Institute administration's “zero-tolerance” policy was put into effect in April. (PHOTOS BY (SEPI). ROCÌO GRANADOS | FC) The conference on the New Evangeliza- tion in the Church of today, aimed at teach- Bishop Octavio Ruiz Arenas, secretary ers, students and collaborators in the dif- of the Pontifical Council for the New Hundreds march in Homestead ferent SEPI programs, took place June 16, as Evangelization, explains how the pope part of events commemorating SEPI’s 40th conveys expectations for re-evangelizing. anniversary. (ROCÍO GRANADOS | LA VOZ) to keep families together The best-known term is to go forth — “pri- merear” — which appears in the encyclical that must be shared. He asks people to be pa- ROCÍO GRANADOS “Evangelii Gaudium, The Joy of the Gospel.” tient, allowing space for the action of grace. Staff of La Voz Católica It says: “The Church which ‘goes forth’ is a He wants the Church to have great creativity, community of missionary disciples who take to look for new paths in order to evangelize, HOMESTEAD | Holding a poster that the first step.” As the pope explained: They and to adapt to the world today. read, “Families deserve to stay together,” get involved, they accompany, they yield fruit The pope also speaks of the need for “mis- Lucia Quiej, an immigrant from Guatemala, and they celebrate. sionarity,” an awareness that the Church’s walked a mile and a half under a scorching “Let’s dare to ‘primerear’ a little more, to purpose is to serve. “Missionarity” means sun with her five children. They headed to- go forth,” said Bishop Ruiz Arenas. to “be mission,” to be aware of our belong- ward the Homestead detention center for He added that this word came as a sur- ing to the Church and, as a Church, to try to unaccompanied minors to protest the sepa- prise when the document was presented, fulfill that fundamental mission, which is to ration of families who are arriving at the US- but what the pope is saying is that “we are announce Christ. These actions, the going Mexico border asking for asylum. to be the first to commit to the sweet joy of forth, the “mercying” and the “missionarity” “I don’t think it’s right that they are keep- evangelizing.” should lead people to become authentic mis- ing children in cages like animals. They The pope insists that in order to go forth sionary disciples and heed the call of the new need their mothers and fathers,” Quiej said. (primerear), we have to be “mercying.” evangelization. Five years ago, her husband was deported “He turns a gerund into an infinitive. It Catholics are called from baptism to be to his native Guatemala and she remained sounds weird, but deep down he is correct missionary disciples, as the slogan of the V alone with her children. because to say that I have to exercise mercy Encuentro says: Missionary Disciples, Wit- “It isn’t easy when you are missing the is not the same thing as to say ‘mercying,’ nesses of God’s Love. head of the family,” she said. Despite that, which is a stronger action,” the bishop ex- The disciple is the one who sits at the feet she would not return to her home country Protesters carry signs during the march plained. of the teacher to listen to the word of God and because “there is no justice there.” to the detention center in Homestead Both previous popes dedicated encycli- carry it in his or her heart. The missionary is She noted that the children in the Home- June 23. cals to speaking about mercy. Pope Francis the one who transmits the joy and happiness stead detention center “come in search of has been the permanent image of “mercy- of that encounter. freedom because over there (in their home their children taken away and that is some- ing,” according to Bishop Ruiz Arenas. Pope Benedict XVI said they are not two countries) they endure violence, sexual thing we should not be doing as a country separate realities but that, having come to abuse, gangs, and extortion. That is why I left founded by immigrants,” said Marcela MAKE MERCY PRESENT know Christ, we go out to communicate our my home, because I have lived that.” Iraola, who traveled from Tampa to partici- As children of God, it is incumbent on joyful experience of the encounter, support- “We are all human beings and we have pate in the march. all Christians to make the mercy of Jesus ed by the community. the right to equality,” Quiej said. Almost 100 percent of the U.S. popula- Christ present in the world today through A personal conversion is necessary to be a Under the same motto, hundreds of tion consists of immigrants, said Eduardo our example and coherence of life. That ex- true missionary disciple. However, “my faith adults, youths and children marched June de Aragon, a protestor who came on his own ample of being loving, helpful and merciful is not only about myself and Christ. It is a 23, with posters in hand asking that families but is also a member of the American Civil is what distinguishes the true credibility of relationship in community, and this should not be separated and that the government Liberties Union. “There are no Native Amer- the Church. lead us to a social conversion,” Msgr. Ruiz reunite the more than 2,000 children who icans here. We all came from somewhere Pope Francis is asking men and women to Arenas explained. He added that the Church were separated with their parents. else and we should all be here protecting be filled with mercy, a mercy that, having felt “These immigrants are being abused. it in their own lives, becomes an experience PLEASE SEE EVANGELIZE, 5 The ones who are seeking asylum are having PLEASE SEE PROTEST, 2 2 YOUR MIAMI COMMUNITY Florida Catholic July 2018 Protesters against the Bishops at border: Keep separation of families at the border immigrant families together march June 23. (ROCÌO CATHOLIC NEWS AGENCY GRANADOS imagine,” he said. “Prayer is impor- ‘The way they came here | FC) tant. But in addition to prayer, we MCALLEN, Texas | Immigra- have to petition Congress. We have — we can address the tion reform requires seeing the to talk to them, we have to make it faces of immigrants, and hearing really intense. Not nasty, but really legal requirements of their stories, according to five U.S. intense. My hope would be to write, our country to make the bishops who completed a two-day to call, to include Congress, in call- pastoral visit to the U.S. border with ing for an integral immigration re- decisions that are correct Mexico in Texas’ Rio Grande Valley. form.” — but with family unity.’ The bishops spoke at a press con- Archbishop Gomez said that ference July 2, reflecting on their ex- families should be prioritized in — Archbishop Jose Gomez periences with immigrants, among legislative efforts. “If we want some- them children separated from their thing from the administration and parents and held in federal custody, from Congress, it’s family unity. are involved in this were incredibly during their pastoral visit. Because that’s essential for the hu- helpful. I want to make sure every- “Our faith is not just a system of man person. And we are willing to one knows that,” he added. PROTEST Julio Calderon, a member of the concepts,” said Cardinal Daniel Di- do whatever we can to help make it He said the bishops are espe- Florida Immigrant Coalition. Nardo of Houston, president of the happen.” cially calling for the reunification FROM 1 With the executive order that U.S. bishops’ conference. “Our faith “The way they came here — we of families separated at the border. the president signed June 20, is in a person, the person of Jesus can address the legal requirements “The children who were separated “families will remain together, Christ.” of our country to make the deci- from their parents need to be re- these children,” he said. but incarcerated. No one deserves Cardinal DiNardo told the story sions that are correct — but with united — that’s already begun, but He added that President Don- to be incarcerated and away from of a Honduran man he met during a family unity,” he added. it’s not finished yet. It must be done ald Trump’s administration “is their family. Everyone deserves visit to a Catholic-run respite center Cardinal DiNardo was grateful and it’s urgent,” he said.
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