2020 Sire Directory

2020 Sire Directory

2020 SIRE DIRECTORY www.universalsemensales.com • 1-800-227-8774 ANGUS SEMEN CERT ANGUS SEMEN CERT ANGUS SEMEN CERT 44 Arsenal 4W07 $30 $40 EXAR Spread 5767B $40 $50 Raven Casino E5 pg 24 $20 $35 44 Bragging Rights 437 $30 $40 EXAR Stud 4658B $30 $40 Raven Powerball 53 pg 17 $26 $40 44 Trending 4413 $30 $40 EXAR Upshot $30 $40 RB Tour of Duty 177 pg 32 $30 $35 A&B Spotlite 3065 $20 $35 EXT $150 $35 Rito 9Q20 $50 $40 AAR Kendall pg 6 $25 $35 EZAR Gold Rush pg 20 $30 $40 RRC Prophet Time 031 pg 16 $25 $40 AAR Ten X 7008 $30 $40 FF Black Gold JF C19 pg 13 $25 $35 SAC Conversation $25 $40 AAR Ten X 9903 $18 $35 FF Easy Decision pg 5 $25 $35 SAV 654X Rainmaster pg 29 $35 $40 Baldridge 38 Special pg 24 $30 $35 FF EZ Money pg 7 $30 $35 SAV 8180 Traveler 004 $40 $35 Baldridge Alternative E125 pg 3 $40 $40 FF Rito Righteous 6R41 $30 $50 SAV Brilliance 8077 $22 $35 Baldridge Bronc $40 $40 Freys Opportunity 148A $20 $25 SAV Checkmate 8158 pg 32 $30 $35 Baldridge Bullet pg 32 $25 $35 GAR Ashland pg 2 $30 $35 SAV Constitution 8054 pg 12 $25 $35 Baldridge Challenger $30 $40 GAR Combustion pg 2 $25 $40 SAV Downpour pg 6 $35 $40 Baldridge Colonel C251 pg 24 $20 $50 GAR Inertia pg 2 $40 $40 SAV Elation 7899 pg 12 $50 $50 Baldridge Pappy pg 14 $35 $35 GAR Prophet $25 $40 SAV Emblem pg 13 $50 $50 Baldridge Titan A139 pg 29 $30 $40 GAR Quantum pg 2 $25 $40 SAV Final Answer $50 $35 Bar R Jet Black 5063 pg 22 $40 $50 GAR Sunrise $25 $40 SAV Priceless 3155 $25 $35 Barstow Bankroll B73 pg 28 $25 $40 GAR Sure Fire pg 25 $25 $40 SAV Rainfall 6846 pg 12 $35 $40 Basin Rainmaker 4404 pg 31 $25 $35 Gaffney Game Time 370 $25 $40 SAV Real Estate 3159 $25 $35 Botts Power Ball 7538 pg 16 $25 $35 GB Fireball 672 pg 11 $30 $40 SAV Renown pg 29 $40 $35 BSF Hot Lotto pg 19 $40 $40 Goforth Admiral E25 pg 7 $30 $35 SAV Resource pg 26 $40 $35 Bubs Southern Charm pg 21 $35 $40 Granger Black Eagle pg 10 $25 $35 SAV Universal 4038 pg 19 $35 $35 Bubs Southern Joe 674D $25 $35 HA Cowboy Up pg 29 $30 $50 Schiefelbein Effective pg 32 $20 $35 Bushs Easy Decision pg 34 $25 $25 HA Image Maker 0415 $22 $35 Sitz Accomplishment pg 15 $40 $40 Byergo Black Magic pg 20 $50 $40 HA Prime Cut 4493 pg 33 $25 $35 Sitz Barricade pg 23 $30 $35 Byergo Blackstone 6325 pg 14 $30 $40 HCC Home Run pg 34 $25 $35 Sitz Instinct pg 31 $25 $35 Byergo Boomer $40 $40 Hilltop Edge pg 16 $25 $35 Sitz Jauer 4771 $20 $35 Byergo Titus 6340 $30 $40 Hilltop True Grit pg 35 $20 $35 Sitz Logic $20 $40 CAR Remarkable 640 pg 13 $30 $40 Hilltop Wide Open $25 $35 Sitz Resilient pg 3 $40 $50 Casino Bomber N33 pg 5 $50 $50 Hoover All American pg 17 $20 $35 Sitz Stellar 7260 pg 17 $25 $40 Circle L Gus pg 9 $30 $40 Hoover Counselor N29 $25 $40 Sitz Vigilante $20 $35 Cole Creek Black Cedar 46P pg 35 $30 $35 Hoover Top Notch $35 $40 Soo Line Motive 9016 pg 35 $30 $40 Cole Creek Cedar Ridge IV pg 35 $20 $35 Jindra Acclaim pg 20 $30 $40 Square B Bozeman 8026 pg 13 $30 $40 Coleman Charlo 3212 pg 26 $25 $40 Jindra Blackout pg 10 $35 $35 SS Niagra pg 25 $25 $40 Coleman Knight $20 $35 Jindra Encore pg 8 $50 $40 Sterling Advantage pg 30 $30 $30 Coleman Manning $20 $35 Jindra Megahit pg 22 $35 $35 Stevenson Big League $50 $50 Complement $22 $35 Jindra Stonewall pg 24 $30 $40 Stevenson Easy Money pg 18 $40 $40 Conley Extra Point $25 $35 KCF Bennett Absolute $35 $35 Stevenson Premium pg 18 $25 $50 Connealy Armory pg 21 $25 $40 KCF Bennett TheRock pg 30 $30 $35 Stevenson Statement pg 18 $40 $40 Connealy Arsenal 2174 $25 $35 KCF Summation pg 11 $50 $40 Stevenson Turbo Power pg 18 $25 $50 Connealy Big Valley pg 15 $35 $35 KG Solution 0018 pg 34 $18 $35 Still In The Rough $20 $35 Connealy Black Granite pg 9 $30 $35 KM Broken Bow 002 pg 31 $35 $35 Styles Cash R400 pg 34 $25 $35 Connealy Blackhawk 6198 pg 27 $25 $40 Koupal Advance 28 pg 33 $20 $35 SydGen Enhance pg 11 $40 $40 Connealy Capitalist 028 $25 $40 Koupals B&B Identity $30 $30 SydGen Fate 2800 $24 $40 Connealy Comrade 1385 pg 27 $25 $40 LCC Blackcap Prime $25 $35 Sydgen Trust 6228 $20 $40 Connealy Consensus 7229 pg 33 $20 $50 LD Capitalist pg 9 $30 $40 Tehama Patriarch pg 30 $30 $40 Connealy Countdown pg 31 $25 $25 LD Emblazon 999 $25 $35 Tehama Tahoe B767 pg 25 $25 $40 Connealy Courage 25L $20 $40 Lemmon Satisfaction B106 pg 14 $30 $40 TEX Playbook 5437 pg 25 $40 $40 Connealy Earnan 076E $35 $35 Linz Exemplify 71124 pg 1 $40 $40 TH Black Cash 1013 pg 33 $25 $35 Connealy Fortune 752L pg 5 $30 $40 MAR Hoover Focus 0525 pg 35 $20 $35 Thomas Big Data 7435 $30 $40 Connealy Guiness pg 21 $25 $40 Marda Blacksmith pg 28 $35 $40 Thomas Xpansion 5810 pg 19 $30 $35 Connealy Legendary 644L pg 27 $30 $40 Mead Magnitude pg 20 $25 $35 Thomas Top Hand 0536 $20 $35 Connealy Long Range $30 $35 Mill Bar Hickok pg 31 $26 $40 VAR Best Buy 8577 pg 1 $40 $40 Connealy Packer 547 $20 $35 MOGCK Entice pg 16 $30 $40 VAR Discovery pg 30 $40 $40 Connealy Rolling Stone $20 $35 Mohnen South Dakota $25 $35 VAR Foreman 3339 $30 $40 Connealy Spur pg 21 $25 $25 Musgrave 316 Exclusive pg 10 $25 $40 VAR Generation 2100 $30 $40 Connealy United 1116 $30 $35 Musgrave Big Sky $35 $35 VAR Index $25 $40 Connealy Uptown 098E $20 $40 Musgrave Sky High 1535 pg 28 $35 $45 VAR Power Play pg 4 $75 $50 CTS Remedy $25 $40 Musgrave Stunner 316 $35 $35 VAR Ranger $30 $40 Deer Valley All In $25 $40 Mytty Natural $25 $35 VAR Reserve 1111 $22 $40 Deer Valley Growth Fund pg 23 $40 $40 PA Fortitude $25 $35 VAR Seismic 5400 $20 $35 Diablo Deluxe 1104 pg 3 $40 $40 PA Power Tool 9108 $24 $35 VAR Signal pg 4 $40 $40 DL Automatic pg 8 $30 $40 PAHR Yeti pg 14 $30 $35 VDAR Cedar Wind 8111 pg 26 $20 $35 Dye Spur E06 pg 6 $25 $35 Paintrock Trapper pg 26 $25 $35 VDAR Really Windy 4097 $25 $40 E&B Plus One pg 3 $40 $40 Pineview Forefront 5200 pg 8 $30 $40 Vermilion Huntley pg 19 $30 $35 Eathington Sub Zero pg 32 $22 $35 POSS Maverick pg 15 $30 $35 Vision Cash 3414 pg 34 $20 $35 EF Commando 1366 $30 $50 Prairie Pride Next Step 2036 pg 23 $30 $40 Vision Unanimous 1418 $25 $35 Ellingson Drover pg 33 $25 $35 PVF Insight pg 22 $30 $35 Werner Flat Top 4136 pg 27 $25 $40 Ellingson Identity 9104 $20 $35 Quaker Hill Manning 4EX9 $25 $40 Whitlock pg 28 $30 $35 Ellingson Top Shelf $30 $25 Quaker Hill Rampage pg 30 $30 $40 Whitestone 18-Million pg 22 $40 $40 EXAR Denver $35 $50 RAML Rangefinder 7536 pg 17 $30 $40 Woodland Centerfire pg 15 $30 $40 EXAR Monumental pg 23 $45 $40 RAML Rugby 7013 $25 $40 WR Journey 1X74 $30 $40 ALL PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Services requiring coming to the office during non-hours or weekends will be assessed a charge of $50.00 to cover mileage. BELGIAN BLUE SEMEN CERT CLUB CALF SIRES SEMEN CERT GELBVIEH SEMEN CERT BIO RAZA DUKE pg 54 $15 Bodacious pg 52 $30 Echo $20 BIO Raza Tejas Octavo $15 Bojo $25 EGL Guido $25 MT Royal Fontan Pastir ET $15 Boomer $100 EGL Northern Exposure $25 BELTED GALLOWAY SEMEN CERT Caddy Shack $20 GJF Patriot’s Minuteman $20 Countyline Connor pg 49 $40 Cigar $20 HPL Kansas Chief ET $15 Stonesthrow Contour pg 49 $35 Cool Water $30 KCF Bennett Acclaim L336 $20 Sunnybrook Mojito pg 49 $35 Dirty Harry 2 $30 KCF Bennett Failsafe D238 $15 Sunnybrook Patriot pg 49 $35 Eyes on the Money $20 KCF Bennett Perfection K163 $15 BLONDE D’ AQUITAINE SEMEN CERT Free 4 All $25 Mankato $50 Canadian Rocky $45 Front & Center $50 PTE Awesome $15 Double L Xerxes (polled) $15 General Lee $35 Rancher $20 Double L Yves 1Y $15 Golden Child $20 Playboy $20 WSS Rex $20 Hairy (TH Free) $25 SLC Empire 41E $22 BRAHMAN SEMEN CERT Hard Core $25 TLF Cocoa 35C $22 MR JW Mucho 74 pg 53 $15 Hard Drive 138R $25 Weaver Lester 27L $25 Polled Charlie $12 Heat Wave 13 clone $35 HEREFORD-HORNED SEMEN CERT BRANGUS SEMEN CERT Howdy $35 AGA 22B Brigader 97J $15 $75 P.W. Georgie Boy $15 Huff N Puff pg 52 $35 AGA 277D Standard 191G $15 $75 BRAUNVIEH SEMEN CERT I Am Legend $25 AGA 34Z Standard ET 5K $15 $75 Antera BR 99C ET $50 I-80 $35 AGA 852 Stnmre ET 9C $20 $100 Argus $35 I-80 Full Brother $30 Britisher AGA 31D $6 $50 Aron $40 I-80 clones $25 Churchill A1 ET $50 NO B Robi Norman 54 $15 Itty Bitty $30 Churchill Judge 1121Y ET pg 38 $20 $50 Bell Rule Designer $15 Jesse James $30 Churchill Sensation 028X $25 $75 BRG Dominator C312 $20 Lucky Strike $30 CL 1 Domino 789T ET $25 $40 Dado $35 Man Among Boys Clone $30 EXL 32G $6 $50 Donovan $15 Mercedes Benz $30 HH Advance 0002X $25 $50 Hari $15 Middle Man pg 52 $35 HH Advance 8050X $25 $50 Imperial FLE 9X $20 Monopoly Clones $30 JD 30K Mark B49 “Viking” $25 $50 Kerholm Staff ET “Charlie” $18 Monopoly Money $30 Pyramid 3025 Domino 1109 pg 38 $25 $50 Leu $50 One in a Million $25 TVH Brit.

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