SAMPLE BALLOT & VOTER INFORMATION "'T'o ~ s.,.• ~ ,J Scan to check the status REGISTRAR OF VOTERS of your registration, polling place and mail ballot sdvote.com 095 OFFICIAL BALLOT SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA GUBERNATORIAL PRIMARY ELECTI.ON JUNE 3, 2014 NONPARTISAN OFFICES . .. ' . .. II .. CITY '·. PROP 42 PUBLIC RECORDS. OPEN MEETINGS. I .•. : .. ·1 STATE REIMBURSEMENTTO LOCAL AGENCIES. CITY.OF SAN DIEGO LEGISLATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Requires MEMBER, CITY COUNCIL local government compliance wi~ laws providing b public DISTRICT NO. 2 access to local government body meetings and records or Vote for One gov em"!ent officials. Eliminales reimbursement for costs or MARK SCHWARTZ compliance. Fiscal Impact Reductions in state payments to local 0 Organic Fertilize; Markeler/Consultant governments in lhe lens or millions or dollars annually. Potential future costs on local gov emments in lhe lens or millions or dollars annually. LORIE ZAPF .. 0 San Diego City Councilmember I0 YES JIM MORRISON ~-- . 0 Property Manager SARAH BOOT lo'' .. ·-·- 0 Federal Prosecutor ·::\~ 9~~ :~~9P: 9~Jr~:e:~s. .. ,._;· ;.. :: : >' ~ : l 1.< .. Jowc;re-m CITY OF SAN DIEGO PROP A AMENDS CITY CHARTER RELATED TO ... .. ... :·: '_:. · ---- ELECTIONS. Shall !he Charter be amended lo: (1) set a later ..· MEASURES SUBMITTED dale for elecled officials to be sworn into office; (2) extend lhe <'r6 THE VOTERS deadlines to call special elections to fill vacancies for Mayor and J City Council; and (3) make non-substantive revis ions, to provide J. :·,. ,.. jTATf.f.~9P:O~-j~I~~S ·•. additional time to comply wilh slate and federal deadlines to certi~ . I election results, provide mail ballots to military and overseas PROP 41 VETERANS HOUSING AND HOMELESS volers, and rranslate ballot materials? . PREVENTION BOND ACT OF 2014. Aulhorizes $600 million in general obligation bonds for alford able multifamily supportive ' YES housing to relieve homelessness, affordable rransitional housing, I0 a!fordable rental housing, or rela ted fa ~ ilities for veterans and their familie·s. Fiscal Impact Increased stale bond costs averaging about $50 million annually over 15 years. JoNO .. --- - .. ---- . YES 0 NO 0 .. 9F78A744 1033 00174 08 N SO 095-013 OFFICIAL BALLOT SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA GUBERNATORIAL PRIMARY ELECTION JUNE 3, 2014 MEASURES SUBMITIED : TOTHEVOTERS .. · · ·:-·.-·· •:· . .. •: · CITY OF SAN DIEGO PROP B REFEREtlDUM OF RESOLUTION RELATED TO BARRIO LOGAN COMMUNIT'I PLAN UPDATE. Sha ll Resoluijon No. R-308445, which provides bra comprehensive updale lo !he Barrio Logan Comm u ni~ Pl an, be pproved? YES 0 NO 0 CITY OF SAN DIEGO PROPC REFERENDUM OF ORDIN AN CES RELATED TO BARRIO LOGAN COM MUNITY PLAN UPDATE. Shall ' Ordinances 0-203 12 and 0-20313, whic h amend !he San Diego Municipal Code relaled lo lhe Barrio logan Communi~/ Plan Updale, and aWect lhe zoning or 999.61 acres localed wilhin !he Barrio Logan Comm u ni~ Plan Area, be approved? Io"' NO 0 DF6FC9CO 1033 00174 09 N SC I . OFFICIAL BALLOT SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA GUBERNATORIAL PRIMARY ELECTION JUNE 3, 2014 NONPARTISAN OFFICES COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO .. II I CQUNTY OF SAN DIEGO SHERIFF lj Vote for On e ASS ESSORJRECORDERJCOUNTY CLERK BILL GORE Vote for One Q .sheriff ERN ESTJ . "ER NI E" DRONENBUR G, JR I 0 Assessor/Recorder/Coun~t Clerk I O w,;rem JONA Til AN A. GORDON 0 Financial AnalysVBusinessowner TREASURERJT /\X COLLECTOR SUSA N GUIN N Vote for One 0 Businesswoman/Consumer Advocate DAN MC ALLI STER Q San Diego Coun~t Treasurer-Tax Collector GE ORGE W. MAl/TOR ' 0 Author/Educator/Businessperson IO w,;re -m IO Write-In .'· ... CITY . .. I· ·- ·:· I DISTRICT ATTORNEY CITY OF SAN DIEGO Vote for One MEMBER, CITY COUN CI L BON NIE DU MANIS DISTRICT NO. 4 Vote for One Q San Diego Coun~J Dislricl Attorney MYRTL ECOL E TERRI WYA TT 0 Councilmember Q Reired Career Prosecutor BLANCA LOPEZ BROWN BOB BREW ER Q Teacher/Business 011ner Q Attorney-At-Law TONY VILLAFRANCA IO Wdtel~ Q Realtor BRUCE WILLI AMS 0 Communi~/ Volunteer IO Wdte-ln f032Cbff 1033 00225 07 ~ ~ SD 154-012 i ' ' OFFICIAL BALLOT SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA GUBERNATORIAL PRIMARY ELECTION JUNE 3, 2014 NONPARTISAN OFFICES II CITY COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO CITY OF SAN DIEGO I J MEMBER, CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT ATTORNEY DISTRICT NO . 6 Vote for One Vote for One TERRI WYATI 0 MITZLEE 0 Retired Career Prosec ulor I BOB BREWER I CAROL" ' 0 Allomey -AI-Law Q EducaiDr BONNIE DUMANIS DELE 0 San Diego Counly Dis~icl Allorney 0 Securily Manager/ArtillerJ Soldier . I wdte-m CHRIS CA TE 0 0 Nonprofil Executive/Businessman JANEL. GLASSON SHERIFF 0 Special Education Assislonl I Vote for One I Q . sheriffBILL''"' I O Wd te-m I O Wil te -In MEASURES SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS TRE.b.SURERJTAX COLLECTOR STATE PROPOSITIONS Vote for One I I DAN MCALLI STER pROP 41 VETERANS HOUSINGAND HOM ELE SS Q San Diego Gauntt Treasurer-Tax Colleclor PREVE NTION BON D ACT OF 2014. Au~o r izes $600 million in general obligation bonds for affordable multifamily supporiiv e housing lo relie•te homelessness , affordable tansitional housing, I O Wdte- In affordable renlal housing, or rela:ed facilities ~ veler.ns and lleir families . Fiscal Impact Inc reased slale bond cos~ averaging aboul $50 million annually over 15 years . YES I CJ t/0 I 0 1A599218 1033 00171 07 fl so 092-012 OFFICIAL BALLOT SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA . GUBERNATORIAL PRIMARY ELECTION JUNE 3, 2014 NONPARTISAN OFFICES ·COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO I ". II . COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ;. ' ' • SHERIFF r Vo te for One ASSESSORJRECORDERJCOUNTY CLERK 'I Vote for One J o:~,"" JONATHAN A. GORDON 0 Financial AnalysVBusinessowner IO Write rn SUSAN GUINN 0 Businesswoman/Consumer Advocale TREASURERJTAX COLLECTOR GE OR GE W. MANTOR Vote for One 0 Aulhor/Educa/or/Businessperson DAN MCALLISTER 0 San Diego Coun~ Treasurer-Tax Coll.ec/or ERNEST J. "ERNIE" DRONENBURG, JR ... 0 Assessor/Recorder/Counr1 Clerk O Wri te-In IO Write-rn I .. - · - .. I. •. -·::. ;';::!U·/t,'f.~<~: S!l)' ::~ ,:;:;t,:J ·· ·i/{,:,: f ; '· I " . DISTRICT ATTORNEY CITY OF SAN DIEGO Vote for One MEMBER, CITY COUNCIL I DISTRICT NO. 8 TERR I WYAIT Vote for One 0 Retired Career Prosecu tor DAVID ALVAR EZ BOB BREWER 0 San Diego Cir1 Councilmember 0 Attorney-At-Law LI NCOLN PICKARD BONNIE DUMANIS 0 Retired Con~ac/or San Diego Dis !riel Allorney 0 Coun~ · · -·· · .. .. O Write-In IO Write-In I A0fJOU889 1033 00214 07 ~ ~ so 198-012 CITY OF SAN DIEGO Member of City Council- District 2 SARAH BOOT Federal Prosecutor Sarah Boot's Record of Distinction As an Assistant U.S. Attorney, Sarah Boot led investigations to dismantle cross-border drug trafficking organizations and prosecuted drug dealers, bank robbers, and criminals who trafficked in the child sex trade. As President of the 1,200-m ember women's bar association, Sarah Boot spearheaded initiatives to advance women in the workplace. As a private-sector lawyer, Sarah Boot represented local technology companies, internet companies, and environmental and community-based non-profits. Sarah Boot's Agenda to Lead Sarah Boot fought the toughest criminals and won. Now she is ready to take on the career politicians and special interests. Sarah Boot will fight to keep our communities safe by increasing resources for public safety, and by making investments to rebuild the aging infrastructure in our neighborhoods. Sarah Boot believes in a smart government that invests in clean energy and green jobs, grows our economy by expanding our Port, and redirects resources to maintain the beauty of our beaches. Sarah Boot will make City Government work for all of us and will stand up for our neighborhoods, not the downtown special interests. Sarah Boot. A Public Servant Who Will Put Our Neighborhoods First. CS-0720-1 so 000-000 CITY OF SAN DIEGO Member of City Council - District 2 JIM MORRISON Property Manager Business Person Community Leader A beach area resident since 1959, I am 57 years old, my leadership skills are maturity, wisdom, problem solving and diplomacy, and the abilities to bring together opposing sides and come to an agreement, an independent candidate, with the vision to move the city forward! The 20 years of civic service, I have invested in the community. of Pacific Beach, I feel it is my responsibility to represent you at city hall! Jobs, jobs, jobs, my focus from the beginning of all my campaigns was jobs and it will continue to be! City wide community store fronts as job and businesses creations centers! Change our spoke economy to a hub economy, to compete with other cities! We cannot give up. I have to make things right. for you, your family and city hall. there is hope! Pacific Beach Town Council member, 12 years Pacific Beach Planning Group member, 15 years Pacific Beach Parking Committee member, 5 years Represented Pacific Beach at the city wide Community Planners Advisory Committee for Transportation (COMPACT) Volunteered for the Kendall-Frost Mission Bay Reserve CS-0720-2 so 000-000 CITY OF SAN DIEGO Member of City Council- District 2 MARK SCHWARTZ BROTHERS AND SISTERS WE MUST SHIFT DIRECTION. It is time to lower the tax burden on citizens. Balancing the city budget is not enough, we must cut spending and fix the pension crisis. I will strongly support small business enterprise by fighting to lower licensure and permit requirements. Our tourism industry is being taxed out of competition. Property and water taxes are skyrocketing, permits are too expensive and delayed. The city needs to get to work. Let's increase our city revenue streams and market our wonderful city to film, concert, convention and cargo industries. As a City Councilman I will fight to protect our constitutional rights to privacy, personal property, and the freedom to pursue happiness.
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