Gary Conrad places Valley in a trance David Griout ' T have about 200 skits," said The two subjects dien fought StaffWriter Conrad, liut I choose which ones diiough die large oowd to by the personality of the group." embrace. As Conrad ended the The numdi of March ended Coniad can tell how receptive trance, both men looked stunned widi a bang at CVC as hyimotist die group is to the suggestions as to be in the positions diat diey Oaiy Conrad once again biought die show progresses. found themselves. his talents to the campus. Some of die strsnge actions Kiser was not the only ooe that For a second year in a row, the and arm swiris he does is purely enjoyed the show. "He really selffiroclainied master of fw him to test each persons knows how to make a crowd hypnotism came to CVC and recqitiveness of die suggestions. laugh," said Majied. proceeded to nuke believets out AldMugh he felt diis was a For freshman Jon Biscoe, this of the crowd good show, Coniad believed diat was his first encounter with a Asking for volunteeis, 15 "last years crowd was more hypnotist show. "I questioned its pec^le underwent the hypnotic daring and lecqitive." audienticity, but I still dwught it trance in fiont of a crowd of ISO For Dawn Kiser, die highlight was hilarious.", commented people. of die show for her was when Biscoe. Connd tfien proceeded to Conrad made Curtis Bucholz Conrad began using hypnotism make than do WfaatevCT he believe he was Miss Piggy and around 1980 as a way to better willed. This includes a vocal Fred<fy'nentdiink he was condition himself for bodybuild• perfonnance by Hasan Mqjied, a Keimitdiefiog. ing competitions. dogging showcase by Saiab The fim began when Conrad Since dm. he hasmveled Baknr, and SOA President Mike Saiy Conrad amazed the crowd with (ranees, and bqjn to plant die hypnotic key across dw US and has hypnotized MuneU-Fieids screaming '1 want everyone fiom bikers to New mtertained them wtth the hypnotized students. word into dw two men. Once nooUe." placed, when ever the suggestive Ymk PoHcemeiL Before the show. Conrad did not want to. just felt like I had bem word was spoken, thcftm Unlike odier entertainers «dio eaq>lained'tiie Iqfpnotic trance •^t was really weird," said asleep fiv eight hours when I eiQoymait b^aiL take part of the year; Ccmad saying diat the sutiiect is in Baker of ho- eiqierience. I've came to." said Fields. "Kenny, Kenny, where are you woiks all year. CVC is one of his behween sleq) and ooasdousnesa. never clogged before in n^ lifol Allbou^'dien were many Ker^T" beUowed Bwdiolz fiiun may stops as he travels around He also stressedithat Oe subjects Noweveiyone is calUng me of die same skits fiom last year, die stage. TVent, returned "Here I the nation and collies making would not do aqytfiing Ifaat dwy •RbdorTbp.'" Conrad did qtice it q> a little. am you luscious poticer." believers out of disbelievers. Hale-Bopp viewings held at Science building obsCTvatoty, it is not hard to find. Garry Hoffcr die viewing itself. lUce the stairs from the lobby StaffWriter The observatory has been open and follow the signs to the obser• for viewing of the comet since Many of the students have seen vatory on die roof. Gnco there you March26. dw Halo-Bopp inthenlfl^sky. It wUl see die dome to your left which The first group of viewers were is die most visible comet to the na• bousesdie 2Scm telescope. the students in Vm Quad's As- ked eye dut has passed die eaith In Although you can see Hale- tronon^ class. sometime. Bopp wididte naked eye and very The next week many people Bob Vm Gundy, astfononqrpro- well through binoculars, you will from the local community were fissscM', is hosting die viewing of be aUe to get a dosOT view dinnigh dure to view die comet Hale-Bopp from tbeobservatoty on die telescope. It wotild be a shame to miss such t(9 of die Science bttiUing. Not mdy will you have a better a rare oppntudty to see dw comet, ' These observations an hdd oo view, you will also have some• while it is still so ckMe to die BaidL Wednesdays and Fridays, weather one diere to answer any questions The comet becomes visible just and cloud cover pomitting, fhmi you have about the comet or as• after sundown in die NW sky, but 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm until AinO tronomy in general. The combina- die cbrily and color of die phoiain- 16. donofabMter view and sraie gen• enoo infiroves gteady die end punch Valley CoHege students partldpate bi 3rd an• eral knowledge given can enhance of die viewing dme. If you have never been to the imal Campus Clean-up day. See related story on pg. 3. i;-M;iil Ihr tnpidStar MMAIS^ Third annual ^ Softball Season Album reviews i ;(lil(ir :il Wan fan CVC Clean-up underway tricks Page! jjjgg j Student opinions will be taken Construction: Making CVC a confusing place to live Clinch Valley College cleans up its act CVC CALENDER j weekly untU Friday at 5 p.m. Constiuctioa on canqnis is really grandkids decide to come hoe. construction on it. My answer, HELL NO. Keep McCraray field Thompson and Ashbuiy Halls. unspoiled areas." gating me on my nnves. All of die Anodier diing diat really bodi- GarjrHoffer Yea, that was Chancellor Lem• Glenda Swing's dqiartment is noise diat is heaid in die classrooms en me is. when are diey going Co just die way it is. I'm pretty sure Staff Writer iSubmit all letters to the office also responsible for increasing die is really dlstmcting to students. build die qioits coiiqilex? diat would be die only place not ons spreading mulch alongside the The ThirdAiuHial Clean-up Day numbers of planters on die CVC I mean they said diat die new Oh I foigot The way they are touched by construcdoD. Wednesday, April 9 other volunteers. jor to CVC box #5637 for print. was held April 2 on campus fiom campus by eight this year and by buikUng would be cnnpleted this going, Armageddon will be here How come the chancellors home He, as well as many other staff -Intramural Softball 2:30pjn.toS:30pm 10 last year. month, but what happened? They before that happens. is not being touched by coostiuc- member, helped in la^e numbers About 16S participants firom ev• for the clean up. Five landscape benches are be• moved die day iq> to August 1. I guess that the girls softball tion? I am not Hying to be mean to ery area of the Clinch Vdley popu• ing installed around the residence If they keqi moving iqi the date team will have to practice in die chancellor, but should he not The participants in the clean-up lation woriced to clean-<q> arid beau• halls, one at Crockett, two for fiv completion I will itevCT get to McCtaray field and hope diat diey see vtbat damage c<m8truction is were rewarded widi a cook-out oa tify die outside areas of die college. McCreary, and two in the Honors see it, and I have at least three more don't hit die dieatie building. causing? Thursday, April 10 McCreary lawn after the work was You may have noticed the completed around 5:30. area. yean here. I hear dial construction in die I'm tired of walking coo^iletely -CareM* WarkslM^p (Advanced) — swarm of people on the hill behind We will have to wait for die be• The worst part of it is, dut I cant cafb is going to start soon. O boy. I around die school to get to Zdimer. Those that helped also received Career Development C)enter-2 p.i Bowers-Sturgill and around Greear ginning of May for the planting of even study in the lilvary because just hope they accqit ID cards at When are we going to get our stairs a Third Annual Clean-up Day T- Gymnasium. flowers on campus, since the fiost of all of die noise. It Ishard to find Hardees. I really don't diidc dial back? Widi die speed of construc• shirt threat is over dien, said Swing. the materials diat I need because of pet^le want to eat in a constiuc- tion, it won't matter, I will have A rototiller was used to plant a *^ii]ce this is the third year of Saturday, AprU 12 "After spending the effort to all of die reamngonait lioo field. graduated by then. bed of wildflowers, while others the clean-up, it gets a little easier," cleared the hill of biush and small said Glenda Ewing, landscaping clean-up the campus, I encourage I would like to see die comple• There is a question regarding A ooncemed student, -Chancellor's Cup (Flag FootbaU) trees. supervisor. the students to keep it clean," said tion of the library before my McCraray field. Should diey do Randolph Forest Mulch was spread and trees were "We are fortunate to have such Ewing, "and to please not drive on What would you do to see Star Wars? Sunday, April 13 planted around Martha Randolph, a beautiful campus, with so many die grass." -OianeeUor's Cup fBasketbaU) pected. Everyone headed to the Dear Editor, Kunigelis offers trip to Gulf of Mexico restroom as some• It was an ordinary night in one ran to get the Crockett Hall, if dieie really is such clippers.
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