9() t e "Piet IIt feNI Do lt ANIln" I~ IIAr esM OUR 66TH YEAR OF CONTINUOUS PUBLICATION 60, NP. 10 yPhUME UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO, MOSCOW, IDAHO Friday, October 23, 1964 g]VF for," s ru, ]udp I 1 1'„' ]ate e I iI!k I,$ Ie I.l(es > I. uIIIs eu IlamIinl Iletuln k pi ami ]irou 'IICI NIIISie :orilume , In The men who beat the Cou- By FRED FREE]1IAN Argonaut Editor gars, team members of the 1954, 1923, 1924 and 1925 football [,', A musical Miss from Baker, lay'6 squads will be here this week- Ore., Lorna Kipling, ivas chos- ]IA.) end, hoping to see the Vandals pu Monday in a vote of campus Up. down meu tp reign over Homecoming Washington State Univer- aud festivities this weekend, sity once again. Although the songs she sings Jim Lyle, alumni secretary, Wi]. during the summer months when 'tzi, „gill said Thursday that he expected 94, drives cattle and works on 'he the largest turnout of alumni in 2-0, htpr father's ranch may bc the institution's history to watch 2, I 4th(fj@ i]ur ro cowboy lullabvs, the blue- the 65th "Battle of the Pa]ouse" over eyed, broivn-haired Delta Gam- at Homecoming in Neale Sta- to ]; mu Junior who stands five feet dium Saturday. mpu< five inches tall, is no stranger I l~ Homecoming will get under- up to queen contests. way at 6:15 tonight when fresh- ) .,s"I She feels equally at home Jf', men women, dressed in pajam- singing the Sivcetheart of Sig- as, . form a chain and run ma Chi or marching with a mil- through men's living groups in t' i]ury band playing the Caisson a serpentine. They will be led Song —and she's entitled to do by Idaho Spurs. both. Miss Kipling was the Sig- l] At 7 p.m. there will be a rally ma Chi sweetheart her fresh- at MacLean Field. Coach Dee man year, Military Ball queen Andros. his Vandals, Homecom- last year, and this year is hon- ing Queen. and her court. and orary Cadet Colonel of the Dean Miller, alumni president, Army ROTC sponsor corps. El will be there to encourage fans The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. to support the team. After yells. E. L. Kipling, the new queen 0 there will be the annual fire- has groivn up on the family works display. ranch near Baker. Although she Parade Saturday has an older brother who is an there will accountant, the family love for Saturday morning ranching seems to have fallen be a 15-f]oat Homecommg par- on Lorna. ade downtown. Leading the par- ade will be University Presi- The q e tooghed getty dent D. R. Theophilus. Dr. iihcn she told of her ranching Theoinhii«s was named Parade activities. Marshall in honor of his years "I have my pwn herd of cat- ! service tp the Universitv. t]e, 52 head of shorthorns," shc of IDAHO'5 1964 ROYALTY —Homecoming Queen lorna Kipling and her court make an ]m- clash tomorrcrw. This is the first color picture published" ' college newspaper in the said, Besides being fun, shc not- by The parade will be built pressive picture in front of one of the campus'any panoramic views. left to right are: around the 1964 Homecoming Northwest. The Queen and her Court will be crowned by Alumni President Dean Niil]er Princesses Kathy McCiouci, Atpha Chi; Joanne Blood, Bhe) Steel; Sadie >vane, Tri-De]ta; theme, "First in ten, do it ing for a good part of her col- Queen Lorna Kipling, DG and Princess Judy Manville, Pi Phi. After a week of interviews at the half time of the game Saturday. )ho five Idaho beauties are posing in front of a new again." A grand prize, and ]ege education. and active Homecomingpreparations, the Royal Court wiii highlight the annual ]AISU-Idaho 1965 Chevrolet Corvair Corsa on the west end of Neale Stadium. (Car courtesy Fahrenweld.) first, and second place prizes "hIaybc you'd better put that will be awarded. Last year the grand prize went to Alpha Chi Omega and Upham Hall, who omptete tomboy," ehe totd SPeCial Train IS Planned are building the Queen's float this year. For Utah Gams At Botas alro Granted The University band, and ten History will be 96,299 But her plans for the future rePeated again The committee felt charter- $ bands from northern Idaho and ]uclude music rather than ranch- when students go tp the Utah ing a tram would accomplish eastern Washington high schools a'ug. "I'd ]ike to live on a ranch," Sta«]d»p foi>t»]l game i" number of things, including cre- will provide music for the par- shc says, "but I want to teach Bp'se Nov 14 p" a Va"da] ating a favorable impression on: ade. Vandalettes, Spurs, and choir in a high schop]." V'"Y P ' '" "" r Angel Flight will march. Mortar at- Educational Television the legislature which wi]] be University received offi- national programming will ual plan for Idaho is to have able to broadcast to Moscow via Music top, came ear]y in hcr ing to Bob Mar]ey, Vandal Rally tending the game as a group The ation, Board and B]ue Key will ride 96,- available to the n ew educational television stations the LaGrande relay point. life. Noiv in hcr third year of Area Director, after visiting the University cia] word Thursday that $ become at a fire engine, and Cosmopolitan station and eventually the state. Boise and on the Idaho State singing ivith thc University of Recent meetings of Vandal campus, according to A. Robert "We hope by September of Club, Young Republicans, and cam- from the university Pocatel- ~ Idaho Vanda]cers, she first be- Rally Committee developed the Marley, pff campus. granted to expand present The matching funds campus at 1966 to cover 90 percent of the Young Democrats will partici HEW will en- lo. Both campuses have made gan lending her soprano voice the idea of chartering the train Ha]] M. Mack]hr, head of the "" Department of State of Idaho with the net- pate. to ask for application to the Com- w i I I in- tp school and church choirs to carry some 750 people, includ- department of music, indicated able the university Federal work Law said Haf-time activities Proved b the U.S. De artment bids on improvements at the munications Commis s i o n for clude introduct i o n s by Jim nine > ears ago. Along ing band members, Century that because the Univers i t y Paradise Ridge site southeast channel licenses, he said. With Johnston, ASUI president, of r]tp ivay in her musical career C]ub, Vanda]cttcs, V a n d a ] Marching Band would be an of- An all-weather road a relay tower at LaGrande, Dean Miller, Alumni President, she also found time tp learn to Boosters, faculty, student lead- ficial representative of the Uni- of Moscow. cinder block building to Ore., the Moscow signals would Prexy PZans 1Vo, who will introd u c e the 1964 p]uy the violin, the viola and crs a„d mtcrcstcd students. See versity, the associated students and a for Channel 12, to be oper e house the television facilities .be relayed to Boise and from — Homecoming queen, crown her, the piano, "We Were Wondering" for opin- would have to raise the money HoLiday Monday by the University. must be constructed. In addi- there to Pocatello. The Pocatel- and present the new monarch ions on the proposed trip.'o finance sending the band. There will not be a holiday "In the sixth grade, I had The grant will make Possible tion, a $12,000 tower must be lo end Boise channels would be with a bouquet of roses. The The train will leave Moscow This wouM total a]most. $2,000 on Monday lf the University 1 e girl's lead in a grade schoo . afi'iliation with the National Ed- built. An antenna, costing ap- Outstanding Vandal Booster will i 7 d Accprdmg tp Mack] d wins the oPeretta. It was a kind Pf 'silly . ' ' ucational Television Network proximately $24,000, a n d a Homecoming game also be introduced. The Univer- t d - ing the band by chartered bus transmitter, costing about $55,- RHgtt Board with Washington State Univer- sity marching band and WSU ing about 9 a.m., provided t erc as is one y e an a eers ru s.'he stor> ivas about a Gordon Law, acting head of 000 must be purchased. sity, President D. R. Theophi- marching band will provide en- h 1 d t t t when they tour would cost only pro o SPanish children who ' ' the department of communica- Thc station will broadcast di. Tryouts Held lus announced today. tertainment for halftime. P about $1200. H indicated that u gold c n 1o. tions at the University, said he rectly within a radius of 70 Interviews for members of the "Rumors have been circu. Following the game, open d b t 11 traveling by bus would b mo ich ivpu]d ]cud them to great ' was hopeful bids could be let on miles of the Paradise Ridge new Residence Hall Association lating on the campus this house will be held from 4 to 6 t d t th t sirable but he would not say sures." all Phases of the Project and site, and will operate a min- Disciplinary Board were held last week that a holiday would be p.m.
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