San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1969 Special Libraries, 1960s 4-1-1969 Special Libraries, April 1969 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1969 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, April 1969" (1969). Special Libraries, 1969. 4. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1969/4 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1960s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1969 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. special Zib~aries United Nations Conference on Road and Motor Transport A new edition of the Final Act and Related Docu- ments of the United Nations Conference on Road and Motor Transport held at Geneva, 1949. Con- tents include: Rulesof the Road; Signs and Signals; Road Traffic Signs; Danger Signs and Road Mark- ings. 120 pp. $2.00 Statistical Yearbook 1967 Nineteenth issue of a compilation of international statistics relating to: population; manpower; agri- cultural, mineral and manufacturing production; Portfolio For Peace energy; transport; external trade; prices; national Excerpts from the writings and speeches of income; finance; international capital flow; social U. Thant, Secretary-General of the United Nations, and cultural subjects. on major world issues 1961-1 968. 109 pp. $1.25 784 pp. Cloth: $1 7.50 Paper: $1 2.50 United Nations Postage Stamps 1967 Supplement to the Statistical Yearbook This book has been prepared by the Postal Adminis- and the Monthly Bulletin of Statistics tration in collaboration with the United Nations The new Supplement is more comprehensive than Office of Public Information, with a broad range of the previous editions and provides more detailed readers in mind. Its contents, which include a brief, definitions and explanatory notes for the statistical illustrated account of the work of the United series published in the Yearbook and the Bulletin Nations postal issues through 1967, are designed than is possible in the foot-notes to the tables for the use of everyone interested in the activities shown in these publications. In presenting these of the world Organization as depicted in its stamps. descriptions, particular reference is made to scope, 160 pp. $3.95 coverage, methods of compilation, definitions and Urbanization, Development Policies other factors affecting the internaiional compara- and Planning bility of statistics. 408 pp. $5.00 Problems and policies connected with urban UNDP/Project Descriptions growth and population distribution. 130 pp. $2.00 Commencing January 1969 the United Nations This is the first issue of International Social De- Development Programme - UNDP - will make velopment Review which replaces three journals available on a subscription basis UNDP Project previously published by United Nations, lnter- Descriptions, containing comprehensive informa- national Social Service Review, Housing, Building tion about UNDP-assisted projects approved by and Planning and Population Bulletin. the Governing Council. Report of the World Land Reform Twice a year, the UNDP Governing Council meets Conference, 1966 to approve assistance for a large number of pre- The purpose of the conference was to provide the investment projects. The projects range from those Governments of Member Siates with a forum for aimed at developing agricultural and mi,neral sec- the reappraisal of their programmes for adjusting tors to those intended to create advanced industrial agrarian structures, with an opportunity for a thor- complexes, transport systems and public adminis- ough assessment of their current policy in the light trations. of economic and social development plans, and The descriptions are intended as a useful source of for the exchange of experience in the planning and information for governments, the general public, implementation of land reform programmes. financing institutions, and particularly commercial 92 pp. $1.50 firms and organizations interested in contracting opportunities. Education, Human Resources and Each project description will be about five pages Development in Latin America long and will include information on the need for Contents: Requirements of Human Resources in the project within the context of the economic the Development of Latin America; The Social situation of the country concerned; the estimated Structures and Educational Demand; Systems of duration of the project; the objectives of the project Values and Education in Latin America; The Uni- and their relation to the national development plan; versity in Latin America and Development Prob- the work plan of the project; expert services, con- lems; Planning and Education; The Financing of tracts and equipment needed for the project's im- Education and Human Resources Training in Latin plementation; and the budget. America. 249 pp. $3.00 Annual subscription (two issues) $65.00 This chart has been developed for appropriate Faraday Press journals for a By reading across you may select tho to a specific discipline. You may also, by the multi-disciplinary coverage of many A concise analysis of each of the the reverse. ENGINEERING METALLURG FREE UPON REQUEST THE FARADAY PRESS, INC. 84 FIFTH AVENUE. NEW YORK. N.Y. 10011 CLOSE YOUR EYES. ) \$\[(I IMA,~NE YOU'RE CREAT~N, I pnnriculn~nnricl~s you ARE ~NTERESTE~iN. YOU rhi~kTO younsdf rhis is A 1 cjood id~n,bur NOT possibk. NOW OPEN YOUR EYES. ir COSTS l~ssT~AN $2.00 PER WEE^ FOR YOUR OWN i~dividunlCOMPUTER PR~NTOUT.INTERESTE~? WANT~ETA~~S? WRITE FOR ~N~ORMAT~ON. You'll b~ ql~dyou did. PLEASE SEND ME iNFoRMATioN ON AscA 8B8' NAME TITLE ORGANIZATION CITY- STATE In U. 5.: send coupon to Dept 26 137. 1st. 325 Chestnut St. PhMadelpha Pa 1910G. Tr (2151 923 3300 In Washington. D. C.: contact ISI. 7315 Wscansln Ave . Belhesda Md 20014 Tel I3011 657-2366 In Europe. contact Mr A Cawhell 132 Hrqh Street Uxbrldge hhddlesex Enqlarld Tel Uxbrldqe 30085 or Mr P Aborn 6 Square Moncey. Paris 9. France Tel TRI 6738 In Japan: contact Mr T Yamakawa Tsufsumi Bt##ldang 13 I2 1-chome. Shn>basht Mlnato-Ku Tokyu. Japan Tel I591) 5181 6 i"ll1-1 Information Exchange in Social Welfare 193 Joe R. Hoffer The Corporation as History 203 Richard L. King The Industrial Librarian as Cooperator 209 Paula M. Strain Automation on Ten Dollars a Day 215 Ruth Atwood and Frances Livingston Information Retrieval for Advertising and Marketing Research 219 Elin B. Christianson SLA News Who May Join? 223 Herbert S. White 1969 SLA Hall of Fame 224 Montreal Conference Program 225 Special Libraries in Montreal 243 Sybil Grimson Ottawa-Hull 245 Bill Stiles AFIPS Spring Joint Computer Conference 247 Members in the News 248 Vistas Letters 249 Criteria for Programs to Prepare Library Technical Assistants 253 Library Education Division, ALA Coming Events 259 Pubs 265 Have You Heard? 264 Placement 20~ Reviews 265 Index to Advertisers 22A Editor: F. E. MCKENNA Publications Assista?zt: FRANCISJ. RUTH Special Libraries Committee Chaiman: ANDREWV. IPPOLITO,Newsday MARYKLANIAN, Advanced Systems Development Division, IBM MRS.ANNE J. RICHTER,R. R. Bowker Company Special Libraries is published by Special Libraries Association, 215 Park Avenue South, New York, N. Y. 10003. O 1969 by Special Libraries Association. Ten issues per year: monthly except double issues for hlay/Jun and Jul/Aug. Annual index in December issue. Second class poctage paid at Brattleboro, Vermont 05301. POSTMASTER:Send Form 3579 to Special Li- braries Association. 2i5 Park Avenue South, New York, N. Y. 10003. SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION President HEKIIERTS. WHITE Leasco Systems and Research Corporati~m 4833 Rugby Avenue, Bethesda, Md. 20014 President-Elect ROBERTW. GlesoN. JR. General Motors Corp., Research Laboratories 12 Mile & Mound Roads, Warren, Mich. 48090 Advisory Council Chairman Rins. C~I.%RI.OTTES. MITCHELL Library, hfiles Labnr;ltories, Inc. E'khart, Indiana 46514 Advisory Council Chairman-Elect HELENJ. WALDRON The RAND Corporation 1700 Main St., Santa Monica, Calif. 90406 Treasurer JEANDEUSS Research Library, Federal Reserve Bank of New York 1967-70 Federal Reserve P. 0.Station. New York 10045 Past-President hl~s.ELIZABETH R. USHER Art Reference Library The Metropolitan Museum of Art Fifth Avenue and 82nd Street, New York 10028 Directors MRS.THEODORA A. ANDREWS Pharmacy Library, Purdue University 1966-69 Lafayette, Indiana 47907 ROSEMARYR. DEMAREST Price Waterhouse & Co. 1968-71 60 Broad Street, New York 10004 MRS. GLORIAM. EVANS Production and Engineering Library 1967-70 Parke, Davis & Company, Detroit, Michigan 48232 CHARLOTTE GEORCI Graduate School of Business Administration Library 1966-69 University of California, Los Angeles, Calif. 90024 EFRENW. GONZALEZ Scientific Division, Bristol-Myers Products Secretary, 1967-70 1350 Liberty Avenue, Hillside, New Jersey 07207 BURTONE. LAMKIN Federal Aviation Agency 1968-71 800 Independence Ave. S W., Washington, D. C. 20553 Executive Director GEORGEH. GINADER Special Libraries Association 235 Park Avenue South, New York 10003 Subscription Rates 1969. Free to SLA members. Non- Claims for missing numbers will not be allowed if members, USA and Canada, $20.00 per calendar received more than 90 days from date of mailing year; add $1.50 postage for other countries. Single plus the time normally required for postal delivery Copies (Jan 1966 to date) $2.75. of the issue and the claim. No claims are allowed ~~~k Issues & Hard Cover Reprints (1909.1965): because of failure to notify the Membership Depart- Inquire Krause Reprint Corp., 16 East 46th St., New ment or the Subscription Department (see above) of York, N. Y. a change of address, or because copy is "missing from files." Microfilm & hlicrofiche Editions (1909 to date): Inquire University hficrofilms, Ann Arbor, hfichigan. special =ibraries ~~~~~i~~i~~assunles no responsi. Changes of Address. Allow six weeks for all changes bility for the statements and opinions advanced by to become effective.
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