SOUTH SUDAN 2020 HUMANITARIAN RESPONSE PLAN COVID-19 ADDENDUM ISSUED JUNE 2020 1 SOUTH SUDAN ReferenceBase map map Manyo Renk Renk SUDAN Kaka Melut Melut Maban Fashoda Riangnhom Bunj Oriny UPPER NILE Abyei region Pariang Panyikang Malakal Abiemnhom Tonga Malakal Baliet Aweil East Abiemnom Rubkona Aweil North Guit Baliet Dajo Gok-Machar War-Awar Twic Mayom Atar 2 Longochuk Bentiu Guit Mayom Old Fangak Aweil West Turalei Canal/Pigi Gogrial East Fangak Aweil Gogrial Luakpiny/Nasir Maiwut Aweil West Koch Yomding Raja NORTHERN South Gogrial UNITY Nyirol Nasir Maiwut Raja BAHR EL Bar Mayen Ulang Kuajok WARRAP Leer GHAAL Lunyaker Ayod Tonj North Adok Ayod Aweil Centre Waat Mayendit Uror Warrap Leer ETHIOPIA Tonj East WESTERN BAHR Nyal Duk Fadiat Akobo Wau Maper JONGLEI CENTRAL EL GHAAL Panyijiar Duk Akobo Kuajiena Rumbek North AFRICAN Wau Tonj SOUTH SUDAN Pochalla Jur River Cueibet REPUBLIC Tonj Rumbek Kongor Pochala South Cueibet Centre Yirol East Twic East Rumbek Adior Pibor Rumbek East Nagero Wullu Akot Yirol Bor South Tambura Yirol West Nagero LAKES Awerial Pibor Bor Boma Wulu Mvolo Awerial Mvolo Tambura Terekeka Kapoeta International boundary WESTERN Terekeka North Mundri Lui Lafon EUATORIA Mundri Mogos East State boundary Ezo Kapoeta East Ibba Maridi Ezo Lafon EASTERN County boundary Mundri Yambio Maridi West EUATORIA Nzara Juba Juba Kapoeta Ibba Undetermined boundary Nzara Yambio CENTRAL Kapoeta South Narus Lainya EUATORIA Abyei region Torit Budi Lainya Yei Torit Country capital Chukudum Yei Magwi Ikotos KENYA DEMOCRATIC Kajo-keji Ikotos State capital Magwi REPUBLIC OF Morobo Kajo-keji Administrative centre THE CONGO Morobo Nimule UGANDA 0 50 100 km The administrative boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Final boundary between the Republic of Sudan and the Republic of South Sudan has not yet been determined. Final status of Abyei area is not yet determined. Creation date: January 2020 | Sources: OCHA, SSNBS Feedback: ochasouthsudanun.org | unocha.org/south-sudan reliefweb.int/country/ssd southsudan.humanitarianresponse.info The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Final boundary between the Republic of South Sudan and the Republic of Sudan has not yet been determined. Final status of Abyei area is not yet determined. This document is produced by OCHA on behalf of the Humanitarian Country Team and partners. Cover photo caption: Social mobilizers educate people about COVID-19 at a market in Yambio, South Sudan. © UNICEF/Helene Sandbu Ryeng Contents 04 Foreword by the Humanitarian Coordinator 06 Addendum at a glance 08 Part 1: COVID-19 related humanitarian needs and vulnerabilities 08 Context of the crisis 08 Impact of COVID-19 on needs and vulnerabilities 11 Spotlight on women and girls 12 COVID-19 related population movements 14 Part 2: Humanitarian response 14 Response strategy and objectives 15 COVID-19 response achievements by UN and NGOs 16 Humanitarian access and other operational constraints 18 COVID-19 response modalities 20 Part 3: Funding requirements 22 Part 4: Response by Sector 24 Camp Coordination and Camp Management 26 Coordination and Common Services 28 Education 30 Emergency Shelter and Non-Food Items 32 Food Security and Livelihoods 36 Health 40 Logistics 42 Nutrition 44 Protection 52 Water, Sanitation and Hygiene 56 Refugee Response Plan 58 Annexes 3 SOUTH SUDAN HRP ADDENDUM FOR COVID-19 Foreword by the Humanitarian Coordinator The global COVID-19 pandemic is affecting countries around Alongside international humanitarian organizations, South the world and is now spreading rapidly in South Sudan. The Sudanese NGOs and aid workers remain at the heart of the COVID-19 crisis in South Sudan is more than a national health response, and I commend them for their tireless work for their emergency. It will have a significant negative impact on the fellow citizens. humanitarian situation and any socio-economic and political progress the country has made over the past couple years. “The humanitarian community in Responding to the COVID-19 crisis will therefore require a comprehensive approach. South Sudan is committed to stay The humanitarian community is working with development the course and deliver much-needed actors and donors to support to the national response, putting emphasis on prevention and mitigation; to ensure essential services and assistance for continuation of delivery of essential services; and to lay the the most vulnerable.” ground for socio-economic recovery. The Transitional Government of National Unity of South Our collective response to the COVID-19 crisis in South Sudan is responding to the virus through the implementation Sudan will only be effective if we are able to operate in a of the National COVID-19 Response Plan. The United Nations safe environment. The country is currently experiencing an and non-governmental organizations have supported the increasing level of intercommunal violence and continuation Government to update this public health response plan, which of armed conflict in parts of the country. This is killing is included in full in this addendum to the 2020 Humanitarian hundreds, displacing tens of thousands and hampering Response Plan (HRP). delivery of assistance. There is therefore an urgent need Further to the public health response, the humanitarian for political progress to increase stability and security at community in South Sudan is committed to stay the course all levels to protect civilians and humanitarian workers; to and deliver much-needed essential services and assistance ensure predictable access; to enable delivery of humanitarian for the most vulnerable, including older people, people and health assistance; and to facilitate socio-economic with disabilities, and women and girls, as well as those recovery. who have been newly hit, such as the urban poor. The pre- Our achievements to date have been possible because of COVID-19 humanitarian operations must continue while the generous funding provided by the donor community. For we address new needs created by the virus, to avoid life- the response in 2020, through the HRP and its addendum, threatening consequences for people already facing serious we need the continued support of our long-standing donors risks including renewed conflict, hunger and other more and the commitment of new partners for timely and flexible preventable diseases. funding. The addendum outlines the humanitarian community’s We must come together for a coordinated effort that engages support to the COVID-19 response across all the the whole South Sudanese society and international partners, humanitarian sectors which have seen new vulnerabilities and that prioritizes prevention above all. arise in the current context. It also prepares the ground for longer-term efforts to tackle the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19. Alain Noudéhou Humanitarian Coordinator in South Sudan 4 Social distancing at a food distribution in Jonglei State. ©Catholic Relief Services/James Jok 5 SOUTH SUDAN HRP ADDENDUM FOR COVID-19 Addendum at a glance REQUIREMENTS IN 2020 OF WHICH NATIONAL C19 CANCELLED FROM $1.55B NEW TOTAL REQUIREMENTS HRP C19 ADDENDUM RESPONSE PLAN ORIGINAL 2020 HRP FOR 2020 $390M $150M $39M $1.90B Introduction Addendum requirements by sector (US$) This document summarizes preparedness and response activities to address the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in South Food Security 179M Sudan through the end of 2020. The addendum includes the and Livelihoods activities and financial requirements of the updated National COVID-19 Response Plan. Originally issued in March prior to Health 91M identification of the first person confirmed with COVID-19 in South Sudan and with a focus on preparedness, the updated Water, Sanitation and Hygiene 43M plan encompasses a significantly scaled-up national response. Consolidated financial requirements presented in this document Refugee Response 23M are additional to those in the 2020 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) for South Sudan. The HRP and associated projects Protection originally seeking $1.55 billion were finalized in the end of 2019 15M for non-COVID-19 related needs and largely remain valid, with the exception of projects totalling $39 million that were cancelled Education 13M due to operational constraints. Consolidated COVID-19 response activities and requirements in this document hence complement Logistics 8M existing HRP programming and are annexed to the HRP. Emergency Financial requirements presented in this document are part of the Shelter and NFI 7M South Sudan Chapter of the Global HRP for COVID-19 (GHRP), the 38% international community’s primary fundraising vehicle to respond Nutrition 6M 62% to the humanitarian impacts of the virus in low- and middle- income countries and support their efforts to fight it. Funding CCS 2M for COVID-19 activities summarized in this document is tracked separately from the HRP by the Financial Tracking Service. CCCM 0.2M Alongside the HRP addendum prepared by the Humanitarian Country Team, the UN Country Team is finalizing a UN framework to concurrently address the immediate socio-economic effects of COVID-19. complementary humanitarian response national plan Response plan timeline C19 DECLARED PUBLIC HEALTH GLOBAL C19 HRP C19 CONFIRMED 1,000 C19 PATIENTS EMERGENCY OF INTERNATIONAL CONCERN LAUNCHED IN SOUTH SUDAN CONFIRMED 2020 HRP 2020 HRP LAUNCHED 2020
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