Rubilar, T., & Cardozo, D. (2021). Blue Growth: Sea Urchin Sustainable Aquaculture, Innovative Approaches. Revista de Biología Tropical, 69(S1), 474-486. DOI 10.15517/rbt.v69iSuppl.1.46388 DOI 10.15517/rbt.v69iSuppl.1.46388 Blue Growth: Sea Urchin Sustainable Aquaculture, Innovative Approaches Tamara Rubilar1,2* & Dana Cardozo3 1. Laboratory of Chemistry of Marine Organisms, Instituto Patagónico del Mar, National University of Patagonia San Juan Bosco, Bv. Alte. Brown, Puerto Madryn, Argentina; [email protected] (*Correspondence). 2. Biological Oceanography Laboratory CESIMAR, CCT CENPAT,CONICET, Bv. Alte. Brown, Puerto Madryn, Argentina. 3. University of Quilmes, Departamento de Postgrado, Roque Sáenz Peña Bernal, Buenos Aires Argentina; [email protected] Received 24-VII-2020. Corrected 10-XI-2020. Accepted 11-XI-2020. ABSTRACT Introduction: “Blue Economy” refers to ocean-based economies with a sustainable approach. It focuses in smaller carbon footprints and efficiency, principles that can be applied to aquaculture. However, it has been difficult to develop successful blue economy projects in sea urchin aquaculture. Objective: To compare URCHINOMICS (Norway) and ARBACIA (Argentina), two aquaculture projects with different business models. Methods: We used publicly available information to compare both companies on the basis of their value proposition and tensions (e.g. cultural, social economic and technological). Results: To be successful, sea urchin aquaculture requires development of appropriate technology, open innovation and cooperation of people with different academic, business and organizational backgrounds. Conclusion: The ultimate suc- cess of these and similar companies will depend on free interaction of experts from multiple fields and on technological innovation. Key words: sea urchin; circle economy; aquaculture; Arbacia; urchinomics; business model; sustainable. Blue revolution is often referring to the successes of the blue revolution, and improve rapid development of aquaculture and to the its practices and developing long-term solu- creation of an agricultural activity with a high tions to mitigate the environmental concerns as productivity (McGinn, 1998; Costa-Pierce, water waste, use of antibiotics, organic matter 2002; Movik, Mehta, Mtisi, & Nicol, 2005; waste, etc. (Ahmed & Thompson, 2019) and Simpson, 2011). This blue revolution is respon- generate commercial products. sible for the increment in food production Blue Economy refers to ocean-based econ- worldwide (Béné et al., 2016; FAO, 2020). omies with a sustainable approach (UNDESA, However, aquaculture has important different 2014). The focus is to have a compatibil- environmental issues that must be address (Hall ity between economic development and ocean et al., 2011; Ahmed & Thompson, 2019). Sea health (WWF, 2015). In this way, it considers urchin aquaculture, as any aquaculture activity the carbon footprint (it should be low), the effi- must learn from the experience, failures and ciency in the use of resources (specially water), 474 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075 Vol. 69(S1): 474-486, March 2021 (Published Mar. 10, 2021) and presents the possibility of create differ- novel sea urchin pate from Diadema africanum ent economic ventures around it (aquaculture, in the Canary Islands (González-Henríquez, fisheries, tourism, maritime transport, marine 2012). Other species have been studied on the biotechnology, renewable energy) (World Bank Pacific coast of America, such as Loxechinus & UNDESA, 2017). The FAO (2018) launched albus in the coast of Peru-Chile (Yamashi- the Blue Growth initiative for oceans, seas and ro-Guinoza, Benites-Rodrigez, Zeballos-Flor, coasts. This initiative aims to develop aqua- Tafur-Jimenez, 1996; Lawrence, Olave, Otaiza culture and fisheries taking in account the eco- & Lawrence, 1997; Olave, Bustos, Lawrence systems, the environmental and the economic & Carcamo, 2001; Ayerbe-Ochoa et al., 2018), impact. In this way, any aquaculture enterprise Tripneustes depressus in México and Ecua- under the Blue Economy framework, should dor (Vives-Pérez, 2018; Sonnenholzner-Varas, have incorporate the sustainable development Touron & Panchana-Orrala, 2018; Sonnen- and incorporate social, economic and environ- holzner-Varas, Moreira & Panchana-Orrala, mental benefits (UNDESA, 2014). 2019), and Arbacia stellata in Ecuador (Jorge Since sea urchins have been consumed Sonnenholzner, Comm. Pers., 2020). since the beginning of humanity (Lawrence, Roe is often thought to be the main prod- 2007), the industry that exploit them should uct from sea urchins. However, in the 1980s, engage in a Blue Economy framework. The the USSR pharmaceutical industry initiated historical basis of this industry is the fishing the first studies on naphthoquinone pigments, and consumption of the gonads, known in the commonly known as Spinochromes, from market as “uni” (oonee), “caviar de oricios”, sea urchins in the Far East of Russia. Rus- “roe” or “sea urchin caviar”. There has been a sian scientists found that Echinochrome A, a major decline in the number of sea urchin spe- molecule belonging to the spinochrome fam- cies supplying the international market in the ily, extracted from the testes and spines has last few years, from landings of around 120 000 cardioprotective action and healing proper- ton in 1995 to the current levels of about 75 000 ties for ocular diseases and they developed ton (Stefánsonn, Kristinsonn, Ziemer, Hannon, two drugs, “Histochrome” and “Gistochrome” & James, 2017). Only a few species show the which were commercially approved in Rus- highest level of fishing pressure, with 32 thou- sia (FSP R002363/02-260213 Manufacturer’s sand ton for Loxechinus albus and 25 thousand Pharmacopeia Article; Mischenko, Fedoreyev ton for Strongylocentrotus spp. (FAO, 2020). & Bagirova, 2003; US6410601B2; Mischenko The sea urchin roe market is very traditional et al., 2005; Lebed’ko, Ryzhavskii, & Demido- in Japan, a country that accounts over 80 % of va, 2015; Vasileva, Mischenko, & Fedoreyev, the global consumption the seafood (Brown & 2017; Fedoreyev et al., 2018a; Fedoreyev et Eddy, 2015) Consumer demand for sea urchins al., 2018b; Shikov, Pozharitskaya, Krishtopina, is driven by several key market factors, includ- & Makarov, 2018; Yoon et al., 2019; Oh et ing innovation and experimentation, conve- al., 2019; Barbieri et al., 2020; Rubilar et al., nience, and health (Stefánsonn et al., 2017). 2020). There are also biologically active foods Sea urchin roe is a delicacy served in sushi being developed with naphthoquinone pig- bars, restaurants and at wedding banquets (Sun ments from sea urchins, such as Thymarin, Sea & Chiang, 2015). For centuries the roe has Hematogen and AXIVOS® (Table 1). In this been consumed in Mediterranean countries in manner, the actives principle present in sea sauces, with pasta, breads, as well as in custards urchin testes and spines have been used com- and ice-cream (Wise, 2008; Gangi 2011; Ste- mercially in an innovatively. However, this is fánsonn et al., 2017). There have been a variety still based on harvesting sea urchin. Still, on the of efforts to generate new species entrants into positive side, it would appear that it has been the market, such as the Project DIADEMAR evidenced that there are real benefits for human a private-public consortium that developed a health (Shikov et al., 2018; Itoh et al., 2016; Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075, Vol. 69(S1): 474-486, March 2021 (Published Mar. 10, 2021) 475 TABLE 1 Biological active foods from sea urchin extracts develop for marketing Product Country Description Use Axivos New Zeland & Russia Extract of sea urchin on fructosa and Sea urchin pigments for diabetes type Vitamin C (BBA) 1 and 2 Sea Hematogen Russia Syrup with antioxidant properties with Preserves the maximum amount of raw honey and sea urchin extract substances useful for human health Thymarin Russia Honey or fructose formulation with Dietary supplment Vitamin C and Echinochrome A Vasileva et al., 2017; Yoon et al., 2019; Artyu- Ireland, Italy, Scotland, New Zealand, among kov et al., 2020), and marketable products have others. The interesting attempts cannot always been developed to meet the increasing demand be seen to be reflected in the number of publi- for these pigments. cations regarding aquaculture development in Sea urchin aquaculture has its own very the last 10 years; nor are these efforts reflected unique background and history (Fig. 1) but in the number of patents generated around the all of the possible uses of sea urchins clearly world concerning sea urchin aquaculture. indicate that there is a requirement to meet the In this work we attempt to do a basic demands of a number of areas, including qual- review regarding the sea urchin aquaculture ity roe production, naphthoquinone pigments attempts and the difficulties these enterprises and drug discovery. In spite of the obvious have as well as to examine to new examples potential and research advances made to date, with Blue Economy in their core and present an according to Sun and Chiang (2015), it has innovative approach in their projects. been difficult to find successful examples of Experiences regarding sea urchin species sea urchin aquaculture. Still, even though it consumed and culture has been stated that sea urchin aquaculture is a risky business (Smith, 2017), many countries We will present the aquaculture attempts and companies have been making efforts to in the
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