Grand Master's Itinerary MAY THROUGH AUGUST 1988 MAY 1988 4 Lodge No. 138, !75th Anni­ 22 Committee on Masonic Homes, versat-y, Orwigsburg Elizabethtown 2 Lodge No. 275, Lau·obe I I Lodge No. 573, IOOth Anni­ 23 Tall Cedars of Lebanon No. 43, 3 Lodge No. 317, Wellsboro versary, Millvale Harrisburg 7 Special Communication of the 13 Lodge No. 673, 75th Anni­ AUGUST 1988 Grand Lodge for the purpose of versary, Allentown Dedicating the Lodge Room, 20 Va lle y of Philadelphia, AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE RIGHT WORSHIPFUL GRAND LODGE OF FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF PENNSYLVANIA Lodge No. 366, Union City 14 Lodge No. 599, Ellwood City 18 Lodge No. 574, lOOth Anni­ A.A.S.R., Maso nic Fa mily ll Lodge No. 629, 85th Anni­ Picnic, West Point Park VOLUME XXXV MAY • 1988 NUMBER2 versat-y Banquet versat-y, Coalport 24 Committee on Masonic Homes, 26 Committee on Masonic Homes, 14 Special Communication of the Eliza bethtown Grand Lodge for the purpose of Elizabethtown 27 Masonic Congress Committee, Dedicating the Lodge Room, 25 Board of Directors Meeting, Maso nic Hom es, Elizabeth­ Lodge No. 754, Titusville Pennsylvania Youth Foun­ The Family of Freemasonry town 16 Law Enforcement Square Club dation, Elizabethtown Banquet, Philadelphia 25 Lodge No. 67 4, 75 th Anni­ Arthur J. Kurtz, R. W. Grand Master several appendant bodies; that Free­ 19 North Penn High T welve Club, versary, Coraopolis masonry is not only a brotherhood 27-30 Imperial Shrine of North has caused to be struck a bronze North Wales medallion depicting the "Family of that includes the immediate mem­ 20-21 Annual Spring Reunion, An1erica Session, New Orleans Valley of Harrisburg, A.A.S.R. Freemasonry": The well known bers who belong to it, but that it J ULY 1988 22-25 Annual Conclave, Grand symbols of the York Rite, the is also a family that must extend Comma ndery of Knights 7-8 Council of Delibera tion, Tall Cedars of Lebanon, the itself to include many others A.A.S.R. , Hershey Templar, York who might not be members, 27 Committee on Masonic Homes, 10-1 1 Northeast Conference of Grand Blue Lodge, the Ancient Elizabethtown Masters, Deputy Grand Masters Arabic Order Nobles of the but who can benefit from and Grand Secretaries, Maine Mystic Shrine and the our light. JUNE 1988 ~----- - --- - ----- - ---- - - -- -- - -- 12-1 3 Grand Assembly of the Inter­ Ancient Accepted Scottish Production of these m e­ Quarterly Communication of national Order of Rainbow for The Master Builders Rite, emanating from the rays dallions is very limited. Bro. Grand Lodge, Corinthian Hall, Girls, Altoona A History of the Grand Lodge of Free Kurtz is presenting the medallion Masonic Temple, Philadelphia 14-15 Annual DeMolay Conclave, and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania of Apollo, the god of light. 2-5 Annual Convention, Tall Cedars Grove City The idea behind this unique at his visitations to the Blue Lodges Enclosed is my check or money order in of Lebanon of North America, 16 Lodge No. 575, lOOth Anni­ work of art is to illumine and im­ and the various appendant bodies. Wildwood versary, Mercer the~~ntcl S ~ purchasing the following volume(s) of prove the fraternal bond that exists be­ It is not for sale. the MASTER BUILDERS: tween the Symbolic Lodges and the Make check payable to Grand Secretary. ·' Masonic Temple Volume I --® $22.95 S ___ One North Broad Street Second Class Volume II __ @ $22.95 S _ _ _ Philadelphia, PA 19107-2598 POSTAGE P A I D Volume Ill __ @ $22.95 Philadelphia, Slip Case __ @ S 5.00 S ___ The Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown Pennsylvania and Additional Total Enclosed S ___ Offices Implements Changes to Better Serve the Masonic Fraternity ' Ship to: Assignment of All Assets and Josep h E. Murphy, Executive their eligibility for Medicaid and Medi­ Lodge No. No Longer Required Director. care in the event it would ever be needed This change was approved after careful and each resident would be required to submit a financial report of their assets Address After 78 continual years of requiring consideration of all factors involved, with the turning over of all assets to the specific consideration on what would and execute a will of their choice upon Masonic Homes upon admittance, a new best serve the residents, as well as the admission. City State Zip admission policy has been initiated by the Masonic Homes. This new policy will help those mem­ Committee on Masonic Homes and will The new policy will permit applicants bers or relatives who need or want to T elephone (area code) become effective June 6, 1988. to control and retain their assets after apply to the Masonic Homes and are The above pt; ces include The Committee on Masonic Homes certain three-year requirements for rel uctant to turn over all their assets. taxes, postage and handling costs. approved this change at their December Homes care have been fulfilled. Utilizing The new policy does not in any way Mail to: 4, 1987 meeting which was recommended a trust arrangement, individually super­ change the primary mission of the Masonic Homes which is to provide T he Library & Museum by a special sub-committee consisting of vised and monitored by a Trust Officer The Masonic Temple the following members: W. Scott Stoner, from an outside bank, each resident service to those who have a social, medical One orth Broad Srreet R.W.D.G.M., chairman; Edward H. would be currently advised by a monthly or financial need. The q uality of care at Fowler, Jr., R.W.S.G .W.; Samuel C. statement as to all charges, income and the Masonic Homes has never and will POSTMAST ER: Send address changes to above. Philadelphia, PA 19107-25.98 ~ Please incl ude complete imprinL of address on your postal return cl ipping. Williamson, R .W .P .G.M.; J ohn K. balance of the account. not in the fu ture, depend on an in- ~ ----- -- - ----- ------- - ---- -- -- ~ Young, R.W.P.G.M. and Legal Counsel; All residents will still have to maintain con tinued on page I 4 20 Annual Grand Communication is Held in Hershey Brethren and their ladies from through­ masonry, the Northern Masonic Juris­ Address which was published in the out Pennsylvania as well as other diction A.A.S.R., the Conference of February issue of this publication. After Masonic jurisdictions began to arrive in Grand Masters of North America, The the business portion of the meeting, Bro. Hershey for the Annual Grand Com­ Masonic Service Association, The George Kurtz was presented with a gavel made munication in the early afternoon of Washing ton Masonic National Me­ from a tree at the Masonic Homes. Pre­ Sunday, December 27, 1987 for the two morial Association, Ancient Arabic Order senting the gavel were Bros. Abraham C. day affair. Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, Tall Cedars Bucher, P.M. of William S. Snyder Lodge Shuttle buses then took the invited of Lebanon and the youth groups. Bro. No. 756 and Stanley Kaylor of Abraham Freemasonry: A Family Affair: Bro. Arthur J. Kurtz, Grand Master Bretlrren and their wives to Founders George Holmes, Grand Marshal, said a C. T reichler Lodge No. 682. After a few and Family. Hall of the Milton S. Hershey School few words about Bro. Stenberg's tenure as remarks, the Grand Lodge was closed in where Bro. Arthur J. Kurtz hosted a Grand Master and then presented him Harmony at 1:30 p.m. Vesper Service. T he solemn religious with a photographic Book of Re­ While the Brethren attended Grand service included singing led by the membrance and a ring inscribed with the Lodge, their ladies attended a I uncheon at Harrisburg Consistory Choir, responsive jewel of a Past Grand Master, a gift from the Hershey Lodge. Julia Cummings, readings and a scripture lesson conducted his appointed officers. Following the who holds a PhD. in Speech, discussed by The Rev. Marrj n Hopkins, D.D., one dinner, the evening concluded with a communication and the importance of of the ministers from Bro. Kurtz's church. reception in the rotunda where a beauti­ laughter. Mrs. Stenberg introduced Mrs. Another minister from Bro. Kurtz's ful, decorated Christmas tree stood sur­ Kurtz and turned the afternoon over to church, The Rev. Robert M. Vowler, rounded by the guests dancing while her. delivered the sermon, "Underachievers music fi lled the marbled rotunda. Meanwhile, the Brethren were enter­ All. " A reception followed in the marbled Monday began with a buffet breakfast tained at a luncheon held in the Camelot "Thank you, Bro. Stenberg ..." rotunda of Founders Hall. a t the Hershey Lodge after which seven Room fo llowing the closing of Grand That evening, the Grand Master's hundred Brethren attended the Annual Lodge. Dinner, hosted by Bro. Carl W. Stenberg, Grand Communication in the audi­ Following this, at 3:00 p.m. a Special Jr., was held in the Camelot Room of torium of Founders H all. Grand Lodge Meeting of Bro. Kurtz's Lodge, Robert Founders H all. After dinner, the was opened and Bro. Stenberg greeted Burns Lodge No. 464, was held towel­ prominent Brethren and their ladies were distinguished guests. Many of the Grand come the newly installed Grand Master. introduced. T hese Masonic notables in­ Lodge minutes and usual reports were Dressed in traditional Scottish attire and cluded most of our Past Grand Masters, dispensed with, excepting of those playing the bagpipe, Bro. Charles Ander­ other Brethren from Pennsylvania and most important. Bro. Stenberg gave a son of Robert Burns Lodge, led the distinguished guests from sixteen other short farewell address, after which the Grand Lodge Procession.
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