Give Shabbat a Chance Photo credit: Sid Koniff Challah Cover by Sandra Brick I¦TON T¦ZIYON iuhm iuTg¦¦ “Shabbat is the day we stand still and let all our blessings The Newsletter of Mount Zion Temple catch up with us.” August/September 2017 - Rabbi Jonathan Sacks Av/Elul/Tishrei 5777-5778 Vol. 161, No. 7 L’DOR VADOR LETTER FROM THE RABBI FROM GENERATION TO GENERATION A Complex Relationship with Israel MAZEL TOV TO... As an American Jew, I have a complex relationship with Israel. I feel a deep Our members who will celebrate a milestone anniversary attachment to the land and people of Israel that began in the summer of in August & September: Sanford and Cheryl Bemel, 1988. As part of a college study program, I spent five weeks in Jerusalem Deb Fineman and Rich Soule, Stan and Sue Leonard, and then a month on an archaeological dig in Sepphoris (near Nazareth). Craig and Mindy Rutman, Louis and Nancy Melamed, That dig was where my love for Judaism truly began. I still smile involun- Stephan Weingarten and Connie Dickson, Dan and tarily when I remember the joy of unearthing our ancestors’ pottery for Lisa Schibel, Charles and Terri Stander, Scott Deetz the first time in 2000 years. Touching history. Discovering identity. and Julie Dean, Morley Friedman and Deidre Greene, David and Karen Ellis, Robert Richman and Kristin The complexity in the relationship is easy to understand. I support Israel Beckmann, Raj and Michelle Thomas, Mark and Dar- and my fellow Jews who live there, and yet I choose to do so while making America my lene Levenson, Charlie and Karmit Bulman, Bill and home. That decision limits my ability to participate in the greatest experiment in Jewish Susan Robiner, Todd and Jill Dreyfus, Phil Margolis life in recent history. I have made my peace with that decision. and Adina Lebowitz. I am in awe of all that the modern state of Israel has gifted the Jewish world, from the ren- Curt and Adele Brown on the marriage of their daughter, aissance of Hebrew as a spoken language to the Birthright program for hundreds of thou- Kenzie, to Val Smith, on July 15. sands of young people. I am proud of all that Israel has given the world, from agricultural Charlie and Karmit Bulman on the marriage of their advances freely offered to developing countries to extraordinary innovation by Nobel prize son, Jeremy, to Devon Manley, on June 3. winners and entrepreneurs. Ian and Betsy Ellis on the marriage of their son, Nathan, That awe is not diminished by the complexity that comes from the unending Israeli-Pales- to Cassandra Dara-Abrams, on May 28. tinian conflict and the larger, existential Arab-Israeli dynamic. Yet I am anguished by the Daniel and Laura Lundquist-Peskorz on the birth of conflict. The day to day injustices that too many Palestinians face because of the “status their son, and to Adela and Joseph Peskorz on the birth quo” is insufferable. The building of tunnels to terrorize Israeli children and the thousands of their grandson, Irving, on July 16. of missiles landing in Israel is unconscionable. The capitulations to extremist positions in Israel erode our values and confidence in the possibilities for peace. The cycles of violence Michelle and Gary Pulford on the birth of their assault my conscience. Just this past week, the killings on the Temple Mount seemed to grandson, Oliver, on July 23. follow a Kafkaesque script. Individual terrorist actions are responded to in measured ways Eric and Sara Rice on the birth of their daughter, and by Israelis and then used as a pretext by Palestinians leaders, in thinly veiled politics, to Michelle and Gary Pulford on the birth of their bolster their own standing among their people. This in turn allows for more extreme voices grandaughter, Margaret, on June 8. in Israel to sound measured. I pray that by time you are reading this, rationality has pre- Sue & Pete Stein on the birth of their grandson, Micah, vailed and the violence curtailed. on July 15. The complexity is further exacerbated by the politics Sue & Pete Stein on the marriage of their son Adam to of Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu’s willingness Crystal Williams, on June 10. to sell out non- Orthodox Judaism. It is not surprising ZICHRONAM LIVRACHA... but it is infuriating. And this time may be, God May their memories be a blessing willing, a turning point. This summer, I was leading We note with sorrow the passing of our members: my fifth Mount Zion Israel trip. On Saturday night, Sybil Katz July 1st, a group of us joined 2000 people outside Ne- Our condolences to her family, tanyahu’s residence in Jerusalem to protest the gov- including her son, Harold (Kathy) Katz. ernment’s two decisions, to advance legislation Honnen Weiss allowing for only (ultra) Orthodox conversion in Our condolences to his family, Israel and to abandon last year’s compromise at the including his wife, Barbara Weiss Western Wall which would have created a proper egal- and his former wife, Rochelle Weiss. itarian prayer space. The swift denunciation of the Is- WE EXTEND CONDOLENCES TO... raeli government’s decisions from all sectors of the Mount Zion members Gary Pang and Shel Finver (Dee Albert) on the death of his father, American Jewish community was unprecedented. Varda Nauen were among the Israel trip participants who joined Rabbi Leon Finver, on May 29. In all this complexity, I have not lost hope nor lost Spilker in protest outside Netanyahu's Steve (Rita) Levin on the death of his father, Harold my voice. As American Jews, we should not tell Israel residence in Jerusalem on July 1st. Levin, on July 11. what to do, but we should not desist in telling Israel Michelle Morris on the death of her mother, Arlene what we think. This is our role as Jews living outside of Israel. We may consider other Knopp, on June 30. actions as well. However, despite the complexity, it is clear that Israel is often Sarah Orman (Steven Ellis) on the death of her misunderstood and vilified in the international arena. We can in good conscience continue father, Allen D. Orman, on May 25. to support Israel publicly even as we speak our truths privately and, when needed, publicly Rich Sheinfeld (Heidi Goldstein) on the death of as well. This is the dance of being a modern Jew. his father, Norman Sheinfeld, on June 16. Sue (Pete) Stein on the death of her mother, Mildred Adam Stock Spilker, Rabbi Fulton, on June 29. 2 MAKE SHABBAT YOUR SANCTUARY Food for Thought AUGUST Learn and Nosh before Shabbat Services FRIDAY SHABBAT SATURDAY SHABBAT EVENING SERVICES MORNING SERVICES 5:45 - 6:15 p.m. Gathering and a Light Nosh 6:15 - 7:15 p.m. Food for Thought Discussions August 5, 10:00 a.m. Discussion over wine, juice, and light appetizers. August 4, 6:00 p.m. Celebrate Shabbat! Va-et’chanan - Deut. 3:23-5:18* Child care available. Shabbat Nahamu Friday, September 15 August 11, 6:00 p.m. Micah Baum, Bar Mitzvah Celebrate Shabbat! August 12, 10:00 a.m. Ekev - Deut. 7:12-9:3* Alexander Chan, Bar Mitzvah Re-turning: August 18, 6:00 p.m. Learn the Meaning and Music Birthday Blessings August 19, 10:00 a.m. of Essential Prayers Re’eh - Deut. 11:26-12:28* Nila Cooper, Bat Mitzvah Cantor Jennifer Strauss-Klein and August 25, 6:00 p.m. Rabbi Adam Stock Spilker Honoring Shelter and Garage Sale August 26, 10:00 a.m. Volunteers Shof’tim - Deut. 16:18-18:5* Dylan Zimmerman, Bar Mitzvah The prayer book for the discuss, and sing a few of the High Holy Days is called High Holy Day prayers, a “machzor”, a Hebrew and discuss the “new” SEPTEMBER word meaning “cycle” and machzor Mishkan Hanefesh “return”. We return to reflect to enter the season with more FRIDAY SHABBAT SATURDAY SHABBAT on our lives. In this “Food for understanding and readiness. Thought” session, we will read, EVENING SERVICES MORNING SERVICES Daily Service Schedule September 1, 6:00 p.m. September 2, 10:00 a.m. Daily services are held in the Harris Chapel, Monday through Thursday Celebrate Shabbat! Ki Tetze – Deut. 21:10-23:7* Zachary Goldberg, Bar Mitzvah at 5:45 p.m., Sundays at 9:30 a.m. August September 8, 7:30 p.m. September 9, 10:00 a.m. Mondays: Charles Fodor, Henry Lippman, Gloria Livingston Professional Quartet Ki Tavo - Deut. 26:1-27:10* Tuesdays: John Mast, Nancy Cohen, Denise Jacobus Celebrate Shabbat! Wednesdays: Eric Lund, Nancy Cohen, Benjamin Elwood Thursdays: Rita Grossman, Susan Benfield, Andrew Rapoport September 15, 7:30 p.m. September 16, 10:00 a.m. Sundays: Charles Fodor, Janet Kampf, John Mast Food for Thought, 5:45 p.m. (p. xx) Nitzavim/Vayelech - Deut. 29:9-30:14* Birthday Blessings Celebrate Shabbat! September Selichot, 8:30 p.m. Mondays: Patrick Zimmerman, Alex Klass, Shirley Kulevsky Tuesdays: John Mast, Stuart Appelbaum, Jean King Appelbaum September 22, 7:30 p.m. September 23, 10:00 a.m. Wednesdays: Eric Lund, Nancy Mason Hauser, Rick Hauser Shabbat Shuvah Ha’azinu - Deut 32:1-52* Thursdays: Rita Grossman, Ellen Sampson, Peggy Kipp Shabbat Shuvah Sundays: Ted Flaum, Charles Fodor, Rita Grossman, Lindsay Nauen, Healing Service, 4 p.m. Anne and Kurt Schaeffer If you would like to participate in Leading or Greeting at daily September 29 September 30 services, contact Janet 651-482-9951 or Charles 651-646-6543. Kol Nidre/Yom Kippur Yom Kippur Iton Tziyon Cover: Give Shabbat a Chance - Each bulletin See p.
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