, Opens T SEE STORY BELOW Showers Likely FINAL Variable cloudiness with. THEBMLY chance of occasional showers Itiri Kunk, KiwhoM today, tonight and EDITION • -High today In low I cooler near coast: ^ Monmouth County9* Outstanding Home l\'ewspap«r TEN CENTS VOL.fi NO. 218 RED BANK, N.J. MONDAY, MAY 1,1972 inuiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiimiiiM^ \fiet Reds Score Big (iains on Central Coast SAldtlN (AP) - North government strongpoint, the rest of the year. The rice forces deeper into retreat last nams. Vietnamese forces extended Landing Zone English, a regi- is being harvested by farmers night. They abandoned their The pressure also increased their (jontrol over about mental headquarters to the who have not left the land forward division headquarters on Hue, 35 miles farther s 200,000; people along South south. despite the fighting. at the Quan Tri combat base ' •south. It was disclosed that « Vietnam's central, coast 1 English was reported under Bong Son and Hoai An dis- and fell back'2'^ miles across A'merican, Korean and Fili- today, completing a sweep of firefoday, and the four Amer- trict towns had been lost ear- a river, burning a bridge be- pino civilians working on no- the three district towns in ican" advisers there were lier. With Tam Quan now hind them. nofficial jobs have begun northerji Binh Dinh Province evacuated by helicopter. One gone, the enemy has rammed There they sagged into a evacuating the old imperial and scoring the biggest terri- crewman aboard the helicop- a foothold into the central tight defensive ring around capital. Only 15 to 20 remain, torial gains of their offensive. ter was wounded. coast that can be extended Quang Tri, capital of north- most of them Americans, U.S. The fall yesterday of Tam ; The loss of Tarn Quan also north or south. ernmost Quang Tri Province. officials said. Quan, (he northernmost dis- Rives the Communists a rich On the far northern front, The city lies about 20 miles Quang Tri combat base had trict In] Binh Dinh Province, rice cfpp, enough to feed an 8,000-round artillery bar- south of the demilitarized served as forward headquar- RtgliUr stall PlH(> imperil| the only, remaining their forces in the region for rage drove South Vietnamese zone separating the two Viet- ters of the 3rd Infantry Divi- LET MY PEOPLE GO — Abraham, J. Bayer, left.of New York City, for- sion defending Quang Tri mer national coordinator of the National Conference on Soviet. Jewry, ad- Province. dressed an Asbury Park Rally |or Soviet Jewry yesterday. With him are Mrs. Delbert Majnmen, Fair Haven, president of4the Southern New Jersey The retreating South Viet- Region of Haddssah, which sponsored the rally, and Isidore Zlotkln, Free- namese forces included IB hold, president of the Monmouth County Jewish Community Council, co- tanks, Associated Press corre- sponsor. spondent Lynn C. Newland re- ported. As the South Vietnamese withdrew, they destroyed a bridge northwest of Quang Tri City to slow the tank-led Support of Jews North Vietnamese drive that has seized control of the northern and western sectors of the Province. In Soviet Urged U.S. and South Vietnamese officials believe one major By DORIS KULMAN . , throughout the country yes- Maurice Belfor, Anatoli Navo- goal in the North Vietnamese terday, proclaimed Solidarity kov, YakovPisarivsky, and .. offensive is to seize South ASBURY PARK -Write or \ Day with the Soviet's 3.5 mil- Boris Tzitlonak. Vietnam's two northernmost telephone beleaguered Jews in lion Jews. More than 100,000 In speeches and petitions, provinces — Quang Tri and the Soviet Union to show sup- persons participated in the the rally called on President Thua Thien — to strengthen port for their struggle for reli- New York City parade and Nixon to .convey to Soviet their hand in Paris peace ne- gious freedom and desire to rally. , leaders "American anger" gotiations. Loss of the terri- emigrate to Israel, to reas- Mr. Bayer disclosed that his about religious oppression' in - tory also would be a blow for sure them neither they not organization last Thursday re- that country when he travels the Saigon government's at- their ordeal are being forgot- ceived a telephone call from to Russia later this month. tempts to prove its ability to ten, and to'protest them from 10 Soviet Jews who said they ' 'President Nixon is going to defend the country. further Soviet persecution^ were being conscripted into Moscow... on a mission of ; South Vietnamese troops The plea, to' Americans ol the Rassjsm^ Army as punish- peace'for the entire world, all religious faiths, was made ment f(if itieff, annouucpnint and our prayers go with him," , Rwlller Staff Pholo trying to reopen National HOSPITAL DEDICATED— Ceremonies dedicating the new 158-bed Bayshore Community Hospital, Highway 1, the vital supply here yesterday by Abraham that they want "to" emigrate to Mr..-Bayer-said, "And, be- Holrndel, were held yesterday culminating a plan begun over a decade agcrto build a hospital in the line to Quang Tri, were locked J. Bayer, director of inter- Israel. cause he isinir'Eresident, WJJ Bayshore area to meet Increasing demands for such a facility. Left t6 right are Mayor David Cohen of in heavy fighting for the sec- national affairs for the Na-, Mr. Bayer said the tele- ask him to speak on our bo-, tional Jewish Community Re- phone message from the 10 half... to tell Soviet leaders Holindel; Manuei Gale vice president of the hospital board of trustees; Thomas Goldman, hospital dl- ond day and their drive was to let our people go now." rectpr> and Dr. WIINam J.Dougherty, state deputy commissioner of health. „ stalled south of the city. lations Advisory Council, New said. ' "'•• -„• - ^ York City, "We are proud and happy WIT religions are oppressed Mr. Bayer, who furnished by the solidarity of the Ameri- in the Soviet, but Jews seem addresses and telephone num- can people with our unparal- to be a special target, Mr. bers of Soviet Jews.he said leled struggle for our in- Bayer said. are willing to brave official alienable right to leave for Is- 1 He said there are only two Hospital to Open Today reprisal for their determina- rael. There is no force that synagogues left in Moscow, tion to declare and preserve will stop us on the way to our which has a Jewish population HOLMDEL - Today's The Rev. William C. Ander- member of the hospital's Haz- David Cohen, Holmdel mayor were becoming inadequate to their Jewishness, addressed motherland." of 500,000, that the three rab- opening of the Bayshore Com- son, president of the Bayshore Iet Auxiliary. It was present- and Joseph C. Irwin, director meet the growing need, and a an overflow crowd of more He identified the callers as bis in that city are near or munity Hospital was preceded Ministerium Association, de- ed to her by the Department of the Board of Chosen Free- group of Bayshore area doc- •than 250 at a rally for Soviet Gabriel Shapiro, Valentin. more than 70 years old, and by dedication ceremonies jtes- livered the invocation. Pre- of Defense in memory of her holders, spoke. tors and businessmen, met, Jewry in the boardwalk pavil- Prussakov, Mark Nashpitz, there aren't any rabbinical terda}'. sentation of colors* was by late husband, Corporal Ed- Efforts to meet the need for reviewed the need and began lion. Boris Kojan, Emmanuel Smi- seminaries permitted where Officiating at the dedication American Legion Post 23 of mund Buchman of the U. S. a hospital in this area began, to plan for a new hospital. The rally was one of many liansky, Gregory Baltman, See Letters, Page 2 program of the new 158-bed Keyport. Army Air Force. in 1961 when the Bayshore hospital, was John N. Gilvey, The flag used in the flag The public was welcomed area population began to grow Within two years a hospital assistant to the hospital direc- raising ceremony is the gift of by Manuel Gale, vice-presi- rapidly. board was formed, official ap-' tor. Mrs. Florence Buchman, a dent of the board of trustees.* By 1962 existing hospitals proval was gained, an archi- tect was hired and plans were underway for a fund-raising Teacher,BoardParIeys campaign. Industry, business and pri- A Heddstart for Every Child: vate residents responded.to the need and over $900,000 To Be Resumed Today was pledged to the campaign. By JIM McCORMICK Rosser, a field representative around 2:15 a.m. today, the Subsequent campaigns were for the .New Jersey Education association increased the de- The Early Years Are Crucial conducted in following years. EAST BRUNSWICK - Con- Association, said that a settle- mands to around nine. By Dtl. ANNIE L. BUTLER greatly improved. eratcly plan, tract negotiations in the now ment could evolve today or The board's negotiator said If, on the other hand, he In April, 19(19, an application 12-day old Freehold Regional Wednesday, which is the next Earti Childhood Specialist If a child is to be a good was made under a new feder- that the association yesterday gets off to a bad start, he may learner, he needs to be in top High School district strike time both sides are scheduled afternoon placed emphasis on Indiana University be a long time learning to physical condition. Most par- al program for an K.1I.A. to meet with.Mr. Aarons. Thejj early years of school guarantee for a long-term were scheduled to resume this the issues of class size, teach- adjust, arid have problems all ents, of course, are well aware morning as three high schools Robert Murray, the board's are cnicial.
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