TOWN OF DEWEY-HUMBOLDT P.O. BOX 69 The Dewey-Humboldt HUMBOLDT, AZ 86329 www.dhaz.gov Newsletter Vol. 12 Issue 3 (928) 632-7362 March 2017 NEWS FROM TOWN HALL Iron King Mine/Humboldt the upcoming months. Smelter Superfund Site Updates We will be reaching out in the next few weeks about our upcoming outreach. on Current Work. As part of our In the meantime, if you have questions or efforts to keep the Dewey-Humboldt com- concerns about EPA activities in Dewey- munity informed about developments and Humboldt, please contact Heather Parker, progress related to our work at the Iron EPA Community Involvement Coordina- King Mine / Humboldt Smelter (IKHS) Su- tor, at (415) 972-3112 or par- perfund site, EPA would like to describe [email protected]. our recent and upcoming activities at the IN THIS ISSUE: Town reinstated a separate Activity Center pg 5 site. Board of Adjustment. The Town of American Legion pg 3 EPA has completed sampling, Dewey-Humboldt is required by state law An Explanation pg 3 screening evaluation, and health risk as- sessment for almost 600 residential prop- to establish a Board of Adjustment with Coffee With Town Mgr pg 6 erties in Dewey-Humboldt. We have found the following powers and duties: Corned Beef Dinner pg 5 that the soils in the vast majority of yards (a) Hear and decide appeals from a DHHS General Meeting pg 6 do not pose an unacceptable health risk decision, determination or interpretation DH Library News pg 4 to residents as a result of the former mine made by the Zoning Administrator, in DH Town Meetings pg 5 or smelter operations. However, EPA has which it is alleged there is an error in an Firewise Board Certified pg 6 identified a limited number of properties order, requirement or decision made by the Zoning Administrator in the enforce- March Holidays & Events pg 5 where levels of lead (or arsenic) in yard ment of a zoning ordinance; New Business pg 3 soil are high enough that exposure to the soils over the long term could pose a (b) Hear and decide appeals for vari- New Community Board pg 2 health risk. ances from the terms of the zoning ordi- Permits Issued pg 3 In late January, EPA obtained au- nance only if, because of special circum- Permit Requirements pg 3 thorization and funding to proceed with a stances applicable to the property, includ- PV Farmers Market pg 6 cleanup action for soils at the limited num- ing its size, shape, topography, location, Rabies Shots pg 5 ber of residential yards where cleanup is or surroundings, the strict application of Special Election pg 2 warranted. Planning for the cleanup is the zoning ordinance will deprive such property of privileges enjoyed by other UA Superfund Project pg 3 now underway, which includes reaching property of the same classification in the Volunteers Needed pg 6 out directly to homeowners whose yards may be impacted and identifying sources same zoning district. Any variance grant- FREE TAX PREPARA- of clean soil to replace contaminated soils ed shall be subject to such conditions as TION OFFERED AT removed during the cleanup. In the up- will assure that the adjustment authorized coming weeks, EPA will issue a fact sheet shall not constitute a grant of special privi- ERAU that will include in-depth details about the leges inconsistent with the limitations up- Accounting students and residential cleanup, what it will entail, and on other properties in the vicinity and staff from Embry-Riddle Aero- how we made our decisions about which zone in which such property is located; nautical University will prepare (c) Hear and decide appeals from deci- area residents’ individual 2017 yards would require cleanup. EPA is also planning an in-person community meeting sions of the Zoning Administrator in re- tax returns for free. quests for adjustments as set forth in divi- Appointments are available and Town Council update for late March or early April, and meeting dates and lo- sion below; from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. every Sat- (d) Reverse or affirm, wholly or partly, urday. Walk-ins cannot be ac- cation will be announced in the upcoming cepted; make appointments in weeks. or modify the order or decision appealed advance by contacting Cindy EPA has also made progress on the from and make such order or decision as Greenman, ERAU professor of Feasibility Study for the site, which is a ought to be made; and; accounting, regular business study of cleanup alternatives that exam- (e) Interpret this chapter when the hours Monday through Friday, at ines and evaluates options for addressing meaning of any word, phrase, or section 928-777-3885 or green- contamination at the non-residential areas is in doubt, or where doubt exists as to [email protected]. Friday. Appoint- of the site (such as the tailings pile, flood the proper district of a specific use. ments will be offered on a first- plain filled with tailings, the dam, and the The Board of Adjustment (BOA) is come, first-serve basis. smelter property). While this study will not intended to meet often. Town Council Tax prep will be done at likely take a year in total to complete, we has performed the duties of BOA since ERAU’s Robertson Aviation hope to be able to present some prelimi- 2012 and has heard three hearings as the Safety Center, 3700 Willow nary information about cleanup options in BOA since then. Creek Road, Prescott. BOA—Continued on page 2 2 The Dewey-Humboldt Newsletter BOA—Continued from page 1 At former ron Station Market, 2735 South High- Street, Dewey-Humboldt, Arizona. CM Arlene Alen’s request, the Council way 69, Humboldt; and Blue Ridge Description Title: Referral to the began the process of reinstating a Market, Highway 69 and Kachina qualified electors of the Town of Dew- separate BOA in August 2016. As of Drive, Dewey. If you have any ques- ey-Humboldt, Arizona the question of January 2017, Council received 10 tions about “mandatory postings”, whether the Town Council’s adoption applications, adopted Ordinance 17- please contact the Town Clerk, Judy of a resolution approving a purchase 132 reinstating the Board of Adjust- Morgan at 928-632-7362 or judymor- contract for real property located at ment, and appointed a five (5) mem- [email protected]. 12925 E. Main Street, Dewey- ber Board. Three serve four (4) year We wish to thank Acme Water Humboldt, Arizona in the amount of terms and two serve two (2) year Company for allowing the Town to in- $120,000 for municipal purposes shall terms. stall the bulletin board, and hope that be approved. The members serving 4 year visitors to the standpipe will thank terms are: Ulys Brooks; Theodore them as well through their patronage. ELECCIÓN ESPECIAL 14 DE Brooks; Cheryl Taylor. MARZO DE 2017 The members serving 2 year CORRECCIÓN A LA VOTACIÓN terms are: Linda Horvath; Gary ESTE ES UN AVISO IMPORTANTE Ford. CON RESPECTO A SU BOLETA The BOA appointments became ELECTORAL PARA LA ELECCIÓN effective in February, 30 days after ESPECIAL DEL 14 DE MARZO DE Ordinance 17-132 was approved. All 2017 BOA meetings and hearings will sub- Un llamado fue hecho para una ject to the Open Meeting Law require- elección especial por el consejo del ments. The agendas will be posted pueblo del pueblo de Dewey- on the Town website www.dhaz.gov if Humboldt, Arizona relacionado a la you are interested in attending its fu- Building Official, Don Roberts installing resolución de autorización de aprobar ture meetings. You can also contact Bulletin Board el contrato de compra de los bienes Steven Brown, Community Planner or inmuebles ubicado en el 12529 E. Judy Morgan, Town Clerk for future Attention Voters: Yellow correction Main Street, Dewey-Humboldt, Arizo- BOA meeting information. cards went out to every registered D-H na. LA DIRECCION CORRECTA ES We wish to welcome the new voter on February 16th with the follow- 12925 E. MAIN STREET, DEWEY- Board Members and to wish them ing information. Election ballots mailed HUMBOLDT, ARIZONA. success in this challenging and re- on February 21st. Your ballot must be La boleta que usted recibió por received by Yavapai County Elections sponsible task to which they have correo para la próxima elección espe- been appointed. office or the Dewey-Humboldt Ballot Drop Box by March 14, 7pm. cial del 14 de marzo, 2017 contiene la A new Community Outreach bulle- dirección incorrecta. La propiedad que tin board. At CM Wendt’s request, sería adquirida si la aprueban los Council authorized staff to install a SPECIAL ELECTION MARCH votantes está ubicada en el 12925 E. new Community Outreach Bulletin 14, 2017 Main Street, Dewey-Humboldt, Ari- Board at the location of the Acme CORRECTION TO BALLOT zona. Por lo tanto, el Título Oficial y Water’s standpipe, near the intersec- El Título Descriptivo de su boleta es: tion of Kachina and Manzanita, just off THIS IS AN IMPORTANT NOTICE Título Oficial: Compra de Bienes State Route 69. The Bulletin Board REGARDING YOUR BALLOT FOR Inmuebles Ubicado en el 12925 E. was installed in cooperation with Ac- THE MARCH 14, 2017 SPECIAL Main Street, Dewey-Humboldt, Arizo- me Water Company and has been in ELECTION na. use since early February. A special election was called by Descripción Del Título: Referente a This was seen as an opportunity the Town Council of the Town of Dew- la calificación electoral del pueblo de to provide an additional location for ey-Humboldt, Arizona related to a res- the presentation of information of in- olution authorizing the purchase of real Dewey-Humboldt, Arizona la pregunta terest to community residents.
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