RATION OALENJ)Aa MEATS, . 'AT8, Bed ".mll. Q3, B~ aud 8G, ,ao· OEij8t:O 11'0008, Blu ••lamp. X5, YI, Z6. AJI aad B~, SUGAR, .tamp 34 ,ood for live pound. Indefinitely. GASOLINE. A·IS .ou, .... la .. ow raIl •• boolt ,0 •• IOWA~ PIiIIf., wlUl '.r tour ..Uo ... Ihr•• ,11 Do., III; PUlL OIL. 'orlo. , .... I e •• pon. remala nitA 'IIr.. ,b .. 1 110. hllllo, DAILY IOWAN rIIIIf6 .•'" , ••r . 880EI, AJrpl.... lla.. ,. ., II on. 8 " holt 1ft"" Ib ... , •• d Ind.flnll.I~ . Iowa City'l Morning Newlpaper , 7iVE CENTS TBa Allo~rap ..... IOWA CITY. IOWA FRIDAY. DECEMBER 29, 1944 VOLUME XLV NUMIEIlI2 .f ~ • U, S, BOMBERS RIP RAIL YARDS AT SALZBURG Patton Batters Southe rn. -Nazi Flank • War's' Decisive Battle Reds Capture 'Nuts' SaYI the General- Advance Alona 12 Budapest Bloody Basi ogne 35·Mile Front In Infantry_ lorpgrOUnd PARIS (AP)-The first loads of-began, It became apparent as the heroIc wounded have been moved endurance story began to untold. Ih of Slra8~ Third Army Chalks 'OuMnhi>to I down a mlle-wlde corridor from Aided by the biggest aerial sup­ East Suburbs the allied high command, a force of ply task force ever attempted by Up 16-Mile Gainl headquarters announced yesterday the alied high command, a force of ---HIM j that American relle! armOr and several thousand American veter­ In Roiling Offenlive Russian Troops Now infantry-of Lieut. Gen, Patton's ans purposedly hoped up In Bas­ Third army-had held firm against togne-a ten-way road an. rall PARI (AP)-Lieut, Gen. 58 Miles From Austria, German counterattacks on the junction so vital to the continuIng Goorge . P"tton' Third army, with a typieal lightning blow, 95 From Vienna flanks of the wedge, success of Field Marshal von Rund_ The valient week-long American stedt's sweep through B~l giu m­ was belie\'ed yesterday to have LONDON (AP)-Russian troops stand at Bastogne against immense and prepared to die rather than broken the baek of the German captured 12 more eastern suburbs odds waif the most heartening 51n- surrender the key trRnslt center. winter offensive and was batter. of Budapest yesterday, one of gle development for the allies since From Dec. 20 through Dec. 26 ing back the enemy' southern them six miles from the heart of the big German winter otfensive (Sec BASTOGNE, page 5) RUSSIAN l'oaCES haft drtvea flank on a 35.mil front in what to the western CUT I1mU.oI ....- may be the war's dec' ive bat. the city, as other units swept on pesi, HlID6arWt capital, aDd, III westward to witHin 58 miles of the another U·m&le adTa.aee; _ft eat tie. Austrian frontler and 92 miles the lut railwa, HOaPe wCltwvd. Berlin radio announced last U. 8. BOMBERS or Maj. Gen. Nathan F. Twining's U. S. Army 15th Air Force tbunder over the railway No Jap Beachheads from Vienna, Austrian capital. British Heads The Reda have come within 11 night that G rman pearheada ,.,.u a' Salzburr, Austria, with the smoke from their bomb hits II'lngling witb that trom the enemy's The Russians were only two of ~ ...., lDI.udre pots. Official United States Army air Forces photorraph. mile. completel, menaeing the Me riv r u miles from the eastern city limits Found on Mindoro the capital. well a that on the southern of Budapest. flank had been withdrawn "ac­ As shock troops of two power­ To Advocate • Fears Proved False cordlnl tD plan" as the United luI Red armies fought in the States First and Third armY at­ streets of the half of Budapest on Of Jap Naval Attack Gallup Admits FDR u.cked liercely from north, WClt 'I Ar my" Tokes Over Word Stores the west bank of the river and As Invasion Screen and south. through the eastern suburbs, the Gree kR egency Pre-Election Strength Hammerln, ,alns up to 16 miles others pushed on westward along both sides of the Danube where it G ENE R A L MacARTHUR'S In AX day. throulh the wooded ~izure Prompted At a Glance- WACs to Be Trained curves westward between Hun- HEADQUARTERS, Phlllppines. ATHENS (AP)-Prime Minister hilll ot Belgium and northern Frlday-(AP)-Ameridan libera- Churchill and Foreign Secretary Minimized in Report Luxembourl, Patton', powerful t':~~n:~d Czechoslovakia toward tlon forces on indoro island as- Anthony Eden len 'for London mobile army,punchlng up 1rom 8y Defiance 01 WLB 5 III Des Moines On.I~ . Marshal Rodion y, Malinovsky's certained tod~y that the Jap- yesterday to recommend tD King WAS H I N G TON (AP)-Dr. the south, rellcued the heroic o.:."Dwd,tU- Tod a y' anese did not use their Tuesday George II, exiled Greek monarch, George Gallup tDld house investl- Amerlcan garrison at BastollJle my pack. Second Ukraine army striking night naval attack on Yank posl- that he consent to the immediate gator yesterday that he reported and to the ellst beat back the Ger­ a veteran Presidential Power Iowan Military Center north of the great river reached Ilons there to screen the landing of establishment ol a regency in less Roosevelt strength early In the man wave .Cter it had swept to ludpbolO) Focus of Roosevelt, At Ft, Oglethorpe the Hron (Garam) river on a 30- troops on other portions of the is. Greece as the first esesntial step campaign than his own figures within 13 miles of Luxembourtl mile front from Leva (Levicc) land. toward solution of the country's showed, because he underesti- capital. Avery Labor Clash To Be Discontinued down to the Danube, thus reach- 'l;'he Nipponese task torce which political problems. mated the total vote. 8te_ Offenalve ... ... ... ing points within 65 miles east of fired ert,otl'cally nn the Unl'ted B t' I SI k . 't I d 96 ~ 'f A statement Issued by the Brit- The author of the Gallup polla . The hard·drlvlna Patton, Arner­ CHICAGO (AP) - President Nazis reported withdrawing WASmNG'l'ON (AP)-The war ra'1 IS f ava, V·ova capl 1\ , an States beachhead area' dl'sappeared ish ambassador here last night said shUta in population, to war lea'. No.1 tank general, was ,iven ml es rom lenna. 'Into the China sea, pursued' by IRoosevelt and Sewell Avery, from deepest penetration of department announced yesterday S· Ita I b I th I said that the archbishop of Athens, production centers, added to the the job of stemming the enemy', Imu neaus y, e ower ver Am e ric a n planes, and enemy dlainnan of the board of Mont- Belgjum. that all' military training of WACs I Hits f M h I acting as chairman of the peace dlfflcillties of accurate sampUna. surprise offensive three days after ,ornery Ward and co. collided will be consolidated at Ft. Des n ungary, e emen ,0. aI's, a ground and air activity on the is- conference which began two days Testifying before the hous(' von Rundstedt struck Dec. 16 and beadon last night on the issue of FDA. Sewel Avery clash on Moines by next April 1. Feodor I. Tolbukhm s Third land was lacking Wednesday, Gen. ago at Churchill's request, had campaign expe.nditure. committee, la t night Associated Prell correa­ C /he presidential powers in seizing governmental seizure of Ward The WAC tralnll}g center now Ukraine army drove 34 miles Douglas MacArthur rt'ported. tOOay. t Id h'i he said he deducted two polnta pondent Hawkins declared, It IP­ of BudapeSt along • it as· tlfought at first t.bat'the company facilities In even dtie, plant. operated at pt. Oglethorpe, Ga., northwe~t th~ a~ ,,~~:~Jei~n~e~:~e~: from the presldent', lndlCl\ted peared the back of the German main railway to Vielma and ~ Japanese naval units had taken the an immediate establlshment of a Thenrmy took over under presi- will be di$continued, popular vote of 5S J)t!rcent In the drive was broken, tured Tovaro:s, o.nly 63 mlles great risk to draw American atten- regency." early polls, to comJ)t!nsate for Simultaneously, the U. S. Pint denlial executive order in the Reds capture 12 more suburbs ConSOlidation of military train- so~theast of BratJslava and 92 tion while putting their t roo p s ._____________ . climax of Ward's long refusal to of Budapest. what he expected to be a light army hit back savagely from the comply with war labor board di- ing facilities at Des Moines, said !lUles from Vienna. ashore at some other point. turnout. north. carvlna out galna of almOlt A to!al of ,3,494 German and One reason for this suspicion Prime Minister C h u r chill .... : f I' . The bus Is the important thing, the department, "Is in line with the "It .",,,ves or emp oyes wage m- army's WAC recruiting program Hu~ganan . pns?ners were, taken was that the shelling itself not only used just two words to com­ Is likely," he said, "that all a mile and a hall In the north­ creeses and maintenance of union says Dag~~od, for 1945 which will stress the en- dunng the day s bloody flghtlng was ine!lective but came only from ment on a sniper's attempt to polls in a big vote turnout will un- west corner oC the German lallent m~bership. listment of women possessing spe- in Hungary and Slovakia, the Mos· light guns-5 Inchtrs-althoulth shot him on the steps of the der-esUmate the Ilze at the Demo- I pointed toward the fortress of cratic vote." Uege and the allled feeder hIgh­ cow communique said.
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