http://oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/c8765m3f No online items Guide to the Record Catalog Collection ARS.0184 Frank Ferko Archive of Recorded Sound 2017-01-19 [email protected] URL: http://library.stanford.edu/ars Guide to the Record Catalog ARS.0184 1 Collection ARS.0184 Language of Material: English Contributing Institution: Archive of Recorded Sound Title: Guide to the Record Catalog Collection Identifier/Call Number: ARS.0184 Physical Description: 41 box(es)Booklets, pamphlets, magazines, loose sheets Physical Description: 43.3 Linear Feet Date (inclusive): 1897-2005 (some items undated, indicated as n.d.) Abstract: The Record Catalog Collection consists of published catalogs and other advertising materials issued by a wide variety of recording companies from around the world. In addition to catalogs, the materials include booklets, pamphlets, magazines, and loose sheets published between 1897 and 2005. Access Open for research; material must be requested at least two business days in advance of intended use. Contact the Archive of Recorded Sound for assistance. Restrictions All requests to reproduce, publish, quote from, or otherwise use collection materials must be submitted in writing to the Head Librarian, Archive of Recorded Sound, Braun Music Center, Stanford, California 94305. Consent is given on behalf of the Archive of Recorded Sound as the owner of the physical items and is not intended to include or imply permission from the copyright owner. Such permission must be obtained from the copyright owner, heir(s) or assigns. Cite as Record Catalog Collection. Stanford Archive of Recorded Sound, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, CA. Arrangement Folders have been arranged alphabetically by record label name and then chronologically. Occasionally, more than one catalog, or type of catalog, was issued by a manufacturer within a single time period, so some folders have overlapping date ranges. Box 1 1. ACT -- 2. A M Records, n.d. -- 3. AMA Records -- 4. A.M.I., n.d. -- 5. ARFA -- 6. ASV, 1981, 1993-1994 -- 7. Abbey -- 8. Ace of Hearts, 1967 -- 9. Alia Vox, 2003 -- 10. Allegro, 2001-2002; n.d. -- 11. Amadeo, n.d. -- 12. American Audio Prose, 1987-1993 -- 13. American Jazz, n.d. -- 14. American Music -- 15. American Recording Society -- 16. Angel, 1958-1979 -- 17. Angel, 1985-1988 -- 18. Angel, 1994-1999 -- 19. Angel, n.d. -- 20. Anthologie Sonore, 1939-1950; n.d. -- 21. Arabesque, 1984 -- 22. Arbors Records -- 23. Arch Records -- 24. Archephone, 2007 -- 25. Archiv, 1950s-1962; n.d. -- 26. Archiv, 1963-1967 -- 27. Argo, 1959-1977; n.d. -- 28. Arhoolie Records, 1964-1995 -- 29. Arhoolie (2002) -- 30. Ariel -- 31. Ariola, 1961-1979 -- 32. Armed Forces Radio -- 33. Artist Direct Records -- 34. Asch, n.d. -- 35. Ashgate -- 36. Atlantic, 1951, 1956; n.d. -- 37. Audiophile, n.d. -- 38. Audio Lab Records ; King Bethlehem Rep -- 39. BAM, 1960-1962. Box 2 1, BASF, 1973-1976 -- 2. BBC, 2002; n.d. -- 3. BMG, 1990-1992 -- 4. BMG, 1992-1994 -- 5. BMG Distribution, 1988 -- 6. BMG Distribution, January-April, 1988 -- 7. BMG Distribution, September-December, 1988 -- 8. BMG Distribution, January-April, 1989 -- 9. BMG Distribution, May-July, 1989 -- 10. BMG Distribution, August-December, 1989 -- 11. January-May, 1990 -- 12. BMG Distribution, June-August, 1990. Box 3 1. BMG Distribution, September-October, 1990 -- 2. BMG Distribution, December, 1990 -- 3. BMG Distribution, January-February, 1991 -- 4. BMG Distribution, March, 1991 -- 5. BMG Distribution, April-May, 1991 -- 6. BMG Distribution, June-July, 1991 -- 7. BMG Distribution, August-September, Fall, 1991 -- 8. BMG Distribution, October-December, 1991 -- 9. BMG Distribution, Winter, 1991-1992, January, 1992 -- 10. BMG Distribution, February-March, Spring, 1992 -- 11. BMG Distribution, April-May, Spring, 1992. Box 4 1. BMG Distribution, June-July, 1992 -- 2. BMG Distribution, August-September, 1992 -- 3. BMG Distribution, Fall, October, 1992 -- 4. BMG Distribution, November-December, Winter, 1992 -- 5. BMG Distribution, January-February, 1993 -- 6. BMG Distribution, March-May, Spring, 1993 -- 7. BMG Distribution, June-July, 1993 -- 8. August-September, 1993 -- 9. BMG Distribution, October-December, 1993 -- 10. BMG Distribution, Winter 1993-January, 1994. Box 5 Guide to the Record Catalog ARS.0184 2 Collection ARS.0184 1. BMG Composers Catalog, August 1995 -- BMG Restocking Program, Summer-Fall 1995 -- 3. BMG Restocking Program, Spring 1995 -- 4. BMG Distributor catalogs February-May 1995 -- 5. BMG Distributor catalogs, June-August 1995 -- 6. BMG Distributor catalogs, September 1995 -- 7. BMG Restocking-Midline-Budget, 1994 -- 8. BMG Distributor Catalog, January 1995 -- 9. BMG Classical Numerical/Artist Listing, December 1994 -- 10. BMG Contemporary Numerical/Artist Listing, Summer 1994 -- 11. BMG Restocking-Midline-Budget, Summer 1994 -- 12. BMG Composers Catalog, June 1994 -- 13. BMG Distributor catalogs, August-October 1994 -- 14. BMG Distributor catalogs, October-December 1994; Compact Disc Catalog, 1994-1995 -- 15. BMG Distributor catalogs, June-August 1994 -- 16. BMG Contemporary Numerical/Artist Listing, Spring 1994 -- 17. BMG Country Catalog; Jazz Catalog, Spring 1994 -- 18. BMG Contemporary Artist Catalog, January 1994 -- 19. BMG Restocking - Midline - Budget, Psring 1994. Box 6 1. BMG Distributor catalogs, 1994 -- 2. BMG Contemporary Artist/Listing catalogs, 1994 -- 3. BMG Classical, August 1995 -- 4. BMG Restocking Program, Winter 1995 -- 5. BMG Distributor Catalog-Nipper's News, 1995 -- 6. BMG Distributor Catalog-Nipper's News, December 1995-February 1996 -- 7. BMG Composers Catalog, February 1996 -- 8. BMG Classical, 1996 -- 9. BMG Distributor Catalog-Nipper's News, March-April 1996 -- 10. BMG Artist Catalog, Spring 1996 -- 11. BMG Distributor catalogs-Nipper's News, April-June, 1996 -- 12. BMG Distributor catalogs-Nipper's News, July-October, 1996 -- 13. BMG Contemporary Numerical/ Artist Catalog, October 1996 -- 14. BMG Composers Catalog, October 1996 -- 15. BMG Classical Numerical/Artist Catalog, October 1996 -- 16. BMG Distributor catalogs-Nipper's News, October-December, 1996 -- 17. BMG sheets, 1997 -- 18. BMG Distributor catalogs, 1997 -- 19. BMG Distributor catalogs, 1997. Box 7 1. BMG distributor catalogs, Nipper's News, 1997 -- 2. BMG distributor catalogs, Nipper's News, 1997 (continued) -- 3. BMG, 1997 catalogs (6) -- 4. BMG Sheets, January-May, 1998 -- 5. BMG Sheets, June-August, 1998 -- 6. BMG Sheets, September-December, 1998 -- 7. BMG Nipper's News, 1998 -- 8. BMG, 1998 catalogs (4) -- 9. BMG Christmas and Contemporary Christian catalogs, 1998. Box 8 1. BMG Sheets, January-April, 1999 -- 2. BMG Nipper's News, 1999 -- 3. BMG Latin-Christmas catalogs, 1999 -- 4. BMG, 1999 catalogs (3) -- 4. BMG Sheets, May-August 1999 -- 5. BMG Sheets, September-December 1999 -- 6. BMG, 1999 catalogs (3) -- 7. BMG Sheets, January-April, 2000 -- 8. Nipper's News, 2000 -- 9. BMG Latin Christmas catalogs, 2000 -- 10.BMG Sheets, May-August, 2000 -- 11. BMG, July 2000 catalogs (2). Box 9 1. BMG catalog, July 2000 -- 2. BMG sheets, September-December, 2000 -- 3. BMG sheets, January-April, 2001 -- 4. BMG catalogs (4), 2001 -- 5. BMG sheets, May-August 2001 -- 6. BMG sheets, September-December 2001 -- 7. BMG catalogs (4), 2001 -- 8. BMG sheets, January-April, 2002 -- 9. BMG sheets, May-August, 2002. Box 10 1. BMG sheets, 2002 -- 2. BMG catalogs (4), 2002 -- 3. BMG, 2003 (January-April) sheets -- 4. BMG, 2003 (May) sheets -- 5. BMG, 2003 (September-December) sheets -- 6. BMG, 2004 (January-April) sheets -- 7. BMG, 2004 (April-August) sheets -- 8. BMG, 2004 (September-December) sheets -- 9. Bach Guild, 1961; n.d. -- 10. Barclay, 1962 -- 11. Bärenreiter Musicaphon, 1961-1968; n.d. -- 12. Bartók, 1951-1958 -- 13. Beka -- 14. Bel Canto, n.d. -- 15. Beltone, 1925- -- 16. Berliner Records -- 17. Ben Yamin -- 18. Bethlehem, 1985. Box 11 1. Bettini, 1897-1904 -- 2. Big Bands, n.d. -- 3. Biltmore, n.d. -- 4. Biograph, 1970-1976; n.d. -- 5. BIS, 1980, 1991-1992, 1998; n.d. -- 6. BIS sheets, n.d. -- 7. Black & White: RCA, 1975 -- 8. Blue Ace, n.d. -- 9. Blue Goose, n.d. -- 10. Blue Note, 1988-1995; n.d. -- 11. Bluebird [NB: see RCA Victor] -- 12. Bluesville, 1962 -- 13. Book-of-the-Month Records, n.d. -- 14. Boosey & Hawkes, 1950; n.d. -- 15. Bost Records, 1942 -- 16. Bridge Records, Inc., 1998 -- 17. Brilliant Classics, 2005 -- 18. Britannia/Decca [2009?] -- 19. British Rhythm Society, n.d. -- 20. Broadcast Twelve -- 21. Brunswick, 1920-1921 -- 22. Brunswick, 1922-1923 -- 23. Brunswick, 1924-1925 -- 24. Brunswick, 1926-1927 -- 25. Brunswick, 1928-1929 -- 26. Brunswick, 1930-1932 -- 27. Brunswick, 1932-1938 -- 28. Brunswick, 1938-1956; n.d. -- 29. CBC Records, 2002 -- 30. CBS Catalog Partnership -- 31. CBS, 1981-1990 -- 32. CPO, 1999, 2001 -- 33. CMS Records, 1974-1982; n.d. [NB: see also Desto] -- 34. CRD -- 35. CRI, 1999 -- 36. C.R.S. -- 37. Caedmon [single volume], 1952-1977 -- 38. Caedmon : [annual issues], 1976). Box 12 1. Caedmon, 1977-1982 -- 2. Caedmon, 1979 -- 3. Caedmon, 1983-1995 -- 4. California Record Distributors -- 5. Caliope, 1984 -- 6. Camden Records -- 7. Cantate, 1962-1970; n.d. -- 8. Capehart -- 9. Capitol, 1945-ca. 1951; n.d. -- 10. Capitol and Angel Records : Educational, 1961-1969 -- 11. Capitol, 1965; n.d. -- 12. Capitol, 1976 -- 13. Capitol, 1976-1977 -- 14. Carillon Records, n.d. -- 15. Carus, 2005-2006 -- 16. Cat Records, 1986 -- 17. Catalog of Imported English Records -- 18. Guide to the Record Catalog ARS.0184 3 Collection ARS.0184 Cavalier Records -- 19. Cedille, 2005-2006 -- 20. Center for Cassette Studies, Inc., 1970 -- 21. Centrediscs, n.d. -- 22. Cetra-Soria, 1950-1951; n.d. -- 23. Century Record Co. -- 24. Chamber Music Society, n.d. -- 25. Champion Records -- 26. Chandos, 1991-1993 -- 27. Channel Classics, 2006-2007 -- 28. Chant du Monde, 1985-2002 -- 29. Charly Records -- 30. Chiaroscuro Records, n.d. -- 31. Chiaroscuro Records, 1995, 1997 -- 32. Christophorus, 1964 -- 33. Christschall, 1931 -- 34. Circle Records, 1947-1948; n.d. -- 35. Claddagh, n.d. -- 36. Clanco, n.d. -- 37. Classic Editions, 1956 -- 38. Classics, n.d. -- 39. Claves, n.d. -- 40. Climax Records, n.d. -- 41. Club 99 -- 42. Co Art, 1941 -- 43. Col legno, 2006-2007 -- 44.
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