i\' I, , Archives LD729.6 C5 075 Wednesday, November 10. 1999 Volume 43, Issue 12 ~ or·ion. ~he voL 43 no. 12 Nov. 10, 1999 Meriam Library--CSU Chico SECTION A ~ . Opinion •.••.••.•••....••...•.....•••••......••...• A6 Sports ............................................. 81 _ Entertainment ...... ,......................... Cl t K-__ .,Cale~dar .....................................C4 ,.Comlcs •••.••••.••.•.••.•••.••••••••••••••.••• C7 Dimensions .....................................Dl LINE 'EM UP MOUSE.TRAP RUNNING MAN . Country takes 011 Chico like Chico aluml1H helps I1nd Men's cross-country advances to California State University, Chico a Texas torn~do. cure for cuncer. NCAA National Championships. http://orion.c5uchico.edu ENTERTAINMENT~ C1 DIMENSIONS"" D1 SPORTS ~ B1 ~~... I I I I , Book, list creates conflict "",. A.S. Bookstore refuses Tinsley said he bel ievcd that the Both Tinsky and Johnson have con­ agencies to make information available arrungcment would cOlltinul!. but he firtm:d that the arrangement W.IS verhal upon relluest.· . Credit woes to provide Off Calnpus received a letter from ROil Johnsoll. the and no written agreements were made When Johnson described tIle legal If I see tll10ther free Chico auxiliary businesses director at the A.S. conl'erning the texthook orders. status of the A.S. Bookstore. he said. State T-shirt I'm going to puke. Books school text info Bookstore. dated Oct. 18. which stated "There is nothing in writing." "\Ve'rl! not the government. We are a For the lust four years. I huve the textbook order information would no Johnson said. "I wouldn't put anything priv'ltl' corporation, The perception of experienced the heckling of credit TRACY IRWIN longer be provided. in writing becausl! of the unknown." ~lIIyhody who is not familiar with cam­ card vendors on our campus; wav­ s/(ifJ Writer "The letter from Ron Johnson came out He and Boh Paoillne. the book-divi­ pus is that we arc the university book­ ing bags of candy like prize money of the blue," TInsley said. 'Things were sion manager. 1111!t with Tinsley lWl!r a store. meaning THE university book­ to entice students into signing up A dispute over textbook order infor­ going so well. Things were very curdial." Pcpsi when he lirst came to town. It was store. But in reality. we arc owned by the for their "low-interest" cards. mation has started between the He responded with a letter tll all Chico decided to provide Tinsky with l'llph:s students of Chico State. We arc a private Looking back at my etlrly Associated Students Bookstore and its State University instructors that asked of the llrJers at 25 cents a page. corporation. We arc 1I0t the ~ate of days at Chico State as tI naive new competitor orr Campus Books. and them to provide OIT Campus Books with Dl'spite the lack of a writtell agrel!­ California:' 19-year-old. the thought of dup­ the owner of the new store. Ron Tinsley. their textbook orders. The leiter from mem. Tinsley cOlltcnds that the te,xthook As for fedeml and state public record ing other young studcnts into is planning to take legal action. Tinsley also said that the AS. Bookstore oruer inform.ltion obtained by theA.S. 1:lws. Johnson said. "that law docs nDt debt literally repulses mc. That is At the beginning of the semester, the had backed out 0(' un agreement to share BOllkstlll'l: is a puhlic doculllent and apply to non-governmental ag.encies. We why 1 am in full support of the A.S. Bookstore and Tinsley had the infonnation. whil'h Tinsley considers thcrct'orc !'uhjel't to the California Public Government Affuirs Committee arranged to share the order information. illegul and unti-competitivl!. Records Act that requires public BOOKS It- A4 rei>olution to ban student crcdit card marketing from the Bell Memorial Union. According to a national survey LEFT: Sinala by the UniLed States Public Bokeo of the Library Interest Research Group, students Southeast who obtain credit cards at on­ Asian Student campus promotional tables cun'y Association larger balances and payoff their performs a server cards later than those who obtain dance native to cards elsewhere. her region, Students arc then forccd to pay while Mohn their credit card debt with their Keobouahom, crashes student 'loan money. appcal to Vieng family and friends for loans, cut Khamphouvog ~ back on course work to increuse and Khanya Officials are still the amount of time at paid jobs or Thidsouvah sit investigating cause of even drop out of school. and watch. ' These arc exactly the reasons BELOW: The computer system failure why GAC decided to move on the dance group issue, said Jeff DeFranco, Crush Groove Associuted Studcnts exccutive fires it up at CHRIS ~'IARTIN vice-president. Laxson Assis/allt "'(,U'S Editor "It is not in our mission state­ Auditorium ment to provide credit services." last Tuesday. If the l\kriam Library's comput­ he said. "Students need to take a Multicultural er system is going tn nash. it might stund against these companies. Night was an as well crash whl'n the smallest Too many students tire in debt event to numher of students will he there: and we need to do something. celebrate Hallowecn weekend. l1bout it:' cultural Just bel'ore closing on Friday. The A.S. currently charges diversity at Oct. 29. something huppened to the credit card companies $120 n day Chico State. server in Chico State Univcrsity's to acquire space in the BMU. lihrary that c4ltalogs the book cDl­ However. the A.S. only has COll­ T~c Orion/BRtAN BROPHY lection. Although the server is back trol of credit card sales that occur to full strength. as oj' I () a.lII. with~n the BMU. Thc Bell Thursday the hrcHkdown's c~luse Memorial Union Committee will was still undetermined. hl1ve u discussion on the issue at "We don't know for sure if it was their Nov. 17 meeting. A night to rem~mber hacked or 1I0t." said Bill Post. direc­ The university on the other tor of academic resources. "Nobody hand has a contract with lnfiniti ~ left a calling cmd that said 'we did to be the sale credit card distrib­ ~ Multicultural night 16th annual Mu Iticultural Night. an this to you.' utor on campus. In essence, evening tilled with dance and poetic All 1 know is the dam.lge was those candy-slinging vendors presents an array of fiair from around the world. there and it took a while to recon­ who students encounter en route "There was a true Sl'nse of uppreci­ struct things." to class may be unaffected by the diverse dance, poetry <ltion for all the different cultures." Because of the possibility that the resolution. Multicultur<ll Council founder system was hacked. Post said he is . This is why I urge YOll students GILLIAN ZEMA Charles Cmtcr said. "It warms my heurt not willing to discuss what measures to resh;t the temptation and Senior \Tlriler to know that this event will live 011." will be taken to ensure it doesn't hap­ remember what the credit vendors More thun I, I 00 people warmed the pen again. are truly giving away - a lifetime She said it was the best $3 she ever seats of Lax~ol1 Auditorium. some to "I'm very concerned with what of debt. ~pent. checr on their organizations. some to was done. or may not have been "I love it," Chico Statc University' cheer 011 friends and some to satisfy done. We take it very seriously." Elisa I30llgiOlJallIIi Ctlll be reac/;od at: junior. Heather Henning said during class requiremcnts. Post said. [email protected] intermission. "Everyone put in so Commissioner of Multicultural FJ'lIstration. for both studcnts ,\IlU much effort into the acts. l'm com­ Affairs Olivia Langford said she was staff. is how Post descrihed the near­ pletely entertained <lnd I'm lcarning impressed with this year's turnout. ly six days needed to get the server about other cultures." "It seems that the crowd has working again. On Nov. 2 the Associated Students National Notes Multicultural Council presentcd its CULTURE II> AS CRASHIP A2 Killer of gay Wyoming stUdent shown mercy . The parents of Matthew Shepard held the life of their son's New trash cans, recycle· bins clean up campus killer in their hands and chose to . -.,-- let him live, the Washington Post EVE RENE LOPEZ the 25 recycling bins should make and that wasn't cutting it. Kopicki also Senior reported Nov. 4. Sellior Writer' their wny to campus within the next . :~ai~.peoplc 'kept breuking into them. Anthony . " Judy and Dei1l1is Shepard month or two. ""'T11ey've been heuvily vandal- Garcia negotiated a sentenCing deal that Students looking to toss their empty The bins were purchased with ized,'; .she said. tosses guarantees Aaron McKinney, 22, cans into a recycling bin will ~:iOon have money from the $40,125 grant ·Joe Covert, grounds manager at his soda will spend the rest of his life in at least 25 chances on eumpus to do so. received from the Californi:I' Chico State, ugreed und said vundal­ cali in prison. The deal was finalized just The first new recycling bin' made Department of Conservation. The . ism is olle of the biggest problems on one of as ,I jury was about to begin hear­ its debut on campus Oct. 21 in ('rant grant also paid for an electric em' for .. campus. the new' ing testimony about whether he of Meriam Library. Currently about a A.S. to use to pick up the tmsh and . "The new bins are a lot more attrnc­ bins near should be put to death.
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