7 UST 22 )a. ~s ~IIAT8, .'ATS, r.a .Iamp. QZ Ibr•• ,h ZI au' Al fair SON' Ihtoulh K I now valid. SUOAR, ~ .... I •• r .1_, III ,.Dd for Ilvo pou,," IlIr •• ,h Au,. SI. IdOE8, air­ IOWA: Fair today &Dd plane . tanWI t, i, a lad " JD book tbre. are •••• J.­ dlliall.lf· THE DAILY continued eool Iowa City's Morning Newspaper =c==============:-·=========-==================~============================================================~==================~~~ THE AIBOCIATED pallSs IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY, AUGUST 23. 1945 THE ASSOCIATED P/U • VOLUME m NUMBER 282 JAPS. SAY OCCUPYING YANKS WILL LAND HERE __-- ~:~ , ·P"'-· 'V~~fPw~w7~~%~+~ Ship Miss9uri in Tokyo Bay To· Be' Scene of Surrender Balkan King Chinese to Occupy At a Glance- Reds Regain Former Japs Release Hong Kong, Formosa, Today's Bases of Port Arthur, Asks 'Allies Indo-China, 1~Iailand Dairen in Sky Jump Instructions Portions of Territories Iowan Manchurian Emperor, To Help Him Distributed According Henry Pu Xi, Held Fo~ 'D' Day To Surrende} 'erms Jap surrender* * to* be signed As Soviet Int~ri1ee aboard battleship Missouri in Wants Big Three CHUNG KING (AP) - G~n. MacArthur Confirms Tokyo bay on Aug. 31;' Nlps tell LONDON (AP)-Russ!an air­ To Aid in Forming Chiang Kai-Shek's troops will oc­ of plans tor occupation. borne troops landed In the Amer­ Aug. 31 a. Official cupy the former British crown col­ New Government Ican-bombed Kurile islands west Date for Signing ony of Hong Kong, the enemy's is­ U. S, eases controls on lumber, of the Aleutians yesterday In an WASHINGTON (AP)-Youthful land fortress of Formosa, northern salary curbs; tire production to unexpected sky-jump while other King Mihai at Romania has ap­ Indo-China, and a mall part of jump; holiday trains to run. parachutists reoccupied the his­ MANILA, Thursday (AP)­ Thailand, Chinese surrender terms pealed to the United States, Great. toric Pacific ports of Dairen and Japan's surrender will be signed to the Japanese disclosed yester- Home delivery llervice may aboard the battleship Missouri Britain and Russia to help give his Port Arthur-40 years after Rus­ A JOINT COMMUNIQUE of the Japanese Imperial headquarters and the ..overnment names the port of day. begin Nov. 1- sia lost them to Jnpan. in Tokyo bay Aug. 31. General Jotosuka, above, on Tokyo bay as the site for the landinr of American occupatlon forces. Located Just country a new government ac­ (British Foreign Secretary Ern­ MacArthur announced today. est Bevin said Monday that the Soviet paratroops dropped from lOuth of the Nippon capital, the port Is adequate for harborm, the ml,hty warships of the UnHed States ceptable to all three of the ~reat Russians retake Port Arthur the skies as Ru sian broadcasts It was the first word on the l'blrd lIeet and the troop-carrying transports. The J ap board of Information aillo reported tbat the Uar ..e- powers. British had "taken steps to receive and Dalren after 40 yearsi in­ the surrendllr of Japanese forces" reported that Moscow's far eastern ite of the igning, The 45,000- 1CIle "Invasion" of occupation would be preceded by paratroopers landln .. a' Atsukl, southwest of Tokyo Disclosing this yesterday, Sec­ tern Hen.ty Pu Yi, Manchurian armies had cnptured and interned ton battle, hip participated with Aur. 26. This picture of Tokyo bay Is an historic one 10r it was taken by Lieut. Gen. Jimmy Doolittle's air in Hong Kong, nnd expressed con­ puppet emperor. retary of State Byrnes sa.ld the fidence that Hong Kong would be Henry Pu-Yi, 39-year-old Japa­ Admiral Halsey's Third fleet raiders In 1942. United States is ready to discuss nese puppet emperor of enemy­ l'eturned to the British "in agree- Displaced war workers in no I a t month in bombarding ihe appeal with the other two sponsored Man c h uk u a (Man- ment with our Chinese and Amer- hurry to find other jobs. Japan . powers and has so notified them. churia). ' ic.ln aUies.") Earlier MacArthur had con­ Ol[lclals here doubt, however, Pori Arthur and Dairen, on Displaced Workers First Bypassed Aloll British autborlties in Chunr­ firmed Tokyo reports that he pl~ne Brings that Russia will arree to any kin.. declined comment on tbe the leased KwantlUll' peninsula measures, such as aid In holdin, would arrive by plane in Japan inoluslon of Hong Ko~ as one below I\lanchurta, were once a Romanian election, which next Tue day, weather permltUn,. Slow to Obtain Jobs Surrenders to Yanks 01 U1e areas to be occupied by Murray Urges Russian. They repre ented cur­ with powerful allied sea and air­ would involve Big Three activ­ Chlnese troops. I t Russia's farthest expansion In forces. Wainwright ity inside tha.t country. A Chinese army spokesman de­ her searoh for wann water out­ Survey Shows Some Jap Troops on Mili This is the third tense political clared Hong Kong was in the lets for her land and Ice-locked Reluctant to Accept Thought to Be situation whiCh has developed in China theater and the high com­ Job Security empire. HEADQUARTER", AWed. the Balkans to challenge the abil­ mand "naturally assumes respon­ Capture of the two ports gave Forcetl Pacillc, ThuradaJ (AP) I Largest in Marshall's ities of the Big Three to work to­ lower Paying Work from Mukden sibility to accept the J apanese sur­ Russia renewed contrOl-tempo­ -The famed 'Unlted Stales gether. The other countries in­ render there." CIO Head Predicts rarily at least-of the twin ports Fifth fleet will parUclpate in By TilE ASSOCIATED PR.ESS ----- GUAM, Thursday (AP) - The volved were Greece, Bulgaria and Details of the deployment of Depression If Speedy which Japan wrested away in 1905 the landln,. on Japan. 'Admlral Plants and shipyards throughout CHUNGKING lAP) - Lie u t. small Japanese garrison on Mili Hungary. Chinese occupation troops were after tile siege of Port Arthur, one Raymond W. Spruance and his the country continued to scale Gen. Jonathan M. Wainwright, in the MarshalJ:s, bypassed 18 Byrnes reported that King dislosed in a memorandum handed Legislation Is Delayed of history's most famous, which amphibious task force comman- • Mihal said he had consulted with down their payrolls yesterday, bui United Stales hero of Corregidor, months ago, surrendered Wednes­ to the Japanese at Chihkiang by cost the Japanese more than 30,000 del', Rear Admiral Theodore F, political leaders and the major­ Gen. lIo Ying-China, Chinese field WASHINGTON (A P ) - CIO casualties. Wilkinson, ooncluded a aerl_ ~viden ce appeared that many 10r- possibly was en route to Chung- day in the lagoon aboard an Amer- ity desired f'ormaUon of a gov­ commander. President Philip Murray urging mer war workers were in no great king last night from a Manchurian The communique also an­ of conferences with olflctala at lean war ship-the first instance ernment u1)der conditions which Ho's memorandum set out that speedy passage of legislation under beadQuarters of tbe United hurry to obtain jobs In private in- prison camp while hU!\Qreds of of such a capitulation by a by­ would permit of Its recognition nounced tbat tbe occupation of Chinese troops would occupy which the government would guar­ Japanese-held areas of Man­ States Seventh fleet and with dustry. other "liberated" .American pris- p'~ssed atoll since Japan quit the by the prlnclpa.l allied powers, Formosa, tbat part of French antee jobs tor all, declared yester­ tbe supreme commander, thea war. the conclusion of Ule necessary churia was contlnuln.. while An A'lSoclated PreSs survey oners of war in ManchUria· and Indo-China north of the 16th de- day the sta~e is aet for "another Soviet troops pushed toward tbe returned to the Filth ned to Other enemy garrisons re­ treaties and the admlssfon of &,ree of latitude and a portion of bigger, deeper depression which showed (ar more tha n 1,000,000 China rested up fpr their return sOdthern tip 01 Sakhalin island, prepare for the forihcomtOf mained in that group of atolls Romania as a member of the Thailand, which lies between could lead into another war." Japanese operations. persons already released because home. which American forces seized as United Nations. only 26 miles aero Soya, litral' Burma and Indo-Chino.. The He told n senate banking sub­ from Hokkaldo, nortbernmost of of war contract terminations, and America's flying mercy teams the springboard for ' the invasion Byrnes cited in his statement portion of Tballand allotted to committee that. enactment of the the Japanese home Islands. The supreme allied commander brought into focus these significant who parachuted into Japanese of the Marianas. yesterday the obligations assumed the Chinese occupailon forces Wagner-Munay Hf u 11 employ­ highlights: The navy announced in a com­ by the Big Three at Yalta to help There was no ollicial word Irom of occupation forces also an­ lines were caring for internees in was not described. ment" bill and ten other pieces of 1.' Reluctance on the part of munique today the Mill surrender the liberated peoples "c rea t e The French embassy here said legislation is long overdue. Failure the Soviet high command on oper­ nounced deta1is of the precise In­ almost all the scattered Japanese 0 0 ations in Korea, but a MoscoW dis­ some to accept jobs paying less occurred shortly aft ern n democratic institutions of their more than 6,000 French troops !or- to pass them, he declared, "will structions sent the Japanese for patch said thaL Soviet forces were than war plants. prison camps on the Asiatic main­ Wednesday.
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