Pacific Science (1979), vol. 33, no. 4 © 1980 by The University Press of hawaii. All rights reserved Monograph of the Hawaiian Species of Achyranthes (Amaranthaceae) Hawaiian Plant Studies 561 HAROLD ST. JOHN 2 THIS IS A REvISION OF THE GENUS Achyranthes Lahaina, when his ship the Uranie was an­ in the Hawaiian Islands, with special atten­ chored there. tion to the endemic species. Horace Mann, Jr., in his Enumeration of The first notice of Achyranthes in the Hawaiian Plants (1867: 200), included Hawaiian Islands was given by Gaudichaud Achyranthes splendens and A. mutica Gray, in his introductory description of the ecology which was then unpublished but shown to of the islands. In this he merged into one his him by his professor, Asa Gray, and A. observations made on Hawaii, west Maui, bidentata Bl., an adventive weed, the local and Oahu. In his description of the second specimens now considered to be A. aspera L. region, that one inland and next above the These same species were included and de­ beach, in the region where one met the first scribed by Hillebrand (1888: 371), and to A. indigenous plants, such as Cocculus, Bidens, splendens he added the new var. reftexa Erythrina, and Dodonaea, he encountered Hbd., and var. rotundata Hbd. No later (1827: 93) "un achyranthes, arbrisseau de 4 it general treatments of the Hawaiian species 6 pieds; ...." He did not include this in the have been published. systematic part of his volume, but it was All the Hawaiian species are members of soon described by Martius ex Moquin in De the section Achyranthes, and A. aspera L. is Candolie (1849: 316) as Achyranthes splen­ the lectotype of the genus and of this section. dens. From other evidence it is certain that Unless otherwise indicated, all specimens Gaudichaud collected the type of this species here cited are in the Bernice P. Bishop in the mountains of west Maui, above Museum, Honolulu, (BISH). KEY TO SPECIES I. Herbage densely white tomentose throughout, 2. Sepals (8-) 9-10.5 mm long; floral lateral bracts 5-7 mm long; .rhachis bracts 5-6 mm long; flowers divergent, deciduous. Maui, Lanai 10. A. splendens. 2. Sepals and bracts mostly shorter, 3. Sepals 5.5-6 mm long; rhachis hairs 2.5-3 mm long; old flowers reflexed, long persistent; spikes 5-17 cm long; hairy rhachis 5 mm in diameter. Leeward Atolls.... ......................................................... .. I. A. atollensis. 3. Sepals longer; rhachis hairs 0.6-1 mm long; flowers early deciduous, 4. Sepals 8 mm long, sparsely pilosulous ciliate; floral lateral bracts 1.6 mm wide, glandular atomiferous; rhachis hairs 0.8-1 mm long. Lanai 4. A. lanaiensis. 4. Sepals 6.5-7.5 (-9) mm long, nonciliate; floral lateral bracts 1.8-2.5 mm wide, ciliate; rhachis hairs 0.6-1 mm long, 5. Sepals 6.5-9 mm long, glandular atomiferous; floral lateral bracts 4.8-5 mm long, ciliate only near the base; rhachis bracts 4-4.2 mm long; rhachis hairs 0.6 mm long, straight. Oahu 9. A. rotundata. 5. Sepals 7-7.5 mm long, 1 Manuscript received 20 March 1976. 2 Bernice P. Bishop Museum, P.O. Box 19000-A, Honolulu, Hawaii 96819. 333 334 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 33, October 1979 6. Floral lateral bracts 4 mm long, 1.8 mm wide, ciliate on the membranous part; rhachis bracts 3-3.5 mm long; rhachis hairs 2-2.5 mm long, crinkled. Molokai 8. A. reflexa. 6. Floral lateral bracts 3.5-4 mm long, 2.5 mm wide, nonciliate; rhachis bracts 4 mm long, ovate, long acuminate; rhachis hairs 1 mm long, straight. Lanai.... ................................................. .. 5. A. maneleensis. 1. Herbage green, glabrous, or but slightly and inconspicuously pubescent, or the blades so above, 7. Sepals 6-7 mm long; blades lanceolate, acute; lateral floral bracts, a spine 4.8-5 mm long, 1.7 mm wide, with 2 basal, nearly separate membranous ovate expansions 0.6-1 mm long; rhachis hairs 0.2 mm long, appressed. Adventive 2. A.ji-uticosa. 7. Sepals 3.6-4.5 mm long, 8. Floral lateral bracts 3.5 mm long, 1 mm wide, the awn as long as or longer than the membranous base; spikes elongate, rhachis hairs 0.5 mm long, crinkled, divergent. Adventive 3. A. indica. 8. Floral lateral bracts 1.7-2.3 mm long, without a projecting awn or merely mucronulate; spikes less than 1.5 cm long, 9. Leaves nearly glabrous; petioles 3-12 mm long; lateral floral bracts 2-2.3 mm long, 1.4 wide, suborbicu1ar, mucronulate; rhachis bracts 1 mm long, 0.8 mm wide. Kauai 6. A. mutica. 9. Leaves densely appressed pilosulous below; petioles 3-6 mm long; lateral floral bracts 1.8-2 mm long, elliptic, acute, 0.3-0.4 mm wide; rhachis bracts 1.5 mm long, 1.3 mm wide. Hawaii 7. A. Nelsonii. 1. Achyranthes atollensis sp. nov. rhachidi dense albi-tomentoso cum pilis A. splendens Mart., var. reflexa sensu 2.5-3 mm longis persistentibus hinc rhachidi Christophersen & Caum, B. P. Bishop ut videtur 4-7 mm diametro, bracteis rha­ Mus. Bull. 81 :26, 1931; sensu chidis 3.2-4 mm longis 1-1.5 mm latis an­ Lamoureux, Atoll Res. Bull. 79: 3, guste lanceolatis membranaceis 1-costatis, 1961; and 97:4,1963; sensu Woodward, floribus obscure viridibus, bracteis later­ Atoll Res. Bull. 164:28, 1972, non Hbd. alibus floris 3.7-4.2 mm longis 1.6 mm latis (1888). corpore ovato membranaceo glabro mid­ nervo incrassato in 1-1.5 mm projectento, Figure 1 sepalis 5.5-6 mm longis 1.6 mm latis lan­ ceolatis glabris 3-costatis marginibus later­ DIAGNOSIS HOLOTYPI: Frutex usque ad 2 m alibus membranceis, sepalis exterioribus altus est, partibus omnibus a pilosi-tomento 2 mm latis lanceolatis subviridibus scariosis denso albo adpresso velatis, ramulis foliosis glabris l-nervosis nonciliatis, androecio cum 3-4 mm diametro quadrangularibus, ramis tubo filamentarum 0.6 mm longo mem­ 5-8 mm diametro subbadiis paululum to­ branaceo, 5 staminibus cum filamentis liberis mentosis, internodis 1-4.5 cm longis, cicatri­ 0.6-0.7 mm longis subulatis glabris versa­ cibus foliorum 3-4 mm latis lunatis apicibus tilibus, antheris 0.6-0.7 mm longis 0.3 mm obtusis, petiolis 3-7 mm longis supra eanalic­ latis oblongi-ellipsoideis apicibus retusis, ulatis, laminis 2-5.2 em longis 1.2-3.8 cm pseudostaminodiis 0.6-0.7 mm longis fere latis obovatis ad ellipticis apice obtuso vel ad basim fimbriatis cum lobis plerumque 5 subacuto basi cuneata crasse firmis char­ lancei-linearibus, ovario 0.9 mm longo obo­ taceis nervis secundariis vix evidentis dense voideo, stylo 1.8 mm longo glabro, stigmate albi-tomentosis supra subviridibus, inflores­ truncato paulum incrassato, capsulo ob­ centiis terminalibus, pedunculo 15-25 mm ovoideo, semine 0.9 mm longo obovoideo longo, spicis 8-17 cm longis 12-14 mm latis, apice truncato obscure rubri-badio laevi. Hawaiian Plant Studies 56-ST. JOHN 335 .. ,...... '------' f:W !' . : . ; o J ...... o 0.5"'''' 0 ,....... 0 l I ....' ----". ...' ....... ........ ~ -- -_ _ __ FIGURE I. Achyranthes atollensis St. John, from holotype. a, habit, x I; b, rhachis with hairs, x 5; c, rhachis bract, distal side, x 10; d, rhachis bract, proximal side, x 10; e, lateral floral bract, outer view, x 10; f, outer sepal, x 10; g, androecium, x 10; h, pseudostaminodium, x 20; i, pistil, x lO;j, seed, x 10. 336 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 33, October 1979 DIAGNOSIS OF HOLOTYPE: Shrub to 2 m tall; H. Lamoureux 1,875 (BISH); northeast end, all parts covered by a dense white appressed 12 September 1961, Lamoureux 1,894 (BISH); pilose tomentum; leafy stems 3-4 mm in east side, 14 September 1964, C. R. Long diameter, square; older branches 5-8 mm in 2,239 (HAW, us). diameter, somewhat tomentose, the bark Midway Island: on sand mounds, fairly brownish; internodes 1-4.5 em long; leaf common, 22 August 1902, W. A. Bryan scars 3-4 mm wide, lunate with blunt ends; (BISH). petioles 3-7 mm long, channeled above; Pearl and Hermes Reef: in mats of blades 2-5.2 em long, 1.2-3.8 em wide, obo­ Tribulus cistoides in coral rubble, interior of vate to elliptic, the apex obtuse or subacute, the island, only two seen, 21 September the base cuneate, thick firm chartaceous, the 1966, S. Carlquist 2,314 (BISH); only two secondary veins almost invisible, densely clumps seen, 27 April 1923, E. L. Caum 50 white hairy, but above slightly greenish; in­ (BISH, us); north island, depression at middle florescences terminal; peduncle 15-25 mm of the island, with Solanum and Eragrostis, long; spike 8-17 em long, 12-14 mm in 17 September 1969, Long 2,298 (BlSH, HAW, diameter; rhachis densely white tomentose us); north island, sea level, 18 May 1923, G. with persistent hairs 2.5-3 mm long, these P. Wilder 3 (BISH). making the rhachis appear 4-7 mm in dia­ Laysan Island: north side, small patch on meter; rhachis bracts 3.2-4 mm long, 1-1.5 sand, April 1903, W. A. Bryan (BlSH, us); 6 mm wide, narrowly lanceolate, membra­ July 1896, Schauinsland (BISH). nous, I-ribbed; flowers dark green; floral lateral bracts 3.7-4.2 mm long, 1.6 mm DISCUSSION: There is a specimen labeled wide, the body ovate, membranous, gla­ "Marcus Island, July 30-Aug. 7, 1902, W. brous, exceeded by the thickened midrib A. Bryan" (BISH). It is not listed by Bryan in which projects for 1-1.5 mm; sepals 5.5-6 his Monograph of Marcus Island (1903).
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