People and things Ashoke Sen (left) receives the Yukawa Prize of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, from ICTP Director Abdus Salam. Right is Paolo Budinich, of Trieste's International School of Advanced Studies. Finland lines up for CERN The Finnish Government has de• cided to begin negotiations for Fin• land to become a CERN Member State in a few years. Finland would then become CERN's fifteenth Member State (the others being Austria, Belgium, Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Greece, Italy, the Nether• lands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the Uni• ted Kingdom). On people While in Australia recently for top- level discussions exploring the pos• sibilities for consolidating CERN's Michael Green of London's Queen end of August. With his inventive international collaboration, CERN Mary College and John Schwarz of genius and strong leadership, his Director General Carlo Rubbia was Caltech receive this year's Dirac group pioneered the multiwire pro• awarded the Silver Dirac Medal for Medals of the International Centre portional chamber and drift cham• the Advancement of Theoretical for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), ber in the late 60s, and went on to Physics of the University of New Trieste, for their basic contribu• develop many ingenious applica• South Wales, at the same time giv• tions to superstring theory, while a tions of particle physics detection ing the University's Public Dirac special ICTP Prize this year in hon• techniques in other fields. Lecture. The title was 'Hunting the our of the late Hideki Yukawa went A memorable event at CERN in Higgs Particle'. to Ashoke Sen, of the Tata Insti• October will be a special 'Charpak- tute for Fundamental Research, fest', where eminent speakers will Abdus Salam, Founder and Director Bombay, India, for his special con• chart his distinguished career and of the International Centre for The• tributions to string and superstring include their own tributes. oretical Physics, Trieste, becomes theory. At the ICTP ceremony an• At the Europhysics International an honorary British Knight Com• nouncing the awards (held on 8 Conference on High Energy Physics mander, OBE. August, birthday of the late Paul in Madrid in September, Charpak Dirac), ICTP medals were also pre• received the first High Energy and Daniel Denegri of Saclay has been sented to S. Co I on i, Member of the Particle Physics Prize of the Euro• awarded the Joliot-Curie Prize of Italian Parliament, and M. Rosetti, pean Physical Society, an award the Societe FranQaise de Physique Member of the European Parlia• which will henceforth be attributed for his contributions to the UA 1 ex• ment, in appeciation of their work every two years. periment at CERN's proton-antipro- for the progress of science at ton collider. Trieste. New High Energy Physics Director at Argonne Louis Fayard of Orsay and the UA2 Georges Charpak 65 experiment at CERN's proton-anti- proton collider receives the IBM In July, Thomas Kirk took over prize of the Societe FranQaise de Detector virtuoso Georges Charpak from Thomas Fields as Director of Physique. formally retired from CERN at the the High Energy Physics Division of 26 CERN Courier, October 1989 Postdoctoral Positions VACANCIES Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory FACULTY MEMBER Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, located 48 kilom• The Department of Physics, University of Wiscon• eters west of Chicago, Illinois, USA, offers positions to recent Ph. D. recipients who wish to pursue research in sin-Madison anticipates one or more tenure track particle physics, accelerator physics, and particle-detec• positions at the assistant professor level with the tor development. The Tevatron proton-antiproton collid• appointment to begin Fall, 1990 or later. er is the state-of-the-art in high energy physics accelera• The appointment may be at higher rank if qualifica• tors. Research opportunities are numerous with the de• tions and experience warrant. sign and construction of the DO experiment underway, a variety of fixed-target experiments, proposed upgrades Applicants should provide evidence of teaching for the CDF Experiment, and the accelerator upgrade pro• skills and ability to carry out an independent re• gram. Detector needs of Fermilab and the SSC also offer a search program. variety of interesting detector development projects. Appointments are usually made for a period of two years Preference will be given to astrophysicists/cosmo- and are extendible. logists. Apply to: High-Energy Physics Martin Olsson, Chair, Fermilab has a comprehensive program of research in Department of Physics, experimental high-energy physics. Opportunities exist in the collider program at the two major detectors (CDF and UW-Madison, DO) as well as at smaller collider experiments. In addition 11 50 University Avenue, there are roughly 16 fixed-target experiments, which Madison, Wl 53706 together represent a comprehensive study of the Stan• by November 15, 1989. dard Model, rare decays, QCD, and heavy-flavor phy• sics. The University of Wisconsin is an equal opportuni• ty/affirmative action employer and especially en• Accelerator Science courages women and minorities to apply. Several positions are available for work with the Accel• erator Division staff on projects to improve the existing facilities or to develop new facilities. These projects pro• vide the opportunity for education in accelerator physics and have a significant potential for publishable results. Candidates are sought with experience and interests in EULIM A accelerator design including: lattice design, vacuum and surface physics, magnet design, beam diagnostics, and computer simulation of beam dynamics and particle EUROPEAN LIGHT ION MEDICAL tracking. ACCELERATOR Particle Detector Development One position is available for work in the Particle Detector Group on projects of generic detector R&D. These pro• The proposed European Light Ion Medical Accelerator is jects are primarily on subjects involved with high-energy "designed to give improved radiotherapy treatment using light ions physics, though there is always an interest in topics in of about 400 MeV per nucleon. such fields as nuclear medicine and astrophysics. The The EULIMA feasibility group is funded by the Commission position comes with a great deal of flexibility of projects, of the European Communities for a period of 18 months and with emphasis given to increasing the technical base of located at CERN, Geneva. Fermilab, and advancing the person's education and car• eer. A candidate is sought with experience in independent Appointments will be made in the near future to two work in detector development, with a broad range of positions, concerned with: interests and, with evident creativity in solving prob• lems. a) beam dynamics inside a large superconducting separate sector cyclotron, Please forward your resume to: b) injection and extraction studies. Dr. Dan Green (High-Energy Physics), Dr. Gerry Dugan (Accelerator Science), Candidates should have a physics or engineering degree, or Dr. David Anderson (Particle Detector with Ph.D or practical equivalent experience. Experience of Development), accelerator design and computer simulation would be Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, advantageous. P.O. Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510 USA. For further information apply as soon as possible to: The salary range depends upon qualifications. P. MANDRILLON, EULIMA Feasibility group, c/o CERN PS Division, Fermilab offers a generous program of benfits and is an CH-1211 GENEVA 23 Equal Opportunity Employer. Telephone: (22) 767.22.93 Telefax:(22)785.05.15 CERN Courier, October 1989 27 [he university of birmingham ••illlll^^^^lilP'* SCHOOL OF PHYSICS AND SPACE San Francisco Bay Area Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, a high-energy physics RESEARCH research facility located in the research hub of the beautiful Research Fellowship San Francisco Bay Area, is operated by Stanford University for the U.S. Department of Energy. A vacancy exists tor a post-doctoral Research Fellow in the You will lead a small group of accelerator physicists with Nuclear Physics Group to participate in its experimental responsibility for operation and improvement of the Stanford programme. This programme is centred on the 20 MV tandem Linear Collider, Damping Rings, and associated injection and accelerator at the Daresbury Laboratory where investigations are in extraction transport lines. You will also contribute to long- progress of resonances in heavy-ion reactions which may involve term upgrades of the facility using state-of-the-art accelerator the formation of super-deformed states in the composite system. technology. Studies of break up reactions with polarized heavy-ion beams are SLAC has several other physicist openings, which require an another important component of the programme. Techniques of understanding of principles of particle accelerators and beam fast beam collinear laser spectroscopy are used in the transport systems. determination of properties of rare nuclei. Other research programmes involve studies of relativistic heavy-ion collisions at the An advanced degree (or equivalent combination of education CERN SPS and muon catalyzed fusion at the Rutherford Appleton and experience) in Experimental Particle Physics, Applied Laboratory. We are seeking a Physicist with a Ph. D to join the group Physics, or Electrical Engineering, with a strong emphasis on and to participate in this research programme. accelerator physics, is essential. Extensive experience
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