EAST AYRSHIRE COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE: 12 FEBRUARY 2016 15/0467/PP: ERECTION OF 228 DWELLINGS TOGETHER WITH ASSOCIATED ROADS AND LANDSCAPING WORKS AT: PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT SITE, DUNLOP ROAD, STEWARTON BY PERSIMMON HOMES LTD Report by Head of Planning and Economic Development Economy and Skills Click for Application Details: http://eplanning.east- ayrshire.gov.uk/online/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=NQ8ENPGFFTS00 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SHEET PURPOSE OF REPORT 1. The purpose of this report is to present for determination a planning application which is to be considered by Planning Committee under the scheme of delegation, since it is termed a Major Development as defined within the Town and Country Planning (Hierarchy of Developments) (Scotland) Regulations 2009, but is considered not to be significantly contrary to the Development Plan and thus should be determined by the Planning Committee. 2. This application has been considered against the Development Plan policies and is not considered to be significantly contrary to the Local Development Plan noting that the site comprises a Development Opportunity Site 356H which is zoned for 130 residential dwellings. Whilst a reduced level of public open space has been provided, the applicant has sought to provide a cycle path that is promoted within the Proposed Local Development Plan (which is a significant material consideration). The appropriate route for a decision on this application is therefore consideration and determination by the Planning Committee as detailed within the Council’s Scheme of Delegation. RECOMMENDATION 3. It is recommended that the application be approved subject to conditions indicated at Appendix 1 of the report and that, prior to any decision notice being released, the applicant provide the appropriate payment required for Developer Contributions under Policy RES29 of the East Ayrshire Local Plan (as detailed in section 67 of this report) and that the applicant also provide the appropriate payment in lieu of providing an electric vehicle charging point as detailed in Section 27 of this report which is required by the Ayrshire Roads Alliance. CONTRARY DECISION NOTE 4. Should the committee agree that the application be refused contrary to recommendation of the Head of Planning and Development based on the principle of the development, then the application would require to be referred to Council because a decision on that basis would represent a significant departure from the development plan. Michael Keane Head of Planning and Economic Development Note: This document combines key sections of the associated report for quick reference and should not in itself be considered as having been the basis for recommendation preparation or decision making by the Planning Authority. EAST AYRSHIRE COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE: 12 FEBRUARY 2016 15/0467/PP: ERECTION OF 228 DWELLINGS TOGETHER WITH ASSOCIATED ROADS AND LANDSCAPING WORKS AT PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT SITE DUNLOP ROAD STEWARTON EAST AYRSHIRE APPLICATION BY PERSIMMON HOMES LTD Report by the Head of Planning and Economic Development, Economy and Skills PURPOSE OF REPORT 1. The purpose of this report is to present for determination a planning application which is to be considered by Planning Committee under the scheme of delegation, since it is termed a Major Development as defined within the Town and Country Planning (Hierarchy of Developments) (Scotland) Regulations 2009, but is considered not to be significantly contrary to the Development Plan and thus should be determined by the Planning Committee. 2. This application has been considered against the Development Plan policies and is not considered to be significantly contrary to the Local Development Plan noting that the site comprises a Development Opportunity Site 356H which is zoned for 130 residential dwellings. Whilst a reduced level of public open space has been provided, the applicant has sought to provide a cycle path that is promoted within the Proposed Local Development Plan (which is a significant material consideration). The appropriate route for a decision on this application is therefore consideration and determination by the Planning Committee as detailed within the Council’s Scheme of Delegation. APPLICATION DETAILS 3. Site Description: The application site lies with the settlement boundary of Stewarton to the north west of the town. The site currently comprises fields and is accessed from a field gate at Dunlop Road. The redline application site extends to some 9.15 hectares. The site is bounded to the north by Cocklebie Farm which is an established business of Blackwood Plant Hire/The Cobble Shop and former quarry. Outwith the site is the provisional Wildlife Site of Hillhouse & Water Plantation WT12 and the Hillhousemuir Quarry (disused) which is a contaminated site. 4. To the north west, the site bounds with agricultural land and the boundaries are defined by post and wire fencing, hedgerows and a treebelt. To the east, the site is bounded by the A735 Dunlop Road with a narrow footpath on the western edge of the road and the boundary treatment is a combination of timber fencing and hedgerow. To the south east, the site is adjacent to Cocklebie Park with its associated playing fields. To the south, is the existing residential housing at Jamieson Place and Kinloch Avenue comprising a mix of detached and semi-detached, single storey, 1½ storey and two storey properties and rear gardens which bound the proposed development site. To the west, the site bounds with the completed housing site accessed from the roundabout on the B778 Dalry Road leading to Eglintoun Road and Balveny Court is also adjacent to the proposed development site. At the end of Eglintoun Road, there is a completed play park, turning head with two storey detached dwellinghouses on the western edge of the proposed development site and is bounded by a 2 metre timber hit and miss fence. 5. The application site is a residential Development Opportunity Site 356H which is identified in the Adopted East Ayrshire Local Plan 2010 with additional land-take accommodating an area of safeguarded open space which is currently unused and will provide an alternative area of open space. In terms of existing land use, the site is undeveloped agricultural land, however, also along the south-eastern boundary includes protected open space (playing fields) at Cocklebie Park. 6. The application was proceeded and informed by a formal pre—application consultation (PAC) exercise undertaken by the applicant consistent with the requirements of the Planning Etc. (Scotland) Act 2006. The applicant’s PAC Report notes that a public meeting was held on 29 April 2015 between 1pm-7pm at the Stewarton Area Centre and was advertised in the Kilmarnock Standard. The report confirms 59 people attended the event. 7. In terms of the Environmental Impact Assessment (Scotland) Regulations 2011, the proposed site received a screening opinion on 13 March 2015 (ref. 15/0005/EIASCR) from East Ayrshire Council. The Screening Opinion noted that due to the proposed residential use in this location, the scale of the proposals and the impact on the surrounding area would not be of such significance to require an Environmental Impact Assessment to be submitted as part of any planning application. The opinion did note that the treebelt abutting the countryside location may require an ecological survey (amongst other reports and surveys that might be required as supporting documentation) to be submitted with a planning application. 8. Proposed Development: Planning permission is sought for the construction of 228 dwellings together with the provision of roads, footpaths and associated infrastructure. Following various discussions during the design process, an alternative arrangement is proposed for the sustainable urban drainage system (SUDs) to convey water run off to an below ground attenuation storage area located on the eastern boundary of the site with Dunlop Road, re-siting of 4 detached dwellinghouses from the eastern edge of the site to the south western area and the inclusion of a cycle/footpath linking the site to the wider cycle/footpath network. 9. The proposed development layout has been developed around the existing topography of the site, with the site accessed from the north east by a new roundabout on the A735 Dunlop Road and from the south west with incorporation of an access from the turning head on Eglintoun Road from the existing roundabout at the junction with B778 Dalry Road which was consented under 05/0755/FL (this site was developed by George Wimpey West Scotland Ltd). 10. The proposed residential units are either detached, semi-detached or terraced and there are 18 different house types. Of the 228 properties proposed, there are 105 detached properties (comprising a combination of 3, 4 & 5 bedroom) and all units are two storey. 56 properties are proposed as semi-detached, all are 3 bedroom units and two storeys in height. 67 properties are proposed as terraced, comprising a combination of 2 and 3 bedroom units some are a combination of two storey and cottage 1½ storey with two dormers on front elevation. 11. External materials are proposed to comprise: - Roofs - a combination of concrete interlocking rooftiles. External Walls – drydash roughcast main finish; facing brick main finish or part drydash roughcast finish on upper section front elevation only. Stonework - facing brick finish with contrasting soldier course brick band and contrasting soldier course feature to heads and cills. Fascias and bargeboards – finished in uPVC. 12. It is proposed to have 5 areas of open space with one central rectangular area dedicated for open space and recreation. Two areas of open space have been designated as being an equipped play area and are located in the north-west and west of the site. Two further areas of open space have been designated on the eastern edge of the site adjacent to Dunlop Road and on the south-western boundary of the site adjacent to Eglintoun Road. 13.
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