HOPE FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN IN TANZANIA P.O.BOX 162, MUGUMU – SERENGETI, MARA TANZANIA E-Mail: [email protected] Website: https://hopeforgirlsAndwomen.wordpress.com/ Twitter: @hopeforgirlsTZ Cell: +255 756 600 806 PROGRESS REPORT FOR OCTOBER 2019 12/11/2019 INTRODUCTION: Hope for girls And women TanzAnia is An NGO which registered legAlly At NAtionAl level with its headquarter office in Mugumu – Serengeti with registrAtion number 00NGO/0009414. The organization protests FGM, defends and advocates for girls’ and women rights against gender based violence and child marriage. We believe by providing education to girls and the community at large, strengthening love and solidarity in the community, we will create a community which is free from bad traditional ties, with dignity and development that will collectively declare an End to FGM, Child Marriage and other forms of Gender Based Violence. The orgAnizAtion estAblished Hope Mugumu Safe house And ButiAmA sAfe house to protect girls fleeing from FGM and support young women who hAve experienced gender bAsed violence from their families or community. Photo showing visitors in our offices Mugumu and Butiama safe house. Ms. NicolA, CAreen and Mr. Alan Cram 1 ACTIVITIES AND ACHIEVEMENTS: Hope Mugumu Safe house: We hAve totAl of 52 girls staying at Hope Mugumu SAfe house, where 16 at VTC class, 7 at day primary school,15 at Secondary government school, where 4 are at boarding secondary school ,4 are at primary boarding ,3 children are not at school, because are wAiting to give the testimony to the court. Two young women GBV Survivors received at Hope center and their reconciliAtion between their families is conducted by Police gender desk/ District social welfare. 2 Girls passed to join form one in 2020. Basic needs such as food and medication provided to girls. Food provided to ButiAmA Safe house. NUMBER OF GIRLS AT HOPE MUGUMU SAFE HOUSE: NO Girls At Girls Girls Girls not Girls At Girls At Girls At vocational schooling schooling going to boarding boarding boarding class at at school Hotel primary secondary Governme SecondAr manAgement school school nt PrimAry y level – and level day HospitAlity 1 16 7 15 3 3 4 4 2 Girls schooling at primary school at Liitle flour and Mapinduzi A and secondary school in Mugumu Butiama Safe house: We hAve the totAl number of 43 children at Safe Butiama among them 3 are still young kids who are still under special parental care, the remaining number is 40 among them 18 are doing their primary school education, 6 are doing their secondary school education and 13 are doing their vocational training on Tailoring, entrepreneurship skills and other self- reliAnce activities. Food and other bAsic needs for girls were provided. 3 girls experienced rape violence, were brought by Police gender desk from ButiAmA And BundA District waiting for their cases at the court. 2 Girls passed to join form one in 2020. NUMBER OF GIRLS AT BUTIAMA SAFE HOUSE: NO Girls At Girls Girls schooling At Children TotAl vocational schooling at Secondary leVel – not going class GoVernment day to school PrimAry level 1 13 18 7 5 43 3 VTC – TAILORING PROJECT AND BATIK MAKING: Hope Mugumu Safe house has 16 students at VTC, where 5 girls will be graduating on 29th of November 2019. 4 girls their reconciliation was successfully. The following topics were taught to girls such as Batik making, Women Handbag making, laptop bags, soap making for hand wash and toilet soap and cookery. Girls enjoyed cooking pan cake with a help from Shefa from FourseAsons. Photo showing Chef LucAs Julien from FourseAsons teAching girls how to cook pAn cAke and FrAnce cAke. ButiAmA Safe house has 13 students at vocational class. These girls will continue with their studies at vocational class. The following topics were taught-; Drees making, shirt making, bAtik and soap making. Cookery subject was taught on how to Frying ground nuts, frying chapels, Frying Irish potAtoes And Cooking French fries. 4 SOCIAL WELFARE OFFICER: HGWT SociAl welfAre officer in collaboration with social worker, police gender desk and district social welfare conducted reconciliation between girls and their parents and succeed 5 girls will be taken back home after their VTC graduation ceremony on 29 of November 2019. Young girls experienced vilence stAying to Hope Mugumu sAfe house. INCOME GENERATING PROJECT FROM VTC - HGWT. Through estAblished income generAting project, VTC teAchers with girls hAs mAnAged to mAke women hAnd bAgs, eprons, tAble mAts, toilet and washing soap, batik and embrodery materials. Table showing products produced At Hope Mugumu SAfe house: 5 NO Bags Women Table Aprons Batik Toilet VikApu MashukA Washing Hand bags mats soap soap soap 1 26 37 5 2 8 15 - 7 2 8@liter 20@1/4 @5 5 liter liters Different products produced by Hope Mugumu SAfe house GARDENING AND AGRICULTURE: Gardening Activities continuing in our gArden, we hAve grown different vegetAbles, such As spinach, mchicha, onions, tomatoes and watermelon using organic farming. We hAve grown 2 acters of cassava, sweet potatoes, mAize and millet in our new land. Photo showing girls working At our gArden A GIRL CHILD DAY AND OTHER COMMUNITY INTERVENTION: Hope for Girls And Women in TanzAniA through support from CAnAdiAn EmbAssy TAnzAniA organized and conducted a girl child day at Kiabakari secondary school, where more than 2800 students participated. Film screening in different villAges And schools conducted to creAte awareness on the effects of FGM. 6 Photo showing HGWT through ButiAmA Safe house pArticipAting in the girl child dAy in ButiamA District. ENTERPRENEURSHIP TRAINING – WOMMEN CONNECT HGWT through Hope Mugumu Safe house hAs mAnAged to trAin 37 members of women And children committee from 37 villAges in Serengeti District. The trAining was officiAlly opened by Serengeti District Executive Director. Hope stAff Also pArticipAted in this special training. Through support from Women Connect TZS 1,920,000 /= will support MicrofinAnce establishment following Wabiya system. Follow up mApping trAining was conducted And on how to work with ODK forms. 7 Women in their group discussion during entrepreneurship trAining. Marius An entrepreneurship trAining fAcilitAtor. StAff pArticipAted in this speciAl trAining. SpeciAl Mapping training to MAsAngA staff, Tarime sociAl welfAre, Tarime police gender desk and 3 staff from Butiama Safe house. 8 Photo showing stAff from MAsAngA, TArime district officials, staff from HGWT pArticipAted in the MApping trAining And facilitator Geoffrey from UgAndA, AnnA and DAniel from HGWT. LAND SURVEY: Survey work stArted At MAtAre village to develop town plAnning, survey and title. The interland Surveyors company LTD was selected among three compAnies. Town plAn Are reAdy designed and submitted to Serengeti council wait for approval from Council after their meeting plan to take plAce on 23 and 24th of November 2019. ESTABLISMENT OF KURYA CULTURAL CENTER: Hope Mugumu Safe house hAs mAnAged to estAblish kuryA culturAl center in order to promote kurya culture which promote women And girl’s rights and protect our community at larger. Through this kuryA culturAl center we Aim At creAting Awareness to our community And visitors about the effects of traditions and customs which hindering girls and women rights such as FGM, Early child mArriAges, women bAttery etc. In the kuryA culturAl center we hAve Hope cultural dance group which help to create awareness to the community about the effects FGM and Gender Based violence to community at larger. Mama Muhabe Marwa is working to this cultural center to explain about kurya traditional tools. Mama Muhabe is one of among 6 cutters who dropped down their tools And stop cutting girls After being sensitized About the effects of FGM And heAlth implicAtions to women And girls. The trAditionAl dAnce group is motivAted well 9 trained, avAilAble and ready to work any time to deliver ant FGM messAges to community and visitors. Hope culturAl dAnce group in one of their performAnce At Hope Mugumu sAfe house. VISITORS VISITED HGWT. Hope for Girls And Women in TanzAniA, through Hope Mugumu Safe house received visitors from NetherlAnd – NicolA And Karin, Sospiter from TCDC, AnifA.M. SAid from interlAnd surveyor from DodomA, VAineme MArite, ChAreen, RebeccA, Gleri from AustrAliA, Millie, Ollie, JAson And Daniel from FourseAsons, AllAn CrAm And Dan from UK. NicolA Spring And KArin Swizer from NetherlAnd, staff and Hope culturAl dAnce group during introduction session. 10 SUPPORT AND AIDS: We hAve received food And sAnitAry items Aid from Four seAsons on 26th October 2019, the items received includes: Rice 100 kg, BeAns 100 kg, MAize Flour 100kg, SugAr 50kg, Cooking oil 20 liters, Bar Soap 2 cartons, Body cream 1 dozen, Tooth paste 2 dozen and Pads 5 pc. MrAlAn CrAm supported Hope Mugumu sAfe house with 20 buskets And 20 pAirs of sAndles to ButiAmA Safe house. Food received from FourseAsons 5 dozens of UnderweArs received from Ms RebeccA MsAmbusA Photo showing girls and visitors from FourseAsons and UK holding some educational materials provided and sandles. ABOUT FGM SITUATION: Due to the informAtion’s received from good people whom fight AgAinst FGM And gender bAsed violence that have received the secret informAtion’s from traditionAl leAders, thAt there will be a very secret cutting to Wairege and wamerA. The informAtion received from informers from Serengeti, ButiAmA and Tarime Districts. From November to December the cutting will start to these 2 kuryAn clAn when school holidAy start. We Are reAdy to receive girls whom will flee from FGM. CHALLENGES: The following chAllenges • Water problem Butiama safe house is facing water problem, where girls has to walk long distance looking for water. • School desks is still A chAllenge, where some students Are sitting down At KyAbAkAri– ButiAmA District. 11 • Funds to support construction of our permAnent buildings.
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