Portland Public Library Portland Public Library Digital Commons Nor' by East Periodicals 3-1967 Nor' by East, Spring 1967 Casco Bay Island Development Association Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/peaks_nbe Recommended Citation Casco Bay Island Development Association, "Nor' by East, Spring 1967" (1967). Nor' by East. 21. https://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/peaks_nbe/21 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Periodicals at Portland Public Library Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Nor' by East by an authorized administrator of Portland Public Library Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. - - , EXPO '67 1:v .. ,ON Pcrl!and Public Lihr~ _I;Ii & · "4c ~~ , .'''." UUl'l i.;11 UT/\'1:J:~~·· I 1 ..1II , DRBY BAY ISLANDS - MAINE 1.,criodicul ,oom Fort.land 1-ublic Libl"'ry 1 and Year Round Portlrnd, nin e CUMBERLAND COUNTY Spring 1967 RESIDENTIAL ISLANDS ARE MAINE ATTRACTION As the gull flies, whether you travel from north or south, there are islands along Maine's coast. No other state in New ·. England or anywhere on the Atlantic Coast has so many easy Y. to reach friendly little island communities. Herc in Casco Bay things are happening. New oppor- tunities for either year round or seasonal living; new small business investments; new horizons for educational and re­ search activity where proximity to the sea is an inducement - all this and much more lies in the present and future plans · for Maine islands. To move forward carefully with quality more important than quantity; to maintain leisurely pace while improving services; to make among these island havens the kind of livability which brings satisfaction for newcomers as well as , longtimers - is a worthy goal. Maine invites ycu, and Casco Bay welcomes you, partic­ Y ularly, to spend a day, a vacation or the rest of your life on a delightful and scenic island. Distance from Key Cities Boston l 06 miles Montreal 282 miles New York 300 miles Washington, D. C. 543 miles FLORIDA EDITORS • BOOST MAINE ~ Many coastal parties seem hampered by their planners if the special event day arrives with a thick fog. Not so the Clam­ , • bakers who entertained a group of Florida editors in the thickest of "pea soup". • Resounding throughout Florida in dozens o( feature articles was a full ·~ description of a Maine clambake on Peaks Island in which the fog seemed • just part of the fun. Friendly hospitality, and the Maine delicacy is thus proven not easily dampened come fog, rain, hail or snow. Thus an item of much encouragement to party planners in the land of many sea­ sons. Let's not shrink when the fog sets in. Florida Edi tors on a Clambake They Even Liked the, Fog ! (Photo credit) Miam i Herald Photo PAGE 2 NOR' BY EAST SPRING 1967 NOR' BY EAST CITY SCHEDULES NEIGHBORHOOD NEW RENT-A-BOAT SERVICE Box 66, Peaks Island, Maine CONSERVATION PROJECT Lionel R. Plante, who has been add­ Published by Casco llay Island Develop­ What are the Neighborhood Conser­ ing annually to his Peaks marina facil­ ment Association for residents and \"isitors of Casco Bay. A 11011-prolit puhlication vation Projects which the City of Port­ ities, plans to set up a double-ended supported hy advertisers and members of land are undertaking? What may be the Rent-a-Boat service when he can: find a the Association. Al l work excl'pt printing implications for Portland's Casco Bay su itable mainland terminal to function dl>natcd by rnembcrs. Islands? I have been asked to write on together with his island station. this subject for this issue of Nor' by East. Eventually he would have six motor DEMOCRACY IN TH E BAY Neighborhood Conservation Projects boats of three sizes, two of each size, Islands, by nature of their locations are located in areas of the city which do which could be let out, and received, at and individuality, often lack strong, not require extensive rehabilitation or ei ther place. representative government. This is es­ renewal such as is required in the serious­ Mr. Plante has an idea that the flex­ pecially so when islands, such as our ly blighted areas. It combines enforce­ ibility of this plan will be attractive to Casco Bay group, are not self-governed ment of the City's codes with extensive patrons at both ends of the line. but are instead an appendage of a main­ improvements in the public facilities land municipality. There is a natural (streets, sidewalks, public buildings, etc.) tendency to feel a sort of paranoid self­ and strong encouragement to tenants pity. Nobody loves us, way out here. and property owners to improve their The point of view from the mainland, properties above the minimum code re­ however, may seem quite unsymp,. q_uirements. All of these efforts are de­ From the average mainland taxpayer signed to help stabilize and further im­ who feels that some of his tax money is prove an area. City being used on those strange people who The City's first Neighborhood Con­ . insist on living on islands, it's easy to servation Project undertaken under this Is lands say "If they don't like what they get new Federally assisted program is in the Coordinator why don't they move to town!" Bramhall Hill area of Portland's penin­ sular section. This project is now being Somewhere half-way between these launched. Other neig·hborhoods of the points of view are elected officials under city are being scheduled for subsequent Charles Ranlett whose auspices the island areas fall. For years. Portland's islands are scheduled the most part these officials try to be un­ for I 972 under the present timing. RANLETT RESIGNS CITY POST derstanding and helpful. But often their In Bramhall-and the program would Charles Ranlett, fondly regarded as hands are tied either by the old money include similar items in the other "Island Commissioner", but actually problem, or the peculiarities of demands neighborhoods including the islands - Portland's Personnel Director, is head­ or needs of their island constituents. the City will rebuild and repair streets, ing for larger fields and will be based in To make reasonable progress it seems sidewa lks, and sewers. New trees will be Chicago. He has served Portland well, that a semi-official representation of planted and new street name signs will and lias ta ken on the extra duty of island-folk could bridge the gap between be installed. T he park areas will be im­ Islands Coordinator - an unprece­ these two points of view and bring proved or further developed. All this dented post in island government which about through elements of self-help a work will be carried out m a way so as has worked out very well. We all thank more cooperative atmosphere in which to reduce future maintenance costs and him, wish him well, and hope the island real progress can flourish. so as to enhance property values and coordinator post will be equally well encourage further private development. filled by the new City Manager. This, briefly, is what the Casco Bay Island Development Association stands for: Working together among our is­ lands, and :with elected officials. A problem is recognized among those who steer the affairs of CBIDA: Every­ one doesn't love us, and everyone doesn't WELCOME TO THE believe in us, and therefore we don't speak for everyone when we speak. But even those who are "agin us" must recognize that some of our efforts are working out pretty well; that the WE OFFER YOU image of CBIDA on the mainland is one of responsible endeavor with a con­ CMco Bay Iolando siderable amount of initiative which is TinL&nd:e.d Oppo !Ltund:,i.,e..o paying off. llo bUe. Fac~e..o B'u.o,lne..oo Ce.ntvu. and Be.a.che..o What could best help our theories to work for everyone is to build up the t ducatio nai Re..o ouJtc e..o democratic representation which we R'a.,U SVtv~ce. to EXPO 67 offer to all island residents. Take..o-Boating- Sw,&rm~ng A,Utpo!Lt Tvim~nai Everyone in the Bay is welcome to thee. Bu.o T,upo join the CBIDA. And every member ~a.Nt N~ce People. has a vote on all important issues. Dues are necessary because it's the only way to run a business. And CBIDA is run­ s -FROM ning a pretty big business. when it tu~ns ARTHUR CHAPMAN, JR., C H,'1"MAN out Nor' by East for gorng onto nme CUMBERL AND A RTHUR H . CHARLES years. COUNTY DAVID BLOTNER 142 FEDERAL STREET If you are not a member and are TELEPHONE 774-42118 PORTLAND, MAINE 04111 interested, ask for our Charter and By­ laws and look us over. We want you. And we hope you will want us. - , SPRING 1967 NOR' BY EAST PAGE 3 Portland, Me ., SPnday Teleg ram, April 16, 1967 DIAMOND ISLAND MARINE SERVICE New CBL Craft Launched LITTLE DIAMOND ISLAND, MAIN E Lobsters - Groceries - Marine Fuels At Rhode Island Shipyard Boat Storage and Repairs WARREN, R.I. (AP> - mechanism which lowered the decks, 2,000 sQ.uare feet of open Tel. 766-2087 Mrs. Peter N. Kyros, wife 100-ton ship vertically into the and glass enclosed passenger of Maine's First District con- sea. areas and has a ballroom on gressman, made American ma- The Island Holiday then back- the main deck for charter par­ r!time history Saturday when ed froin the cradle under its ties and moonlight dance cruises.
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