ROBERTSON’S RANT The Newsletter of the Clan Donnachaidh Society—Mid-Atlantic Branch VIRGINIA SCOTTISH GAMES REPORT By Jim Fargo We combined our Don‐ about as far from our nachaidh Diner with the locaon as possible, but I VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 The second half of our Gordon Grill and every‐ did get over there both Games Season began SEPTEMBER 2012 th one in both clans were days to check on the per‐ with the 39 annual well fed. Much thanks formances. I’m pleased Virginia Scosh Games to Evan and Rosalie to report that Peter at Great Meadow in The Duncan for hosng our Walker won our clan’s Branch Officers: Plains on Labor Day Diner again this year and 2nd place open “Ronald weekend. Arriving at for Dave and Lois Duncan Gonnella Memo‐ President: 8:00am on Saturday (Robertson) Todd for rial” trophy this year. morning, we were situat‐ hosng the Gordon Grill. Sam Kistler ed between our House Lots of friends and visi‐ of Gordon cousins and Our locaon along the tors came by the clan Vice President: top of the ridge running tent each day. Although the Games’ hospitality Ron Bentz building. Saturday start‐ through the clan tent we had a Lindsay tartan ed with a light shower, area (36 clans) provided skirt on display, not a Secretary/Treasurer: but cleared up and an ideal site for listening single Lindsay visitor turned out to be a beau‐ to the Celc music com‐ came to the tent. Our Norman Dunkinson ful day. Fortunately, ing from the Entertain‐ signage did aract all of Sunday was a repeat of ment tent. our own clan folk and we now have four new Saturday’s weather and The Scosh Fiddling tent members of the Society: we avoided hurricane/ was located over by the tropical storm Isaac Highland Dancing area Continued on page 3 weather. near the main entrance, Inside this issue: THE BLACK WATCH COMES TO VIRGINIA McHenry Games Report 2 By Jim Fargo the Prince William cam‐ For more informaon pus of George Mason visit the Black Watch Fairhill Games Report 2 The Black Watch and the University. The pipes event page at Hylton‐ Band of the Scots Guards and drums of the Black Center.org. You can or‐ are coming to Manassas, Watch will join the 40‐ der ckets, either by call‐ McLain Games Report 3 Virginia on Sunday Janu‐ member Scots Guards ing 888‐945‐2468 or by ary 27, 2013. The pag‐ orchestra and highland going online to: Hylton‐ Crinan, Abbott of Dun- 4 keld eantry of Scosh mili‐ dancers and fill the cen‐ Center.org. tary tradion comes to ter with rousing Upcoming Celtic Events 6 life when these two es‐ marches, srring an‐ and Games—2012 teemed military bands thems and the disncve take the stage at 4PM in sounds of bagpipes and the Hylton Performing brass. Arts Center located on Page 2 ROBERTSON’S RANT MCHENRY GAMES REPORT By Jim Fargo Highland Fesval. About Straan, Sr. and Jr.), we nd half of the aending clans welcomed several Robi‐ At 7:00am on June 2 , set up in the indoor ven‐ son and Reid families to the clan van rolled into dor pavilion rather than our indoor tent. the fairgrounds of Garre deal with the cold breezy County, Maryland. A Five clansmen marched in winds and threat of aer‐ quick conference be‐ the parade of tartans. noon rains. The only tween President Sam We joined the other clans drawbacks to being in‐ Kistler, my son An‐ by the outdoor clan tent doors were that we didn’t drew ,and I at the clan area and eventually get to watch the athlecs tent area soon had the formed up in a line near or hear the bagpipe van moving over to the the reviewing stand prior bands. indoor vendor pavilion to the bands parading Donnachaidh Coat of Arms where we set up our tent. In addion to the arrival onto the field. We then We were set up and ready of several regular marched past the review‐ by 7:30am for the start of aendees (Harry Robert‐ the 25th annual McHenry son, and David McCrobie Continued on page 3 FAIR HILL GAMES REPORT By Norman Dunkinson were just returning from repre‐ Guthrie, Irwin, MacLeod, Mac‐ The Colonial Highland Gathering, senng Donnachaidh in the Pa‐ Dougal, Nisbet, MacGregor, Bell, informally known as the Fair Hill rade of Clans. It was a hot day, Grant, O’Brien, MacAlister, Don‐ Highland Games, opened for the but that didn’t deter the fesval ald, Hay, Wallace, Maclaren, Bu‐ 52nd consecuve year on the goers – in fact, due to arriving chanan, Kennedy, Gordon, Mac‐ morning of Saturday, May 19th. late and parking in the public Pherson, Graham, and Lindsay. area, I got a beer appreciaon Though I’ve convened there for We had our usual fun with Clan about 15 years, I was unable to than I’ve ever had for just how Lindsay, of course, with my fa‐ set‐up in the morning due to just well this game is aended. ther reiving a stuffed cow from geng back from a work trip to Consequently, business picked the slumbering Lindsay conven‐ Arizona a few hours before, and up a good bit in the aernoon, er. The cow already had a sign my father, Norman G. Dun‐ as we welcomed a number of on it that said something to the kinson III, graciously accepted prospecve members and effect of “protect me or the Don‐ the responsibility for erecng friends of the Clan to the tent, nachaidhs will get me,” and get the tent and displays. and assisted many who were it we did. It was proudly dis‐ played on our table unl the When I arrived around 12:30pm, searching for their Clan affilia‐ Lindsays realized the the and Sam Kistler, our President, and on. recruited a youngster to come, members Harry Robertson and More than 25 Clans and Socie‐ dirk in hand, to demand the re‐ Smiy Woodward were already es were in aendance, includ‐ turn of the cow! on site. Sam, Harry, and Smiy ing Cameron, Paisley, Sinclair, Page 3 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 MCHENRY GAMES REPORT (CONTINUED) ing stand and gave a rousing “MOO” to the honorary clan Chieain for the day, Mr. Gregan Crawford (of Clan Lind‐ say!). The clans then formed up behind the reviewing stand for the parade of dog breeds, massed band perfor‐ mance, and customary speeches. Aer the parade we returned to the indoor clan area and set up the Donnachaidh Diner for lunch. I always enjoy chang with our clan folk and with non‐Donnachaidh visitors to the tent to help determine which clan(s) they might be eligible to join. Gregan Crawford was a vendor several spots away from our site and we would never have known he was a Lindsay except his wife and daughter Lindsay were visitors to our tent. Being allowed inside was a great opportunity as everyone eventually visits the vendor shops and we thus see and talk to many more folks than if we had been outside. This is a great smaller fesval held on the first Saturday of June each year. Hope to see you next year! VIRIGINIA SCOTTISH GAMES REPORT (CONTINUED) we welcome Heather Gange from Balmore, MD; Roy Greenia from Falls Church, VA; Tony LaCava from Bris‐ tow, VA; and Thomas Reed from Winchester, VA as members of the Mid‐Atlanc Branch! This fesval has always been well run with lots of aracons (living history, Brish Car show, moon bounce for kids, sheepherding, etc.) that the whole family can enjoy. It is well worth aending and I hope you can include this fesval in your 2013 calendar. MCLAIN GAMES REPORT By Ron Bentz the tent throughout the “...and the newest Donnachaidh—my son day, including Dave and I arrived at the site to find Roz Strunk, my mother Liam James.” the tent was already in Bey Bentz, and the new‐ place. Good work, Nor‐ est Donnachaidh ‐ my son man and Sam! This is one Liam James. Clan aend‐ of the smaller games we ance was down compared do, always held on the to prior years, but includ‐ Saturday prior to Labor ed the McLain stalwarts – Day. The weather was Cameron, Donald, Hay, perfect. In the past we’ve MacAlister, MacDuff, had to deal with rain from Mackintosh, MacLachlan, hurricanes, so it was great Maclaren, Murray, and to have such a fine day. Wallace. There was some The main entertainment talk at the end of the day was provided by the Mar‐ on how to gain more in‐ n family band, who have terest in this event. All become a staple of this agreed that allowing beer event. This talented fami‐ would be a great start! ly plays Scosh and Irish Nonetheless, it was a very tunes, along with dancing. enjoyable day! Aldclune Brooch Norman, Sam and I wel‐ comed several folks to Page 4 ROBERTSON’S RANT CRINAN, ABBOTT OF DUNKELD By Jim Fargo him on behalf of Malcolm’s daugh‐ the head of a dal estuary, and ter Bethoc, should not be granted under Crinan enjoyed a consider‐ We know from our clan history away on her recent death, but that able trade with the merchants of books, that from Crinan’s mar‐ lord Crinan should connue to en‐ Norway and Denmark and else‐ riage to Bethoc, daughter of joy its rights and its privileges to‐ where in the Balc. Malcolm II, the “Ard Righ” or gether with the duty to protect high king of Alba, their son Dun‐ Gillacomghain, mormaer of and foster this abbey for life.
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