Cor Jesu Fornax Ardens Caritatis, Miserere Nobis » King and Center of All Hearts Encyclical : Annum Sacrum Papal Letter to Fr. Mateo The Enthronement of the Sacred Heart Litany of Sacred Heart Catholic Education - Part I Pope Pius XII and Sports Christianity in India Fraternitas Sacerdotalis Saint Pii X May - June 2018 Cor Jesu Newsletter of the Society of St. Pius X in South India May - June 2018 Volume IV, Number 3 Publisher Society of Saint Pius X 8A/3, Annie Nagar Seevalaperi Road Palayamkottai Tamilnadu—627002 India Tel: 0462-2586201 [email protected] District Superior Rev. Fr. Karl Stehlin Prior Rev. Fr. Therasian Babu Price Suggested donation: Rs. 300/- To Order Send email or write Internet fsspx.asia The Enthronement of the Sacred Heart Encylical on Consecration to the Sacred Heart Pontifical Letter of Approbation To Fr. Mateo About the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart Spiritual Life Litany of the Sacred Heart Cor Jesu Other interests Catholic Education - Part I Pope Pius XII and Sports History of Christianity in India Book Review: Marian Meditations FSSPX News 3 ANNUM SACRUM ENCYCLICAL OF POPE LEO XIII ON CONSECRATION TO THE SACRED HEART o the Patriarchs, Primates, Archbishops, T and Bishops of the Catholic World in Grace and Communion with the Apostolic See. Venerable Brethren, Health and Apostolic Benediction. But a short time ago, as you well know, We, by letters apostolic, and following the custom and ordinances of Our predecessors, commanded the celebration in this city, at no distant date, of a Holy Year. And now to-day, in the hope and with the object that this religious celebration shall be more devoutly performed, We have traced and recom- mended a striking design from which, if all shall follow it out with hearty good will, We not unrea- and Pius IX., devoutly to foster and bring out into sonably expect extraordinary and lasting benefits fuller light that most excellent form of devotion for Christendom in the first place and also for the which has for its object the veneration of the whole human race. Sacred Heart of Jesus; this We did especially by the 2. Already more than once We have endeav- Decree given on June 28, 1889, by which We raised ored, after the example of Our predecessors the Feast under that name to the dignity of the Innocent XII, Benedict XIII, Clement XIII, Pius VI, first class. But now We have in mind a more signal 4 Cor Jesu | May-June 2018 form of devotion which shall be in a manner the the Father, having the same substance with Him crowning perfection of all the honors that people and being the brightness of His glory and the figure have been accustomed to pay to the Sacred Heart, of His substance (Hebrews 1:3) necessarily has and which We confidently trust will be most pleas- everything in common with the Father, and there- ing to Jesus Christ, our Redeemer. This is not the fore sovereign power over all things. This is why first time, however, that the design of which We the Son of God thus speaks of Himself through the speak has been mooted. Twenty-five years ago, Prophet: “But I am appointed king by him over Sion, on the approach of the solemnities of the second his holy mountain. The Lord said to me, Thou art centenary of the Blessed Margaret Mary Alacoque's my son, this day have I begotten thee. Ask of me reception of the Divine command to propagate the and I will give thee the Gentiles for thy inheritance worship of the Sacred Heart, many letters from all and the utmost parts of the earth for thy posses- parts, not merely from private persons but from sion” (Psalm 2). By these words He declares that Bishops also were sent to Pius IX. begging that he He has power from God over the whole Church, would consent to consecrate the whole human which is signified by Mount Sion, and also over the race to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. It was rest of the world to its uttermost ends. On what thought best at the time to postpone the matter foundation this sovereign power rests is made in order that a well-considered decision might be sufficiently plain by the words, "Thou art My Son." arrived at. Meanwhile permission was granted to For by the very fact that He is the Son of the King individual cities which desired it thus to consecrate of all, He is also the heir of all His Father's power: themselves, and a form of consecration was drawn hence the words – “I will give thee the Gentiles for up. Now, for certain new and additional reasons, thy inheritance,” which are similar to those used by We consider that the plan is ripe for fulfilment. Paul the Apostle, “whom he hath appointed heir of all things” (Hebrews 1:2). 3. This world-wide and solemn testimony of allegiance and piety is especially appropriate to 4. But we should now give most special con- Jesus Christ, who is the Head and Supreme Lord of sideration to the declarations made by Jesus Christ, the race. His empire extends not only over Catholic not through the Apostles or the Prophets but by nations and those who, having been duly washed His own words. To the Roman Governor who asked in the waters of holy baptism, belong of right to the Him, “Art thou a king then?” He answered unhesi- Church, although erroneous opinions keep them tatingly, “Thou sayest that I am a king” (John 18:37). astray, or dissent from her teaching cuts them off And the greatness of this power and the bound- from her care; it comprises also all those who are lessness of His kingdom is still more clearly declared deprived of the Christian faith, so that the whole in these words to the Apostles: “All power is given human race is most truly under the power of Jesus to me in heaven and on earth” (Matthew 28:18). Christ. For He who is the Only-begotten Son of God If then all power has been given to Christ it follows Cor Jesu | May-June 2018 5 of necessity that His empire must be supreme, flows naturally from royal authority, he concludes absolute and independent of the will of any other, decisively as follows: “All things are subject to Christ so that none is either equal or like unto it: and as far as His power is concerned, although they are since it has been given in heaven and on earth it not all subject to Him in the exercise of that power”, ought to have heaven and earth obedient to it. (3a., p., q. 59, a. 4). This sovereign power of Christ And verily he has acted on this extraordinary and over men is exercised by truth, justice, and above peculiar right when He commanded His Apostles all, by charity. to preach His doctrine over the earth, to gather all 7. To this twofold ground of His power and men together into the one body of the Church by domination He graciously allows us, if we think fit, the baptism of salvation, and to bind them by laws, to add voluntary consecration. Jesus Christ, our God which no one could reject without risking his eter- and our Redeemer, is rich in the fullest and perfect nal salvation. possession of all things: we, on the other hand, are 5. But this is not all. Christ reigns nor only by so poor and needy that we have nothing of our own natural right as the Son of God, but also by a right to offer Him as a gift. But yet, in His infinite good- that He has acquired. For He it was who snatched ness and love, He in no way objects to our giving us “from the power of darkness” (Colossians 1:13), and consecrating to Him what is already His, as if and “gave Himself for the redemption of all” , it were really our own; nay, far from refusing such (1 Timothy 2:6). Therefore not only Catholics, and an offering, He positively desires it and asks for it: those who have duly received Christian baptism, “My son, give me thy heart.” We are, therefore, but also all men, individually and collectively, have able to be pleasing to Him by the good will and the become to Him “a purchased people” (1 Peter 2:9). affection of our soul. For by consecrating ourselves St. Augustine's words are therefore to the point to Him we not only declare our open and free when he says: “You ask what price He paid? See acknowledgment and acceptance of His authority what He gave and you will understand how much over us, but we also testify that if what we offer He paid. The price was the blood of Christ. What as a gift were really our own, we would still offer could cost so much but the whole world, and all it with our whole heart. We also beg of Him that its people? The great price He paid was paid for He would vouchsafe to receive it from us, though all” (T. 120 on St. John). clearly His own. Such is the efficacy of the act of 6. How it comes about that infidels them- which We speak, such is the meaning underlying selves are subject to the power and dominion of Our words. Jesus Christ is clearly shown by St. Thomas, who 8. And since there is in the Sacred Heart a gives us the reason and its explanation.
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