bus tim es •WINTER SEASO N• from 23 September 2 018 Contents Route Page 1 Weymouth – Wyke Regis – Portland 6-11 2 Weymouth – Park and Ride – Littlemoor 12-15 3 Weymouth – Westham 16-18 4/4A Weymouth – Preston 19-20 6 Bridport Hospital – Bridport – Beaminster – Yeovil 21 7 West Bay – Bridport – Bradpole – Bothenhampton 22-23 8 Weymouth – Chickerell 16-18 10 Weymouth – Dorchester – Dorset County Hospital – Poundbury 24-28 X51 Dorchester – Poundbury – Bridport – Lyme Regis – Axminster 29-36 X53 Weymouth – West Bay – Bridport – Lyme Regis – Axminster 29-36 X54 Weymouth – Lulworth Cove – Wool – Wareham – Poole 29, 37 502 Lodmoor Country Park – Weymouth – Littlesea Haven Holiday Centre 38-39 503 Weymouth – Waterside Holiday Park and Spa 38-39 School Services Inside Back Cover Index Inside Back Cover Digital cartography and artwork by Pindar Creative www.pindarcreative.co.uk Hello and Welcome ... Thank you for choosing to travel with First Wessex, we hope that you have a pleasant journey with us. First in Wessex are delighted to present a new Winter Season for 2018. Our new Winter season will start from Sunday 23 September 2018. Here is a summary of the changes: Route 1: Weymouth – Portland ● Monday to Friday daytime frequency to remain every 12 minutes, Saturday daytime frequency to remain every 15 minutes and Sunday daytime frequency revised to run every 20 minutes. Route 2: Weymouth – Littlemoor ● Monday to Friday daytime frequency to remain every 12 minutes, Saturday daytime frequency to run every 15 minutes, Sunday daytime frequency revised to run every 30 minutes. Routes 3 and 8: Weymouth – Westham/Chickerell ● The half hourly service on Mondays to Saturdays will remain, but late-night journeys withdrawn. Sunday services will be withdrawn until summer 2019. Route 4: Weymouth – Preston ● Monday to Friday frequency to remain every 20 minutes but finishing by 2000; Saturday service to remain every 30 minutes but finishing by 2000. Sunday service withdrawn until summer 2019. Route 4A: Weymouth – Sutton Poyntz ● Remains at three round trips on Monday to Friday only, with minor amendments to the timetable. Route 6: Bridport – Beaminster ● Very minor changes to timetable in the morning. Route 7: Bridport local service ● New service on Wednesday and Saturday, linking West Bay, Allington, Bridport town centre, Bradpole and Bothenhampton, operated with financial support from Bridport Town Council. Route 10: Weymouth – Dorchester ● The daytime service on Monday to Saturday remains at a MQ minutes frequency, and Sunday daytimes remains at a OL minute frequency. Jurassic Coaster X51 & X53: Dorchester/Weymouth – Bridport – Lyme – Regis – Axminster ● Introduction of winter timetable. Sunday service will return in the spring. Jurassic Coaster X54: Weymouth – Wool – Poole ● Reverts to four return journeys a day on Monday to Friday only. Certain journeys will continue to run via Lulworth. Route X55: Weymouth – Wool – Bovington ● No service during the winter period. Open Top Routes 500 and 501 ● No service during the winter period. Routes 502 and 503 ● Services continue until October/November 2018 and then are withdrawn for the winter period. 1 23/02/2018 11:36:11 CO N MY BANK TA MY BANK C T L E S 1234 5678 1234 5023 ON S MS CONTACTLESS 08/07 - 08/23 A P L A L Y F M IR EN S T T S B U S ES R t a R y S M d a b i n r where to catch your bus in town centre p e e Weymouth D e o l a r l t e g t e e h y e P e e R l r e d a n r i o a t r t t v B&Q t S l k a S S S d n e D t e n r B e i e v u c e s Weymouth Q RSPB Discovery e r t Don’t forget to download our new First Travel l Centre C n a e y c app, making it easier to plan your journey from Kin o s g S R e t r L reet start to finish and keeping you up to date with C 5 5 the latest travel information. 1 Jubilee 3 s t Clock W B w B e a e th e e e S r t y t M d m a S r W e e n o sl k ey t a u r l St s a t t e p h s P S c King’s Statue W Swannery u E n o a Bridge o l e t h G Route Towards Bus Stops Bus Stops y r T d G u lou T A a c este K8 l r o m St Portland K4 B R a 1 l R K1 a o i Weymouth a c Park & Ride/ d r 2 Littlemoor K2 M d e K2 Bay a K7 o m R Westham y m botsbur Bridge K3 3 Westham A C D G L t Ab o We K6 st S ha C m R t d King’s S J t e d e Preston K1 M k a g K4 K5 4 s r Statue a e r o o a r o l R e P G C Council e l Weymouth G a e Offices 4A Sutton Poyntz K1 M b d t r Marina Library e o m Kim v o ber e le r c T y a e t s rra t r ce S Chickerell K6 A C D G L S o 8 y C Debenhams r Post a T M t h Dorchester/ d Office t Poundbury K3 M e e 10 a S e E H r o t New s R B S p on d S l t s a y Bo X53 Bridport/Axminster K6 J a nd S eet n e tr a m t w d o e t e h e s r T t X54 Cineworld Poole K5 M e t S S W G w e d Lo wer N 502 a St Lodmoor Country Park * K7 M Alban S Weymouth o t St A E t lb t R a Pavilion n Street s e e l t p e e r e l r a a 503 e Waterside Holiday Park & Spa * i K7 M t t n Magistrates’ r c S F S Alexander t a r s t S d Court e a s Gardens l e e Ferry n d o a a o n * Service 502 will run until 27th October 2018, with the 503 running m h E la Terminal B d c l p N m i s o E a e N Belle Vue until 3rd November 2018. w C t M s S D S Weymouth t t Ed e mund a Harbour d St R oa d E uay e Town Cust Q rad A on House Pa Bridge the No North Quay Tri nity C Rd Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown Copyright 2018 Digital Cartography by Pindar Creative www.pindarcreative.co.uk Except for King’s Statue, stop letters shown are for reference only and are not displayed on the bus stops. d d a R to 10 PoAundbury o 3 y R e Sutton Poyntz 5 l r 4 l bus routes around town centre e a t Weymouth V 2 4 4A s e Littlemoor Rd e h ©P1ndar ©P1ndar b Preston d©P1ndar Sutton Poyntz ©P1ndar c ©P1ndar R r m ©P1ndar o Seven Acres Rd Silver Street to o n X53 Axminster ©P1ndar C o D ©P1ndar X54 ©P1ndar ©P1ndar t ©P1ndar Upwey ©P1ndar Preston t ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar to u ©P1ndar Poole Westfield ©P1ndar ©P1ndar st ©P1ndar o Broadwey Preston ©P1ndar re n R ©P1ndar S P ©P1ndar oa ©P1ndar d Co-op ©P1ndar Garden Technology Osmington ©P1ndar ©P1ndar College ©P1ndar N Centre ©P1ndar otting A 53 ©P1ndar ton 3 ©P1ndar A Lan 3 ©P1ndar e Littlemoor ©P1ndar L ©P1ndar WWyyyvvveerernern 5 ©P1ndar o ©P1ndar ©P1ndar Nottington AAccacadadeademademmyy 4 u Littl ton ©P1ndar v emo Weymouth Bay g ©P1ndar or i ©P1ndar R tin e d ©P1ndar Not ©P1ndar Holiday Park TThThehe WWeeeyy r ©P1ndar ne ©P1ndar s d a ©P1ndar R L VVaaalallallelleeyy SSccchchochoochoolhool oad a 503 o ©P1ndar R 2 ©P1ndar ©P1ndar Waterside Redlands n ©P1ndar 4A o ©P1ndar y Littlemoor t ©P1ndar a Holiday Park RReeededledlaedlanedlandedlandsdlands ©P1ndar ©P1ndar s ©P1ndar W ©P1ndar CCooomommommuommunommuniommunitmmunittyy Buddleia Close ©P1ndar e r ©P1ndar e & Spa Osmington Bay P v SSpSpoSporporrttsts HHuHubub o Holiday Centre Overcombe C Fantasy Island aze ©P1ndar owle Fun Park B Mount Pleasant ©P1ndar B ©P1ndar ©P1ndar ©P1ndar 3 ©P1ndar d 1 ©P1ndar Park & Ride ©P1ndar 5 R 7 y ©P1ndar ©P1ndar r 4 e ©P1ndar Lodmoor 5 SSaaaiainainbainbuainburinburryyy’’’ss c r ©P1ndar Bagwell Farm ©P1ndar 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