T H E NO RW I CH SCH OOL JOH N “ OLD ” CROME JOH N SELL c o TMAN ( ) , G E OR G E ‘D I N C E N T JA ME A , S S T RK 1 B N Y C OM JOHN I T . E E E R R , TH R LE D BROOKE D A ’DI D H OD N R. LA , GSO ? J J 0 M. E . 0TM 89 . g/{N E TC . WITH ARTI LES BY M UND ALL C H . C P S A , . CONT ENTS U A P S A R I LES BY H M C ND LL . A T C . , Introduction John Crome John Sell Cotman O ther Members of the Norwich School I LLUSTRATIONS I N COLOURS l Cotman , John Sel Greta rid Yorkshire t - B ge, (wa er colour) Michel Mo nt St. Ruined Castle near a Stream B oats o n Cromer Beach (oil painting) Crome , John The Return ofthe Flock— Evening (oil painting) The Gate A athin Scene View on the Wensum at Thor e Norivtch B g p , (oil painting) Road with Pollards ILLUSTRAT IONS IN MONOTONE Cotman , John Joseph towards Norwich (water—colour) lx x vu Cotman , John Sell rid e Valle and Mountain B g , y, Llang ollen rid e at Sa/tram D evo nshire B g , D urham Castle and Cathedral Windmill in Lincolnshire D ieppe Po wis Cast/e ‘ he alai d an e t Lo T P s e Justic d the Ru S . e , Ro uen Statue o Charles I Chart/2 Cross f , g Cader I dris Eto n Colleg e Study B oys Fishing H o use m th e Place de la Pucelle at Rouen Chdteau at Fo ntame—le— en i near aen H r , C Mil/hank o n the Thames ILLUSTRATIONS IN MONOTONE— Continued PLATE M Cotman , iles Edmund Boats on the Medway (oil painting) lxxv Tro wse Mills lxxvi Crome , John Landscape View on th e Wensum ath near o w ch Mousehold He , N r i Moonlight on the Yare Lands cape : Grov' e Scene The Grove Scene Marlin o rd , gf The Villag e Glade Bach o the Ne w Mills Norwich f , Cottage near L ahenham Mill near Lahenham On th e Shirts of the Forest ive orwich Bach R r, N ru es Ri'ver Ostend in the D istance B g , ; Moo nlight Yarmouth H arho ur ddes I tal e s Parts 1 oulevar i n 1 8 . B , , 4 Yarmouth Jett y . ’ Blach smzth s Sh o near Hin hatn No blh p , g , rf d Landsca e at o /ne Wo o y p C y . Fishmarhet on the Beach at B o ulog ne Th atched Building s (water- colour) Lane Scene near M rwich Landscape near Lahenhanz Mei /ting s on the Wensum Landscape with Fig ures Wattingfor the Ferry WaadlandScene D unham No olh , rf Pencil Study Crome , John Berney iewnear Bu Ed und V ry St. m s (oil pain ting) River Scene hy Mo onlight D R t ixon , ober The Farmyard (water- colour) lxxiv D Hodgson , avid Old Fish Marhet Nor ich , w (oil painting) ILLUSTRATIONS m MON OTONE— Continued PLATE Ladbrooke , John Berney Landscape (oil painting) lxiv The Sluice Gate lxv R Ladbrooke , obert ach Scene Mundesle Be , y d Loun , Thomas - Ely Cathedral . (water colour) lxxvii i ' t enet s Ahhe S . B y (oil painting) lxxix N inham , Henry ish ate Str et Nor ich F g e , w A. O R . pie , John , John Crome P riest , Alfred ' odsto rid e Ox ord G w B g , f Stannard , Alfred Yarnzouth Jetty Stannard , Joseph Fishing B oats Stark , James Whitlzn hanz rom Old Thor e rove g , f p G Thorpe Wo od Sheep Washing Landscape with Cattle The Forest Gate Th irtle , John Whitlingham Reach (water- colour) Cro mer loo hin East , g ’ ' Vte wunder ish o s rid e Nor tbtch B p B g , Ma nus s Church London rid e and St. g , B g , neighhouring B uilding s lxxii i t Vincen , George ' Whit/mgham loohing to tbards Norwich (oil painting) lviii ‘ Tro s Meado lbs near Nor ich w e , w lix Cottage and Well lx THE EDITOR D ESIRES TO EXPRESS H I S . N H N K . E T A S TO MR RUSS LL J COLMA , - G UR . H . E . MR . H . N DAR LL BROW , MR J NEY NE G E G E N , COLO L SI R OR LI D SAY K . H . L OLFORD , MR . R W L OYD , E E . HN H . C N MR JO M FADD , MR A P OPP , E . H H MRS LOUI S RAP A L , M R ART UR H E S E M. P. N . MIC A L AMU L , , A D MR F W SMITH WH O HAVE KI N DLY ALLOWED WORKS OF T HE NORWICH S CH OOL I N TH EIR POSSESSION TO BE REPRODUCED HE E K H EREI N . ALSO WISH S TO AC NOW LED G E HIS I ND EBTED N ESS TO M ESSRS . THOS G N W N N E. G . N A E . A D SO S , MR CU K E E . N N DALL , MR FRA L Y , CURATOR THE E E N H OF CASTL MUS UM , ORWIC , AND THE AUTH ORITI ES OF THE BRITI SH AND OF T HE VICTORIA AN D ALB ERT MUSEUMS FOR T HE VALUABLE AS SI ST ANCE TH EY HAVE REND ERED I N T HE E E PR PARATION OF TH I S VOLUM . INT ROD UCT ION H IS illustrious citizen was born in a tavern in the parish of St . S C le at To m blan d an d t . o e . George , was buried in George g H e " ’ N S o fArt ists was the founder of the orwich chool , and h is works , for which during h is lifetime he seldom received more t han a few pounds , are eagerly sought for by collectors , and in February 1 9 1 3 his oil painting known as The Willows was sold in New York for L ’ . ave n ro eleven thousand pounds Borrow , in g , speaks of Crome as ‘ m an an d t -bo o ts wh o se The little dark with the brown coat the o p , name to w n an d will one day be considered the chief ornament of the old , wh ose works will at no distant period rank among the proudest pictures of En g land — and England against th e world Th us wrote the Lord Mayor N o fits of orwich in convening a meeting citizens and others , held at the M c e n te n Castle useum , to consider a fitting celebration next year ofthe o f o h n O 2 2 1 82 1 . ary J , or ld Crome , wh o died on April , The Lord Mayor remarked at the meeting that th ere were still a great S many people who did not know much about the Norwich chool . Natu but t s rally lovers of art did , he feared the grea mas of people knew very little about the subject . This statement is undoubtedly true , and i t may be a fitting opportunity for giving some account of the founder o f the Norwich School and those assoc iated with him . The works of the two d o fth is — S principal lea ers school namely , John Crome and Joh n ell Cot — - all man are well known to connoisseurs , and numerous biograph ical notices and reviews have appeared concerning these two painters ; those o b of the other men , however , attached to the movement have hardly t ain e d any recognition and are comparatively unknown . In former days Norwich to a great extent owed its prosperity to its trade Y with Holland . Great armouth was the principal port , and th rough i t many paintings by Dutch masters found their way into the homes of s prosperous merchants of the city . These picture may h ave i nfused into f be the minds o the young men the idea of becoming painters , for at the ginning of the nineteenth century there were numerous striving young artists who chiefly gained their livelihood by teaching drawing . T o Norwich is due the honour of being the first city to establish an art ‘ ’ Th e school in England . word sch ool is here used not in the ordinary scholastic term , but to denote a body of persons who are disc iples of the same master , or wh o are united by a general si milari ty of principles and meth o ds ; it also means those whose training was obtained in the same locality , and implies more or less community of doctrine and styles . In th e n addition to fou ding of a school , Norwich may be accredited wit h r having formed the first art club in the provinces . The No wich Society “ was founded by John Crome in 1 80 3 fo r the purpose of am Enqui ry into 1 I NTROD UCTION R P , S the ise , rogress andpresent State ofPainting , Arch itecture and culp B M S ture , with a view to point out the est ethods of tudy to attain the ” Greater Perfection in these Arts . Its first meetings were held at a tavern S t W .
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