ORD FRA PRESIDENTEN NORWEGIAN BINGO Nancy Dunn, Cultural Director Murphy's law, or was it Ole's law, prevailed at our November meeting. The doors to Good Samaritan were Back by popular demand, our December program will locked and required Security to open them for us. The be a Social. We will play Norwegian BINGO where the pizza, for our Pizza Party, was late in arriving, with 49 letters and numbers hungry members, spouses, and guests waiting with will be called in growling stomachs. When the pizzas finally arrived, they Norwegian, were gobbled up and the night turned around for the better. followed by English All were delighted with the hilarious showing of the for those not so lutefisk film given to us by member Marilynn Loustalet. fluent in Norwegian. As we look ahead to the busy month of December, It gives us all practice in hearing the Norwegian language – Crystal Sundet, our Zone 8 Director, will be here at the and there will be lots of prizes. Come and relax from all December 2nd meeting to install officers. That will be your Holiday preparations!!! followed by a Social Night, to relax with Norwegian BINGO. Three days after that will be our Christmas Party JULETREFEST (CHRISTMAS TREE PARTY) in Windsor. We hope to see you all there. Sunday, December 5, 2 p.m. In January, on the 8th, we will participate in the Leadership Workshop at Trollheim Lodge in Denver. All Come to our Juletrefest and enjoy the food, officers should attend, as it will help you in your office. nisse, singing around the tree, the Christmas Our biggest celebration will be Stein Fjell's 35th Anniver- Story, and more. Please call Sonja West at sary on January 22nd (see page 5). Please send your 970.686.0622 by December 1st, to let her remittance to Jane Robbins as soon as possible. It will be a know the number of children you will be Gala Affair to remember!! bringing, so the nisse can provide for them. God Jul og Godt Nytt År For the Potluck Dinner, if your last name begins with: A-M Please bring a main dish and dessert Fraternally, N-Z Please bring a main dish and salad Marian Erdal Access to the handicapped entrance ramp on the north side of the church is from 4th Street. *********************************** THANK YOU Thank you to those who sent sympathy cards in memory of Bill Parkos. Thanks, also, to those who brought desserts to the funeral luncheon. Your thoughtfulness and support are very much appreciated. Midge Parkos and Family *********************************** 2 DESEMBER KALENDER MEETING REMINDERS FROM RAS *Official Norwegian Flay-Flying Day Ras Erdal, Stein Fjell Host Coordinator 1: Tickets for Church Basement Ladies - A Second Our Desember meeting is on Thursday, December 2nd. Helping, noon, UCCC, Greeley (November Posten) We will have our installation of officers and play Norwegian BINGO with lots of prizes. 2: Lodge Meeting, 7 p.m., Installation of Officers and Our Refreshment Hosts are: Becky and Jon-Eirik Norwegian BINGO Holm-Johansen (chairs), Janet Oien, Roxanne Storlie, Lyn Warrick, and Gary and Susan Zook. 4: Loveland Lights, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Loveland Public Looking ahead... The Refreshment Hosts for the Library; Norwegian vaffler demonstration 1 p.m. (p. 6) January 6th meeting are: The Strand Family, Bonnie Fjelldalen Lutefisk Dinner, 3:00 and 5:30 p.m. (p. 7) Heberlein, Mickey Schmidt, Paula Sutton, and Terry Fjellheim Scandinavian Christmas Tea, 2 p.m. (p. 7) Thompson. Vær så god... 5: Juletrefest (Christmas Tree Party), 2:00 p.m., Bethel Lutheran Church, 328 Walnut Street, Windsor (p. 1) VOLUNTEER HOURS 7: Natt i Bethlehem, 7:30 p.m., Newman Center, DU This is very important for our Lodge and for SON, as a non-profit organization. Please sit down and record all 13: Santa Lucia Dag (Saint Lucy’s Day) your volunteer hours for 2010. Get the form at the December Lodge meeting or download it from the Home 16: Sons of Norway Founders Day – wear your SON pin page of www.steinfjell.com. Please return completed forms to Roxanne, our secretary, at the January Lodge meeting. 20: Posten Submission Deadline NORWEGIAN CULTURAL SKILLS 21: Winter Solstice Ras Erdal, Cultural Skills Director 24: Julaften (Christmas Eve) Hardangersøm (Hardanger embroidery) – this will be the next thrust of our Cultural Skills program. We now 25*: Første Juledag (Christmas Day), have 10 members that expect to start on this cultural skill. Public Holiday, Norway and USA The latest and best news is that Midge Parkos has volunteered to teach us. We expect to meet on a Tuesday, 26: Andre Juledag (Second Christmas Day), St. Thursday, or Friday evening every two weeks or so, Stephen’s Day, Boxing Day, Public Holiday, Norway starting in January. Please contact me if you want to join this group. 31: Nyttårsaften (New Year’s Eve) Stein Fjell Scholarship Application Deadline (Applications at www.steinfjell.com) GRATULERER MED DAGEN ! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! SAVE THE DATE – 2011 08 Johanna Hocker 16 Russell Knutson Januar 6: Lodge Meeting, 7 p.m., Memorial Service and A 11 Rick Bilstad 19 Ras Erdal Birkebeiner Tale 11 Inger Froyland 24 Tami Bothwell Januar 8: Zone 8 Leadership Workshop, 9 a.m., Trollheim 11 Paul Fugelstad 28 Bill Nesse Lodge, 6610 W. 14th Ave., Lakewood 13 Nancy Dunn 31 Blaine Johnson Januar 15: Trollheim Lutefisk & Meatball Dinner (p. 7) 14 Stephanie Sikes 31 Paula Sutton Januar 18: Norwegian class begins, 6:30 p.m (p. 6) 15 Jane Strand Januar 20: Board Meeting, 7 p.m., Roxanne Storlie’s th Januar 22: Stein Fjell’s 35 Anniversary Celebration (p.5) STEIN FJELL CONTACTS 2010 Januar 30 – Februar 6: Ski for Light, Snow Mountain Ranch Nordic Center, Winter Park President: Marian Erdal – 970.225.9035 Februar 26: Barneløpet (The Children’s Race), Snow VP & Membership: Rod Skaflen – 970.484.5459 Mountain Ranch, Winter Park Secretary: Roxanne Storlie – 970.412.5713 Juni 25-26: Scandinavian Midsummer Festival, Estes Park 3 DITT OG DATT (THIS ‘N’ THAT) GIF GRINAGER IN MEMORIAM i Be sure to pick up lefse from Barb Nolin at the December Lodge meeting! Can’t be there? Call her. Gifford “Gif” DeWayne Grinager, 76, passed away on i It is terrific to hear from Sandy Cole (Tillie’s daughter) November 18th. He joined Stein Fjell Lodge in July of that Tillie Schopbach “is doing great!” Tillie’s 102nd 2008, followed by Claire in July of 2009. Unfortunately, birthday is in January. their welcome attendance at our meetings was curtailed i Stein Fjell mourns the passing of Alan Robb, husband due to his illness. of Barbara Robb. Alan and Barbara have been long- Born November time friends of Stein Fjell Lodge, and were with us at 14, 1937 to George our 34th Anniversary last January. Our thoughts are and Cora (Lageson) with Barbara and family. Grinager in i Stein Fjell extends its condolences to the family of Clarkfield, Ken Severson, 84, Eaton, who passed away November Minnesota, Gifford 19th in Windsor, following a lengthy illness with married Claire Alzheimer’s disease. He was a member of Stein Fjell Linette Galstad on from 1997-2000. To extend condolences to the family, December 5, 1957 in go to www.adamsonchapels.com. St. Louis Park, i We all wish member Karen Johnson a successful Minnesota. operation on December 13th, when both knees will be He proudly replaced. We hope that she will be pain free after served in the Army surgery. during the Korean War. i We’re so glad to hear that Ruth Nelson’s rehab after Gif received his bachelor’s degree from Metro State knee replacement surgery is getting a boost from a University in Minnesota. He was a farmer, banker, realtor, nifty “bike pedal” exerciser. and appraiser. An active Rotarian and Paul Harris Fellow, i We have nine orders for Stein Fjell shirts (in light member of King of Glory Lutheran Church, and leader of blue, ash, and white), and will take orders at the Sonrisers, a men’s reading group, he loved his community, December Lodge meeting. See Marian Erdal to sign family, and friends. Most knew him by his jolly laugh and up – we need ten or more to place the order. ever-ready Sven and Ole jokes. His Norwegian heritage i Mange takk to Marilynn Loustalet for providing the was dear to his heart. The walleye had to swim fast to Fishin’ for Tradition: The Lutefisk Saga video at our escape his ferocious hook. His friends were amazed at his last Lodge meeting. It really gave us a good chuckle. golf swing with long-driven golf balls, sometimes off into i Support Ponderosa Elementary in Loveland, our the brush, other times farther than the rest. Adopt A School, by signing up for e-labels (no more He is survived by his wife Claire, son Gregory and clipping!) at www.elabelsforeducation.com.You can daughters, Lisa, Kari, and Amy, and their families, register both King Soopers and/or Safeway cards. including eight grandchildren; two sisters and a brother-in- i Butikken at Trollheim has holiday hours (Tues. - Sat., law, extended family, dear friends, and a beloved dog, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.) through December 23. Note: cash and Sophie. charge cards are accepted, but not checks. His memorial service, held on November 23rd, included i Let Crystal Sundet know if you will be attending the Norwegian flag and the Norwegian national anthem, at the Zone 8 Leadership Workshop on Jan. 8th so that his request. Memorial contributions may be made to King plans can be made for serving lunch: 720.283.8592 or of Glory Lutheran Church, Loveland Rotary Club, or [email protected].
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