PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI REVEALING SELF IDENTITY THROUGH CONQUERING ONE’S OWN FEAR AS SEEN IN DENNIS O’NEIL’S BATMAN BEGINS THE NOVEL AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters By ASSISTA DHYAN PURNAMA PUTRA Student Number: 014214023 ENGLISH LETTERS STUDY PROGRAMME DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LETTERS FACULTY OF LETTERS SANATA DHARMA UNIVERSITY YOGYAKARTA 2007 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First, I would like to express my gratitude to my advisor, Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka, M.Hum for the guidance, advice, and constructive critique. Thank you for being so patient and understanding for the past three semesters. I would also thank J. Harris Hermansyah S.,S.S.,M.Hum and M. Luluk Artika W., S.S. for the guidance, and advice. My appreciation is also for the lecturers who have taught me so much knowledge during my study and my thesis writing, especially to my academic advisor, Dewi Widyastuti S.Pd., M.Hum. I also thank the secretary and library staff who have provided me with information that I required all this time. My deepest gratitude goes to my late Father, my Mother, my Brother and my Little Sister. Thanks for the patience. I dedicate my thesis especially to all of them. Thanks to my friends in English Letters, especially to Betty “ Nee Chan”, Liia, “Asakura” Budi, and Dian Savitri; To my friends at Shocker Toys Center, Agustinus, Joko, Endi, Booby, Agus Ariyanto, Ludfi and Yudha, thanks for being my best friends forever. Besides I thank my other friends, wherever you are; just because I do not mention your names, please do not be upset. I appreciate all your support, especially the ones who have lent me their reference books. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Lastly, my special gratitude goes to my beloved girlfriend, Liza, because without her love, companion, support and patience, I could not finish my thesis. I love her very much. Sincerely, Assista Dhyan PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE……………………….……………………………………. i APPROVAL PAGE……………………………………………………… ii ACCEPTANCE PAGE………………………………………………….. iii MOTTO PAGE…………………………………………………………... iv DEDICATION PAGE …………………………………………………… v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS……………………………………………… vi TABLE OF CONTENTS. ………………………………………….…… viii ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………… x ABSTRAK ……………………………………………………………….. xi CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION………………………………………... 1 A. Background of the Study ………………………………………. 1 B. Problem Formulation …………………………………………... 5 C. Objectives of the Study ………………………………………… 5 D. Definition of Term ……………………………………………... 6 CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL REVIEW…………………………….. 8 A. Review of Related Studies ………………………………….….. 8 B. Review of Related Theories ……………………………………. 10 1. Theories of Character and Characterization ……………. 10 2. Watson’s Theory of Fear ……………..……………...… 13 3. Roger’s Theory of Self Identity ………………………… 15 C. Theoretical Frameworks ………………………………………... 19 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY……………………………………... 21 A. Object of the Study ………………………………….……….… 21 B. Approach of the Study …………………………….…………… 23 C. Method of the Study …………………………….……………… 24 CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS……………………………………………… 26 A. The Characteristics of Bruce Wayne…………………………… 26 1. Bruce Wayne’s Childhood….…………………………... 27 2. Bruce Wayne’s Adulthood ……………………………... 31 B. The Fear Undergone by Bruce Wayne ………………….……… 37 1. Fears of Bat and Dark Places……...…………………….. 37 2. Fears of Being Blamed as the Cause of his Parent’s Death.39 3. Fears of Power …………………………..……………… 40 C. Bruce Wayne’s Conquering his Fear to Reveal Self Identity….... 42 1. Conquering Fears of Bats and Dark Places ………….…. 43 2. Conquering Fears of Being Blamed for his Parent’s Death…………………………………………………….. 45 3. Conquering his Fear of Power ……………………………47 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION………………………………………….. 49 BIBLIOGRAPHY………………………………………………………… 52 APPENDIX…………………………………………………………….. 54 Summary of Batman Begins the Novel…………………..……...….……... 54 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ABSTRACT ASISSTA DHYAN PURNAMA P. Revealing Self Identity through Conquering One’s Own Fear as Seen in Dennis O’Neil’s Batman Begins the Novel. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2007. Batman Begins the Novel is a story about Bruce Wayne, a multi-billionaire who has split personalities or an alter ego known as Batman. Batman Begins the Novel is the starting point of the history of the birth of the dark knight, Batman. Bruce Wayne’s true self identity is achieved through the development of his character in the novel. The writer decides to analyze Bruce Wayne’s character because he finds his true self through his journey of conquering his fear.. The main character tries to search his true self, to know the best of him, and to identify himself. The writer’s objectives in doing this study are: (1) to reveal the characteristic of Bruce Wayne; (2) to reveal the fear undergone by Bruce Wayne character, (3) to reveal how Bruce Wayne conquers his own fear to reveal his self identity. The writer does a library research by using the novel as the primary source. The writer uses Carl Roger’s theory of self identity to explain the main characters’ self identity, Watson’s theory of fear, and the theories of character and characterization to show the characteristics of Bruce Wayne. The writer finds out that the ways to recognize one’s self identity to be honest to one self, to be courageous in choosing complicated choices to be better, and to work hard in achieving it. Bruce Wayne can recognize his self after encountering fear. He then admits his fear and tries so hard to know his self better by experiencing new things and learning about life. On his journey Bruce experiences new things that help enrich his life and open his mind. He becomes more realistic and philosophical. It is important to know who we really are. One must work hard to understand him/herself better by opening his/her mind to new experiences. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ABSTRAK ASISSTA DHYAN PURNAMA P. Revealing Self Identity through Conquering One’s Own Fear as Seen in Dennis O’Neil’s Batman Begins the Novel. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2007. Batman Begins the Novel menceritakan tentang Bruce Wayne, anak seorang billionner yang mempunyai kepribadian ganda atau biasa disebut sebagai alter ego yang dikenal sebagai Batman. Batman Begins the Novel merupakan titik awal sejarah kelahiran sang ksatria malam, Batman. Identitas diri sejati Bruce Wayne tercapai melalui pengembangan karakter Bruce Wayne di dalam novel. Penulis menganalisis karakter Bruce Wayne karena identitas diri sejati yang dicapai oleh Bruce Wayne didapatkan melalui berbagai petualang untuk mengalahkan rasa takutnya. Tujuan penulis dalam studi ini adalah: (1) untuk mengungkapkan karakteristik dari Bruce Wayne; (2) untuk mengungkapkan rasa takut yang dialami oleh karakter Bruce Wayne dalam novel (3) untuk mengungkapkan bagaimana karakter Bruce Wayne menaklukkan rasa takutnya untuk menunjukkan identitas diri sejati dari Bruce Wayne. Penulis melakukan studi pustaka dengan menggunakan novel sebagai sumber utama. Penulis menggunakan teori identitas diri Carl Roger untuk memahami identitas diri, teori rasa takut menurut Watson, serta beberapa teori karakter dan karakterisasi untuk menunjukkan karakteristik Bruce Wayne. Hasil dari studi ini penulis menunjukkan bahwa identitas diri diwujudkan dengan cara jujur kepada diri sendiri, berani dalam menentukan pilihan-pilihan sulit untuk menjadi lebih baik, dan bekerja beras untuk mewujudkannya. Bruce Wayne menyadari rasa identitas dirinya setelah dikuasai oleh rasa takutnya. Dia menyadari rasa takutnya dan berusaha keras memahami dirinya sendiri dengan pengalaman-pengalaman baru dan mengenal lebih jauh tentang kehidupan. Bruce Wayne dihadapkan dengan banyak pengalaman baru yang memperkaya hidupnya dan membuka wawasannya. Bruce Wayne menjadi lebih realistik dan mulai banyak berfilosofi. Sangat penting untuk menyadari siapa diri kita sebenarnya. Seseorang harus berusaha keras untuk menyadari hal ini dengan membuka dirinya pada pengalaman baru PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study In their life time, human beings, from biologically born as babies, growing into adults, growing old, to the time of death, learn many things throughout the experiences they have when they live. Experiencing different condition and difficult situation will give effect to the development of personal growth; this development is not merely about age. Facts show that human beings (regardless of how young or old they are) will have problems. Human beings might have different problems, such as personal problems, social problems, communication problems, and other uncountable problems. Facing those problems make human beings try to develop their characters according to the environment they live in. Everyone in this world is free in making decisions or even taking risks within the bound of one’s value system and as an individual. It is the fact that they continuously try to discover and develop one’s potentials to its very best. There are differences in the living condition of human beings, who considerably have different thoughts and ways of concealing their true self.
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