Priceless TTHURSDAYHURSDAY Take One VOLUME 17, NUMBER 45 THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 2009 WINNER OF THE KANSAS GAS SERVICE 2006 KANSAS PROFESSIONAL 2006 KANSAS PROFESSIONAL WINNER OF THE KANSAS PRESS EXCELLENCE IN EDITORIAL WRITING COMMUNICATORS PHOTO ESSAY AWARD COMMUNICATORS EDITORIAL AWARD ASSOCIATION ADVERTISING AWARD Voter Reject Phillips, Hatesohl - Elect K-State Open House Sherow, Pepperd, Morris-Hardeman Will Be April 18th By Katie Mayes women to decorate, and the geology By Jon A. Brake KSU News Service department will have a full-size cast Manhattan voters rejected the re- Kansas State University is inviting of a Tyrannosaurus Rex skull on dis- election bids of Mayor Hatesohl everyone to campus to experience play. At 10 a.m. and noon the chem- and Commissioner Tom Phillips. university life firsthand, just as it has istry department will put on a glass- Commissioner Jim Sherow won for the last three decades. blowing demonstration in 114 re-election with the largest num- K-State’s All-University Open Willard Hall. The department of mil- bere of votes - 2,756 or 18.07%. House, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, itary science will have a rock-climb- New to the Commission will be April 18, will allow visitors to expe- ing wall at the Bosco Student Plaza Loren Pepperd a long time rience what life is like on the K-State all day long. Manhattan Real Estate agent. campuses in Manhattan and Salina. Entertainment will include the Coming back to the Commission Exhibits, entertainment and tours Kansas City Marching Cobras, who will be Jayme Morris-Hardeman. will show what each of the universi- will perform at 12:15 p.m. on the Hardeman was on the Commission ty’s colleges and programs has to Bosco Student Plaza. Other live but tied with Sherow in the last offer future students, as well as what entertainment will be available election and lost on a flip of the current students are learning. Open throughout the day on the plaza, coin. house is free and everyone is invited. including the K-State Singers, a cap- Here are the results for all of Each college will offer an array of pella group Cadence and bands Riley County: demonstrations and activities, many McCoy and Kiss and Tell. Riley County 2009 of them interactive and kid-friendly. Open house also means plenty of City/School General Elect Jim Sherow Loren Pepperd Jayme Morris-Hardeman An abundance of food and entertain- food as various groups will feed the VOTES PERCENT ment also will be available. public’s hunger for both information PRECINCTS COUNTED 58 For incoming or prospective stu- and good eats, like pigging out on a REGISTERED VOTERS - dents, college representatives will be pork burger at Swine Practitioners TOTAL . 33,546 Ogden City Council USD 383 School Board Member on hand to answer questions and pro- Club booth or trying the insect cui- BALLOTS CAST - TOTAL Vote for 5 Vote for 3 vide information about the more than sine to be offered at K-State’s Insect . 6,496 Kenneth W. Carroll 125 17.81% Doug S. Messer 4,021 32.44% 250 majors and options at K-State. Zoo. BALLOTS CAST - Sharon S. Conger 113 16.10 Pete Paukstelis 3,967 32.00 Walking tours of the campus will For those who can’t make it to LEONARDVILLE CITY. 52 Aaron Crummel 94 13.39 Walter Pesaresi 4,286 34.58 also leave every half hour from the campus, students in K-State’s A.Q. BALLOTS CAST - MANHAT- Robert R. Pence 126 17.95 WRITE-IN 122 .98 admissions booth in the K-State Miller School Journalism and Mass TAN CITY . 5,640 Kevin Valvo 80 11.40 Student Union. The 1 p.m. tour will Communications will be producing BALLOTS CAST - OGDEN WRITE-IN 164 23.36 USD 384 DISTRICT 1 POSITION 4 be conducted in both English and live reports about open house activi- CITY . 199 Vote for 1 Spanish. The residence halls, Jardine ties. The reports, which will be avail- BALLOTS CAST - RAN- Randolph City Mayor Sara Groves-Mathis 0 Apartments and K-State’s fraternity able twice an hour from 10 a.m. to DOLPH CITY . 26 Vote for 1 Angie Pfizenmaier. 24 96.00 and sorority houses also will provide 1:30 p.m., will be broadcast on Cox BALLOTS CAST - RILEY Carl Friedrich. 24 96.00% WRITE-IN 1 4.00 information and conduct tours. Cable channel 8 in the Manhattan- CITY . 95 WRITE-IN 1 4.00 Kids can bring their “ailing” Junction City area and also will VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAL . USD 384 DISTRICT 2 POSITION 5 stuffed animals to be diagnosed at stream live on the Internet at . 19.36% Randolph City Council Vote for 1 the stuffed animal clinic in Mosier http://ome.ksu.edu/webcast/live.ram Vote for 5 Bruce Kaump 42 93.33% Hall or watch soda pop geyser A complete list of events and Manhattan City Commissioners demonstrations outside Call Hall activities at K-State’s All-University Donna G. Baer 18 19.57% WRITE-IN 3 6.67 Tom Phillips David D. Cook . 281 1.84% Bruce L. Zimmer 20 21.74 every half hour from 9 a.m. to 1:30 Open House is available at: Mark J. Hatesohl 2,003 13.13 WRITE-IN 54 58.70 USD 384 DISTRICT 3 POSITION 6 p.m. On the ground floor of the http://consider.k-state.edu/open- Jayme Morris-Hardeman Vote for 1 Union, the women’s studies program house 2,316 15.19 Riley City Council A. G. McLean IV 33 100.00% is providing kids with gingerbread Debbie Nuss 2,194 14.39 Vote for 3 WRITE-IN 0 Loren J. Pepperd 2,398 15.72 Dale Flohr 30 13.33% Tom Phillips 2,294 15.04 Garett C. M. Gabriel 54 24.00 QUESTION NUMBER ONE James E. Sherow 2,756 18.07 Natalie Hirons 34 15.11 MANHATTAN CITY (City Pool) Fifth Annual Poetry Festival Vincent Tracey 972 6.37 Marion J. Schrol 52 23.11 Vote for 1 WRITE-IN 36 .24 David Shover 51 22.67 Yes 4,467 79.61% The Fifth Annual Poetry Light refreshments will be served WRITE-IN 4 1.78 No 1,144 20.39 Recitation Festival, in honor of Enid and there will be certificates for all Leonardville City Mayor Stover, will be held Saturday, April participants. There will also be a gift Mike Johnson 34 70.83% USD 378 Position 4 QUESTION NUMBER TWO 25, from 2:00 – 4:00 in the Rose drawing. Bring a lawn chair or blan- WRITE-IN 14 29.17 Vote for 1 MANHATTAN CITY (Northview Garden of the Manhattan City Park. ket. In case of rain, the event will Mike Pachta 235 97.51% Pool) Everyone is invited to share their held in the auditorium of the Leonardville City Council WRITE-IN 6 2.49 Vote for 1 favorite poems from memory and Manhattan Public Library. For fur- Vote for 3 Yes 4,000 71.76% listen to others recite theirs. The ther information, contact Martha Alicia Scofield 42 39.62% USD 378 Position 5 No 1,574 28.24 event is free and people of all ages Seaton at 537-0936. Larry H. Wendland. 33 31.13 Vote for 1 are invited. WRITE-IN 31 29.25 Steve Reed 238 95.97% QUESTION NUMBER THREE WRITE-IN 10 4.03 MANHATTAN CITY (Zoo Ogden City Mayor Building) Mark Hatesohl Jimmy Bond 102 52.04% USD 378 Position 6 Vote for 1 Shootout At Waterville Kevin P. Cheney 1 .51 Vote for 1 Yes 3,412 61.04% Join the The Bart Plasterson Gang, service out at “Somewhere”. Meet at Roger D. Graham 52 26.53 Daniel L. Strom 250 98.43% No. 2,178 38.96 professional re-enactors, on the the Waterville caboose at 9:45 a.m. Wayne W. Henson 41 20.92 WRITE-IN 4 1.57 Central Branch Rails for a rootin’, or if inclement weather, the service WRITE-IN 0 tootin’ ride to the cowboys’ town of will be in the Waterville Opera “Somewhere” west of Waterville. House. Rides to “Somewhere” Witness a cowboy shootout and fun resume after the service. on the rails on Victorian Day in Stevens Case: Lawyers Face Criminal Probe Waterville on Saturday, April 25th Tickets for the ride will be sold at from 10:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m. Sunday, the Waterville caboose: adults $5.00 WASHINGTON (AP) _ A seething that they will never realize and can never prosecutor and veteran defense attorney Michael Mukasey for not responding to April 26th, join the gang for a church and children $3.00. Call for informa- federal judge dismissed the corruption be reversed.’‘ who oversaw a Senate Ethics Committee complaints: ``Shocking, but not surpris- conviction of former Alaska Sen. Ted The unraveling of the case overshad- investigation into influence-peddling ing,’‘ Sullivan said. Stevens on Tuesday and took the rare owed the facts of a trial in which Stevens allegations against former New York He worried aloud about how often and serious step of ordering a criminal was shown to have accepted thousands Sen. Alfonse D’Amato in 1989. prosecutors withhold evidence, from investigation into prosecutors who poi- of dollars in undisclosed gifts. Sullivan said the misconduct was too Guantanamo Bay terrorism cases to pub- Parkinson Here April 13 soned the case. Sullivan appointed Washington attor- serious to be left to an internal investiga- lic corruption trials. He called on Holder Kansas Lieutenant Governor Parkinson entered politics in ``In nearly 25 years on the bench, I’ve ney Henry Schuelke to investigate con- tion by the Justice Department, which he to retrain all prosecutors in the depart- Mark Parkinson will be the guest 1990, when he was elected to the tempt and obstruction by the Justice said dragged its feet before investigating.
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