A List of Stories in the Supplements to the Judge Dredd Megazine

A List of Stories in the Supplements to the Judge Dredd Megazine

A list of stories in the supplements to the Judge Dredd Megazine Megazine 201 Judge Dredd: Short Circuit 2000AD Gold 001 Meg 3.61 Judge Dredd: No More Jimmy Fiends of the Eastern Front Deans 2000AD progs 152-161 Judge Dredd: Relentless Meg 3.39 Progs 1237-1239 Megazine 214 Meg 289 2000AD Gold 014 Judge Dredd: Hellbent Influential Circles (volume 1) Strontium Dog: The Galaxy Killers Prog 1242 Armitage: Influential Circles Progs 86-94 Megs 2.10-2.15 Meg 281 Megazine 275 Pussyfoot 5 Hershey & Steel: Degenomancer The Jock Collection Pussyfoot 5: Fast Breeder Megs 2.35-2.36 Judge Dredd: The Shirley Temple Progs 1184-1188 of Doom Meg 290 2000AD progs 1193-1196 Pussyfoot 5: Alien Sex Fiend Influential Circles (volume 2) Progs 1251-1256 Armitage: Influential Circles Judge Dredd: Crossing Ken Dodd Megs 2.16-2.18 Prog 1214 Meg 282 Song of the Surfer (volume 1) Armitage: Flashback Judge Dredd: Rampots Chopper: Soul on Fire Megs 2.19-2.21 Prog 1231 Progs 594-597 Tracer: High-Wire Days Judge Dredd: Safe Hands Chopper: Song of the Surfer Progs: 948-949 Prog 1273 Progs 654-657 Meg 291 Judge Dredd: Ten Years Meg 283 Cannon Fodder: Dark Matter Meg 3.70 Song of the Surfer (volume 2) Progs 980-987 Chopper: Song of the Surfer Meg 276 Progs 658-665 Rogue Trooper: Enfleshings Snow/Tiger 2000 AD Yearbook 1993 Progs 1336-1342 Meg 284 Deadlock Tharg’s Future Shocks: House of Meg 277 Progs 1212-1222 the Future Judge Dredd: Lawcon Prog 637 Megs 3.76-3.79 Meg 285 The John Higgins Collection Meg 292 Judge Dredd: Word of the Law Judge Dredd: Last of the Bad Guys The War Machine (volume 1) Meg 3.74 Judge Dredd Annual 1988 Rogue Trooper: The War Machine Progs 650-653, 667-671 Meg 278 Judge Dredd: The Blob Cannon Fodder Judge Dredd Mega-Special 1988 Rogue Trooper: Hollow Town Cannon Fodder (book 1) 2000 AD Sci-Fi Special 1991 Progs 861-867 Judge Dredd: Scales of Justice Progs 884-885 Meg 293 Judge Dredd: Rest Stop The War Machine (volume 2) Prog 1194 Judge Dredd: Generation Killer Rogue Trooper: The War Machine Prog 1212 Progs 683-687 Pulp Sci-Fi: Feast of Skin Prog 1163 Meg 286 Rogue Trooper: Hill 392 Bad Manners Rogue Trooper Poster Prog Meg 279 Judge Dredd: Bad Manners Season’s Beatings Meg 4.4 Rogue Trooper: G.I. Blues Judge Dredd: Auld Aquaintance Progs 901-903 2000 AD Yearbook 1992 Judge Dredd: Flippers Megs 4.7-4.8 Meg 294 Cal-Hab Justice: Hogmany Breathing Space Meg 2.18 Judge Dredd: Rotten Manners Progs 1451-1459 Progs 1306-1307 Judge Dredd: A Very Creepy Judge Dredd: Mr Bennet Joins the Christmas Meg 287 Judges Meg 2.70 Armitage 2000 AD Sci-Fi Special 1994 Megs 1.9-1.14 Tharg’s Christmas Tale Meg 295 Progs 243-244 Judge Hershey: Downtime Monsters Meg 2.9 Strontium Dogs: Monsters Judge Dredd: The Santa Affair Progs 750-761 2000 AD Winter Special 1989 Meg 288 Harmony: Blood and Snow Meg 296 Judge Dredd: A Christmas Carol Megs 2.55-2.60 The Best of Pulp Sci-Fi Meg 2.18 Grunts Tale From the Mega-City: The Prog 1096 Meg 280 Johnny Unit The Colin Wilson Collection Meg 3.31 Welcome to the Machine Prog 1119 Prog 1308 Progs 800-808 Space Weed Meg 302 Tales of Telguuth: Uhuros the Prog 1120 The Balls Brothers: Heroes for Horrendous Hire Prog 1198 The Irydian Factor Progs 1128-1131 Prog 1125 Meg 311 The Balls Brothers: Balls to Biloxi Flesh: The Legend of Shamana Blood of Heroes Progs 1141-1147 (book 2) Prog 1126 Flesh: The Legend of Shamana Meg 303 Progs 817-825 Coy’s Big Score Chiaroscuro Prog 1129 Progs 1507-1517 Vector 13: Video Nasty Prog 997 Eggs is Eggs Meg 304 Prog 1145 Armitage: Bodies of Evidence Meg 312 Meg 3.64-3.67 Flesh: Chronocide Skin Bazaar Progs 973-979 Prog 1169 Armitage: Flashback II Meg 2.31-2.33 Flesh 3000AD Psico Prog 1034 Prog 1160 Meg 305 Strontium Dogs: Return of the Vector 13: Marion War of Words Gronk Prog 956 Prog 1159 Progs 817-824 Vector 13: Parts and Labour Chronvicts Strontium Dogs: How the Gronk Prog 991 Prog 1172 Got His Heartses Progs 850-851 Meg 313 Space Scum Mercy Heights (book 1) Prog 1177 Meg 306 Mercy Heights: Series 1 (part 1) Strontium Dogs: The Darkest Star Progs 1033-1042 Meg 297 Progs 855-866 Raptaur Meg 314 Judge Dredd: Raptaur Meg 307 Mercy Heights (book 2) Megs 1.11-1.17 Samantha Slade Robo-Hunter: The Mercy Heights: Series 1 (part 2) Furzt Case Progs 1043-1047 Meg 298 Like a Virgin Mean Machine: Travels With Muh Progs 2004-1373 Mercy Heights: Dead of Winter Shrink Prog 1124 Progs 730-736 The Furzt Case Progs 1406-1411 Mercy Heights: Series 2 (part 1) Mean Machine: Visiting Time Progs 1133-1135 Meg 2.82 The Davinchy Code Prog 2005 Meg 315 Mean Machine: Support Your Mercy Heights (book 3) Local Bastich Meg 308 Mercy Heights: Series 2 (part 2) Meg 3.75 Samantha Slade Robo-Hunter: Progs 1136-1146 Casino Royal Meg 299 Stim! Meg 316 Brit-Cit Babes Progs 1450-1456 Mercy Heights (book 4) Meg 1.16-1.20 Mercy Heights: Series 2 (part 3) Casino Royal Progs 1147-48 Judge Dredd: Poor Johnny Progs 1527-1531 Meg 2.77 Rogue Trooper: Remembrance Meg 309 Day Meg 300 The Ian Gibson Collection Prog 2000 Armageddon: The Bad Man Judge Dredd: Lost in Cyberspace Meg 2.1-2.7 Progs 1268-1270 Tor Cyan: Blue Murder Progs 1223-1226 The Burning Man Judge Dredd: A Day in the Death 2000 AD Yearbook 1994 of Joe Meg Tor Cyan: Crucible Prog 1223 Progs 1250-1251 Meg 301 The Mick McMahon Collection Judge Dredd: The Marriage Game Meg 317 Judge Dredd: Howler Meg 203 Tor Cyan: World of Hurt Meg 2.53-2.56 Refugee Samantha Slade Robo-Hunter: I, Progs 1252-1253 Judge Dredd: Hot Pursuit Jailbird Meg 3.3 Progs 1545-1549 Tor Cyan: World of Hurt Progs 1254-1256 Judge Dredd: Future Crimes Meg 310 Prog 2000 Flesh: The Legend of Shamana Tor Cyan: The Dead Sorceror’s (book 1) Coachman Judge Dredd: Voices Off Flesh: The Legend of Shamana Prog 1263 Progs 1492-1493 The Ass-Kickers Tor Cyan: Rahab Progs 1145-1148 Prog 1295 Harry Kipling (Deceased): Something For Nothing The Whack Pack Tor Cyan: Phage Progs 1497-1499 1152-1154 Prog 1296 Harry Kipling (Deceased): Winter Meg 331 Meg 318 Wonderbrand Disaster 1990 (volume 1) Venus Bluegenes: Venus on the Prog 2007 Progs 119-130 Frag Shell Progs 976-979 Tharg’s Future Shocks: Sex Meg 332 Machine Disaster 1990 (volume 2) Venus Bluegenes: Stealth Prog 1264 Progs 131-139 Progs 980-982 Meg 324 Ro-Jaws’ Robo-Tales: Ye First Tor Cyan: No Such Place Tiger Sun Dragon Moon Robote Progs 1297-1299 Progs 1426-1432 Prog 166 Meg 319 Harry Kipling (Deceased): The Ro-Jaws’ Robo-Tales: The Tidy- Durham Red: Island of the Hitman and Hermoth Up Droid Damned Progs 1509-1512 Prog 181 Progs 762-773 Meg 325 Ro-Jaws’ Robo-Tales: Miracle in Meg 320 American Gothic Slum Alley Strontium Dogs: Crossroads Progs 1431-1440 Prog 188 Durham Red: Ring My Bell 2000 AD Yearbook 1993 Terror Tales: Scene of the Crime Meg 333 Prog 1296 A.H.A.B. Strontium Dog: Dead Man’s Hand Progs 1387-1395 2000 AD Yearbook 1993 Terror Tales: Keeping It Real Prog 1386 Tharg’s Terror Tales: Krypt Strontium Dogs: The Cage Prog 1375 Strontium Dogs Poster Prog Meg 326 Bato Loco Tharg’s Future Shocks: Spare Parts Strontium Dogs: Crossroads Judge Dredd: Bato Loco Prog 1267 Progs 897-899 Meg 202 Tharg’s Future Shocks: Accident! Durham Red: Mirrors Bato Loco: True Romance Prog 608 Progs 901-903 Meg 208 Meg 334 Tharg’s Future Shocks: Bato Loco: Head Job Downlode Tales (volume 2) Conquering the Galaxy on $10 A Megs 229-230 Scrubbers Day Prog 1149 Prog 568 Bato Loco: Kiss Me Deadly Megs 290-291 City on Fire Meg 321 Progs 1155-1160 Death Planet Judge Dredd: Meat Patrol Progs 62-70 Meg 224 Lock and Lode Progs 1161-1165 Angel Meg 327 Progs 95-99 Marauder Meg 335 Progs 2009, 1617-1627 Downlode Tales (volume 3) Meg 322 Lock and Lode Purgatory Meg 328 Progs 1166-1168 Progs 834-841 Ratfink Megs 273-277 Sinister Dexter: The Off-Lode Janus, Psi-Division: Will O’ the Experience Wisp Judge Dredd: Blow Out! Progs 1313-1321 2000 AD Winter Special 1993 Prog 1213 Meg 336 Tharg’s Time Twisters: The Meg 329 Black Light (volume 1) Impossible Murder Finn: Book One Black Light: Survivor Syndrome Prog 319 Progs 770-779 Progs 1001-1005 Meg 323 Meg 330 Black Light: Lords of Creation Harry Kipling (Deceased) Downlode Tales (volume 1) 1006-1009 Prologue Tough Tushy Prog 1476 Prog 1126 Vector 13: Thrillkill Prog 974 Harry Kipling (Deceased): Mad Syn Gods and Englishmen Prog 1127 Meg 337 Progs 1481-1483 Black Light (volume 2) Lone Shark Black Light: Pandora’s Box Harry Kipling (Deceased): Prog 1144 Progs 1010-1013 Whetting the Whistle Roadkill Prog 579 Progs 1377-1382 Progs 1208-1211 Freddy “Chameleon” Finegan Tharg’s Future Shocks: Slashman, Vector 13: Side Step Prog 612 Kowalski and Rat Prog 1062 Prog 213 Edward “Spud” O’Riley Meg 338 Prog 613 Trouble on Tree-World: An Agent Night Zero Rat Adventure Progs 607-616 Maeve the Many-Armed Progs 273-274 Progs 617-618 Tharg’s Future Shocks: Wrong Meg 352 Number! “Sting” Ray Calhab Justice Prog 512 Progs 623-624 Megs 2.10-2.13 Tharg’s Future Shocks: Marksman Maeve the Many-Armed in Niall of Calhab Justice: Dounreay Prog 729 the Nine Sausages Megs 2.31-2.33 Progs 636-638 Meg 339 Calhab Justice: Casualty Black Siddha Meg 346 Meg 2.44 Black Siddha: Bad Karma Black Siddha: Kali Yuga Megazine 202-208 Megs 218-223 Meg 353 Lobster Random: The Agony & The Judge Dredd: Prodigal Tales From the Doghouse: Ernest Ecstasy Meg 216 “Froggy” Natterjack Progs 1482-1490 Prog 625 Meg 340 Past Imperfect: Red Man Rising Beyond Zero Tales From the Doghouse: Jerry Prog 1314 Progs 630-634, 645-649, 665-666 “Ratty” Cagney Prog 626 Past Imperfect: Warts ‘N All Meg 341 Prog 1317 Detonator X Meg 347 Progs 1534-1543 Janus Psi-Division (volume 1) Meg 354 House of Sighs Rose O’Rion Tharg’s Future Shocks: Opiate of Prog 953 Pulp Sci-Fi: False Profits the Masses Prog 1099 Prog 1405 A New Star Progs 980-984 Pulp Sci-Fi: Hot Rocks Meg 342 Prog 1122 Lobster Random: Tooth & Claw Faustus Progs 1411-1419 Progs 1024-1027 Rose O’Rion Progs 1151-1158 Tharg’s Future Shocks: Blink of an Meg 348 Eye Janus Psi-Division (volume 2) Future Shocks: The Mainstream Prog 748 Faustus (part 2) Progs 1396-1397 Progs 1028-1031 Tharg’s Future Shocks: Old Red Meg 355 Prog 1232 Karyn: Skinner Plagues of Necropolis Megs 2.56-2.61 Plagues of Necropolis: …Creeping Meg 343 Things DeMarco, P.I.

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