NEWSLETTER DEPARTMENT 01- MATHEMATICS ST JOHN'S UNIVERSITY JAMAICA. NEW YORK 11432 Vol. VI, No. 1 March, 1972 NEWSLETTER DEPARTMl:NT Of- MATHEMATICS ST JOHN'S UNIVl:RSITY JAMAICA. NEW YORK 1143:! Editorial Board: John Tucciarone Anthony Sarno Vincent Mancuso Mary O'Shea The NEWSLETTER is published by the Department of Mathematics for the information of staff members and students, as a vehicle for the exchange of ideas and in forma­ tion of particular interest to the department. Vol. VI, No. 1 March, 1972 ST. JOHN'S .MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT COLLOQUIA - 1971-1972 FALL TABLE OF CONTENTS Dr. Donald McCarthy of St. John's University A Survey of Partial Converses to Lagrange's Theorem on Finite Groups October 14 Colloquia . .. 1 Dr. Salvatore Anastasio of SUNY at New Paltz W-* Algebras: An Introduction and a Survey of Research Publications 3 Recent Results November 4 NSF Computer Capability Grant 4 Dr. Julian Gevirtz of New York University & Pace College Graduate Program . 5 Some Classical Topics in Convexity December 2 Undergraduate Program 7 Dr. Jerome Lurye of St. John's University The Interaction of a Viscous Wake with a Free Surface Pilot Course in Calculus 9 December 16 Pi Mu Epsilon 10 SPRING Faculty Notes 11 Dr. Donald McCarthy of St. John's University An Introduction to Graph Theory and Applications February 3 Dr. Jonathon L. Gross of Columbia University & Princeton The Imbedding of Graphs in Surfaces February 17 Dr. Jonathon L. Gross The Imbedding of Surfaces in 3-manifolds March 2 Dr. Maurice Machover of St. John's University Partial Differential Equations Without Solutions: An Introduction and a Conjecture March 16 1 Dr. Michael I. Aissen of Rutgers University RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS A Pattern for Completion April 13 The Colloquia are generally held on Thursdays, at The following is a partial listing of the various 3 P.M. in St. John Hall at the Jamaica Campus. For publications completed or in progress during the 1971-72 academic year: information on future topics and speakers, contact Dr. Donald McCarthy, the Director of the program, at 212-969-8000. Dr. Jon Cole - A paper "A Note on a Selector Theorem in Banach Spaces," J ournaf of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol 9, No. 3, 1972,pp.214-215. Dr. Jerome Lurye - A final report "Wave Height and . Wave Resistance in the Presence of a Viscous Wake," to the Naval Ship Research and Development Center, in fulfillment of an $18,000. research contract with that agency. Dr. Donald McCarthy - A paper "A Survey of Partial Converses to Lagrange's Theorem," Transactions of the N.Y . Academy of Sciences, Series II, Vol. 33, June, 1971, pp.586-594. A paper "Subgroups of the Power Semigroup of a Group," to appear in 1973 in the Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A. Dr. Richard Morgan - A paper co-authored with S.N. Karp of N.Y.U., "Surface Wave Incidence on a Plane Structure Having a Multi-mode Discontinuity in Imped­ ance," to appear in the Quarterly of Applied Mathematics. Dr. Lawrence Narici - A book "Functional Analysis and Valuation Theory," published in the Spring of 1971 by Marcel Dekker, N. Y. ., Prof. Francis Siwiec - Two papers submitted to the Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics: "A Survey of non-1st Countability Concepts and Examples," and "Quo­ tient Mappings with Restricted Dorr.ain and Range." A paper submitted to General Topology and its Applications: "KM-Spaces and KM-Covering Mappings." 2 3 NSF COMPUTER CAPABILITY GRANT GRADUATE PROGRAM In 1970, Dr. Joseph Frechen was the recipient of a During 1971, the Graduate School of Arts and two-year, $44,500. NSF grant to study academic computer Sciences conferred 13 Master's Degrees in mathematics. capabilities at SJU. During 1970-71, the first year of the The June, 1971 graduates included: George Gillen, grant, Dr. Frechen was a resident with the System Richard Greene, Hilary Huang, Joseph Lang, Dennis Development Corporation in the Los Angeles area, a large Moscowitz, Vincent Russotti, and Robert Zieminski. computer software organization. He also studied computer Those receiving degrees in September, 1971 included: facilities at UCLA, USC, Cal Tech and others. During this Michael Drinka, Joseph McDermott, James Mulloy, Takvor time, Dr. Frechen observed and studied academic com­ Ozsan, Joanne Piampiano, and Patrick Socci. The figures puter activities in diverse areas, and also participated in on M.A. recipients over the last few years show: 1969 - direct computer research. 10; 1970- 10; 1971 - 13. During 1971-72, the second year of the grant, Dr. The department has the services of 9 graduate assist­ Frechen is conducting a computer use seminar for a group ants during 1971-72, with all but 1 assisting as in-class of faculty members from several departments at SJU. instructors for the Survey of Mathematics (Math 7-8) These include: Biology, History, Library Science, Mathe­ course. This course is being taught on closed circuit matics, Modern Foreign Languages, Philosophy and Socio­ television by Dr. Jon Cole. Dr. Cole has designed a new logy. Many of the problems with which the members of format for the course, and he is supervising the graduate this seminar are concerned are non-mathematical in nature. assistants' instructional assignments. The combination has For example, some of the capabilities being studied proven most successful. The graduate assistants have also include: concordance construction, textual analysis, index­ been conducting problem sessions for the freshman and ing of journal articles, information retrieval, authorship sophomore courses, and assisting the faculty of the tests, thematic dictionaries and foreign language exercises. department. Some of the members are using mathematical techniques in their computer-oriented research, namely, biological Among the 6 new assistants are Carmela DeMarco and data analysis, sociological data analysis and voter analysis. Diana Ruscica, both undergraduates at SJU. As an under­ graduate, Carmela was enrolled in the Honors Program, the During the Spring of 1972, the seminar will be Dean's List, and was a member of Who's Who Among extended to include faculty from other departments. The Students in American Colleges and Universities. Diana, also overall goal of the program is to strengthen the academic a Dean's List and Honors Program student, was a member computer capabilities at SJU. of Pi Mu Epsilon. Wendy Barkas received her B.A. from Queens College, graduating magna cum laude. She was a member of Phi Beta Kappa and Kappa Delta Phi. Tung­ Chien Wang received his B.S. from the National Taiwan University. His home is Taipei, Republic of China. Bob Higgins turned down an NSF fellowship and a Regents 4 5 fellowship for studies in Oceanography to study mathe­ UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM matics at SJU. A summa cum laude graduate of St. Francis College, he also worked as an actuarial assistant at Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. Jeanne Baccash received During the year 1971, SJU conferred a total of 64 her B.A. summa cum laude from University College of baccalaureate degrees to students who majored in mathe­ SJU. She was a Dean's List student and a member of the matics. Of those, 35 were from St. John's College, 14 from Honors Program. Jeanne is assisting in the mathematics University College, and 15 from the School of Education. division of Notre Dame College, the new undergraduate The figures on the number of math graduates over the last college of SJU in Staten Island. few years show: 1969- 62; 1970-63; 1971 - 64. Among the second year graduate assistants are Bob Dr. Miranda, the Chairman of the department, has Vincent, Ed Micca and Jerry Lucchesi. Bob plans to enter stated that the mathematics department should be aware medical school upon receiving his master's degree. Ed of the changing nature of society and how these changes Micca was an undergraduate at SJU and served in the should be reflected in the curriculum. Through his Armed Forces in Germany before continuing his studies at direction, the department is intent on fulfilling this goal. SJU. Jerry was awarded an NSF fellowship during the past During 1971, the offerings in the undergraduate and summer. He will complete his master's degree in January. graduate -curriculum will be enlarged in the social science and computer areas. Among the new offerings in mathematics on the graduate level are Introduction to Combinatorics (Math Offered for the first time in the Fall, 1972, will be a 150), and Computer Analysis I & II (Math 165,166). Dr. course designed for the liberal arts student, entitled Machover, Coordinator of Advisement for the graduate Computing for the Liberal Arts (Math 15 ). The course will program, looks toward interdepartmental cooperation with not admit math majors, but will attempt to show the both the Physics and Philosophy Departments in the capabilities and limitations of computing in settings more future. Combined supervision of graduate students is one familiar to the non-math major. A new two-term course feature that is being planned. entitled Mathematical Methods for Social Sciences (Math 62-63) will also be offered in the Fall. This course will introduce the mathematical methods most frequently used in the behavioral and social sciences, such as model building, and decision theory. Current problems will be selected from the literature of the behavioral sciences. Commencing in the Fall, 1972, the computer will become a more integral part of the course of study of each mathematics student. In addition to the regular curri­ culum, freshmen and sophomores will be exposed to programming on the elementary and advanced levels in all their courses. Moreover, a revised Computer Analysis (Math 89) course is to be offered in the Fall. It will treat 6 7 topics in data structures, linear and multi-lists, trees, PILOT COURSE IN CALCULUS traversing algorithms, sorting techniques and storage mana­ gement.
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