GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME CXI Abersychan (S. Wales), Main Limestone Basement Series (Carb.), Lowther valley- at, 313, fig. Ravenstonedale, 33-42, figs. Aberystwyth-Towyn area (Wales), BASSETT, D. A., the Silurian rocks of the gravity anomalies of, 384-6. Talerddig district, Montgomeryshire, Acodus, 124. 239-63, figs., pl. xiii, 264. similaris sp. nov., 124-5, pl. x. Benbulben Shale, Sligo sync]ine, 169 A crocladium cordifolium, 233. fig., 171 fig., 175. stramineum, 233. Berrocian Glaciation, 192, 194, 196, 206. Afon-Lwyd valley (S. Wales), Main Birk Beck (Westmorland), Carb. Base- Limestone in, 311-13, figs., 316 sects. ment Series in, 33, 34, 35 map, 36-41, Africa, pediplanation & isostasy in, fig. , 353-9, figs., pl. xviii, 361-74, figs. BISHOP, A. C. (& A. K. WELLS), on an ' African" land-surface in S. Africa, 354, appinitic facies assoc, w. certain 355 et sqq. ; in W. Africa, 362-5, figs., granites in Jersey, C.I., 143-63, figs. 366, et sqq. BLACK, W. W., discusses Joysey's paper, Aldwarke (Yorks.), disturbed strata at, 222-3. 274. BLACKWELDER, E., discusses papers by Alien's pit, Dorchester, geol. of, 226-7, King (L. C.) & Pugh, 370. sect. ; fauna fr., 227-8 ; plant remains Blaisdon Beds, May Hill, 86, 92, 104, 105 ft., 228-36, figs. ; flint implements fr., fig., 106 fig., 107; fossil list, 110-12. 236-7, fig. Blaisdon fault, May Hill, 99 et sqq. Ambolodu~, 118 et sqq. Blastoids, Carb., distribution in Craven triangularis, 122-3, pl. vii. area, 209-24, figs., pl. xii. Amorphognathus, 118 et sqq. BLtmD~.~, C. R. K., discusses George's duftonus sp. nov., 123-4, pl. ix. paper, 319. ordovicicus, 123, pl. ix. BLYT~, F. G. H., discusses Cook & Amphibole in Jersey appinites, 146-54, Thirlaway's paper, 69. figs., 155 et sqq. Bouguer anomalies, calculation of, 378; ANDERSON, E. M., discusses Elwell's see also Gravity anomalies. paper, 81-2. Boulder-bed in Dalradian of Mayo, 71- A~DERSO~, J. G. C., discusses Wells & 84 figs., pl. v. Bishop's paper, 164. Boulders, deformed, in Briska boulder- Anomalies, gravity & magnetic, in Wales, bed, 75-6, pl. v ; petrography of, 77-8, 375-97. fig. Anglesey & Malverns, Bouguer anomalies Bowland area, Carb. blastoids in, 218- & geol. sect. betw., 389, 390 fig., 391. 19. Aphelognathus, 119 et sqq., 127-8, fig. Boyn Terrace, correl, with Clacton chan- clegantus sp. nov., 128, pl. viii. nels, 297-9. Appinites, Jersey, 143-66, figs. Briska (Mayo), boulder-bed at, 72-4, figs. A~BER, M. A., discusses Powell's paper, BRow~, E. H., discusses papers by King 395-6. (L. C.) & Pugh, 371-2. Ardmore (Co. Waterford), minor struc- Bryum sp., 233. tares nr, 1-21 ; A.-Youghal syncline, BVLL~.~WELL, W., discusses Cook & map of, pl. ii. Thirlaway's paper, 68-9 ; discusses Armeria maritima, 228-9, fig. papers by King (L. C.) & Pugh, 371; Artifacts, use in dating deposits, 204-5. discusses Powell's paper, 395. Aston Common. See Swallow Nest. Bundoran Shale, Sligo syncline, 169 fig., Avonian, Wales, 339-41. 171 fig., 172-3. BADE~-POWELL, D. F. W., on marine Cambrian, Wales, 325-6. fauna of Clacton channels, 301-4 ; dis- Cambridge area, Pleistocene deposits of, cusses Warren's paper, 306. 200-1. Bagthorpe (Notts.), disturbed strata at, Campylium sp. (cL polygamum), 233. 274. C~eEW~LL, J. G., 21; the post-Silarian, Bala & Malvern, gravity gradient betw., pre-marine Carb. sedimentary rocks of 389. the eastern side of the English Lake Ballyshannon Limestone, Sligo syncline, District, 23-44, figs., 45-6. 168-72, figs. Carboniferous, Sligo area, 167-86, figs., Bangor (Mayo), map of area S.E. of, pl. xi ; of Wales, 339-46 ; post-Carb. 73. earth-movements, 346-8, pls. xv & 399 400 GENERAL INDEX [vol. cxi, xvi; Carb. (& Devonian) of Water- Dalradian, Mayo, boulder-bed in, 71-84. ford, minor structures in, 1-21 ; Carb. Dartry Limestone, Sligo syncline, 169 blastoids, distribution in Craven area, fig., 171 fig., 176-7. 209-24, figs., pl. xii. DAWSOn--GRovE, G. E., analysis of minor Carboniferous Limestone, density of, structures nr Ardmore, Co. Waterford, 49; Main Limestone, S. Wales, 309- 1-21, figs., pls. i & ii. 22, figs. Dean, Forest of, gravity anomalies in, Carex cf. acuta, 229. 58, 59, 60 map. cf. pendula, 229-30. Deformation, in Ardmore area, 18-19; spp., 230. principles of, 19-20. Carfan-Tafolog valley (Montgomery- Denbighshire Grit & Shale Group, shire), vert. sects, in, 252 fig. Talerddig, 240, 249, 251,253. CASE, H., 238; on the flint implements Devonian (& Carb.) of Waterford, minor fr. the Summertown-Radley Terrace structures in, 1-21. at Dorchester (Oxon.), 236-7, fig. Diorites, assoc, w. appinites, Jersey, Catuvellaunian Glaciation, 193, 194, 206. 144-5, fig. Cerastium cf. arvense, 229 fig., 230. Disturbed strata on Fox Earth Coal, CKEES~_~, R. L., discusses Wells & 265-82, figs., pl. xiv. Bishop's paper, 164. DIXEY, F., discusses papers by King Church Stretton disturbance, gravity (L. C.) & Pugh, 369-70. anomalies across, 58, 59 fig. Dolgau Mudstone Group, Talerddig, 240, Clacton (Essex) channel deposits, 283- 245, 247-9, fig., 249, 250 fig. 307, figs. DOLLAR, A. T. J., discusses Shirley's CLUE, A., 238; (& K. S. SA/~DFORD) On paper, 279-80. the geol. of Allen's pit, Dorchester Dolomitization, Graig quarries, 312. (Oxon.), 226-7, fig. Dolwen pericline (Wales), gravity Cleavage, Ardmore area, 4-5, figs., 9; anomalies of, 386, fig., 387. Talerddig, 254 fig., 258-60, fig. ; (Carb.) Dorchester (Oxon.), plant &c. remains ft. of Wales, 343-4. Summertown-Radley Terrace at, 225- Clifford's Mesne Beds, May Hill, 86, 97-8, 38, figs. 106 fig. ; fossil list, 110-2. Downtonian, May Hill, 86, 97-8, 107, Clitheroe (Lancs.), Carb. blastoids at, 109 ; fossil list, 110-12. 218. Draba incana, 230, 231 fig. " Clod," above Fox Earth Coal, 267, 271, Drag- (& shear-) zones, Ardmore area, 5, fig., 280. 14-17, maps, 18, 19. Clwyd, Vale of (N. Wales), gravity Drepanocladus capillifolius, 234. anomalies over, 381, 382-4, figs. revolver,s, 234. Coal Measures, densities of, 49, 55; aendtner/, 234. thickness in Worcester basin, 54-7. Drepanodu~, 118 et sqq., 125. Coal seams, dopth of burial, 344-5. altipes, 125-6, pl. x. Concretions, calcareous, fr. Clacton chan- -- arcuatus, 126, pl. x. neis, 300-1. -- similaris, 126, pl. x. Congo land-surface in S. Africa, 355 et Drift. See Holderness Drift & Newer 8qq. Drift. Conglomerates, E. Lake District, 24-44. Dugoed, Afon (Montgomeryshire), 240, Conodonts, Keisley Limestone, 117-42, 241, 245, 247 et sqq. ; sects, in Silurian figs., pls. vii-x. in, 242, 243, 244 fig. ; outcrop map of, COOK, A. H. (& H. I. S. THmLAWAY), on 246 fig. the geol. results of measurements of DuIoA_~, S. L. (& OTHERS), plant remains gravity in the Welsh Borders, 47-64, fr. the gravels of the Summertown- figs., pls. iii & iv, 69-70; discusses Radley Terrace nr Dorchester (Oxon.), Powell's paper, 394-5. 225-38, figs. Cordylodus, 119 et sqq., 134. elongatus, 135, pl. vii. EARP, J. R., discusses Lawson's paper, Cornovian Glaciation, 194. 115. Cratoneuron filicinum, 234. Earthquake tremors, cause of disturbed Craven area (Yorks.), Carb. blastoids in, strata at Swallow Nest, 277-8. 209-24, figs., pl. xii. East Anglia, glacial succession in, 197- Creep of strata, not cause of disturbance 200. at Swallow Nest, 276. East Crop, S. Wales Coalfield, Main Cretaceous, Wales, 349-50. Limestone of, 309-22, figs. CROFT, W. N., on calcareous concretions East Pennine Coalfield, disturbed strata (rhizocretions) fr. Middle Pleistocene in, 265-82. deposits of the Clacton channels, 300-1. EASTWOOD, T., discusses Shirley's paper, Cwm Ynyscoy (nr Pontypool), sect. in 280-1. Main Limestone at, 314, 316 fig. EDWARDS, W., discusses Shirley's paper, Cymrian Glaciation, 194. 279. part 4] GENERAL INDEX 401 ELLIS, S. E., discusses Wells & Bishop's Graig quarries (S. Wales), Main Lime- paper, 165. stone in, 311-12, 313, fig., 316 fig. ELWSLL, R. W. D., the lithology & Grassington (Yorks.), blastoids in Yore- structure of a boulder-bed in the dale Series of, 209-24, figs., pl. xii. Dalradian of Mayo, Ireland, 71-81, Gravity (& magnetic) anomalies in N. figs., pl. v, 83, 84. Wales, 375-97, figs., pl. xix; gr. England, review of Pleistocene epoch in, measurements in Welsh Borders, 47- 187-208. 64, figs., pls. iii & iv. Erosion, contemporaneous, not cause of GRIFFITHS, D. H. (& R. F. Kr~o), note disturbed strata at Swallow Nest, 276. on the magnetic anomalies over the Erosional & depositional cycles in S. Lleyn peninsula, 392-3, fig. ; replies to Africa,... 353-6, figs., table, 357, 358, pl. discussion on Powell's paper, 397. XVIII. GROVES, A. W., discusses Powell's paper, Erratic rocks of Clacton channel & 394. Holland Gravel, 296-7. Estuarine beds, Clacton channel, 284 et HARLAND, W. B., 21. sqq., figs. Harleeh dome (Wales), gravity anomalies EvANs, P., discusses papers by King over, 385 map, 386-9, figs. (L. C.) & Pugh, 370-1. HAWKINS, H. L., discusses Joysey's EYr.ES, V. A., discusses Shirley's paper, paper, 222. 280. HAYWARD, J. F., 142 ; discusses Warren's paper, 305. Faulting, Ardmore area, 6-7, 18-19; at HENSON, F. A., discusses Wells & May Hill, 99-101 ; at Talerddig, 260-1. Bishop's paper, 164. Festuca ovina ssp. ovina, 232, 233 fig. HrLL, M. N., discusses Powell's l~per, -- ssp. tenuifolia, 232, 233 fig. 393-4. ~. rubra, 232, 233 fig. HODSO~, F. R., discusses George's paper, spp., 232, 233 fig. 319. FIakebridge (Westmorland), 34; map of Holderness Drift, 202, 203, 204. country to Shap, 35; thickness of Holland Gravel, erratics of, 296-7. Basement Series betw. Shap &, 39 fig. HOLLI~GWORT~I, S.
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