SOUTHERN PACIFIC HISTORICAL & TECHNICAL SOCIETY S • P Trainline Index 1–137 S•P7� --- ·- The Official Publication of the outhern Pacific Hi1torical & Technical Society SOUTHERN PACIFIC HISTORICAL & TECHNICAL SOCIETY S • P Trainline Index 1–137 6 Articles 14 Authors 34 Drawings 46 Maps 55 Railroad Equipment 94 Rosters 102 Structures The Southern Pacific Historical & Technical Society is an independent non-profit organization devoted to the preservation of the history of the Southern Pacific, its predecessor and successor railroad companies, and to the dissemination of information which documents that history. The Society is not supported by, nor affiliatedin any way with, the former Southern Pacific, or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates. For S•P Trainline back issues contact: SPH&TS Company Store Index by Mary Harper Access Points Indexing and Michael E. Bell S yndeticS ystems S·P Trainline Index -- Volumes 1-137 Note: Formatting has been minimized for ease in viewing the index. Titles of books and journals are italicized, article titles are not. Page numbers are listed as “volume:page”, and indicated the first page of the article where the reference may be located. Multiple or contiguous page listings indicated photographs or other illustrative materials. Cities and towns are in California, unless otherwise noted. Locomotives and rolling stock are identified by reporting mark and number and/or italicized name under the Railroad Equipment heading. A A. Marchetti Vegetable Packing House, 82:21 Harvard (steamship) (1931), 130:13, 130:14 Abbey, Wallace, 128:10 near Hiland (1977), 118:19, 118:22 Abbott, Carlisle S., 103:17 Imperial Valley floods (1906), 111:9, 111:10, Abbott, L.E., 121:12 111:11 Accidents Island Mountain Tunnel (1978), 35:4 chart, Memorandum on Major Passenger Train Jackson, Utah (1904), 79:23 Accidents (1958), 63:11 Junction City, Ore. (1943), 40:7 efficiency testing as preventive, 130:46 Kern City Roundhouse fire (1900), 85:21 lap orders and, 114:29 Kingsburg (1947), 118:9 Allard (1952), 98:31, 98:32, 98:33 Klamath Falls, Ore. (1941), 87:24 American River Bridge (ca. 1910), 23:20 Lark Argonaut (1938), 48:19 (1941), 53:8 Aurich, Ark. (1949), 128:14 (1942), 46:10 Bayshore Yards (1928), 50:6, 114:11, 123:34 Lerdo (1947), 74:31 Beasley, Tex. (1950), 31:3 Loma Prieta Branch landslide, 131:30 Benham, Ore., 32:9 Los Angeles County Fairgrounds (1976), 83:14 Black Butte Summit, 79:24 Los Angeles River Bridge collapse (1938), 92:9 Border Limited Los Gatos Creek trestle (1965), 134:40 (1943), 65:26 Martinez Bridge, 52:25 (1950), 65:26 Modesto (1946), 130:2 Brazos River Bridge, Tex. Oakdale (1949), 104:13 (1860), 29:11 Oakland, Ore. (1943), 40:7, 40:9 (1866), 29:11 Oakland Pier, 112:30 (1959), 126:29 Overnight (1941), 53:8 (1983), 126:29 Owl (1947), 74:31 Hurricane Carla (1961), 113:32 Paso Robles (1941), 53:8 Burbank Junction (1966), 97:2, 97:27 Rainrock, Ore. (1955), 32:6 Cabeza, N.Mex. (1922), 99:37 Renault, Ill. (1948), 128:11, 128:12 Californian (1938), 48:19 Rosenberg, Tex. (1950), 65:26 Chiloquin, Ore. (1953), 95:36 Roseville Yards (1973), 106:16, 106:18, 106:19, City of San Francisco, Yuba Gap snow storm 106:20, 106:21, 106:22, 106:23, 106:24, 106:25, (1952), 110:33, 110:36, 113:17 106:26, 106:27, 106:28, 107:6 Cloudcroft Branch (1907), 84:20, 84:22 Sacramento Roundhouse (1945), 116:11 Crystal Lake (1958), 114:31 Salida (1979), 83:7, 83:8 El Paso Division, Hurricane Alice washout (1954), San Jose, Coyote Creek bridge (1917), 71:4 47:24 Saugus (1929), 29:16 Emigrant Gap (1965), 115:2 Shasta Daylight, Port Costa (1950), 61:14 Eugene, Ore., 93:39 Silverton, Ore. (1942), 41:17 Eureka, Tex. (1943), 65:26 Siskiyou Line storm damage (1964), 98:23, 98:24, Ferryboat Julia (1888), 85:16 98:25, 98:26, 98:27, 98:28 Ft. Worth Local (1949), 69:33 Sparks, Nev. (1948), 89:7 Harney, Nev. (1939), 45:17, 45:18, 45:19, 45:26 Sunset Limited (1967), 124:5 4 S·P Trainline Index -- Volumes 1-137 Accidents (cont’d) SP 6708 (1969), 121:36 Summit fire (1921), 89:26 SP 6721 (1969), 121:36 Tehachapi Earthquake (1952), 68:23, 68:24, 68:25, SP 8642 (1969), 121:36 68:26, 68:28, 113:17 SP 8759, PBLAY (1975), 118:2 Tortuga (1938), 48:19, 48:21, 48:22 SP 9505 (1978), 109:33 Tully, Ariz., Naval bomb explosions (1973), 133:42 SP 10026 (1937), 82:30 Tunnel 7 (1969), 121:41 SP 123922, 93:39 Wellsona (1941), 136:7, 136:8, 136:9, 136:10, SP 123933, 93:39 136:11, 136:12 SR 34 (1949), 104:13 West Coast Limited (1929), 29:16 SSW 8971 (1970), 109:18 Wicopee, Ore. (1942), 87:25 T&NO 615 (1950), 31:3 West Oakland Roundhouse (1940), 116:6 Acebo, Richard, 52:8 Wrens (1977), 134:26 Adams, Bud, 118:22 Wynoochee River bridge, Wash. (1959), 134:21 Adams, John Foster, 114:10 Yamsey, Ore. (1937), 82:30 Addressograph Co., 135:45 CP 9 Utah (1869), 34:19 Ahern, T.H. CP 31 Klamath (1869), 34:19 photographs of, 110:14 CP 59 Pluto (1869), 34:19 Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority (ACTA), EP&SW 184 (1907), 84:22 75:20, 96:34 SP 6 (1873), 101:23 Alamogordo and Sacramento Mountain Railway SP 10 Pocket Streamliner (1960), 125:15, 125:16, (A&SM), 84:9, 84:12 133:40 Alamogordo Lumber Company, 84:13, 84:17 SP 80, 131:30 Alaska Railroad (ARR), 57:29 SP 704 (1912), 113:42, 113:43 Alexandria, Ray, 123:8 SP 1381, 93:39 Algoma Central Railway (AC), 49:17 SP 1425 (ca. 1910), 23:20 Algoma Lumber Company (AL), 64:8 SP 1869, 93:39 All American Canal, 127:23, 127:33 SP 2006 (1904), 79:23 Allard, George, 94:16 SP 2308 (1949), 104:13 Allen, Chuck, 127:10, 127:11 SP 2384 (1930s), 103:14 Allen, Ebenezer, 113:26 SP 2460 (1920s), 112:30 Allison Manufacturing, 86:20 SP 2510, 84:22 Altland Fruit Company, 31:6 SP 2681 (1921), 89:26 Alvord, Mel, 137:27 SP 2800 (ex-CP 229), 79:24 America Latina Logistica (ALL), 99:8 SP 2804 (1904), 79:23 American Association of Railroads SP 2843, 79:24 approval of Vert-A-Pac cars, 104:25 SP 2945 (1942), 41:17 American Beet Sugar Company, 69:9 SP 4007 (1942), 87:25 American Car and Foundry Company SP 4024 (1948), 89:7 Army Hospital Unit cars, 57:28 SP 4037 (1948), 89:7 Boxcar munitions transport, 133:45 SP 4048 (1941), 87:24 Chair cars, 14:3 SP 4193, Tunnel 26 (1941), 113:18, 113:19, 113:20, Doublestack container cars, 75:29 113:21, 113:22, 113:23, 113:24, 113:25 Harriman Chair cars, 62:10 SP 4304 (1938), 48:22 Harriman Coach Baggage cars, 38:17 SP 4344 (1943), 40:7 Lightweight cars, first, 45:24 SP 4348 (1943), 40:7, 40:9 Oil tank cars, 86:18, 86:20 SP 4355 (1928), 50:6, 114:11 Vert-A-Pac cars, 104:23 SP 4362 (1938), 48:21 American Crystal Sugar Company, 69:9, 111:36 SP 4462 (1953), 95:36 American Forest Products, 137:39 SP 5021 (1976), 83:14 American Locomotive Company (ALCO), 8:3, 25:2, SP 6193, 93:39 63:19, 115:34, 115:36 SP 6291, 67:4 American Motor Transportation Company, 119:15 SP 6673 (1969), 121:36 American President Lines (APL), 96:36, 128:39 SP 6674 (1969), 121:36 American Steel Foundries, 86:20 5 S·P Trainline Index -- Volumes 1-137 American Trucking Association, 108:33 Adventures in the Donner Summit Snowsheds Amtrak (AMTK), 117:29, 129:42 (Shedd), 25:6 Monterey Branch, 103:33, 103:37 Another Top Secret U.S. Government Train Passenger trains (Signor), 100:20 Capitol Corridor Trains, 136:35 The Army Cars: SP Baggage Dormitory Cars 3401- Coast Starlight, 49:5, 54:22, 74:13, 109:33, 3405 (Munger and MacDonald), 57:27 136:35 The Art of Ernie Towler (Hill), 53:20 Reno Fun Trains, 129:18, 129:19, 129:20, Augmenting (Dill and Nugent), 121:42 129:33, 129:42, 132:39, 132:40 August 1953-T&NO (Workman), 33:5 San Francisco Zephyr, 36:24, 129:42, 136:35 Authority (McGee), 55:35 Sunset, 47:27 The Automat Buffet Cars (Munger), 47:7 Surfliner, 67:17 Bad Day at Bayshore (Signor), 123:34 Texas Eagle, 82:13 Bad Day at Brazos Drawbridge (Signor), 126:29 return of Train Masters to SP, 135:21 Bad Day at Mile Post 102.8 (Signor), 106:16 takeover of SP passenger service (1971), 112:37 A Bad Day at West Oakland (Stindt and Field), uniforms, history of, 103:46, 103:47 116:6 Anderson, Glenn Malcolm, 75:13 Bad Night at Burbank Junction (W. Martin), 97:24 Anderson, Mabel, 100:34 Bad Night at Wellsona (Staff), 136:7 Andrade, Alberto F., 111:20, 111:23 Bakersfield, The Way It Was (Read), 102:8 Andrade, Guillermo, 111:7, 111:18 Behind the Scenes: Southern Pacific Passenger Anheuser-Busch, 129:22, 129:23, 129:28 Service, Part 1 (Jarel), 35:5 Anschutz, Philip Frederick, 80:32, 96:38, 127:7 Behind the Scenes: Southern Pacific Passenger Apache Nitrogen Products, 131:21, 131:23 Service, Part 2 (Jarel), 36:5 Arbuckle, Steve, 124:22 The Berkshires: SP B-1 Class 2-8-4s (Church and Archer, John, 137:24 Strapac), 4:3 Arellanes, Lester Glenn "Commodore" Bibliography of the Southern Pacific Company, photographs of, 86:35, 92:4 September 1964 (Staff), 34:14 obituary, 92:4 The Big Game Specials (Signor), 112:6 Arey, Herbert H., 114:10, 132:6 The Big Six: SP's U50s and DD35s (Booth), 115:34 Arey, Herbert L., 114:10, 132:6 Block Indicators (Staff), 114:40 photographs of, 132:8, 132:10, 132:19, 132:25, The Bowman Ditcher-Spreader (Shaw), 24:4 132:27 A "Breather" to Do the Job (Mardian), 25:7 house of, Timber, Ore., 132:23 Bringing in the Daylight (P.
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