s& /r';lio ~ .· Sil-c£/., DRIVING TOUR 11 OF HISTORICAL SITES IN INGHAM COUNTY I NTRaU:r I CN TI1is booklet includes al I properties that have been listed by the National, State and County Register of 1 Historic Places in the County of Ingham. Also listed are the Michigan Centennial Farms, Centennial Businesses and the only tree in the State of Michigan that has attained Bicentennial l..andnark status. TI,is booklet is a record of the sites and structures that are irrportant in the history of Ingham County and i ts deve Iopnent. Sites listed may be evaluated and determined eligible by different qualifications fran the National, State and County levels. Sites are listed alphabetically and sanetimes listed in nx>re than one register. TI1is tour guide to historical sites in the County of Ingham is put out by the Ingham County C,omnission on History in hopes the past can be preserved for future generations. TI,e Ingham County C,omnission on History is the oldest Comnission on History in the State of Michigan. -: ,. · ...;: ..._ 7" ..... · KAPLAN HOUSE TABLE CF ClNTENTS ----- 0 ----- THE RENOVATION OF THE Part 01e: lhe National Register of Historic Places BROWN - PRICE RESIDENCE Part Two: · lhe State Register of Historic Places Part lhree: lhe County Register of Historic Places Part Four: lhe Michigan Centennial Fanns Register Part Five: lhe National Arborist Association and the International Society of Arboriculture Marker --- I j______...___. · 111C~IGAt.J 5TATE RVIATK'I A.')50CIATIOfJ _J Part Six: lhe Historical Society of Michigan Centennial Businesses Register Parrphlet lnfonnation: Ingham County c.omnission on History Author: lhomas G. Clinton .Additional lnfonnation: c.omnission on History Office c/o Ingham County Library Services Building 706 Curtis Street, P.O. Box 319 Mason, Michigan 48854 Phone: (517) 676-7213 lnfonnation in this booklet is up to the date of Noverrber of 1990. Arty site that has been granted entry into this publication after this date will not be I isted in this booklet. OLD MAIN. M ICHIGAN SCHOOL FOR THE BLIN D School iust won't die Many transformations save it for. history THE By CAROL HASKIN NATIONAL Staff Writer From house to schoolhouse to warehouse to ;i,..· REGISTER architectural offices, the Cherry Street School has had a long and varied history. OF This week the building is being honored by the Ingham County Historical Commission with the erection of a historical plaque. HISTORIC The ex-school is the first building the com­ mission has honored for successful renovation - a tribute to the architectural firm of Man­ '1 PLACES son, Jackson, Kane, Inc., who undertook the renovation project and moved into the build­ ing in l!ISS. "MANSON, JACKSON and Kane have taken this building and with very little change on the outside have transformed an old ware­ house into a very workable building." said Ingham County Historian Ford Ceasar, ex­ plaining the award. The building was slated to be demolished to make room for a parking lot when the firm rescued it. They replaced the plumbing and heating, moved the central staircase to the outside of the building, then redecorated the interior in a modem design. The building stands on a site originally OC· cupied by a home which, beginning in 1873, was used as an overftow unit for the over· crowded Lansing schools. In 1883. the school system bought the prop­ erty and in 1894 the district sold the original house for S15 then, for $6,680, built the front portion of the structure now on the site. The building housed eight grades. BY 1915, the city population liad grown so much that a $6,000 addition was necessary. "The building had its ups and downs in later years," Ceasar said. "It was probably discontinued as a school facility around the time of the Great Depression. Then is was used as a plumbing and electrical supply warehouse by the school district." Elmer Manson, senior partner of Manson, Jackson, Kane. Inc .. which renovated and al· tered numerous churches. schools and institu· tional buildings, said renovation of the school to suit the firm took about five months. Elmer Manson (left) and ford MANSON SAID his firm chose to renovate Ceasar with the historical plaque rather than build an entirely new structure because it was economically feasible. "Renovation is an opportunity for people "Our interior expresses the image we like looking for office space to achieve more spa· to project to our clients," ~anson said, "that cious offices at a minimal cost," Manson said. of competence and more modem architec­ ~anson believes there is a place for both tural concepts fitted into a traditional shell ... traditional and contemporary architecture in modem cities. THE CHERRY Street School is surrounded by a residential district boasting homes thac "THERE IS no question of the compatabil- also date back to the tum of che century. 1ty or traditional architecture and more con­ A Lansing Historical Commission studv temporary structures," he said. "If anything, earned out in 1971-72 proposed che area as a it's a question of scale. '.'lew buildings can re­ historic distnct. saying that steps should be spect old structures." , taken to preserve and renovate the historic Whtie the firm has done lictle to change the bu1ldmgs. excerior or the Cherry Street School, the ince­ According to Ceasar. owners of these rior has been complecely transformed to rea­ homes can get par11al funding for renovati_on tuce sleek modem lines. bnght tones and bold projects such as painting by contacting cny contemporary an. hall. Brown - Price House (Kaplan House) 1003 N. Washington Avenue Knapp, J .W., Carpany Building L..ans i ng 300 S. Washington Avenue Lansing c.entral United I\Aethodist Episcopal O,urch (c.entral United I\Aethodi st O,urch) Lansing Warren's Club Building (LYC Building) 215 N. Capitol Avenue 118 W. Ottawa Street L..ans i ng Lansing c.entral School Maple Grove Cemetery 325 W. Grand River Avenue W. C.Oll.lTDia Street East Lansing l'v1ason C.Ourthouse Square Historic District Masonic Tenple Building CC.Ooley Law School) Bounded by Park, E. C.Oll.lTDia, Rogers & South Street 217 S. Capitol Avenue Mason L..ans ing Dodge Mansion (Turner - Dodge House) I\Aerrylees - Post House 106 E. North Street 519 W. Ash Street L..ans i ng Mason Eustace Hall (Horticultural Laboratory Building) Michigan c.entral Railroad/"'1ason Depot Michigan State University Cantx,ls 111 N. Mason Street East L..ans ing Mason Federal Building Mi chi gan Mi I I ers IVutua I Fi re Insurance Carpany Bui Id i ng 315 W. Allegan Street 120-122 W. Ottawa Street L..ans ing L..ans ing First Baptist Oiurch Michigan State Capitol 227 N. Capitol Avenue Capitol & Michigan Avenue L..ans ing L..ans ing Franklin Avenue Presbyterian Church (North Presbyterian M:>on, Dar i us B. , House (Woon House) Oiurch) 216 Huron Street 108 W. Grand River Avenue L..ans ing L..ans ing /\loores, J.H., Mennrial Natatorium (M:>ores Park Pool) Grand Trunk Western Rai I Station/Lansing Depot 400 M:>ores River Drive 1203 S. Washington Avenue L..ans ing L..ans i ng IVutua I Bui Iding Ingham C.Ounty C.Ourthouse 208 N. Capitol Avenue Jefferson Street L..ans ing Mason Nice, Phi lip, House 321 c.enter Street Mason THE North Lansing Historic c.onmercial District 100 - 300 E. Grand River Ave. & 1200 of Turner Street STATE Lansing REGISTER Raynor, John, House OF 725 E. Ash Street HISTORIC Mason PLACES Snith - Turner House (Wi Ide C.Onservatory of M.isic) 326 W. Grand River Avenue L..ans ing St. Katherine's O,apel 4650 IVleridian Road East of Okenus State Office Building (Lewis Cass Building) 316 S. Walnut Street Lansing Stockbridge Town Hal I 101 S. Clinton Street Stockbridge Strand Theatre & Arcade (Michigan Theater & Arcade) 211 - 219 S. Washington Avenue L..ans ing Westside Neighborhood Historic District Bounded by W. lVlap Ie, W. Ash, L..ans i ng St. and McRobe rt s Mason Andrews Hotel 105 - 108 W. Grand River Avenue Central School Wi 11 iamston 325 W. Grand River Avenue L.ans ing Badman, O,arles, House 929 Roxburgh Central United IV\ethodist Episcopal O,urch (Central East L.ans i ng United IV\ethodi st O,urch) 215 N. Capitol Avenue Bank of L.ans i ng L.ans ing 101 - 103 N. Washington Avenue L.ans ing O,urch of the Resurrection & School 1529 E. Michigan Avenue Barrett Building L.ans ing 111 W. Grand River Avenue Wi 11 iamston C.ol lege Hal I Site (Beaunont Tower) Michigan State University CafllJUS Bates & Edronds Engine Conpany (R.E. Olds 11/useun) East L.ans i ng 240 11/useun Drive L.ans ing C.ol I ins IV\ell'K>rial A.M.E. O,urch (Trinity A.M.E. O,urch C.ongrega ti on) Beal Botanical Garden 3500 W. Ho Imes Road Michigan State University Caf11JUs L.ans ing East Lansing C.ooley, Frank E., House (Michigan Women's Hall of Fame) Beck, Louis, House (Michigan Sheriffs' Association) 213 W. Main Street 515 N. Capitol Avenue Lansing Lansing Davis, Benjamin F., House (Dell'K>I ished) Beeman, George, House 528 S. Washington Avenue 3150 S. Williamston Road L.ans ing Wi 11 iamston Dodge Mansion (Great Lakes Bible C.ollege/Turner-Dodge) Bigelow - Kuhn House 106 E. North Street 334 N. Hagadorn Road Lansing East L.ans i ng Ethe I Apartments Birthplace of Oldsll'K>bi le Division 117 S. Hosmer Street 920 Townsend Street L.ans ing Lansing Eustace Hall (Horticultural Laboratory Building) Brown - Price House (Kaplan House) Michigan State University CafllJUS 1003 N.
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