NET PRESS Run AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION THR WEATHER. I OF THE EVENING HERALD -for tbe month of September, i026. Fhir tonight and Sonday. Cim> a t t r tinned cool. 4 , 8 4 9 ----------------------- n— ^ ^ VOL. XLV., NO. 8. Claaslfled AdTortlalng on Page • MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1926. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE C E N l^l JAG^S APOLOGY Am the Law** Declared FAMILY OF 6 CARDS NOW OUT DEATH CHARiX Hoosier Dragon, Now Jailed ALEXANDER 14 Varieties, Fitting As Many AGAINST A I E E OVERCOME BY Forms of Social Errors by - ■ (V ■ . Guests, On Market. Indianapolis, Oct. 9.— “ Put SteveA* political explosion that may prove P O M FUMES New York, Oct. 9.— ^It is IS NOW HINTED in a town for a week and tell him the sensation of the country. now possible in certain New to sell anything and he’ll stand the Stephenson Vants to tell what he York society circles to send a town on Its head. But keep him knows. Indiana hears. And he ' OF HOLDING YANKS new form of polite, conven­ there and sooner or later the town d o n o tl^ knows enough to shake Father, Mother and Four tionally worded card of re­ Loss of Six Lives as Result will hang him by the heels.” the Hoosier state to us foundations, grets, courteously announcing Some time ago an Indianapolis l ales of the whuibsale baying of that one is exceedingly sorry lawyer made that remark about; votes and stuffing of ballot boxes; Children Near Death in one spanked one’s hostess of Hoax May Be Made David C. Stephssenson, at that time . taUs of city and stale officials who while a guest at one of her the most powerful man in Indiana, were boqnd by chains they could DAUGieTY TO Odds Against Cards charming affairs. Basis of Accusation of and now Convict No. 111<8 in the J not break, to ' obey Stephenson’s Closed Room With Gas Handsomely engraved cards Indiana state prison. slighebt order; teles of graft and couched in the approved lan­ Stephenson uudertpok, five years corruption; tales of an “ influence” HEAR n s FA1E Move to Two to Jets Burning; Second Case guage of well bred ettiquette, Manslaughter. ago, to sell the Ku Klux Klan to tjiat controlled courts and juries O ne are belns circulated in / New Indiana. He succeeded. He “ stood ;ind that .“framed” men who stood York by means of which one Indiana on its head.^’ in its way— BATTING ORDER FOR 6TH can express'his apologies for Los Angeles, Oct. 9.— The n¥t But another day was to come— These are some of the things WORLD’S SERIES GAME Manchester came within a hair's any one or all of fourteen was tightening around Kenneth G. a day when, as the lawyer said, Ste­ about which Stepitenson is expected Shawkey Probable Pick as breadth of having a tragedy last social errors, including strik­ Ormiston, missing co-defendant in phenson was to be "hung,up by tl^e to unburden himself. New York, Oct. 9.— The prob­ night. Six members of the family of ing one’s hostess -with a bot­ the Almee Semple McPherson con­ heels”— sent to prison for life for State Officials Use Mnnie. able line-up for the sixth game Fritz H. Johnson barely escaped tle,, throwing glasses, indis­ murder. Warden. Daly of the prlsoh re­ First Felony Trutl of a Calh of the .world series this after­ New York’s Twhrler, death by asphyxiation in their home creet petting, and excessive spiracy case, according to the dis­ And now Convict No. l l l i S , fused to let anyone see Stephenson. noon at the Yankee sthdlum fol- at 29 Clinton street. With the ex­ destruction of the lady’s trict attorney’s office today. otherwise D. C. Stephenson, latq Sb' did Governor Ed Jackson, elect­ lows:- ception of the mother, none suffer­ tasteful furniture. “ We have an excellent chance to Grand Dragon of the Indiana realn; ed two years ago by the aid of Ste­ inet Officer Goes to Jury; Oaxdinals Yankees Walsh Sees 6th Contest ed any ill effects from the poison- It is all due to the new code apprehend Ormiston,” Keyes de­ of the Invisible Empii^e, and one­ phenson’s machine. i Holm, cf ...................... Combs, cf of imperfect behavior brought ions gas. She is slightly 111. clared last inght. “ Our Informa­ time confidant, friend and arbiter But a editor— Thomas about by the prohibition era. Southwortb, r f -------Koenig, ss Gas Bnmlng tion concerning his whereabouts of destiny for whole. regiments of Adams, publisher of the Vincennes Two Years in Prison if Hornsby, 2b .... --------Ruth, rf as 99 and 100 Proposi' The near-tragedy occurred about seems authentic.” officeholders, is said to have Cbipmercial Repi^b}ican-^has ‘ been Bottomley, l b ......... Meusel, if 7 o’clock last night. Mr. Johnson, The district attorney refused to “ squealed.” investigating. He has had secret FoondGoffty. / Bell, 3 b ..................... Gehrig, lb tion With the Result De­ his wife, three sons. Rudolph, Vic­ divulge the nature of his infor­ Waiting for the Shock. ,Hgfpy, I f................... Lazreri, 2b tor and Ernest and daughter, Ellen mation. As a result Indiana is waiting for (Qontliioed on Page a.) O’Farrell, c --------- - Dugan. 3b were in the kitchen. The doors and TEN THOUSAND DIE Ormiston was reported as hav­ Thevenow, s s ......... Severeld, c pending on Luc]^ Any­ windows were closed tightly. Be­ ing been seen in Pasadena several New York, Oct, 9.— Hari^ M. Alexander, p ...... Shocker or cause of the cold weather, the fami­ days ago. Daugherty,, attorney gener­ Shawkey, p The testimony at yesterday’s body’s Game. ly had the gas oven burning for the IN WU CHANG SEIGE 1500 CONNECTICUT FOREST PATROL IN al and.ThomM W. Miller, former Umpires: At plate, O’Day, purpose of heating the room. session dealt largely with . Ormis- (National LeagueT: at first base ton’s activities after the disap­ alien property custodian, accused Air Becomes Stuffy Hilderbrand, (Am. League); at By D.4.VIS J. WALSH. Mrs. Johnson had not been feel­ pearance of Mrs. McPherson, who of having conspired to share 1441,- .second base, . Klem (National alleged she had been kidnapped, VEISIN6IGH1KE ing well. She was lying on a conch. THIS STATE BEGINS 000 graft in the .offices to which League); at third base, Dineen New York, Oct. 9.— Fate, tbs No Food in Beleapered City and taken to Mexico. (American League). Ellen was ironing and the rest of Manslaughter Charge President Harding appointed them grim arbiter of all things mortal, the group were sitting about read- in 1921,. probaily will know their Time of gamo, 1:30 p. m.. S. S. Hahn, attorney for Mrs. Eastern Standard time. will don the sombre robes of the i:a;. Elmer and Herbert, two other Which Faces Yielding or a Lorraipe Wiseman-Sielaff, another fate today. members of the family were up­ co-defendant, who alleges Mrs. Me Number m' Legion Parade Priyate Funds Pay Fire Oot The first felony trial of a foirmer «-• judiciary this afternoon, view th-j stairs. Suddenly it became notice­ New Bombardment. Pherson offered her a sum of cabinet member in the country’s evidence strictly on its merits and able that the air was stuffy. Mrs. money to produce a “ Miss X ” to May Reach 2,000— This history moved rapidly to a conclu­ then, with the sardonic smirk of a Johnson got up and started for the pose as Ormiston’s companion at of Seyen Fire Guardians sion last evening when the case un­ pantry for some medicine. About BAD BALL PUYING bom mountebank, decide the proba­ Carmel, stated yesterday that he expectedly went to the jury at 9.42 ble outcome of the world series by half-way across the room, Mrs. Hankow, Oct. 9.— Ten thousand anticipated the filing of man- Comity to Be a Unit. o’clock, after twenty-three days. Johnson stopped. It was noticed Tliroiigiioot ConnecdcoL the logical expedient of tossing a persons have died, most of them slat’ghter and perjury as the out­ Jury Locked Up. two-headed coin. For that is fate’s that her face was unusually pale. of starvation In Wuchang since the growth of the preliminary hearing. Shorty before midnight the Jnrr SAYS CRUTC DICK Two Faint. Which, if any, of the four de­ fantastic way and Its slightest favor was locked up for the night. Jurors is worth far more than a base hit Mr. Johnson rushed across the Cantonese ariny began its seige at fendants already charged with Hartford, Oct. 9.— Between Hartford, Oct. 9.— Seven regular 1,500 and 2,000 Cennectient mem­ were ordered to resume their de- in a pinch. room and caught his wife as she the end of August. The figures are conspiracy will be named in these patrolmen, doing duty in forests of liberatloBs at 10.30 this momlBg. charges, was not revealed. bers of the American Legion will Before nightfall, the darling of was about to fall. She fainted and those of Chinese officials. No white the state, reported from their vari- Conviction wonld carry a penalty Ellen fainted also. Mr. Johnson man could penetrate the barred Since Mrs. McPherson’s disap­ leave the state for Philadelphia in Series Has Provided Some o f its momentary fancy will be known of two years’ imprisonment, a $10,- to all and if it should happen to be told a Herald man who interviewed buildings, within which thousands pearance, a number of deaths have the nett three days, to attend the ooa posts to Austin F^ Hawes, state national Legion convention, it was 000-fine, or both.
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