fi» !. ■’-'J-® ■ x ^ ‘'*' V SATURDAY, JULY », Y.--’ &CTTWELVB t 9 U Manck^ster Evening Hera Id Average Daily CirenUtion The Weather z For the Mohth of Ju m , 1844 Fofee .it of U. S. \\rather Batvau' W om an ^^t6rine 6n 8,762 Partly elondy and slightly rod- About Town I«i Graduuteil Flying ORicer Cf tonight and Tueoday; acatter^ Heard Along Main Nenher of the Aedit -♦ M okJr Transj^rt light khotvers-’ tonight. BfUMu o f fJInakatoMi X' M in ''9 C ^ E. Willard, a teacher And on Some of Manchester*$ Side Streetii, "Too Manchetter— A City of VUlage Charm kt Buejdand school, la enrolled It the yhiveti^ty of Colorado for A combat Mqrihe has been freed fight by tii^ assignment-of Ma­ t^tte eight weeKa^summer seashMiv " street Sostiei A ^grcy*halred'»-a lot of damage In gardens espe- VOL. L Zni.. NO. 238 (UtMaUM AdvmrtfUag M rag* 18) MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, JULY JO, 1944 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THl (8 under an^ dally a good sized^ dog. Dog own- rine Frivfrfe Margaret Smith, woman attlre|d In slacks daughtec-^f Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. p : *tra. Nellie G. SC enaon Of 375 auto parked off Birch street. One era could be a little more thought­ ful and keep their animals leashed SmUlvl93 Lydall street;, Manches­ e jaiforth street. Pit Moss„ for- could see the woman wiggling ter, Conn., to motor transport duty F ^ erlylerly of ConnfcUcut, been se-: further and further under the car. during the growing season at A small* crowd gathered. least. at the Marine Corps base at Quan- Itoualy ill for eight ■weeKh. at the tlco, Va. Liberated Minsk an Inferno ..Voulke of Mercy hospital.^^ta* . A mechanic: She’a too far in Private Smith’s brother, Daniel, Reds’ Jfeld, win some 4ay be vli^hiE^«r front to fix that transmission. A young woman was crossing Is serving as a Staff Sergant in the MONDAYy JULY ;^ t e r and. huShand soon, who ai Another mechanic: ‘Thsp,.they Main street yesterday and sudden­ Army Air Corps. ^Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Maphell of complain about our charg'es when ly found herself without shoes. SM Private Smith graduated from W4 Morence s t r e ^ Manchester, olu women like that take the bread was wearing a pair of moccasm- Glastonbury High School, Glaston­ IN THE SOUTHEAST SECTU Iboao. She has^improved and ex­ right out of our children’a type leather shoes—the kind tlmt bury, Conn., and was employed at pects to meet^her many friends mouths." must be scuffed along to keep tjidm 'Pratt A Whitney Aircraft Com- '%hOe thei*^^She wiU go to her A woman; "Why don't one of on. The girl c r o ^ d Main Streep panybefore she enlisted in the All ^Teets Ea»C;of Main Street From the Center South -'VeUr’s, -,Mis. Reardon, in Pitts- you men help her, Don’t you know w-hen it w-as/hottest , ji;eSter<^y' Marine Corps .Wopim’s Reserve, tield fhr awhile when she comes there's S war on?" , afteri^oon amKthe tar q*i the rdad afid South of East Center Street. tte hospital. An old man who stopped for s surface wascomlng t^fough-tinder second to Join in ,the comments: the glaring suq. The gjiTs shoes "A- couple o f Jacks would give her simply stuck to the ojl and there l^^^jtdvei^lBement- A better chance to work under Rnasians^Ghimp Tighter she was without shoes. Heds M 6ve Ihe office of Dr, George A. E, that car.’’ i When s h e ^ o s s ^ the street she ROOFIN< Death Wil- J JtMndberg, 766 Main'street, win be -- The woman again: “ I suppose slipped o f^ e r hobby socks, put the -4' you would/expect h er'to Jack up Asphalt Shinies no; German ll^'^^Aosed until August 1. moccaspn o n ' her bare feet and To B olster E ■ l^«' ' ——— — Mlss M. Derothy Chapin the car herself too. Fine bunch of went ,On h*r *^y. We Weren't 3d Lieut. Arnold fi. Cleveland Bretteville*sur*OdoD, E li gentlemen around here." Flat or-Huilt Up near enough to near her remarks.. —Photo by Eastern Flying Forced Behind Bai Planes Giving Some Vet^i^ The old woman under the oar, , Training (Command. erville, Maltot and Hil Miss M. Dorothy ybapin, daugh­ gled out from beneath the Ja- . /^in Roofs cades into Center, of Family Life ^ FLOOR LAVING ter of Mr. and Mrs. Luther J." Jim McKay, w-ithoiit a doubt the lop^sgave her grey bobbed head a Arnold 8. Cleveland, son of,:Mr. All Types Handled By I^eal Support Aver Resit K 112 Fall in Quick SW AND SANDING Chapin of S73 East Middle Turn­ shakeN|"*^ atarted for the house, best known ^maif in (he bakery - - Virtually Ringed Qty. pike. graduated Friday evening, and Mrs. L. Cleveland, of 174 Ben­ CLOSED ession; British Witfaii RcflnishinK hnd Waxing. In her arms was s kitten she had profession in town, may be 74 ton street, was a member of the ^OUR LOCAL ROOFER: JunS 30th from the Forsyth been searching for. years of age. but he isn’t taking Decree Makes Divorces Eteiimates Gladly Given Training School for - Dental Hy­ 44.-F class of aviation cadets ^to London, July lO.-^A*)— Not Given of Orne RlVep any back aeat from thd-youngsteia ■ In Normandy gienists in Boston. raduate from the Army 'A ir British press reports placed | More Di0icidl. to Ob­ Sometime 'n itq ^ a y night some­ when it'-comes to playing softball. orces Pilot, School (Advanced 2 ED COUGHLIN, 7707 V Anierh)S)iis Take Sait^ CALL 8254 Miss Chapin, who gratluated As a matt^r"of fact he was a star f Russian vangua^s within 60 body tore down tnbsFifth War Loan Engine) at George Field. Illinois, 390 Woodland Street tain; Increasi from Manchester High school ,ih pennants.;.that had h « n suspended atiractiotc'Ih me game played at FOR OUR miles of East Pnissia tonight Large fo rce s of Bomb* Complain Furloughs Re­ teny in Siha^ into Gei^ 1943 plans to work in the office bn June 27. He received the sil­ For Large Fami from'the Marquee at\the State the recent British-Amerlcan club ver wdngs of a flying officer and X of Dr. A. A, Frelheit in Manches­ outing. As the game progressed while the-Red Army clamped er6 .^and Fighters At* fused and Wounded mans from Vice Rivet theater. They werie tb^Md Into Was conimissioned a second lieu­ tighter a death hold on Wilno ter. the gutter In front o f theNheater. some of the younger men found tenant in the A m y Air Forces. Moscow, July 10—(ffi— The Su­ And III ■' Discharged i; Miss C3iapin's parents, who have the going too strong and they ANNUAL (Vilna), where the Gernwn tack German Positions LIQUOR DEPT. More than one person musKhave Cleveland ent'(H:ed pilot training preme Soviet has issued a sweep­ Supreme - Headquarter been -visiting in Boston the past been involved since it would prac­ dropped out. Garrison,had been forced be­ W ith Quick Tests last July: and Attended flying ing decree to atrengthen family Only 50 Yards Ahead. lied Expeditionary For OPEN AS USUAL. week, attended the graduation tically be impowplble for one pei Jip> scoffed at them |br being Bchoola at Bennettsville, 8. C., and STOP hind barricades into the cen­ Friday evening and returned to to reach the signa. The act ,ia ba-' sissies and w-ent into the game. Sumter, S. C., before' his gradua­ Hfe by making dlvorcM more dif­ July 10.—<;P)— Gen. Sir BepJ Manchester Sunday. , Mr, Chapin July 24th To 29th, ter Of the virtually encircled city. London, Ju^jr i()— Large Kansas City, July 10.—(P)—R. MINIMUM PRICES! Ing blamed on irresponalbl^youtha. n fielded like a veteran and When tion at the advanced flyinjg school ficult to obtain and by granting nard L. Montgomery's Bribl returned, to his duties at the local he^^ra* to bat be bad the other - Russian columna racing westward forces of, Allied bombers 'and B. Handy, Jr., adjutant general of It isn’t believed that the^tgna were at George Field, Illinois. Before TERMITE at startling q>eed sthrmed past increase^ financial aid for large ish Second Army, starting tij post office Wednesday morning. ripped down throughx^heer dis­ younger 'players running all over he enlisted for pilot trainlng.h'e had fighters streamed across the Eng­ the Veterans of Forei^ Whte, de­ the lot\^They couldn’t even catch X Inclusive. the Wilno flanks to -th» nearest familini. swing shut the door on G«PJ paragement of the W ir Etond cam­ attended Bryant College. lish channel in improving weather clares that some of the men return, him betweM bases. There must be approach co Ehurt Prussia. Cauaing a sensation throughout mans still standing across paign. No doubtw groupof young DAMAGE ing from combat duty overseas lads did It thrpU^ plain deviltry. something a ^ t the ameU of the Penetrate to Utena Ruaaia, the degree made divorces today in support of the Britlah Ome river in the. southenl , ' y have complained that: However, th ^ algns were a good dough that giyes Jim his vlUiity, We were Informed that the young­ . Northward, the Soviets ripped as hard or harder to obtain in the 'apd American troops advancing suburbs of> captured He has workeoNjong hours and through the tJerman Wilno-p«u- Soviet anion than ijt'aome parts of ,on\the Normandy battlefront.
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