PAGE TWENTY FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1972 B ig Splash mattrl|i(Bt(r lEmning Hentlb The Weather Clear and cool tonight; low At Pool 60 to 55. Sunny and pleasant N om inees Resurfacing Obituaiy Sharp Increase Noted tomorrow; high 75 to 80. Out­ Lottery Numbers Wallace Beating Hilliard St., from Adams Page 5 look. lor Monday . partly E x p e c t e d St. to Broad St., will be re­ cloudy and warm. Volney C. Morey Conn. —: 26444 surfaced Monday, under MancheBter—-A City of Village Charm Manchester's annual road Volney C. Morey, 91, of Ken­ In Wholesale Prices T o Get N od Mass. — 118714 resurfacing program. VOL. XCI, NO. 261 (FOURTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) sington, Calif., formerly of Man­ Therapy Schedule The work is being done by p ro d u c t s five-tenths, fuels MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1972 (Classified Advertising on Page 11) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS (Continued from Page One) (Continued from Page One) chester, died last Sunday in a N.Y. — 058424 the Balf Co. of Hartford and three-tenths, chemtoals J one- Castro Valley, Calif., conva­ Polish Hall, Oolchester. (Continued from Page One) He recommended changes at is financed by a state grant, "The jobless rate In June and tenth, rubber products three- lescent home. He was the hus­ The same delegates who at­ N.J. — 431349 ... the executive mansion and the given each year for the pur­ July was substantially below tenths, lumber products 1.8 per band of Mrs. Marion Gleason tended the previous nominating Capltol IrvMontgomery to make pose to each of the state's the rates of around 6 per cent ge^t, pulp and paper products Morey. ' Judith Cantey, director of clini­ conventions will be delegates N.H. — 33473 it easier tjtor the governor — towns and cities. which had prevailed slnoe the two-tenths of one per cent, ma- Cremation was Tuesday. A cal services. again tomorrow. and the hamlcapped public — close of 1970,” the report said, chinery and equipment two- Warfare Ban Works private memorial service will ‘T don't think he has much Under the redlstrlctirg order­ to get around. It added that average hourly tenths, and mineral products be held in California. effect on the other patients,” H ^ T F O R D (A P)—^Connecticut’s ban on aerial ed by the federal court, the earnings of some 50 million three-tenths, Mr. Morey was bom in Wor­ Traugh added. "They're all Much of the work has been Civil Rights warfare against gypsy moths and elm spanworms Muskie Refuses rank-and-file workers rose one There were declines of one- First Congressional District done on the mansion. Traugh cester, Mass., and had lived hero to get well, that's all.” cent per -hour to $3.6 and were tenth of one per cent each for paid o ff this summer. Environmental Protec- ... Manchester for seve'rai Hebron from A rm s T reaty During the 4 ;30 to 8 visiting hopes Wallace can take up $1.09 per week to $136.47. metal products and trans- 'tion Commissioner Dan W. Lufkin said Friday. years. He had been employed District, and Berlin Board Given hours, the governor sees his ® theraputic weekend off to re­ Average earnings were up portatlon equipment. By protecting the natural enemies of the leaf­ at Pratt and Whitney Division from the Sixth. It Icses East staff, family and of late such Mont80t>®ry and get Windsor to the Sixth District. With Russia $8.63 weekly or 6.7 per cent Although the report on Jobs eating worms and caterpillars, nature has been al- of United Aircraft Corp. guests as former Treasury Sec- Life to 1978 over the past year, and after said both employment and He is also survived by a son, The Second Congressional Dis­ reUry John B. Connally and Spain center. "That may lowed to take its course and the moth eggs have (Continued from Page One) deducation for the 2.9 per cent unemployment were virtually McGovern Offer trict loses Belton and Hebron to fallen prey to parasites, Lufkin said. a daughter, and four grandchil­ Is Approved Georgia Gov. Jimmy Carter. rise in living costs, the average unchanged on a seasonally ad- dren. the First District, a major part In the Waterbury and Plainville areas, 80 to 90 KENNEBUNK, Maine suppose if Muskie makes his tial candidate a final answer, After visiting hours, patients The therapyu programj Itselfj '^oy the legislation navcheck was $4 68 per week Justed basts, there was an ac- The Sunset Cemetery and ^ Somers to the Sixth, and Kil- per cent of the spanworm eggs laid this year have (AP) — Sen. Edmund S. decision, she'll go along. She he flew to his home in Kenne­ (Continued from Page Om<) are free to engage In any recre- g® worid’’ WaT^I txn'la'ined «»>°' e a year earlier, the report tual rise of 'sOO.OOO in the num Mortuary, El Cerrito, Calif., Hn^worth and a part of Clinton ational acUvitles thev want be- World War II. explained _____ ______ been devoured by parasites, Lufkin said. Muskie said today he has isn't the kind to stand pat like bunk, Maine, on Friday to dis­ was In charge of arrangements. to the Third, and announced he will seek to fore retiring. ^ * Bev Rl'tch, a t'herap'ist. ^ T h r mbasure now goes back wholesale a*^\o°al ndUlOT Overall, defoliation of trees in Connecfticut this year refused an offer from Dem­ Martha Mitchell and threaten cuss it with his wife Jane. to leave." amend the agreement, by add- -Wallace's recreation is ac- Inj'ric! Mrs. Muskie said she hoped ^ ou n ted to 141,227 acres less than last year, when ocratic presidential nomi­ Sources close to McGovem Mrs. Beatrice B. Havey ing a warning to the Soviets tually in his work. That is back from the war with injuries , p^vacy ™ the unem^oy^d to ^ total he didn’t take it, the source the elm spanworms were unusually numerous, Luf­ nee George McGovern to also had said Friday it was said. Mrs. Beatrice B. Havey of Family that any move to increase their where he gets the most enjoy- t^'n.-^g^e'^sald* “ ‘"°'"P“ ‘^ate reaching P^„j^ready for retail sale went „pup million.million.' “ kin said. join him as the party’s offensive capability so as to ment,” said Traugh, who is a men, sne saiu. ngreement on an exten likely Muskie would accept the The senator’s wife accom­ Calais. Maine, mother of Mrs. one per cent; and industrial -phe unemployment rate for Luftin’s department has imposed a ban on aerial vice-presidential candidate. spot. threaten the American nuclear specialist in removing archi- The aim of the program is sion of the Civil Rights Com panied him around much of the James T. Blair of Manchester, raw materials rose two-tenths edged down slightly from McGovern had asked Muskie Doctors spraying of trees with broad-spectrum pesticides Sources also said Friday country last winter and spring died Wednesday night at '"the deterrent would be considered tectural barriers for the handi- simply to get from one place to mission. Thursday night to fill the a threat to the United States. of one per cent. 4 per cent to 3.9 per cent while which kill insect allies along with insect foes. night that an announcement in his losing bid for the nomi­ home of her son, Boardman B. capped. ■ another. "There is very little Nixon asked that no limit be vacancy on the Democratic (Continued from Page One) Such a threat could cause the you can't do from a wheelchair, set on appropriations for the On a seasonally adjusted the rate for women went up that Muskie i.s accepting prob­ nation McGovem finally won. Havey, in Calais. basis, the food price increase from 6.6 to 5.7 per cent and the ticket left by the withdrawal ably will come by tonight, Two full-time faculty mem­ United States to pull out of the Architectural barriers are our commission. The House voted Monday night of Sen. Thomas Mrs. Muskie also was Involved She is also surrived by an­ biggest problem,” Traugh said, however, to put a ceiling of $6.5 was 1.8 per cent, finished man- rate for teen-agers Increased "McGovern says now that he in his 1968 vice presidential bers will be supervised by Dr. nSToement, he said. F. Eagleton, in the wake of other son. and many grand­ With Wallace's injury it is million on its appropriation for ufactured goods eight-tenths of from 14.6 to 14.8 per cen . , thinks Muskie will agree,” a campaign on the Democratic James E.C. Walker in the ini­ Jackson sought also to put what McGovern called a "fu­ children and great-grandchild­ very important that his mus- the current facial year and of cue per cent and industrial raw The report said there WMe a Democratic senator close to ticket led by then-Vlce Presi­ tial stages, developing practice Congress on record as directing State Insists ror” that Eagleton was hospi­ ren. cles in the unparalyicd portion $8.5 mllion in each succeeding materials two-tenths of one per total of l,848,0(» unempoyed Muskie told The Associated dent Hubert H. Humphrey. inp i-iiiiLTiii nuiiiu settings next year for training President to seek equality Bremer Guilty, talized in 1960, 1964 and 1966 for The Femald Funeral Home, of his body be strengthened, year.
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