Celebrating Our 51st Year Voice Of South Marion June 10, 2021 Volume 51, Issue 38 • 1 Section USPS No. 787-320 Published Weekly - Read Daily Since 1969 www.thevosm.net. 25 Cents City Out Growing Parks And Open Space By Clay Waldron According to the City of Belleview’s Code of Ordinances the city is required to have 10 acres of parks per 1,000 people. The city is also required to have 10 acres of open space per 1,000. City staff report- ed that the current population for the City of Belleview is 5,101 (worldpopulation- review.com states the City of Belleview population is 5,281 that’s 129 more than staff says). The city should have at least 51.52 acres of parks. Currently Belleview has a total of 54.54 acres of parks includ- ing 4.76 acres at City Hall Park, Kenneth Smith walking trail 8.6 acres (trail is less than one mile), Mary Ann Cafaro Park and Community Garden 3.48 acres, Lake Lillian Park 18 acres, Cherokee Park 2.7 acres, and the Sports Complex 17 acres owned by city. However no groups or organizations have been able to use City Hall Park or city hall parking lot for events in recent years. The commission does not want people to use this park and have told multiple groups they can not use it and to use Lake Lillian instead. So if you deducted the City Hall Park off the park list since no one can use it the city would only have 49.78 acres. This would put the city behind on the city code and require the city to buy more park lands or let groups use the City Hall Park like it has been used for years. Regardless of how you count City Hall Park, once the city has 302 more people moving in, the city will have to buy more land to stay in compliance with city code. Belleview High School Class of 21’ You Are Dismissed For open space the City of Belleview’s The Belleview High School Class of 2021 ceremonies were held at the exceptional World Equestrian Center on Saturday, June 5th. definition is defined in the comprehensive 332 high school graduates walked across the stage with their classmates to receive their diploma and to take that next step towards plan, as undeveloped lands suitable for their future. Pictured are the graduates tossing their caps high in the air as they move forward with the next chapter of their lives. passive recreation or conservation use. (Photo by Shannon Love) See More On Pages 11 & 12) City staff reported that the city has a to- tal of 55.1 acres of open space including 11.64 for the cemeteries. Also included in open space is 12.39 acres of water reten- tion areas and easements. City well sites (which are fenced off), and 19.03 acres south of the sewer plant that includes a pond that is fenced off and the public can not use. There is also a vacant lot next to commissioner Ron Livsey and Plan- ning and Zoning chair Pat Livsey’s home which was going to be a retention pond but the commissioner did not want it next to his home. Then there were 9 parcel numbers totaling 8.99 acres that were not listed on the Marion County Property Ap- praiser’s website. About half of the land for open space is off limits to the public so it’s not used for passive recreation or is it conservation Steve Tweedle use? To stay compliant with code the city will be required to purchase more land Recognized For 30 Years once the city moves in 358 more people, Steve Tweedle was recognized for 30 that’s if the city can count all their proper- years in funeral service by fellow em- ties as open space. ployees of the Ocala location of Hiers- According to worldpopulationreview. Baxley Funeral Services this week. Twee- com the City of Belleview is currently dle began his career in funeral services in growing at a rate of 1.73 annually. That Belleview at what was at that time known is about 441 more people in the next six as Belleview Funeral Home. After that months and will put the city over code re- location became part of Hiers-Baxley quirements for both parks and open space. Funeral Services, he was moved to the The city commission has focused on improving Lake Lillian over the past four Ocala location where he is now general years. Now maybe a good time to start Valedictorians manger. planning for the future growth because it Lake Weir High School had two Valedictorians Sydney Gledden and Amber Whitmer. Tweedle still meets with families in all is coming sooner then latter. (Photo by Clay Waldron) See More On Pages 13 & 14 Hiers-Baxley locations in Marion County. Inside This Letters & Opinions..... Page 2 Police Report..... Page 7 Classified..... Page 17 Week’s Voice Around The Area ..... Page 4, 5, 6 Church ... Page 9, 10 Sports..... Page 16 VOICE OF SOUTH MARION, June 10, 2021, Page 2 Letters & Opinions Amendment 1 - “Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press ... or the right of the people to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” The content in the letters and opinions is not necessarily the opinion of The Voice of South Marion Opinions Dear Citizens of Belleview, If you or someone that you know is currently American Socialists basis of skin color. This is exactly what Martin Luther in search of a job, the city is hiring several dif- King, Jr. was fighting against! And yet, his legacy ferent positions. The open positions include a De- Cannot Shatter The Rock of fighting for the content of our character has been velopment Services Technician, a Maintenance In his book, “United States of Socialism,” Dinesh marred by racists who project their own racism onto Technician (Street Department), a Utilities Ser- D’Souza clearly lays out what socialism is, the history those who disagree with them. vices Technician, and a Police Officer. We are and failure of socialism, and why socialism can never CRT is heavily based on Marxist ideology and has also hiring someone to fill a newly created posi- work in America. Those who don’t know these things been designed to erase our history, undermine prin- tion – that of Park Services Worker. The city has might consider reading his book. ciples in our founding documents, and overthrow our made a number of improvements and additions to History teaches us that dividing people is the easiest constitutional representative republic. CRT is also our parks in recent years, resulting in a marked and most common means of conquering. D’Souza notes the principle theory applied in diversity and inclusion increase in visitors. This has necessitated an addi- many historical examples of the rise of socialism in na- training, and includes a wide range of gender theories tional employee to monitor and maintain these fa- tions around the world. In most cases socialists began and sex education for children as young as 8 years cilities, including the Splash Park, the restrooms, revolutions by creating crises that divided populations old. the basketball court, and the community center. by class, economic status, race, gender, or religion. Fortunately, the whole world has not bought into We will also soon be placing BBQ grills at Lake The “solution” to division, of course, was unification this degeneracy. Last week we celebrated the life of a via socialism that promised to make everyone equal. Lillian, which we expect will attract more fam- man who soared far above the trappings and philoso- ily gatherings. If you would like to apply for any Heterogeneous populations are easy to divide. On phies of this world. Harvey Lee Gordon, Sr. was a of these positions, please visit www.belleviewfl. the other hand, heterogeneity is the achilles heel of so- man who never met a stranger, and who never failed org and click on “How do I…”, then click on em- cialism. This is the primary reason American socialists, to help anyone he ever met. Harvey worked in the Co- i.e. the LEFT, will do nothing but continue to divide operative Extension Service in Mississippi and Arkan- ployment opportunities. The city is a great place us. Furthermore, America is more diverse than any na- sas, but his influence spread around the world through to work, offering competitive pay, medical insur- tion on earth. Comparing our government with other the lives of people he touched. ance, pension plans, sick and personal days, and governments is like comparing apples and slugs. What Harvey is a Christian who has merely transitioned paid vacation, among other benefits. works in more homogeneous nations will not work in from this world into Jesus’ presence. For nearly three In other news, I am proud to announce that the more heterogeneous nations because the populations are hours more than 300 colleagues, friends, and fam- Belleview Sports Complex hosted the Cal Rip- so different. ily glorified Jesus for giving Harvey to us for a little ken Little League District Qualifier Tournament For example, Scandinavian nations have very homo- while. last week. In the past several years, the City of geneous populations and a kind of socialism with a American socialists work to divide us into identity Belleview, Marion County, and the local sport healthy mix of free market capitalism that works. Their groups. Marxists disdain God and faith in God. Those leagues have partnered in order to make a number government leaders know this, and have severely re- of us who share faith in Jesus as our Savior will never of improvements to the Sports Complex, includ- stricted immigration which would unbalance social and be divided by race, gender, social standing, or poli- ing three new playgrounds, batting cages for both cultural stability.
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