VHE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. - on A-16 WIMMT, AUGUST IS, ISS4 Tonight 8 P.M. Stag# A Somi-Finoh of "Mist Washington" Contort The Passing Show 11 i© NOW . Open 12:30 i usr Q© CMTMUQK KiFMMMKES ||a L GREATER THAN EVER w&jß lOSKIeii!? That Apple Really Golden ON WIDE SCREEN! PAYS* In Rock Creek Musical 1 s±°^ By Jay Carmody | That long dreamed of dlrect-from-Broadway musical arrived 11 KW-12:30-2:20 night GONE I last at Carter Barron Amphitheater. I 4}lo-6:00»7:50-4:40 A prise Indeed It turns out to be, this “Golden Apple” which , WITH THE 1 "BEST MUSICAL OF 1954" earned its creators, John Latouche and Jerome Moross, all of last | season’s garlands. LDfmBO.SOZMCK’S ItIs inescapable, of course, that the transplanting of any apple, a WIND' or musical, presents perils. This-*• DAYS ¦ 1 **72cAetcco&t MG S-1326 1 aba is especially true of one as inti- “THX QOLDKN APPLE,” « musical mate leanly produced as in, two acta with book and lyrics by and John Latouche and muaic by Jerome 'Vive U this one, a freely fancied para- Moross. produced by Alfred De Liaarle difference!.. Wf Jr., and Roger L. Stevens in association phrase of the Trojan war era T. Hambleton and Norris Houghton,with Edwarddirected by Norman Lloyd, legends in ~ from which relocates the chorography by Hanva Holm, and get- direct I Washington State at the close of tings by William and Jean Eckhart. At K *“iT. the Spanish-American War. Carter Barron Amphitheater. BROADWAYS I At Oast. haeMl 1 . Happily, however, i- Sam# Broodway Prsductiss Some Broadway Cost I “The Golden Helen ta farmer's daughter) has a folksy patina. Kaye Ballard Bi Mm<m Apple” I TICKETS ON SALS ... AU SEATS Loyey Mars (the local matchmaker) nHSHHOBTI v *r f Under an August sky here in Blbl Osterwald a ff SUPER MUSIC CITY SOX OFFICE RESERVED: Mrs. Juniper (the mayor’s wife) i* rf -4th Hit Week! I 1330 F St. N.W. ST. 3 3916 or NA. S-679S $1.23. $1.75. $2.30. 1 1954, it nestles cozily into tlme- Charlotte Rse such fury 1 At The Amphitheater After 6 P.M., TU. 2-9734 $3.00, $3.30 Tex Inci. 1 lessness. Timelessness, every Miss Minerva Oliver (the village school marm) , Portia Nelson (the mystic) mil mmm: one knows, is tjje happiest of Mother Hare local MSB woman BUI *LbK « * Certainly Martha Larrlmore L'' v r A all times. Latouche Penelope (Ulysses’ wife) jhß V 3 TtANS-lUX Virginia iftWhKTAUADRfIW.. Moross know it in this youth- ~ Copeland ¦ and Menelaus (the old sheriff) such ful, bright and mocking musical Dean Mlchtnsr gtejygl ©MNNMrMnCe G. B. SHAW'S r The Heroes: !li W// A A/9rJftM which the company imbues with Captain Mars Prank Beabolt an irresistible airy freshness in Ajax Marten Bameth Agamemnon Crandall Diehl "Heartbreak ii the big Rock Creek bowl. Nestor Maurice Edwards ii Murray Ottlin II BURT LANCASTER "The Golden Apple,” with flueyhlrsty Don Redlich ’Mas# . House" gaUTW i: ™ Stephen Douglas, Silas Peter de Mayo ffl^ Kaye Ballard, Homer Barton Mumaw * MARGARET PHILLIPS HL «u4tlPf •FWi, Jack Whiting, Bibi Osterwald, Diomede Robert Flavelle II Achilles Julian Patrick 7 Lucas, Hermany JEAN PETERS •JtifiWi Patroclus I Jonathan is the summer’s Richard II eater- by A Doc MacCahan . .... OaryjOordon Mth H N.W. J happiest entertainment harvest. Ulysses (a veteran) --Stephen Douglass Technicolor Ed Grace ..... ** * * Theron ha h I ¦ - 0 Mayor Juniper Jerry Stiller if vpe. ..... ..a. i . Paris (a traveling salesman) Neither the comfortable nor Jonathan Lucas the profitable ruts others mu- The Figurehead Dee Harless of Hector Charybdis sic makers tempt Latouche and Rhodendron) Whiting _¦\EnEEIQ3S9|| NOW Oh* l*!*S (Msyor of Jack ¦ ¦¦! new* M«*C. SWCXM6 DRAMS’ § Moross in “The Golden Apple." THE LOCAL OIRLS: Sara Bettis. W: go alluringly Dee Harless, Janet Haves. Ann Need- They their own off- ham. Joli Roberts. Jere Stevens. Tso 111 PRISONER way,’fixing the audience’s Strong, Helen Ahols. Anntliese Wid- beat man, Mitsl Wilson. Patti 'Parsons, I OF WAR” gaze Strong. II (ONAID on the fact that man is the Jean Hsuloose, Rod KAGAN JTIVf FOttfST II Films of divinely comic figure of creation. THE LOCAL BOYS: Santo Anselmo, More Thon Routine Merit Stanley Warner theaters Bob Gray. Bill Nuss. Charlie Post, THE In terms of Angel’s Roost, Wash., Arthur Schoep. “THE BAD AND BEAUTIFUL”—Kirk Douglas as an STANLEY WARNER THEATRES and the year 1900, they retell the RETURNS TO LONDON LIRE—Her one-year sentence ~ amoral moviemaker. ARE ALL AIR-CONPITIONEP lor “BEAT THE Homeric legends of the Iliad and Apple” company fairly burglary terminated, prison try to DEVIL”—Comic olf-beat suspense yarn by John ”*• t Golden I Yvonne Mitchell leaves to A MOMS HUH m,m A ) Qdyssey. reeks with deftness. Jonathan a life, in the film, "Turn the Key Softly,” show- Huston. fcsss~ follow lawful VVf J “BLACKBEARD THE Lustily In this fashion, they make it Lucas’ dancing Paris; Bibi Oster- ing at the MacArthur Theater. PlßATE”— caricatured by Robert AMBASSADOR that the characters of Ulys- Newton. plain wald’s robustly guileful Lovely Thai “DIAL M FOR S? r jFln In ClnemeScope. ses, Penelope. Helen, Paris and repre- TONIGHT It MURDER”—Suspsßseful screen version of the Kinir Richards- and the Crusaders,'* Mars; and the others stage Hex Harrlgon, Virglnlm Meyo. George the others change little over a sented by Charlotte Rae, Portia thriller. Sender*, l, A:O6. f:l6, 7:gS, 8-3” couple Ulysses T tniA “GENTLEMAN’S AGREEMENT ”—On the viciousness of preju- of millenia. still Nelson, and Martha Larrlmore. •in WO •-*«••• "Heidi,” Diary #.75-s2.a dice, jrellmade. nVAIeURAVALON 1;6 - Hollywood ”” 4; , 7;00i wants to wander, Penelope wants 77 5. 26 9:35 The Latouche and , tax mciMwcr music Xma “THE NAKED SPUR”—James Stewart hi a superior outdoor r£D eryut Winner a home, Helen wants a man, and wrote these Wonder fwo maims vomv) et Cenneg), 1:06,nP 6:08.A adventure. Moross for gifted Powell Hesitates drama. 8:46. Paris wants amorous creatures to sing is sort' Otfiw Their hungers are expressed in not the LiL. “THE STUDENT PRINCE”—FuIIy revived with lavish produc- that finds its way onto hit pa- Over RKO Offer and Ann Blyth. BEVERLY-Perking.hl- "Secret of lyrics, melody and dance that re- W WCNNtCOtOt tion , tne Inceg,” Cherlton Heston. 7. 9-30 But even if it is the — wardingly the rades. not By Sheilah JjjJIJJJ “YOU CAN’T CHEAT AN HONEST MAN”—The late, great forsake tired paths to whistlers, Graham of musical drama. kind inspire it is W. C. Fields at work. CALVERT correlatively mpre pleasant and HOLLYWOOD. John Huston: “Hm Long Gray ll,,u‘ M”1 *** * B—VaifTag* amusing to listen to within the Dick wait until • Pox.” ¦mem XpaiMMIMOBMI i Powril- will *•*» *-** - The premise of “The Golden context. * *• ? * _ ft] Mitw m 4l N#er musical’s “Th« ConQueror” is out of the mote n mams I Wineland Theaters CENTRALS-Mfcperkl»g. I . "Border Apple” is that so superb a clown Speaking at aupersititions, ¦» OvOtewby tel AIE CONDITIONED r 1 M a Better than mere hit numbers way 6.30,« ™ ’ o^ . £l* “ 3:30, should his act of before giving Howard flying PUMEB DUTE-n 9:36. ’Thec Lont Welt,’ 1 as man enjoy are such songs as “My Love Is Anne Baxter who la to Anthony Quinn. 11:00, living. and Moross Hughes “yes” or a “no” on Parisj on On GNni Palmer Highway (Ml. ANACOSTIA 1:66, 6, 0. Latouche see on the Way,” “It’s the Going a Friday the 13. to do Rente 704) Bean!el by Annapolis Cinemascope with Stereophonic that he does. They grant him taking entire RKO pro- “The Paris Story.” will board Rd. (t. S. BO) and Landover Rd. Sound and Tachnicolor. ANN RA 8 <wo°- Home Together,” “Lazy Aft- over the WARNER^,- <Md. 202). Children Under 12 Free- BLYTH, EDMUND KENNEDYHMinbWl neM plane 12th, Cedar PURDOM and t 0 Murder.” exuberance in the chase after the on the and she MwetreSeelA of PHILADELPHIA 6771. OARY COOPER In “THE singing ° » ernoon,” “Helen Is Always Will- duction. A lot depends on how The ONLY at the voice of MARIO LANZA «\ U Ck Qe r, BM>dcr»’ tempting Helen, as willingly is dropping one piece of baggage, WESTERNER." 10:50 and JOEL * T5' T8:0$ £Zl the ing,” “Goona-Goona” and a the John Wayne-Susan Hayward ; McCRBA In "DEAD END." at 9:06, g*'" grant him delight when he lugs keep portmanteaux * p » to the a 2523 E • “““ Frt rki“«. number of others. film¦comes out. SUPER CHIEF DRIVE-IN s PENN In Cinemascope. his exhausted body back to round doaen. HIGHLAND sr«w ' "The Stu- ** * * Celeste Holm, manages set On Indian Head Hwy„ ala. 8. Capital 2Big dent Prince.’* Ann Blyth, 2:35, 6:00, Penelope On who The UM-HMftri Bridge. Technicolor Hitt. CHARLTON and domestic bliss. Esther Williams is in Florida St. «V* Miles from D C. Line ROBERT YOUNG in They Won’t Me,’ 1 lady through bumps , The in HESTON, * Believe Those who saw Golden to be a the Leopard meet nßr on the rlxht. LO. 7-8700. "SECRET OP INCAS,” ? 0/ ,b rt -Toung, Susan Heyward, l:lb, the town, or on the farm, Angel, “The for a week for- underwater J THE at 6:20, 4.4 U, York’s and grinds of her last number mortal combat!. , Children nnder 12 admitted Free. 9:20.
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