I , , _ / ,' "T '- "/-_ J, . _. Volume 49 Jrily 1982;} Nufnber,2 \~-.\ .•'.' ''•-,- -• ;- - S "• . v-T /7, ' V. >= v.-"' " - . f "-< "'• '-.' '" J; PROCEEDINGS -. .-.•, • "*-. -. The Helmifltliological Society Washington :- ' ; "- ' A^siBmiohnua/ /ourna/ of research devofedVfp ^He/miiithoibgy and , a// branches of Parasi'fology in part by the ; r r;Brqytpn H.yRansom Memorial /Trust Fond TA'&'- -s^^>~J ••..''/'""', ':vSj ''--//;i -^v Subscription ^$18X)0 a Volume; Foreign, $19.00 AMIN, ,OwARr M. Adult Trematodes (Digenea) from Lake'Fishes ;6f Southeastern;Wisconsin, A with a Key to;Species ofvthe Genus Crleptdottomu/rt firwm, 1900 in-North America '_'.C-_~i-, 196- '•}AMIN, OMAR M. Two larval Trematodes'^Strigeoide^y^f fishes iri/Southeastern Wiscpnsin .:._ 207 AIMIN, OMARM. Description of Larval Acanthoctphajus parksidei Amin, 1975 (Acanthocephala: I A Echinorhynchidae) from Its iSopod Intermediate Host—i'.i.—_i.;—;-__-..-_-__-.—J....... 235 AMIN, PAIARM."and DONAL G.'My/ER. 'Paracreptbtrematina\timi gen.;et sp. inov. (Digenea: -. v Allocreadiidae) frohi-the Mudminnow, Umbra limi '.:'-._.2i_i-..__.^^.^i.., _— -____i_xS185 BAKER, M.i R. ,'On Two'Nevy Nie;matode Parasites (TnchOstrongyloidea: Molineidae) from f— , Amphibians;and Reptiles (...^d.-. -—._..-l.H— --^_./——.—.—.j- ^::l.._.___i__ 252 CAMPBELL, RONALD A:, STEVEN J- CORREIA, AND ;RIGHA»PTL. HAEPRJGH., A ,New Mbnor : • \ ^genean/and Cestode from'jthe Deep-Sea Fish, Macrourus berglax Lacepede, ;1802,' from jHe Flemish 'Cap off Newfoundland -u—— :.^..——u—^—-—^—y——i——~--———::-—:^ 169 vCAMPBELL, .RoNALp A. AND JOHN V.-^GARTNER, JR. "'Pistarta eutypharyifgis gen.\et sp. 'n.' , (', (Ceystoda: Pseudophyllidea)_from/;the Bathypelagic Gulper .Eel, ~Eurypharynx-pelecanoides ^.Vaillant, 1882, withiComments on Host arid Parasite Ecology -.:^-_r-::--—i—---_—L——I. 218. CARVAJAL, JJUAN, CLAUDIO BARROS^ANP GABRIEL SANTANDER. In Vitro Culture 6t,,Rhodo- .; J ; ib&fhriummesodesma.tum (Ce.Stoda:"^>etraphyllidea), Parasite'of a (Chilean Clam ,\-+^—LI.—,' 226 >>: y ' '.> '•'.(Continued on Back/Cove'r) .- '- ,,-' /' .- //. '' Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON ,• ' i /-} ------ • •' '-• • -••-- - ! • . • - . i ' THE1SOCIETY meets once a month fron^Qctober through May for the presentation and discussion of papers in any and all branches of parasitology or related sciences. All interested persons are invited -to attend.,, "" ^-~ "".. ' ' / ••- • - •' -., ' . y--^ Persons interested in membership in the Helminthological Society of Washington may obtain application blanks from the Recording Secretary < Raymond WRebois, USDA/ARS, PPI Nematology, Bldg. Oil A, BARC-WEST, Beltsville, Maryland /20705. A year's subscription to the Proceedings is included in the annual dues ($12.00). C , . r " •> , , X- : OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY FOR 1982 -V ,. ' President- LOTiHS S, DIAMOND ;, - ,':•-,' j;(-r \ Vice President: MILFORD N,\LUNDE '-•;,: <; ' Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer. SHERMAN ;S. HENDRIX , vr yf'-K"/ Assistant Corresponding Secretary-Treasurer: RALPH ECKERLIN tv" -^ • Recording Secretary: , RAYMOND V. REBOIS ;>>; ^' , > -7 y r y y; ., Archivist: DAVID R.LINCICOME L .'•; , y V-^ ; /,'y;v-.\- o\'-:,':: Custodian of Back Issues: GERHART A. SCH'AD !« Librarian: PATRICIA A. PILITT v'_ .y Representative to the Washington Academy of Sciences: ROBERT S. ISENSTEIN( 1976- / V) Representative to the. Arnerican Society of Parasitologists: HARRY HERLICH^r975- , .) >r Executive Committee Mernbers-at-Large: DUANEG.ERICKSON, 19,82 ; l'"-^ ~ ;f^ >' '-'"--•'-. ";•:' " N ' THOMAS W. SIMPSON, 1982 ^'\--'^\ p -; •• Pi- /•' v> •;'•"'.'. r'v, ".; ; > ;/ ' '' ^ "LARRYfD.-HENDRICSfcS^ 1983 ••_ ' i • ^':- ••->, '••••£- -v';H': ; vJUDITH H.SHAW, 1983 ''••--• ;-. , ; / y- Immediate, fast President: NANCY D, PACHECO \ tHE-PROCJEEPINGS OF THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON THE'PROCEEDINGS are published'seiniannually at Lawrence, ^Kansas by ihe Helminthological Society of Washington.:Papersneed;hot be presented at a meeting to be published in the Proceedihgs. i MANUSCRIPTS;should/be senrto the^DITC^R, A.Barnes Haley,' Department 6f Zoology, Uni- versity of Marylahd^'Coliege Park, Maryland 20742.\s must be'typewrittenv.dpuble spaced, and in finished form. The original and two copies are required. Photocopies ofJigures and drawings maybe submitted for review purposes; originals will be'requested after acceptance of the manuscript. Papers are accepted with tfie understanding ^hat^they v#ll ^published only in thexProceedings. REPRINTS/may ,be ordered from the PRINTER at the same time theicorrecfed proof is returned to the EDITOR. / --• ' -/'•. t '/\ <v-v,.- ':••••'" -]" •' .', ' - BACK ViQLUMES of the Proceedings are available. Inquiries concerning back volumes and current subscriptions:Sh6uld be directed to: Helminthological Society of Washington, c/o Allen Press,"Inc., (1041 New Hampshire St.; Lawrence, Kansas 66044, IJ;S.A. ''•'. ''' ', & ; ( ^ r'r: -- '^:- BUSINESS OFFICE. The Society's business office is at'Lawrence, Kansas. All inquiries concerning subscriptions or\k issues and all payments for dues, subscriptions, and back~ issues should be addressed^to: Helminthological Society of Washington, c/o Allen Press, -Inc., 1041 New'Hampshire ••'Si,, Lawrence, Kansas 66044, U.S.A. ' , „: • '-. -,/• ..,'''• '- '"-,;-.-( :" V. EDITORIALTfiOARD , : A. JAMES HALEY, Editor 7 1982 y'^'.'^X 1983 '' ;H;"\ RAYMOND M. CABLE DANIEL R: BROOKS^';' ^ WILLIAM C: CAMPBELL GERALD W. ESCH \D PAYEJOHNLR . rCRITES . ; v JOHN c. HOLMES GILBERT F,OTTQ J. RALPH.LlCliTENFELS DONALD J. FORRESTER RbBIN M. PVERSTREET JQHN-S. MACKIEWICZ NORMAN D^LEVINE HARLEY.G. SHEFFIELD MARIETTA VOGE Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington Proc. Helminthol. Soc. Wash. 49(2), 1982, pp. 169-175 A New Monogenean and Cestode from the Deep-Sea Fish, Macrourus berglax Lacepede, 1802, from the Flemish Cap off Newfoundland RONALD A. CAMPBELL,1 STEVEN J. CORREIA/ AND RICHARD L. HAEDRiCH2 1 Department of Biology, Southeastern Massachusetts University, North Dartmouth, Massachusetts 02747 and 2 Department of Biology, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, A1B3X9 ABSTRACT: A new trematode, Macruricotyle newfoundlandiae sp. n. (Monogenea: Diclidophoridae), and a new cestode, Parabothriocephalus macruri sp. n. (Cestoda: Parabothriocephalidae), are de- scribed from 46 specimens of the macrourid fish, Macrourus berglax Lacepede, 1802, taken in the Newfoundland region of the North Atlantic Ocean (45°31'-46043'N, 44°08'^8°23'W). Macruricotyle newfoundlandiae is the second species named in the genus, and is distinguished from M. clavipes Mamaev and Lyadov, 1975 by its much larger pharynx, smaller first pair of clamps, "callous" on the second and third pairs of clamps, and the shape of the distal median sclerite in the posterior clamp jaw. Parabothriocephalus macruri sp. n. is differentiated from the three other species in the genus by its narrow scolex and segment shape, 77-112 testes per segment, and lack of a vaginal armature and sphincter. During May-June 1981, 218 fishes (21 spp.) were examined off the eastern slope of the Grand Bank and in the Flemish Cap area off Newfoundland. In this paper we describe a new species of Macruricotyle (Monogenea) and a new species of Parabothriocephalus (Cestoda) from that collection. Noble et al. (1972) and Zub- chenko (1979, 1981) have reported pseudophyllidean cestodes from Macrourus berglax and other macrourids in the northwest Atlantic, but did not identify them. Specimens of Macruricotyle and Parabothriocephalus are unknown from M. ber- glax or other fishes in this region. Discussion of the entire metazoan parasite fauna of M. berglax and other dominant deep-benthic fishes of this region will be presented in another paper. Materials and Methods Forty-six specimens of M. berglax, taken in 12.5-m Gulf of Mexico shrimp trawls and standard survey-type bottom trawls fished at 367-811 m, were ex- amined at sea. A few fish were moribund when obtained, but most had recently died. Examinations for parasites began immediately. Fish from large samples that could not be examined immediately were refrigerated and examined the following day. Organs and tissues were observed with the aid of a dissecting microscope. The monogenetic trematodes were fixed in cold alcohol-formalin-acetic acid (AFA) without cover-glass pressure. Cestodes were relaxed in tap water for 10-20 min prior to fixation by immersion in AFA. All parasites were later transferred to 70% ethanol prior to staining. Trematodes were stained with Mayer's paracarmine and cestodes were stained in Harris' hematoxylin. Whole mounts were dehy- drated in ethanol, cleared in methyl salicylate, and mounted in Canada balsam. Serial transverse sections, cut at 6 /xm, of mature segments of Parabothrio- cephalus were stained in Harris' hematoxylin and counterstained with eosin. 169 Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington 170 • PROCEEDINGS OF THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY Descriptive measurements are expressed as length by width, and are in microm- eters unless otherwise indicated. The mean is given following the range for some characters. Macruricotyle newfoundlandiae sp. n. (Figs. 1-7) DESCRIPTION (based on 14 specimens; 10 mature specimens measured): Body proper elongate, rather slender, tapering anteriorly, 3.6-8 mm (5.18 mm). Maxi- mum width at ovarian level, 360-1,000 (789). Total length 4.2-9.1 mm (6.8 mm) including opisthaptor. Opisthaptor 824-1,800 (1.15 mm)
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